Download A Nutrient-dense, Health-promoting, and Balanced Diet

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A Nutrient-dense, Health-promoting,
and Balanced Diet
Separating Fact from Fiction with an
Overview of Government Guidance
compared to Holistic and Popular Diet
Views including a Summary of Rudolf
Steiner's Lectures on Nutrition
Two Pictures: both healthy with
Fruits and vegetables should be organic and local if possible
Grains should be fresh, thoroughly cooked, whole grains
Meats should include only pastured and sustainably-raised OR wild
Seafood should be clean and sustainably harvested;
Dairy should be fresh, unpasteurized, full-fat dairy
Fruits and Vegetables
Vitamins ( ex. A, C, Folate, Potassium, Magnesium)
Minerals ( ex. Manganese, Copper, Selenium, Zinc)
Fiber (Detox, feed gut flora-nutrient
assimilation/immunity, blood sugar/hunger control)
Phytochemicals (antioxidants, vitamin/mineral cofactors, anti-inflammatory, anti- chronic disease)
Water (feeling of fullness, hunger control)
Eat all the color groups to garner all benefits
(Red, Yellow/Orange, White/Tan Brown, Green,
Some Important Produce Groups
Deep Orange (carrots/sweet potato/squash): Carotenoids, A (cancer,
immunity, skin, eyes, bones)
Berries and Red/Blue Purple: Anthocyanidins, C (heart and blood vessel
health, brain aging and fxn)
Cruciferous (cabbage family): Indoles (anti-cancer)
Citrus and other tree fruits: Flavonoids (cardiovascular health, lung
function, cancer)
Leafy greens: Carotenoids, A, C, K (eyes, bones, immunity, cancer, blood
Onion family: Sulfur compounds (anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer)
Mushrooms: Ergothioneine/beta-glucans/selenium/b vitamins/copper
(cancer, immunity, cell integrity)
Lycopene group: Tomato sauce/soup, grapefruit (cancer, heart health)
Silicon group: Cucumbers, Celery, Lettuce (joints, organ health including
kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart, skin, bones, teeth)
Sea vegetables: trace elements/iodine/detoxification/enhance nutrient
assimilation/*antioxidant alkaloids/sulfated polysaccharides unique to sea
(anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer)
Tips for Fruit and Vegetable Group
Include each category listed above several
times a week.
Make half your plate fruits and vegetables at
every meal.
Steaming or roasting many vegetables results
in best nutrient absorption.
Add micro greens if not eating enough as they
are 40X more nutrient dense than mature
Get more with smoothies, soups, salads,
Whole Grains
The “whole” grain metaphor=protective coating
aka our protective coat to decrease stresses
of our time.
Refined grains are no more than empty
calories, providing spikes in blood sugar with
little vitamins or minerals to balance this effect
=damage to blood vessels, mineral balance or
bone density, inflammation=all chronic disease
The coating/bran/germ of grains contains
magnesium, selenium, antioxidants,
phytochemicals and dozens of other nutrients.
Nutrients in Whole Grains
Fiber: slows digestion regulating release of sugars, better
blood sugar control, detox.
Unique array of complex carbohydrates
(oligosaccharides): feed healthy gut flora, helping to
assimilate nutrients and produce b vitamins
Antioxidants (selenium, proanthocyanidins, coenzyme
Q10, alpha lipoic acid, glutathione peroxidase): involved in
cellular repair processes, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory,
Phytic Acid: prevents accumulation of heavy metals,
powerful antioxidant, cell communication, protects against
fatty liver.
Inositol, choline, and lecithin (from digested phytic acid):
necessary for fat and cholesterol metabolism, cell
membranes, prevent oxidation of LDL, brain fxn, skin.
Popular Grain Myths
Paleo diet insists grains are high in phytic acid aka “anti-nutrients” and
prevent important mineral absorption.
Atkins insists grains do not support weight loss or healthy weight due to
carbohydrate content.
The ability of phytic acid or lectins to act as anti-nutrients depends on their
singular consumption and lack of other nutrients.
Phytase=enzyme produced by gut flora that breaks down phytic acid.
Also broken down by vitamin C, acid (vinegar, lemon juice; orange
juice), vitamins A & D, and animal protein
Moderate amounts in the context of other foods with known cofactors
cannot be classified as antinutrients.
Phytates preferentially bind with heavy metals and free iron (over
other minerals) and carry safely out of body; Can only “take”
minerals by “giving up” that which it is already bound
Phytase activity in small intestine increases with increased phytic
acid consumption
Myth: Carbohydrates from grains
make it harder to control weight
Complex carbohyrdates from whole grains
supply sustained energy and blood sugar
control making weight control easier.
Nutrients like choline and inositol are
necessary for metabolic rate, fat metabolism,
and involved in brain chemistry related to
emotional well-being making weight control
Energy from carbohydrates necessary for
brain activity, muscle building and repair, and
all metabolic activity.
Tips for Grain Consumption
Fresh, stored in tightly sealed opaque containers. Keep
in dark, dry, tightly sealed container or freezer.
Longer/slower cooking with lots of water (and/or soaking
overnight) makes for easier digestion.
Chew slowly and thoroughly to activate digestive
enzymes and thoroughly assimilate nutrients.
Sprouting not necessary for all but beneficial for some,
increases some nutrients and assimilation, often
tolerated by those with gluten sensitivity.
Use as hot cereals, in soups, as side dish pilafs, pureed
soaked grains for pancakes or baked goods.
If want to use flour for baked goods, freshly ground is
best, otherwise adhere to storage conditions. Avoid or
limit processed grains and products from supermarkets.
Common Grains and their Attributes
Amaranth: High in protein, bioavailable calcium (has lysine)
Barley: Roasted “whole” barley far more nutrition than common “pearl”
strengthens digestion, nerve tonic, reduces inflammation and swellings.
Buckwheat: Strengthens intestines; improves appetite. High in rutin,
bioflavonoid that strengthens blood vessels, improves circulation, lowers
blood pressure, and radiation anti-dote. Insect resistance/pesticide-free
Millet: Holistically used to strengthen kidneys and alkalize. High in protein
and silicon. Antifungual. Best for those with Candida.
Oats: Strengthens pancreas; soluble fiber cleanses sticky cholesterol from
arteries; blood sugar control; calms nerves. One of richest silicon foods
(bones/connective tissue). Internal antiseptic, helps ward off infections.
