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Date of Discovery: 1865
Discovery: Genetics
Name of Discoverer: Gregor Mendel
Mendel's discovery in Genetics help scientist
everywhere get past a great milestone. With his
discovery in genetic solved some of the worlds
questioned of how offspring and relatives
looked so much alike. I n the future it helps
determine who the parents are of there
offspring because Mendel stated that most
genes in parents will be passed on to their
offspring. Now that we know some times we can
tell the biological parents of a child just by
looking at them even though that’s not correct
procedure for such important information. Even
though Mendel discovery was important he did
not win any major awards for his discovery.
 Was in Australia when he made his discovery
 Did not win any special prizes for
Date of Discovery: 1952
Discovery: Genes are Made of DNA
Name of Discoverer: Alfred Hersey
Martha chase was his partner in the discovery
Hersey's discovery help us realized that the real
genetic material was the DNA not protein.
Without his discovery we would not have known
for a while that the DNA was being attacked by
viruses instead of the protein. Now that we had
this information we know that when you have a
virus to look at DNA to find problem. We now
have also figured out ways to stops viruses from
attacking DNA. Without his discovery the virus
real target would have gone unknown for
 He won a Nobel prize for his discovery in 1969
Date of Discovery:1955
Name of Discovery: 46 Chromosomes
Name of Discoverer: Joe Hin Tjio
Worked alone did not have any help
Dr.Tjio discovery helped more scientist realize
the there was only 46 chromosomes and not
48.Without his discovery scientist would have
thought that disease that attacked chromosome
attacked 48 eight of them and not 46. He
opened up a new gate to realize that when
deadly disease attacked chromosome there
wasn’t any chromosomes missing that there was
actually 46 saving scientist time not looking for
the extra 2. Tjio discovery also help fight lung
cancer a little bit better than we already were.
Tjio discovery helped the world.
 Worked in his lab when discovery was made
 Was presented with an Outstanding
Achievement from the president.
Date of Discovery: 1955
Name of Discovery: DNA copying Enzyme
Discoverer: Arthur Kornberg
Had one partner who helped him on discovery
named Severo Ochoa
 Kornberg discovery helped us realized what was
the Dna copying enzyme was. Without his
discovery we would not have known what the
copying enzyme was. His discovery helped in
future to realize how DNA was replicated.
Without his discovery if would have taken us
longer to realize how DNA was copied. His
discovery was very important.
 Was presented with a Nobel Prize that he
shared with Severo
Date of discovery: 1956
Name of Discovery: Sickle Cell anemia
Name of Discoverer: Ernest E. Irons
Had no help from any of his associates
Irons discovery helped us realize a deadly virus
called sickle cell. Without his discovery this
disease would have gone unnoticed. The
discovery is important because without it Sickle
could have killed some people. Also with his
discovery now we know how to fight sickle cell.
This finding was mostly important because this
disease was fatal until discovery Irons discovery
helped us realize a deadly virus called sickle cell.
Without his discovery this disease would have
gone unnoticed. The discovery is important
because without it Sickle could have killed some
people. Also with his discovery now we know
how to fight sickle cell. This finding was mostly
important because this disease was fatal until
 Won the L.A. Drama Critics Circle Award for his
 Date of Discovery:1958
 Name of Discovery: Semiconservative
Replication of DNA
 Name of Discoverer: Matthew Meselson
 Had no help in his discovery
 Meselson discovery help used realized that DNA
semi conservatively reproduce. Without this
discovery we would have thought that DNA
reproduce all the way. Learning how parental
DNA reproduces and how far it goes. Learning
helped us realized how genetics are passed from
parent to offspring. This also show how fast they
take to replicate.
 Won the Nobel Prize for his discovery
Date of Discovery: 1959
Name of Discovery: Down Syndrome
Name of Discoverer: Professor Jerome Lejeune
Had some colleagues that helped him with his
 Professor Jerome made his discovery while
analyzing Trisomy 21. Without his discovery
Down Syndrome would have gone unnoticed.
This also helped us realize that down syndrome
attacked the chromosomes. And we also figured
some ways to slow it down. But have not figured
out how to stop it.
 He received many international awards for his
Date of Discovery: 1961
Name of Discovery: Phenylketonuria
Name of Discoverer: Robert Guthrie
Had no help in his discovery
Guthrie discovery helped us help newborns with
this disease. Even though test took time it helped
us help newborns. This discovery helped later on
in the future to prevent newborns from being
sick. This discovery helped us realize how bad the
disease phenylketonuria was. This helped us save
babies lives.
 Has not won any awards for his discovery.
Date of Discovery: 1966
Name of Discovery: Genetic Code Cracked
Name of Discoverer: Marshall Nirenberg
Had some help from his colleagues in Discovery
Nirenberg helped us realize the first four most
reoccurring amino acids in genetics code. Also
helped us make some discovery about the mRNA
chain. Also help us realize without these amino
acids the chain would not be correct. And all
people would have not been able to realize why
they had genetic diseases. This discovery is very
 He and his colleagues won the Nobel prize for
there discovery
 Date of Discovery: 1972
 Name of Discovery: Recombinant DNA
 Name of Discoverer: Stanley Cohen & Herbert
 Had one major colleague Herbert Boyer
 There discovery helped us identify the first
recombinant DNA sequence. Without this we
wouldn’t know the recombinance of DNA. There
discovery helped us realize how complex DNA is.
