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Heredity and Genetics How it all works Dominant is the expressed trait. (That means the trait we see. So it gets a capital letter.) Recessive is the unexpressed trait. (That’s the one we don’t see. So it gets a lower case letter.) Codominant is when both traits are equally dominant and are equally expressed. What is Genetics? Genetics explains how traits are passed on from generation to generation. Traits are either Dominant or Recessive (Look at the Laboratory Investigation sheet) Tongue RollerEar lobesHair dark/light colorWidow’s PeakRed/not hair- Who is Mendel and What Does a Pea Plant Have to do with ME? Mendel became the father of genetics. He did not realize it then, but his study of pea characteristics or traits gave us the basics for genetics today. He studied traits like how tall they grew, the color of seeds, and the shape of the seeds. He tried to cross traits to see what would happen. (He found things like a tall and a short made 4 tall.. This led to the idea of dominant and recessive. The Genotype is the “gene” make-up of an organism. The Phenotype is the “physical” look that the genes created. What is his phenotype and genotype? Brown Hair –BB or Bb Blonde Hair-bb Pairs- the traits are put is pairs: one from mom and one from pops. The pairs are either heterozygous (different Dd) or homozygous (same DD or dd). We use the punnett square to figure out what an offspring's genotype and phenotype will be. Draw this on your graph paper. d D d Dd dd d Now try this: Gg dd gg DD Now try this: g G Gg g Gg Gg gg gg gg g dd DD Dd Dd Dd Dd continue Hh Ss hh Ss continue Hh hh h h H Hh Hh h hh hh S Ss Ss s S SS Ss s Ss ss Genotype and Phenotypes H is blue, h is yellow: What is Hh? T is tall, t is short: what is TT? Tt? tt? What is the only way to make the recessive gene show? Blonde bb Red BB AHHHHHHHHH Word Bank for Heredity Quiz Trait Allele Phenotype heterozygous allele Genotype homozygous allele Dominant allele heredity Recessive allele genetics