Quinoa: Highest in protein. Healing properties mirror oats. High in calcium,
iron, phosphorous, b vitamins, E, and fat. Best grain for vegetarians.
Rice: Expels toxins (gamma-oryzanol and several other antioxidant
phytochemicals), rich in b vitamins (nerve tonic, emotional health). Used for
diabetes. Short grain brown rice preferable in texture and assimilation.
Wheat: Chinese medicine-nourishes heart-mind. Used for insomnia,
irritability, menopauase, and mental health. Encourages growth. Mineral
dense compared with other grains, ideal food.
Japanese Proverb
Eating grains without their skins causes
people to become poor (in body and spirit) and
to have no clothes (protection against
coldness and disease).
High Quality Protein
Sustainably-raised and pastured or wild animal
Clean, sustainably harvested fish and shellfish.
Properly prepared legumes (soaked/rinsed and
long slow cooking).
Sustainably-raised and pastured eggs.
Nuts/nut butters. (?)
Sustainably-raised and pastured dairy products
(cow, goat, sheep).
Pastured Vs. Conventional Meat
Types of fat; Ratio Omega 6 to Omega 3, total Omega 3, CLA (conjugated
linoleic acid); conventional meat raises heart disease/cancer risk Vs.
Pastured meat which lowers these risks. CLA=essential fat found only in
grass fed beef or dairy (necessary for cardiovascular health, anti-cancer,
involved in anti-inflammation related to asthma, prevents insulin resistance,
food induced allergies, metabolism of fat and preservation of muscle)
Higher in vitamins, minerals (b vitamins, beta carotene, vitamin E, calcium,
magnesium, potassium)
Conventional meat laden with pesticides (from residues on feed),
antibiotics, and hormones.
Grass-fed beef vs. conventional can drastically reduce pollution and
environmental degradation.
Conventional (beef, pork, chicken, egg) operations contribute directly to
global warming, more than entire global transportation industry.
Must buy local to be truly grass fed. Labeling laws on supermarket brands
very loose. Animals can still be crammed into feedlots and use a broad
definition of grass including leftovers from harvested crops.
Don't be fooled by “Organic Beef”-this term is misleading. These animals
are factory farmed on “organic grains” and produce the same deficient
product as conventional.
Fish and Shellfish
Omega 3 fats: long chain DHA & EPA
Cardiovascular health: lower tryglycerides,
prevent blood clots=reduced risk for heart
attack and stroke.
Increased blood flow= improved cognitive fxn
(lower risk for depression and Alzheimers)
Anti-inflammatory: reduced risk for all
inflammatory conditions
Cognitive function: structure and fluidity of cell
membranes-important for brain performance.
Down-regulates immune response to food
"You can amplify message transmission across the
synapses a thousand-fold by altering fat membrane
Fish/Shellfish: Additional Nutrients
Zinc: immune function, wound healing-Shellfish are
best dietary source of zinc.
Rich in many vitamins/minerals including calcium,
magnesium, iron, b vitamins, fat soluble vitamins A &
Selenium/Mercury Ratio in Fish
Selenium: rich in ocean fish/mitigates mercury effects
Consider Selenium/Mercury ratio
Safe Seafood
Lowest in mercury
Catfish, Hake, Tilapia, Sole, Trout, Pollock,
Ocean Perch
Clams, Crab, Oysters, Calamari
Anchovies, Herring, Sardines, Mullet
Highest in mercury (AVOID)
Bigeye or Ahi Tuna, Orange Roughy, Mackerel,
Over-fished endangered species:
Flounder, Haddock, Fresh Salmon, Scallops,
Shrimp, Cod, Snapper, Monkfish, Tuna, Halibut
Eat the “Whole” Animal, not just the
The most nutrients and health benefits come from all animal
parts (bones, organs, connective tissues)-our ancestors ate all
parts of the animals which include many nutrients lacking in
just the muscle meat. We often chuck the most nutrient dense
Denser in nutrients like calcium, phosphorous, and
other minerals
Collagen: rich in essential AAs (treats arthritis and
other degenerative diseases, healthy skin,helps heal
intestinal lining treating celiac and food intolerances)
Increases nutrient absorption, particularly fat-soluble
Increasing collagen intake = healthier bones, teeth,
ligaments, tendons, joints, skin, arteries, capillary
vessels and veins.
Bone Broth
Bones from chicken, fish, shellfish, beef or
Cover with water; add two tblsp. Vinegar for
each quart. Simmer for at least 6 hours up to
24, but any amount of time is better than none.
Use as base for soups.
Aids in nutrient absorption from gelatin; rich in
Eggs: Yes, the right ones are good for
your heart
Benefits and nutrients depend on what the
chickens ate.
Conventional eggs: fed non-natural diet of
grain, supplemental synthetic vitamins, may
be treated with antibiotics or hormones,
Organic eggs: same non-natural grain diet, just
organic, limited access to outdoors.
Pastured eggs: Roam free eating plants and
insects (their natural diet).
Omega 3 eggs: conventional but diet
supplemented with omega 3 source like flax.
Comparing the different types of eggs
Omega 3 VS. Conventional
Omega 3 eggs 40% less arachodonic acid (an
inflammatory omega 6 most get too much of)
5 times more Omega 3
No difference between organic/conventional
Conventional VS. Pastured Eggs
Labels: Free Range/Cage Free =
Free range: loose term, could mean a small
window on hen house that they “could” get out
Cage free: not raised in a cage, but could still
be raised in a filthy over-stuffed hen house
In Sum: Pastured > Omega-3 > Organic >
Free Range/Cage Free > Conventional
What we eat = just as important as what our
food eats!
Eggs and Hearth Health
It is the types of fats in our diet, not the total
cholesterol that determines heart health.
For most people, only a small amount of the
cholesterol in food passes into the blood.
Saturated and trans fats have much bigger
effects on blood cholesterol levels.
Other nutrients in eggs are protective (B12,
folate, antioxidant phytochemicals)
Rich in choline, a component of lecithin.
dissolves fat and cholesterol, keeps
cholesterol moving through bloodstream and
doesn’t allow it to stack up on arterial walls
Amino acids, fiber, minerals (copper, phosphorous,
manganese, magnesium, iron), B vitamins,
antioxidants (lignans, flavonoids, sterols)
Beneficial fiber: artery cleansing, blood sugar control,
colon health (produce anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory
SCFA butyrate, and anti-obesity propionate).