There discovery is very important to the history
of genetics. This discovery changed the world
 Won Nobel Prize for his discovery
Date of Discovery: 1976
Name of Discovery: Genetech
Name of Discoverer: Herbert Boyer
Had no ectra help in founding this building of
Genetic Engineering
 Herbert's foundation helped us discover more
about genetic engineering. Without it may have
taken us longer to be able to clone animals. Plus
it helped us understand how we can clone
animals. Plus now it’s a booming industry and
helps scientist have breakthroughs everyday. The
founding of Genetech helped us worldwide on
Genetic engineering.
 Received no rewards for his help in founding his
new company
 Developed to over 9000 new companies.
Date of Discovery: 1977
Name of Discovery: Introns
Name of Discoverer: Richards Roberts & Phil Sharps
Had one major partner Phil Sharps
There discovery helped scientist everywhere. Also
helped future scientist realize what connected
genetics in the human body. These introns are very
important to the body. This discovery helped the
world a lot in discovering more about genetics. They
also founded some companies to further research.
• Helped world realize that introns are important.
Date of Discovery: 1869
Name of Discovery: DNA First Isolated
Name of Discoverer: Friedrich Miescher
Had no partners in his work
Friedrich was a Swiss scientist. The first scientist to
isolate DNA. And he got most of his materials from a
hospital nearby his school campus. This discovery
helped us find out how to isolate Dna to further
investigates mysteries of the cell. This discovery in
the future helps us to examine mutations and such
further thing in the nuclein of the cell. The discovery
is very fascinating including that in its time era there
wasn’t really any high tech equipment to do this
research with. Also was in University of Tubingen
when he made his discovery.
 Did not receive any awards for his discovery.
Date of Discovery: 1879
Name of Discovery: Mitosis Observed
Name of Discoverer: Walter Flemming
Had no help in his discovery
This discovery was a very important milestone goal
for all mankind. This set a new mission genetics
because we knew how and what happened during
mitosis. It also helped the theory of inheritance and
support its facts. Mitosis is a very complicated
procedure this breakthrough helped us understand it
better. This discovery helped us in the future to
realize how complicated and hard a cells life is.
Mitosis is very important to everyone’s life.
 Could not determine from sources if Flemming won
any awards for his discoveries.
Date of Discovery: 1902
Name of Discovery: Alkaptonuria
Name of Discoverer: Archibald Garrod
No help from additional parties
Alkaptonuria help to classify a bunch of weird
symptoms to a reason why they were happening.
Even though this disease wasn’t deadly it still made
life less uncomfortable. So finding his out helped us
try to find a cure. Now in the future when symptoms
arrive we n where to look first. Even though it could
be many things besides this virus. This also helped us
figure out in the future if this is the case we know
where to look in order to find out the base of the
 Won a Nobel prize for his discovery went on to many
scientist try to improve his work.
Date of Discovery: 1909
Name of Discovery: Word Gene
Name of Discoverer: Wilhelm Johannsen
Had a little bit of help from early research from
scientist William Bateson
 His discovery made further evidence to discover how
genes are affected in life cycle of host. This helped to
identify hoe genes worked and how they effect our
lives. Genes are very important on are lives and how
they effect our daily lives. Genes are very
complicated and if any one gets messed up the host
life can be ruin in just a second. Genes control what
we look like and how we act also how we behave
and adapt to life. Genes are the reason people study
 Won Nobel Prize for Discovery
Date of Discovery: 1911
Name of Discovery: Chromosomes Units of Heredity
Name of Discoverer: Thomas Hunt Morgan
Had help from his group from Columbia University
This discovery showed that genes strung on
chromosomes are unit of heredity. Morgan and his
students made many important contributions to
genetics. His students actually discovered the
genetic linkage on there own. They showed that
chromosomes carry genes. This discovery also
described chromosome recombination.
 Won the Nobel prize for his Study in Physiology or
Date of Discovery: 1902
Name of Discovery: Chromosome Theory of Heredity
Name of Discoverer: Walter Sutton
Worked alone in his process of discovery
His discovery helped us realize how genes were
passed from parent to offspring. This meaning he
found out why kids looked liked acted like and were
identical to their parents. Heredity is really just
another word for saying genes. Heredity plays a big
role of how the world has diversified over the years.
His discovery helps us in the future everyday.
 Could not determine from sources if Sutton won any
 Date of Discovery: 1941
 Name of Discovery: One Gene, One Enzyme
 Name of Discoverer: George Beadle and Edward
 Had only each other as partners
 Had been some of the first to experiments on the
mold species of Neurospora. Showed that genes act
by regulating distinct chemical events. They spent
two years studying this mold in T.H. Morgan’s lab at
Caltech. They also used fruit flies to conduct their
research and discovery on the mold and rotting of
fruit. Also they realized that without various animals
in ecosystem the world wouldn’t be the same.
 Won the Nobel Prize
Date of Discovery: 1944
Name of Discovery: Jumping Genes
Name of Discoverer: Barbara McClintock
Had no help in her studies
Barbara found that genes could jump from one
chromosome to another. She used corn as her model
for this experiment or model organism. She also
observed the genes can be transported from one
position to another using chromosomes and genes.
She also opened new gateway to see that
chromosomes have one more than one use in the
human body. Jumping genes have been jumping
from the beginning of time.
 Won the Nobel prize in 1983