Download 7.2 Complex Patterns of Inheritance and Genetics Portfolio Product

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3.4 Genetic traits result in observed inheritance patterns.
3.5 Patterns of inheritance can be explained through Mendel’s
laws of segregation and independent assortment.
3.6 Probabilities for genotype and phenotype combinations in
monohybrid crosses can be modeled using a Punnett Square.
*two page notebook format*
Page 65
Do Now:
Tuesday, Jan 6, 2015 P 66
 Topic: Genetics
 Objectives, language objectives:
 Describe different types of
allele interactions.
 Describe polygenic traits
and the effect of
environmental factors on
 1) List traits that are widely
different from person to
person. (Reminder: Eye color is a
trait, and brown eyes is one version or
expression of that trait)
 2) How might these traits be
inherited, so that more than
two patterns of inheritance
are possible?
 3) Are these patterns of
inheritance Mendelian?
 Language Objectives: Use the terms
gene, allele, homozygous,
heterozygous, genotype, phenotype,
dominant, incomplete
dominance, codominance,
polygenic trait, Punnett Square,
probability, and recessive orally and
in writing. (same language through Genetics
unit – today’s focus in large type)
How might these traits be
inherited, so that more than
two patterns of inheritance
are possible?
(that means, there are more than
brown or blue eyes possible)
Before we go further…
Khan Academy video “Co-Dominance and Incomplete Dominance”
Use note taking organizer as we watch and learn.
Insert this page in your notes, or add definitions.
7.2 Formative Assessment
 Choose and answer 2 questions from numbers 1-6
on page 191, on left side of notebook. For extra
credit, do #6.
 SUMMARIZE what you learned today in 3-5
sentences on bottom of right side.
 Homework:
 Study Guide 7.2
 Complete lab write-up if not done in class.