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What is Sociology
 The word “Sociology” has been derived from the
Latin word “Socius” means “Companion” and Greek
word “Logos” means “Study”.
 Auguste Comte was the first who opined that social
life can be studied scientifically he named this
systematic study as “Social Physics”. Later on, he
used the term “Sociology” in 1838.
 So, Sociology is a social science which involves the
study of the social lives of people, groups, and
Nature, Scope and Subject
Matter of Sociology
 Sociology is an Independent Science
 Sociology is the social science and not a physical
 Sociology is the categorical and not a normative
 Sociology is the relatively an abstract science and not
concrete science
 Sociology is the general science not a special science
 Sociology is both rational and an empirical science
 In the field of knowledge
 In the field of profession
Scope in the field of
 Society is the web of social institutions which are
interconnected and interrelated with each other.
 The primary concern of sociologists is to build up
knowledge about the society and social interaction
both at micro as well as macro level.
 Furthermore, patterns of social conformity and social
disturbance are investigated in order to analyze the
society while applying different sociological
Following are the academic fields of sociology
 Industrial sociology
 Criminology
 Rural & Urban sociology
 Sociology of religion
 Sociology of family
 Political sociology
 Medical sociology
 Social psychology
 Sociology of education….
Scope in the field of
 As for as scope of sociology in the field of different
professions is concerned, it is viewed in the
following domains: Teaching
 Research
 Administration
Subject Matter of Sociology
 The main concern of sociology is sociological
 It has given sufficient attention to the study of
primary units of social life i.e. social acts, social
relationships, individual personality and
socialization, groups of all varieties, communities,
associations, organization and population.
 It also studies the development, structure and
function of a wide variety of basic social institutions
such as the family and kinship, religion and
property, economic, political, legal, educational and
recreational institutions
 Sociologists are concerned with the task of
formulating concepts, propositions and theories.
 Contemporary sociology has tended to become more
rational and empirical rather than philosophical and
Definitions of Sociology
 Sociology is the scientific study of society.
(Auguste Comte)
 Sociology is the study of social facts through social
institutions. (Emile Durkheim)
 The science which attempts the interpretative
understanding of social action in order thereby to
arrive at a causal explanation of its course and
effects. (Max Weber)
Development of Sociology
Following three factors/conditions were of the utmost
significance in the development of sociology.
 Political revolutions
 Industrial revolution and the rise of Capitalism
 Urbanization
Political Revolutions
 French revolution of 1789 paved the way for a series
of other political revolutions in western part of
 These revolutions affected the society both
positively as well as negatively.
 Among the negative effects chaos and disorder was
of utmost concern before the social thinkers.
 The social thinkers were divided with regard to the
solution to the said problems.
Industrial Revolution and
the Rise of Capitalism
 The second factor which contributed significantly in
the development of Sociology was Industrial
 This transformed the Western World from a largely
agricultural to an overwhelmingly industrial system.
 A large number of people left farms and agricultural
work for the industrial occupations.
 Large economic bureaucracy arose to provide the
many services needed by industry and the emerging
capitalist system.
 Within this system, a few profited greatly while the
majority worked long hours for low wages and a
reaction to this led them toward labor unions and
radical movements against capitalism.
 Mainly due to industrial revolution, large number of
people in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
were uprooted from their rural homes to urban
 Resultantly, the cities were expanded which caused
problems of overcrowding, pollution and noise,
traffic and so forth.
 The nature of urban life and its problems attracted
the attention of many early sociologists, especially
Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and George Simmel.
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