Combo of protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates
=longer lasting satiety with fewer calories than other
foods. (½ the glycemic index of grains)
Proper cooking: vast majority of lectins (paleo myth
anti-nutrient) destroyed by heating/cooking. Soaking
also deactivates. Almost 0 if soaked/rinsed/cooked.
Add to grains for complete protein and low glycemic
FODMAPS (fermentable carbohydrates)
Legumes= FODMAPS (fermentable sugars), type of
CHO like fructose molecules, distress for those with
small intestine bacterial overgrowth (pretty common)
FODMAP sensitivity result of insufficient digestive
enzymes and pathogenic bacterial overgrowth.
Emotional and physical stress are contributors.
Follow gut-healing protocol: eliminate processed
foods, refined carbohyrdates, antibiotics, pain
medications, infections, stress.
FODMAP sensitivity is the symptom; Weak digestion
is the cause
FODMAPS reduced by soaking and cooking and
discarding soaking/cooking liquid
Paleo Myth: Don't Eat beans b/c of Lectins
Carbohyrdate-binding proteins considered
Ubiquitous in nature, not just legumes
Recognize and bind to carbohydrates found
exclusively in pathogens (bacteria and
Tend to interfere with repair of “already
damaged” gut cells rather than damage
Only problem if consumed in excess or in
improperly cooked legumes
Nuts and Seeds
Healthy fats: decrease bad cholesterol; improves
heart rhythm
Major dietary source of fat soluble vitamin E (most
americans deficient): prevents oxidation of LDL,
preventing arterial plaques
Arginine: relaxes blood vessels, improves circulation
Fiber: produces propionate in colon (Propionate
prevents enzyme HMG CoA reductase from
producing cholesterol)
Minerals (magnesium, zinc, phosphorus)
Phytochemicals: (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antiviral, chemopreventive and
hypocholesterolaemic actions)
Nuts cont.
Low glycemic index, high satiety index
Diets high in PUFAs increase vit. E needs.
Most diets exaggerated in PUFAs from
extracted oil use.
Researchers speculate combination of fats,
fiber, vitamin E, Arginine, minerals and other
phytochemicals in nuts appear to have a
synergistic heart health effect.
Nutrient Profiles of Common Nuts
Peanuts: Excellent source folate (60%) and other b vitamins
including niacin (75%), vitamin E (55%), minerals including copper
(127%), manganese, phosphorous, zinc, iron. 8 essential amino
acids. (good for vegetarians/vegans)
Almonds: excellent source copper (110%), manganese,
magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and vitamin E (178%). Good
source of calcium, zinc, b complex, trace minerals.
Brazil nuts: Excellent source selenium (detox radiation, 3,484%),
zinc, magnesium (95%), copper (194%), iron, phosphorous (100%),
vitamin E (50%) anti-oxidant phytochemicals.
Cashews: Excellent source of iron, zinc, copper, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorous, vitamin E, selenium. *high amounts of
oxalates and mold make a more reactive nut than others.
Hazelnuts: Excellent source vitamin E (100%), manganese (268%),
copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, zinc, and b vitamins.
Walnuts: Excellent source of vitamin E (140%), copper, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorous, zinc, iron, and b vitamins.
Ensuring Nut Freshness
Best stored in fridge, in shell when possible to avoid
Unshelled store for 6 months in fridge.
Shelled, 3 months in air-tight container.
Whole flax, one year air-tight.
Ground flax, 30 days fridge.
Check with grocer, bulk when purchased, expiration.
Best is directly from grower.
Milk and Milk Products
Readily available source of protein (casein), essential fats (when
grass-fed), calcium, phosphorous, vitamins A & D, B2, and B12. All
22 minerals considered essential are present in fresh milk.
Fresh vs. pasteurized (enzymes and co-factors for nutrient
absorption, antimicrobials, beneficial bacteria, prebiotics, higher
nutrient levels, CLA, immune system enhancers). Minerals are not
affected by heat but what they are bound to and whether they can
be absorbed IS.
Full-fat fresh dairy contains fatty acids that reduce oxidative stress
and inflammation and assist in nutrient absorption.
Low-fat or fat-free dairy encourages calcium to deposit is soft
tissues instead of bones causing stones, arthritis, atherosclerosis.
Homogenized dairy contains such small particles of fat globules that
they are absorbed into bloodstream along with enzyme (xanthine
oxidase) that would otherwise be eliminated in gut. This enzyme
attacks artery walls and can cause lesions.
Meant to be consumed in context of food (ratios
nature intended and cofactor for nutrient absorption).
Once expressed = rancid, disrupt ratio in diet.
Three kinds of essential fats: Polyunsaturated,
Monounsaturated, Saturated. Natural foods have the
ratio of each meant to be protective and nurturing.
Necessary for thyroid, adrenals, immunity, normal
brain fxn/development, nerves, cardiovascular
health, transport/breakdown of cholesterol, converted
to prostaglandins (hormone-like substances involved
in fxn/regulation every organ and cell in body).
Deficiency in one or imbalance in ratio causes dry
skin, hair loss, gallstones, irritability/mood disorders,
decreased immunity, infertility.
Function of various essential fats
Omega 6 Linoleic from plants>converts to GLA (raw
milk)>converts to prostaglandin PGE1
Omega 6 Linoleic from plants>converts to Arachidonic(Animal
fats)>converts to prostaglandin PGE2
Omega 3 Alpha-linolenic (ALA)>converts to EPA/DHA* (fish
oils)>convertes to PGE3
*DHA is a structural component of brain (needed in
utero and first year of life for proper brain
EPA neuroprotective on behavior and mood.
(Huntington disease, bipolar, ADHD)
Omega 6 Conjugated Linoleic (CLA) from pastured/wild meat
and dairy: regulates insulin, anti-tumor, promotes lean muscle
mass, immune fxn, metabolic rate/fat storage, cardiovascular
protection. CLA present in interstitial fats within meat and milk.
-only fat with these properties if not eating seafood.
Factors that Decrease Conversion of
Essential Fat Linoleic>GLA>PGE1
Trans-fats, synthetic fats, rancid fats
Alcohol and tobacco
Excess free radicals
Excess saturated fat, cholesterol and
arachidonic acid from meats
Nutrient deficiencies (esp. B3, B6, C, E, zinc,
and magnesium)
Functions of Prostaglandins from
Essential Fats
PGE1=proper immune fxn, activates Tcells(destroys cancer
cells, inhibits cancer cell proliferation, promotes cancer cell
reversal), decreases inflammation, regulates brain fxn/nerve
impulses, regulates insulin.
