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Quiz: Study Questions
Sections 1 and 2
Section 1:
1. Q: How did the powers of popes and kings differ?
A: popes—religious and sometimes political power; kings political power
2. Q: What words indicate Pope Gregory’s view that the church has more power than monarchs
A: “the priests of Christ are to be considered as fathers and masters of kings and princes and of
all believers”
3. Q: How did Leo IX try to increase popes’ authority?
A: He excommunicated the bishop of Constantinople
4. Q: What caused Gregory and Henry’s power struggle?
A: Henry thought he should be able to select bishops; Gregory thought only the pope should be
able to select them
Popes and Kings Rule Europe:
1. Whom may a pope choose to excommunicate?
a. people he felt were against the church
2. Why did some popes eventually begin to live like royalty?
a. They had great political power after the Roman Empire collapsed; many people in Italy
looked to the pope as their leader
3. How did becoming king in England and France differ from how it was done in the Holy Roman
a. England and France—inherited thrones; Holy roman Empire elected
Popes Fight for Power
1. In what region did many bishops not recognize the pope’s authority?
a. eastern Europe
2. Why did Leo IX believe that all church officials should answer to him?
a. His argument was that the first pope, Saint Peter, had been the leader of the whole
Christian church
3. What might have happened if Leo IX had not excommunicated the bishop of Constantinople?
a. Possible answers—the church might have stayed united; the popes power may have
been weakened
Kings and Popes Clash
1. What compromise solved the conflict over who had the right to choose bishops?
a. Church officials would appoint all bishops; bishops would still have to obey the emperor
2. Why do you think a king would want to select bishops himself?
a. possible answer—so that the bishops would be loyal to him
Section 2:
1. Q: What did the first Crusade accomplish?
A: Christians took Jerusalem, set up four small kingdoms, a lord and vessel system, and began
trade with Europe
Quiz: Study Questions
Sections 1 and 2
2. Q: How did Geography limit the success of the Crusades?
A: The Crusaders had to travel a long way, and many died on the hard journey. Crusaders were
not prepared to fight in Palestine’s desert climate
3. Q: From which countries did the first three Crusades start out?
A: France, Holy Roman Empire, England
4. Q: About how far was the journey from Paris to Jerusalem
A: 1400 miles
5. Q: What were some of the results of the Crusades?
A: Trade between Europe and Asia increased; kings became more powerful; tension between
Christians, Jews, and Muslims grew
Crusaders Invade the Holy Land
1. Why did the Byzantine emperor ask Pope Urban II for help?
a. He was afraid Muslim Turks would attack Constantinople
2. Where does the word crusade come from?
a. Latin for “marked with a cross”
3. What states might Pope Urban II call on to retake the Holy Land?
a. possible answers—those in the Holy Roman Empire, England, France
Later Crusades Fail
1. Which countries took part in the Third Crusade?
a. England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire
2. Which Crusade do you think was more successful: The Second or Third? Why?
a. Possible answer—Third Crusade, because Richard was able to capture a few towns and
get safe passage for Christian pilgrims
3. How do you think the Crusades affected Muslim attitudes toward the Christian West?
a. possible answer—Muslims may have seen Christians as aggressive invaders and have
grown to fear and distrust Christians
Crusades Change Europe
1. Name three products Europeans learned about in the Holy Land.
a. apricots, rice, and cotton cloth
2. How did the Crusades affect relations between Christians and Jews?
a. Many Jews grew to distrust Christians