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“The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating… in work, in play, in love.” – Ann Morriss
Online Games
Adventures of the Idea Seekers: Sarillion’s Climate Crisis – A new online learning experience focused on educating children
about global climate change and the various issues associated with it.
BBC’s Climate Challenge – The future is in your hands! You are president of the European Nations and must tackle global climate
change from 2000 to 2100. You choose Europe’s policies and try to persuade competing regional blocs to reduce their emissions.
Energyville – Chevron and The Economist Group have launched an online game that looks at the economic, environmental and
security opportunities and trade-offs associated with different energy sources.
CO2FX – A web based multi-user educational game which explores the relationship of global warming to economic, political and
science policy decisions. The game is driven by a systems dynamics model and intended for the high school user.
EPA Climate Change Kids Site – Not only entertaining; they'll help you find out just how much you know about Climate Change!
Pathways and Pitfalls – Try this exciting new Energy and Environment Game for Canadians! Just download it, print it and play!
Planet Green Game – Starbucks and Global Green USA collaborated on the Planet Green Game to educate the public about climate
change through engaging and informative game play while encouraging individuals to become part of the solution in their own lives.
The Case of the Warming Planet – Mr. and Mrs. Cool walked into the Rain-or-Shine detective agency. When they explained their case
to the head of the agency, Sam "Swift" Fox, he knew right away that this was an Eco-File.
The Climate Change Game! – Puts you in charge of the global climate in a fast-paced multimedia simulation. This simulation gets you
thinking and acting from a new and empowered perspective. Other games include Orientation Game, Leadership Game, CityGame.
The Stabilization Wedge Game – A team-based exercise in which players build a portfolio of stabilization strategies and assess their
impacts and costs.,6709,1114251,00.html
TIME for Kids – Features: Artic Trivia Challenge, Earth Friendly Househunter, What’s Your EQ?
Where is NRCat? – Wondering how to save energy? Find out by locating NRCat and answering questions about transportation!
Online Quizzes
Audubon Global Warming Quiz –
BBC Climate Change Quiz –
EcoKids Quiz –
National Geographic: Grade your Climate IQ –
The Nature Conservancy Climate Change Quiz –
Climate Change Quiz –
Tools for Educators
Scripps Institution for Oceanography: Science Education links –
The Environmental Education and Training Partnership –
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: For Educators page –
NASA’s Global Change Master Directory: Teacher Resource Area –
Draft by Khiết Lương | [email protected] | The Pennsylvania Environmental Council | | 9.27.07