PGE2=stimulates immune inflammatory response, blood
clotting, releases leukotrienes (excess leukotrienes = arthritis,
asthma), also stimulates cell proliferation in excess =cancer.
PGE3=decrease blood viscosity/increase circulation to areas
damaged by lack of, prevent ischemia (damage to blood
vessels from interruption in blood flow)
Different Fats Explained
Polyunsaturates: (most vegetable oils) Contain 2 or
more double bonds, easily accept oxygen, become
rancid quite easily. Almost all commercially available
vegetable oils are probably rancid=free radicals that
foster aging and decreased immunity-consume only
in whole food context. Tend to decrease both good
and bad cholesterol.
Mononsaturates: (Extra virgin, cold pressed olive
oil) Contain only one bond so not rancid as easily.
Unique nutritional advantage b/c preserve good
cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol.
Saturated: (Animal fats, Coconut Oil) No double
bonds, shelf stable.
Using added fats
Purchase “unrefined” only-make sure label clearly
states. When refined they reach temperatures of
450=breakdown to trans-fats, long chain toxic
polymers=disruption of conversion to essential
fats=inflammation/disease. All restaurant food has
refined cooking oil and often repeated frying.
Safest added oils for regular consumption=clarified
butter or unrefined oils with high smoke points (Olive,
sesame, avocado, almond, apricot kernel, coconut).
If cooking above 320, most stable is clarified butter or
coconut oil.
Store in dark, closed, non-plastic container. Light
rapidly alters into free radical chains, and oil readily
reacts with plastic to form toxic plasticides.
Added Sweeteners
Whole food sweeteners superior (raw honey or
maple syrup). White sugar or refined cane juice lacks
vitamins and minerals that assist with blood sugar
control=tax pancreas to make insulin.
Excess sugar related to gut flora dysbiosis, excess
mucous, candida overgrowth, acidifies blood,
depletes b vitamins and minerals.
Carbohydrate metabolism regulates protein
metabolism, when eat sugar, crave more protein, so
eat more protein to balance sugar=excess acid.
Added sugars associated with diabetes, heart
disease (lipid metabolism), metabolic syndrome
leading to obesity.
Importance of Blood Sugar Regulation
Unregulated blood sugar=inflammation,
oxygen deprivation to cells=damaged blood
vessels, kidney and nerve damage
When blood sugar spikes, excess sugar binds
to other elements in blood damage
endothelium (blood vessel lining).
Damaged kidney cells=filter blood less
efficiently, some cells die.
Damaged eye vessels=eyesight/macular
Nerve damage=muscle weakness, digestive
problems, impotence.
Health Effects of Glycemic Index of Meals
High glycemic load=Increased insulin exposure, often
pancreas puts out more insulin than necessary. Excess
insulin=insulin growth factor-activated cancers (colon,
breast, prostate), generates reactive oxygen
species=tissue damage, and stimulates release of
inflammatory cytokines (all markers for chronic disease).
Rapid rise in blood sugar also decreases serum
antioxidants; studies show low glycemic eating patterns
reduce oxidative damage.
Low glycemic meals increase satiety and reduce overconsumption of calories throughout day.
increased food frequency mimics slow digestion of lowglycemic meals reducing insulinemic responses
throughout day
Low glycemic response eating lowers bad cholesterol,
raises good cholesterol
The 6 food groups for heart health
Legumes: (fiber, E, niacin, omega 3)
Whole grains: (fiber, niacin, E,
Produce: (vitamin C, phytochemicals, fiber)
Nuts and seeds: (vitamin E, omega 3, lecithin)
Animals: (Fish-DHA&EPA; honey-decreases
vascular fatty deposits)
Herbs: Strengthen heart muscle, cleanse
harmful lipids.
Billions of flora unique to us as individuals and cultivated in us over
thousands of years. Each of us has unique “teams/groupings of
strains” that serve specific functions. The strains will be different but
the functions will be the same:
Digest food
Produce vitamins (b vitamins)
Protect us from pathogens
Produce unique fatty acids that give good gut barrier
function, preventing 'leaky gut' syndrome
Things that alter our microbiome and decrease it's effectiveness
include stress, drugs, processed food. Antibiotics have severe
The types of food we eat alter the types of bacteria in our gut.
Whole food eating patterns result in a microbiome that is protective
against common pathogens. Although “probiotics” are helpful, it is
the type of foods we eat that determine their colonization.
Effects of Microbiome Dysbiosis
Leaky gut. Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
Celiac (can be silent). This potent allergy to gluten
may not present itself with GI symptoms but rather
manifests as other autoimmune problems that take
hold over many years and take many years to
materialize. (diabetes, arthritis, lupus)-b/c the T cells
that are produced against gluten make it into your
blood and attack other systems (joints, thyroid,
Other food allergies.
Chronic inflammatory disorders (heart disease etc)
Low b vitamin status
Cause and Cure for Microbiome Dysbiosis
inadequate exposure to microbia (no contact with
animals, soil, fresh milk, C-section)
Antibiotics; 3 courses of antiobiotics in a lifetime
causes irreversible damage, will never get back
multiple strains
Processed foods: do not contain the complex CHO's
necessary to feed the healthy flora
No such thing as a complete cure
Slowly introduce fresh milk, contact with animals,
fermented foods
Whole foods based diet/eliminate processed foods
Avoid antibiotics at all costs
In severe cases, fecal transplants
Myth of vitamin supplements
Most vitamin supplements are not in their
biologically active forms or in combination with
the right co-factors for optimal absorption.
The reasons why vitamin supplementation is
not as effective as similar amounts from whole
foods depends on the interdependence of
unidentified co-factors/phytochemical
complexes found in the foods that natural
contain these vitamins.
Can make up some deficiency symptoms but
cannot replicate the synergy found in whole
Rudolf Steiner's Theories on Nutrition (RS)
We are not what we eat, but what we digest.
Nutrition/Digestion/Assimilation is but the
external aspect of spiritual expression. When
we pay too much attention to material science,
we lose our healthy instincts.
What can be nutritive can also be poisonous.
You need protein, but too much is poison.
People fail to consider that only certain
amounts of some substances should be taken
if the body is to be able to cope with them.
