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BIOL 207 Practice Final Exam
75 pts.
Please read questions carefully and answer to the best of your ability. Raise your hand if
you have questions during the exam.
1. Briefly define the following terms (3 pts. each)
a. tamoxifen--
b. phase II trials--
c. combination therapy--
d. lumpectomy--
e. placebo--
f. adjuvant chemotherapy--
g. cellular immunity--
h. cancer vaccine--
i. monoclonal antibody--
j. B lymphocyte--
k. antimetabolites--
2. Multiple choice (3 pts. each). Choose the one best answer.
Chemotherapeutic drugs known as alkylating agents
are highly specific for cancer cells
act by inhibiting DNA synthesis
act by interfering with cell division
have few side affects
The possible toxic effects of anti-cancer drugs are usually tested
in rats or mice before humans
in phase I clinical trials
in phase III clinical trials
both a and b are correct
both a and c are correct
III. Cells of the immune system that recognize cancer cells or virally infected cells and
initiate cell death are
a. B lymphocytes
b. T helper lymphocytes
c. cytotoxic T lymphocytes
d. stem cells
IV. Herceptin is an example of an immune therapy
a. that works by attaching a radioactive atom to cancer cells
b. that blocks the binding of a growth factor to a receptor
c. that acts like a vaccine
d. that identifies cells destined to undergo apoptosis
V. Genetic engineering
a. is the linking together of DNA molecules from two different species.
b. can be used to reproduce genes in microorganisms
c. was used in the development of the Her-2 antibody
d. all of the above
VI. An example of a diagnostic test for cancer is
a. digital rectal exam
b. chemotherapy
c. pap test
d. both a and b are correct
e. both a and c are correct
VII. In the movie, Healing and the Mind, the counselors at Commonweal felt that it was
important that terminal cancer patients
a. conceptualized their own death
b. planned to reconcile with family members
c. used “positive thinking” to cure their cancer
d. both a and b are correct
e. all of the above
VIII. Hormone therapies might be recommended for the treatment of
a. colon cancer
b. prostate cancer
c. ovarian cancer
d. all of the above
e. both b and c are correct
IX. Cytokines
a. are growth factors that work on all cells
b. are growth factors that work on blood-forming cells
c. are used by T killer cells to signal to other cells
d. both b and c are correct
X. Immunotherapies involving monoclonal antibodies can work by
a. marking cells to target them for cell death
b. carrying radioactive atoms to cancer cells for localized treatment
c. blocking the binding of a growth factor
d. all of the above
3. Briefly answer any two of the following (6 pts. each)
a. Explain why symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and hair loss are typical side effects
of chemotherapeutic drugs.
b. Discuss why Herceptin therapy cannot help all breast cancer patients.
c. Give a brief history of the compassionate access program for Herceptin.
d. Briefly describe how a DNA test would work for detecting a gene associated with
breast cancer.