* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Institute for Social Science Research in Natural Resources The ISSRNR is located in the Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology, and is a joint project of faculty in Sociology and Applied Economics at USU. The laboratory is equipped with computers that have a range of statistical and graphical software packages. The ISSRNR provides space for graduate assistants working on faculty research projects, and fosters relationships between sociologists and faculty in allied agricultural and natural resource science disciplines. Faculty affiliated with the ISSRNR have extensive experience using multiple research methods to explore human dimensions of natural resource problems. Much of our work focuses on resource management challenges in the Intermountain West. Recent projects include: - A national study of agriculture in urbanizing environments - A statewide survey of Utah citizens on preferences for public lands managment - Qualitative interviews with energy industry personnel about the use of environmental practices - Surveys of recycling program coordinators in mid-sized cities across the western United States