Physical, Etheric, Astral, and Ego Bodies
One visible, 3 invisible. The Etheric, Astral, and Ego work
synergistically to overcome the rotting of proteins, the rancidity of
fats, and the fermentation of starches.
Etheric Body: In common with plants. Gives material
instructions. Transforms minerals/foods with warmth ether into
that which can be used and deposited in the right way. Drives
the fluidity of food for assimilation. Defends against the rotting
of proteins.
Astral Body: In common with animals (inner soul life, drives,
passions). Inner light=opposite sunlight. Breaks things down
into smaller and smaller parts (digestion). Defends against
fats going rancid. Nervous system is expression of astral
body, which nourishes heart and lungs.
Ego: Bearer of self awareness. Activity of blood and
circulation are expression of ego. Prevents starch
Only Three Types of Food in Terms of
Effects they Impart on Humans (RS)
PLANTS: Spiritually infused with cosmic
ANIMALS: Only earthly in nature
MILK: Bridge between the two; earthly nature
but contains spiritual aspects of cosmos.
Nutritional Aspects of Plants (RS)
Plants complete reverse themselves and
spiritualized within us. 3 Parts
Blossom/Fruit=Nourishes abdomen/digestion
Have striven upward toward light and now must
be broken down by inner light
Leafs/Stems=Nourishes chest/heart/lungs
Roots=Nourish the brain/bones
Earthly and remained in darkness, now strive
up toward light into the head. Minerals needed
for brain/bone development.
Whole Grains/Legumes (RS)
Grains =anchored to the earth/healthy perspective toward earthly
Without starch, the human being would be tempted to be a dreamer
and lose the capacity for sound thinking.
Grains impart strength to heart and lung. Man can cope with a good
deal when strong breathing. Grains make us stronger than by any other
We can help the body by cooking, grinding. Otherwise have to do
internally. You relieve your body some energy that can be used
If a man does not eat his grains, he will never be able to produce sugar
on his own. If he cannot produce sugar on his own, he shall be a
weakling forever. It is only because you are chock-full of sweetness
that you have strength.
Animals (RS)
Derived from domain that is specifically
Because animal digestion lacks ability to put
root forces in their heads, and fruit forces in
their abdomen, their digestion produces a
mineral complex that is not spiritualized, but
rather elemental anxiety and fear is produced
into their astral body.
This fear and anxiety is not felt in their lifetime
but comes to life when they die.
When we eat animals we are eating their
astral forces.
Milk (RS)
Animal astral forces do not participate in its
Earthly but not confined to earth.
One of the most perfect foods.
Suitable for people who wish to abstain from
meat but who lack the strength to work entirely
out of the forces of the astral body.
Vegetarianism (RS)
Vegetarians must make an inner effort to bring about the
production of certain fats. Spared this task when eat animal fats.
When forced to produce essential fats on own, through this inner
flexibility, the ego and the astral body become master of the
physical and etheric bodies. The astral body can become a heavy
weight in a person if never allowed to produce its own fat.
Vegetarians use forces that are left unused in a meat eater.
These unused forces produce waste in meat eaters. Vegetarians
do not produce this uric acid waste so will have a clearer head
and think more easily.
Not everyone is yet strong enough to entrust everything to his
astral body and may have to fall back upon the support of a meat
Certain difficulties in strict vegetarianism, rejecting milk=risk of
becoming detached from earth and lose the threads that unite us
with earthly human activities.
Meat eating (RS)
Everything that limits human beings and leads to specialization is owed to
meat diet.
We can depend on animal products, but we are not using our own inner
forces. Meat does for us, that which we could be doing for ourselves with our
etheric bodies.
Meat diets include more protein than is “necessary.” That which is not needed
goes putrid in intestines, making people highly susceptible to infections.
Our etheric body fights and overcomes the rotting process to the extent it is
able. Too much meat = too much uric acid. This comes about from too much
undigested protein, which begins to deteriorate in the stomach. We do expel
excess rotted protein but by this time our bodies have absorbed toxins in the
process of rotting.
If herbivorous animals are forced to eat meat, all the forces that were to to be
used to break down the plants and turn into meat are now unused. This
unused energy is pent up inside and produces waste toxins, uric acid.
Uric acids have a specific affinity for the brain and nervous system. So if a
gentle herbivorous animal were to be fed a lot meat, these would build up in
brain and he would go crazy. This is proven by the fact that horses become
extremely violent when fed a little meat. Naturally this same phenomenon
applies to people.
Thoughts on Modern Day Diets RS
Raw food: Whole raw food fad is a fantasy. For a time someone living
on raw food can whip the body along, in this instance the body has to
rely on draw on very strong forces so you can say it needs to be
whipped but then it will collapse all the more completely.
Processed diets: Too much refined starch=weak in the head. The head
has to make a terrible effort to overcome fermentation. To some extent
(weak in the head = materialism) and materialism is promoted by too
much starch in the diet.
Prescribed diets: “One simply cannot say that people should eat only
plants or that they should also eat animals and so on. One can only say
that some people with the forces they have from heredity are simply not
strong enough to perform within their bodies all the work necessary to
destroy plant fats, to destroy them so completely that then forces will
develop in their bodies for producing their own fat. Most people are
really unable to produce their own essential fats if they have only plant
fats to destroy. There is no use being fanatical about these things.
There are people who simply cannot live if they don't have meat. One is
often better off eating too little than too much, because at least then
he/she does not poison himself. If one over-eats, one is getting a
poisoned brain.”
Child Nutrition RS
Children not yet strong enough to transform foods with etheric bodies.
Milk has already undergone changes that make the transformation to
warmth-ether easier by the mother, allowing the forces in it to easily
flow up to the head where development takes place.
But they have instincts. Urging children to eat what we think they
should spoils this instinct. Some children do not like to eat meat-this is
because they may get intestinal toxins from meat. His instinct is right.
But we make them eat meat and we poison them.
Children who crave sugar or sneak sugar have something wrong with
their liver. Sugar temporarily cures what is ailing their liver—do not
scold for you must understand the underlying cause.
If a pregnant mother relies too much on potatoes or refined starches,
she is gaining too much nutrition from darkness. The spirit does not
access darkness but light. Human beings are born such that the soulspiritual element has not properly entered the physical body when the
mother does not eat enough of those foods which strive toward the light
(root vegetables like beets, carrots, radishes).
Coffee, Tea, Honey, and Alcohol RS
Coffee: automatically does job of nervous
system to produce logical, consistent thinking.
Tea: opposite coffee, can tear thoughts
asunder. Flashes of wit; promoting dream-like
fantasy, not grounded.
Honey: form-giving forces to the adult that milk
gives to a child. Small quantities impart its
Alcohol: Stimulates blood; over time affects
marrow. In sperm, affects nervous system of
child; in mother affects glands of child. Effects
seen through generations in greater effects.
Meeting the needs of vegetarians/vegans
Essential Fats DHA, EPA, AA & CLA (Linoleic acid used to be
converted to AA via enzyme but overconsumption of meat in
Western diet has diminished this enzyme, pure vegetarians can
now become deficient in AA)
Fat soluble vitamins A & D
Calcium: Calcium needs dependent of overall mineralization and
acidity of diet
Iron and Zinc: Vegetarians absorb less so it is recommended they
get 2X RDA
Protein: AA L-Threonine (essential amino acid traditionally found in
meats, dairy, eggs, cheese fish).
B12 and Vegetarians
Deficiency is silent and causes irreversible damage to: neurological,
cardiovascular, cognitive, developmental, fertility, immunity, aging.
Clinical symptoms take years to develop.
Cobalamin (produced in gut of animals)-only vitamin we can't obtain
from plants or sunlight. MUST supplement!
Myth: possible to get B12 from seaweed, fermented soy, spirulina,
brewers yeast. These foods contain B12 analogs called cobamides
that block intake of and increase the need for true B12.
Deficiency tests are inaccurate as do not pick up the biologically
active form needed for cells.
Conventional tests indicate 52% vegans and 7% vegetarians
deficient, but more sensitive tests indicate 83% vegans and 68%
vegetarians deficient.
Supplement with form methylcobalamin with foods rich in folate and
potassium for optimal absorption. (leafy green, legumes)
Recommended reading:
Essential Fats AA (arachidonic acid ) and CLA
(conjugated linoleic acid) and Vegetarians
Linoleic converted to AA (which most people
have in excess) but many people now lack
enzyme necessary for this conversion due to a
history of meat-eating.
Vegetarian sources are nori seaweed and
CLA: wild grass-fed meat and or fresh,
unpasteurized dairy.
Vegan sources = white button mushrooms, but
lower than animal sources.
Essential Fats and Vegetarians
EPA and DHA are not found in plant foods.
Plants convert ALA (freshly pressed flax) to
EPA and DHA. This process is very inefficient,
only 5-10% (for EPA) and 2-5% for DHA gets
Studies show vegans have 50-60% lower
levels and vegetarians have 30% lower levels
of EPA and DHA compared with omnivores.
Conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA depends
on co-factors zinc, iron, and pyridoxine (B6)
(also often lacking in vegetarian diets).
(examples of foods with these cofactors)
Fat soluble A & D and Vegetarians
Nearly lacking in vegan/vegetarian diets despite
numerous/critical roles in human health. Vitamin A
necessary for immune function, fertility, eyesight and
skin. Vitamin D necessary for calcium metabolism,
immune function, reduces inflammation and protects
against cancer.
Vitamin D 74% lower in vegans and 58% lower in
Plant foods contain vitamin A precursor beta-carotene.
To meet RDA from plant foods need to consume 2 cups
of carrots, one cup of sweet potatoes or 2 cups of kale
every day.
Traditional cultures received up to 10X the RDA for
vitamin A-impossible to get this amount from plant foods
Calcium and Vegetarians
Intake can be similar but absorption very different and depends on
many factors. It takes 16 servings of spinach to get the same
absorbable calcium as one glass of fresh milk.
Adequate calcium absorption pre-requisite to reaching healthy peak
bone mass during first 3 decades of life. Weight-bearing exercise
increases hormones that increase calcium deposition.
Vegetarian diets require less calcium if whole foods based.
Calcium-set tofu same bioavailability as dairy.
Kale, broccoli, and bok choy high bioavailability compared with
spinach, but can increase absorption with vitamin C or acid. Need
co-factor vitamin K2 -only vegetarian source is fermented foods.
Reducing sodium intake alone =positive calcium status.
Caffeine has negligible impact compared with sodium and protein
(particularly sulfur-containing amino acids).
Iron and Zinc Vegetarians
Heme vs. non-heme. Non-heme absorption rates
increase with lower iron stores. Vitamin C and
carotenes counteract the unidentified meat factor.
Vegetarian sources of iron include leafy greens,
legumes, and tofu. Must include vitamin C-rich food
along with it. (need 3-5 servings each day of these
foods if premenopausal woman or 2 servings if man
or post-menopausal)
Still even with similar iron intakes, vegetarians have
lower iron stores from lower absorption rates,
especially women, but no lower incidence of irondeficiency anemia.
Zinc absorption lower from plant foods also,
increasing zinc requirements 2X.
Essential Amino Acids and
L-threonine: Maintains proper protein balance in body and involved
in integrity and function of heart, muscles, nervous system,
formation of tooth enamel, collagen, and elastin, digestive function,
immune system. Metabolizes fat and prevents fatty liver, prevents
Vegetable sources: kidney beans, lentils, black beans,
sprouted soybeans, tofu, peanuts.
Lysine=limiting amino acid (if get enough of this essential AA, get
enough of others)
Tofu, tempeh, lentils, legumes, seitan, quinoa, pistachios,
pumpkin seeds.
Modified Pyramid for Vegetarians to
meet Iron/Zinc needs
Alternative Milk Products
Are not a substitute for the nutritional attributes
of fresh cow or goat milk (calcium,
magnesium, fat soluble vitamins, etc.).
Most have added synthetic forms of vitamins
and are not readily absorbed.
Lack the enzymes, probiotics, and bioavailable
forms of these nutrients.
Often have added thickeners such as
carageenan. (controversial food additive
derivative of seaweed implicated in cancer, GI
malignancy, inflammatory bowel disease)
[insert chart comparing milk alternatives]
Major Nutrients Lacking in Americans
Fat soluble A & D
Vitamin E
Healthy intestinal flora
Examples of vitamin forms in supplements
B12: Methylcobalamin>hydroxycobalamin>cyanaocobalamin
(needs cofactors folate, potassium, and glycine)
Folate: Folate is naturally occurring, bioavailable form and includes
several isomers (folinic acid, calcium methylfolate, various
tetrahydrofolates); Folic Acid = just ONE member of the folate group
and must be converted to folate by liver (30-40% of population
cannot) unmetabolized folic acid can build up in blood=cancer
B6: Pyradoxyl-5-phosphate=biologically active form; Pyradoxamine
must be converted and not all can.
Vitamin D: impossible to get adequate amounts in northern
latitudes; supplements best absorbed in whole foods (cod liver oil);
synthetic D3 (cholecalciferol) only bioavailable form. Sunlight is best
and needs cofactor K2.
DHA and EPA: only biologically active forms are in fish oils.
Purified, toxin-free, sustainable. Carlons. Green Pastures.
Magnesium: most people deficient; Magnesium orotate>Magnesium
glycinate>Magnesium citrate>Magnesium carbonate in order of
Deficiency common vegetarians/vegans/GI disorders-causes
irreversible nerve damage, anemia, many degenerative diseases
since b12 necessary for all metabolic functions including production
and repair of DNA.
Symptoms of deficiency = fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite,
numbness and tingling in hands and feet, depression, poor balance.
High intakes of folic acid from fortified foods mask B12 deficiency.
Serum B12 test or elevated homocysteine tests are irrelevant.
Elevated methylmalonic acid levels (values >0.4 micromol/L) only
reliable indicator of vitamin B12.
B12: Methylcobalamin>hydroxycobalamin>cyanaocobalamin
(needs cofactors folate, potassium, and glycine)
Absorption also depends on individual variability in B12 absorption
intrinsic factor. Pernicious anemia patients would require injections
or intranasal spray.
Natural sources include fish, meats, eggs, milk.
Deficiency in pregnant women =neural tube defects; Symptoms of
deficiency = fatigue, grey hair, irritability, poor growth. Necessary for
repairing and making new DNA, producing red blood cells.
Folate is natural bioavailable form and includes several isomers
(folinic acid, calcium methylfolate, various tetrahydrofolates).
Folic Acid = just ONE member of the folate group and must be
converted to folate by liver (30-40% of population cannot)
unmetabolized folic acid can build up in blood=cancer
Natural sources:
Leafy greens
Broccoli, peas, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, asparagus
Citrus fruits
Shellfish, pork, poultry
Plentiful in food supply. Deficiency rare. Typically with GI problems
(celiac, crohns, colitis, food allergies, dybiosis), alcoholics.
B6 status reduced by epilepsy drugs, asthma drugs, antibiotics.
Symptoms = including anemia, itchy rashes, scaly skin on the lips,
cracks at the corners of the mouth, depression, confusion, and a
weak immune system. Infants become irritable/sensitive.
Studies show B6 deficiency syndromes improved through foods, not
B6: Pyradoxyl-5-phosphate=biologically active form; Pyradoxamine
must be converted and not all can.
Food sources:
Chick peas-best dietary source (55%/serving)
Salmon, chicken, turkey, beef (20-45%/serving)
Potatoes, bananas (20%/serving)
DHA deficiency implicated in cognitive decline/function, mental
disorders and inflammation-related degenerative disease (arthritis,
cardiovascular disease, brain dsyfxn, cancer). During pregnancy
and childhood affects IQ.
DHA and EPA: only biologically active forms are in fish oils.
Purified, toxin-free, sustainable. Carlons. Green Pastures.
To get full benefit from supplemental fish oils need to cut back on all
omega 6 vegetable oils, limit refined/processed foods, and sugar.
Conversion of Omega 3 Alpha-linolenic (ALA)-Flaxseed and
Walnuts>to essential DHA & EPA (PGE3) inefficient.
*DHA is a structural component of brain (needed in
utero and first year of life for proper brain
EPA neuroprotective on behavior and mood.
(Huntington disease, bipolar, ADHD)
Magnesium: most people deficient; Deficiency related to elevated
blood pressure, elevated tryglycerides, mood problems, muscle
spasms, blood sugar control, irregular heart beat, inflammation.
Oral supplementation shown to be effective for deficiency.
Magnesium orotate>Magnesium glycinate>Magnesium
citrate>Magnesium carbonate in order of bioavailability.
Food sources:
Pumpkin seeds
Brazil nuts
Black beans
Calcium Supplementation
While calcium intake from foods is associated with a decreased risk
for heart attack, stroke, and osteoporosis, calcium intake from
supplements is associated with an increased risk.
Supplements cause spikes in blood that increase arterial
calcification (kidney stones) whereas calcium in food is aborbed
more slowly. Esp. true when taken without its cofactors.
For bone density, calcium must be consumed with cofactors =D, K2
(not K1!) magnesium, and silica.
Consumer labs testing show many contain lead.
Best way to maintain bone density is through food containing
naturally-occurring calcium and performing weight-bearing exercise.
For vegans (kale, broccoli, almonds).
Calcium supplements have low bioavailability. Calcium
orotate>Calcium citrate malate>calcium lactate>oyster shell
calcium(contains lead)>calcium citrate>calcium carbonate>calcium
Best absorbed with meals and taking with meals reduces kidney
stones, taking between meals increases kidney stones.
Sources of K2-Necessary for calcium
deposition in teeth and bones
K2′s role includes blood clotting, protection from
heart disease, ensuring healthy skin, forming strong
bones, promoting brain function, supporting growth
and development and helping to prevent cancer.
Grass-fed cheeses
Pastured egg yolk
Grass-fed butter
Naturally-raised, pastured organ meats/bone broths
Grass-fed beef
Fermented food such as sauerkraut
Vitamin D
Vitamin D: impossible to get adequate amounts in northern latitudes;
supplements best absorbed in whole foods (cod liver oil); synthetic
D3 (cholecalciferol) only bioavailable form. Sunlight is best and
needs cofactor K2.
If you take vitamin D, you also need to take vitamin K2. K2 moves
calcium into your bones and teeth and removes calcium from
arteries and soft tissues.
When you take vitamin D, your body creates more vitamin K2dependent proteins which move calcium. Without K2, those proteins
remain inactivated and benefits not realized. Supplemental D thus=
increased demand for K2. Together, these two nutrients help
strengthen your bones and improve your heart health.
Make sure is biologically active form D3 (cholecalciferol) NOT D2
(ergocalciferol); Remember sunlight is best!
Vitamin A
Retinol is active form. Can only be absorbed with fat. Individuals
vary in their ability to convert Beta-carotene or other carotenoids to
active form and need many times the amount to meet RDA.
However, carotenoids not toxic, and retinyl palmitate is in excess.
liver (beef, pork, fish) (6500 μg 722%)
dandelion greens (5588 IU 112%)
sweet potato (961 μg 107%)
carrot (835 μg 93%)
butter (684 μg 76%)
kale (681 μg 76%)
spinach (469 μg 52%)
pumpkin (400 μg 41%)
collard greens (333 μg 37%)
Cheddar cheese (265 μg 29%)
cantaloupe melon (169 μg 19%)
Vitamin E
Necessary for normal growth maintenance and for normal
reproduction. Antioxidant and detoxifying agent which protects
unsaturated fatty acids and membrane structure. It aids intestinal
absorption of unsaturated fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Maintains
normal muscle metabolism and the integrity of vascular and
nervous systems. Necessary for the maintenance of kidney tubules,
lungs, genital structure, liver and red blood cell membranes.
Only absorbed with meals containing fat.
Vitamin E refers to family of 8 different compounds (tocopherols and
tocotrienols) and 4 different forms within each: alpha, beta, gamma,
Each one of these subgroups has its own unique biological effects.
Ideally, vitamin E should be consumed in the broader family of
mixed natural tocopherols and tocotrienols, (also referred to as fullspectrum vitamin E) to get the maximum benefits.
Synthetic Vitamin E supplements often contain one out of the 8
necessary and synergistic forms and known to cause cancer.
synthetic vitamin E is a "byproduct of a petrochemical-dependent
manufacturing process with adverse endocrine-disrupting activities
Deficiency seen in those with GI disorders. More susceptible to
illness due to role in immune fxn. Adequate selenium status
necessary to protect thryroid gland.
Selenium supplementation effective in treating thyroid autoimmune
disorders by its direct thryroid-specific anti-inflammatory effects.
Thyroid hormone production selenium-dependent.
Effects of long term supplementation unknown and some studies
show can be toxic. Best from food.
Inorganic salts sodium selenite and sodium selenate are toxic.
Selenium-amino acid chelates (such as aspartate) poorly absorbed.
L-(+)-Selenomethionine only bioavailable non-toxic supplement.
Food sources:
Brazil nuts (only need one or two nuts a day! 777%)
cod, shrimp, tuna, halibut, salmon, scallops (50-200%)
crimini mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, grains (35%)
chicken, lamb, and turkey (30-50%)
Eggs (20%
Zinc deficiency is epidemic. Advanced age, alcohol, drugs, dysbiosis (leaky gut/GI
disorders)=decreased absorption. Drugs that decrease zinc absorption include
antihistamines, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, steroids, antibiotics.
Blood tests inaccurate b/c zinc needs be in cells (doctors don't know this!)
Zinc essential to all major metabolic pathways affecting mental health, heart health,
immune fxn., DNA repair, and enzyme activity. Deficiency causes impaired immune
response and inflammation (in brain, arteries, eyes). Accumulation of cellular debris
in retina. Low zinc status linked to impaired glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
(diabetes), abnormal cholesterol, inflammation, alzheimers, autism, dyslexia, mood.
Symptoms = fatigue, depression, chronic colds, poor wound healing, hair loss,
impotence, acne, poor growth in children. Severe deficiency = growth retardation,
premature birth, skin lesions, anemia, mental retardation, impaired vision.
Zinc supplementation in pregnancy results in longer pregnancies, larger head
circumferences, higher birth weights.
Supplements best absorbed with food/protein. Take with copper in 1/10th the
amount of zinc. Take with fat soluble A & D, B6 and fat. No coffee.
Zinc methionine most bioavailable. >orotate>carnosine>acetate>citrate>gluconate;
zinc salts (sulfate) or oxides not absorbed and can be irritating.
Food sources: Oysters (220%), Beef and lamb (100%), Pumpkin seeds, sesame
seeds (70%), Nuts (40%) Pork and chicken (30%)
Potassium is a mineral that helps maintain the water and acid
balance in blood and tissue cells, assists in muscle building, bone
metabolism, glucose metabolism and transmits signals between
cells and nerves.
Symptoms of deficiency, include dry skin, muscle weakness,
fatigue, irritability, anxiety, depression. Muscle cramps, twitches,
and spasms. Heart problems (dysrhthmia) and paralysis may result.
Low potassium requires immediate medical attention.
Deficiency can result from too much salt and not enough potassiumrich foods. Stress (cortisol), cortisone, blood pressure medications,
antibiotics, excessive sweating, diarhea, vomiting.
Food sources: sweet potatoes (25%), yogurt (20%), Edamame, lima
beans, winter squash (10%), Halibut (10%), bananas, spinach,
tomato sauce (8%).
Supplements: Most forms of potassium are well absorbed but
should only be taken under medical supervision. Supplemental
potassium associated with dangerous side effects. Must get from
Wheat Allergy/Gluten Intolerance?
Flour that is rancid from oxidation. ideally be used right after grinding. kept
in air-tight container, refrigerated and used within two weeks.
Processed flour not same as thoroughly cooked or sprouted whole berries.
Mainstream wheat genetically altered for resistance to pesticides, vastly
different than traditional wheat.*Science has discovered peptide strand
responsible due to GM, was not present in traditional wheat.
Spelt=relative of wheat with similar nutritional properties; usually tolerated
by those with celiac or gluten sensitivity despite gluten.
Kamut=another close relative to wheat with similar nutritional properties
but far less allergenic; often tolerated by those with celiac or gluten
sensitivity despite gluten.
Dysbiosis: damaged gut flora from antibiotics; not innoculated (C-section
or formula fed); improperly prepared grains fed too soon (body mistakes
as invader and develops antibody to gluten).
Deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D), lowers immune system ability
to down regulate the immune system from attacking harmless proteins.
Sugar, alcohol, antibiotics, environmental toxins, and GMOs all contribute
to imbalanced intestinal flora which can lead to gluten-intolerance.
Preventing/Curing Gluten
Intolerance or Wheat Allergy
Waiting to introduce grains into a child’s diet until
after infancy.
Vaginal birth/breast feeding/supplementing with fresh
goat/sheep/cow milk.
Contact with farm animals/dirt.
Raising children on nutrient-dense diets that include
liberal amounts of fat-soluble vitamins (especially
vitamin A), essential fats, collagen-rich foods.
Keeping good care of intestinal flora: Fresh milk,
fermented foods. Avoid antibiotics unless absolutely
necessary for survival.
Using properly prepared fresh whole grains
thoroughly cooked, soaked, or sprouted.