Download Six parts of a very good Print advertisement.

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Vol. 4 November 2011
WERC Tools:
On Designing Advertisements and Advertising Campaigns
Six parts of a very good Print advertisement.
(Key idea #1): Buy new tires before it is too late.
Bridgestone: Flatline (caption #2)
(High Impact Visual #3)
(The Headline #4 & Logo #5); Check your
tires. Save a life.
(Short simple Text here #6)
Nearest Dealer Location, Hours of Operation, Telephone No, Web Address, etc…
 Know before you start what your objective is and in the end make sure it
meets that goal.
 Select one point, product or offer in your ad and build the copy and
design elements around it.
 Ads that try to be all things to all people usually fail to reach anyone.
 Don’t speak to the masses; instead speak to the people in your target
market. Make the ad feel personal.
 Remember advertising is about selling so focus on generating interest in
your product or service.
 The most effective ads will focus on just one benefit per ad.
 Don’t forget the reader needs to know how to contact you. Place a phone
number in a prominent place in the ad. Place coupons or special offers in
the ad. Most important include your web address so that the reader
knows your entire product offering and services you provide.
For more information visit
Why Outdoor Advertising?
Increasing Exposure
The average commute is now 25.5 minutes per day
66% of full-time workers drive over 500 miles per week!
Families spend even more time in their cars on non-work-related trips -- 74% of
their miles.
Targeting Ability
Billboards reach every demographic at no extra cost
Billboards are larger than life -- impossible to ignore
Billboards grab consumer attention minutes before a purchasing decision
Advertising Efficiency
The advertisers message is undiluted by competition across hundreds of channels
Billboards are impossible to turn off, mute, bypass, or record over
They deliver the highest levels of reach and frequency at the lowest cost per
Billboards return the highest level of unaided recall for any type of media
Using Outdoor Advertising (Billboards) could be the perfect avenue for a city-wide
advertising campaign.
For more information:
Advertising Tips
» Guide for Advertising
Good Information
Newspaper Advertising
» Dealing with Newspaper Advertising
» Direct Response Newpaper Adveritising
» Increase Your Response Rate
» Copywriting in Advertising
» Tips for News Paper Advertisement Design
Tips for News Paper Advertisement Design
Our goal is not to make you into a designer, but to empower you to know when
your designer is doing a good job. Here are some general design ideas for
newspaper advertising.
1. Your newspaper advertising has a zero percent chance of succeeding if your
prospect doesn’t notice it. Attention is everything in newspaper advertising.
You need visual impact [photos], white space, a distinctive border, font,
angles, or whatever it takes to stand out on the page. You newspaper
advertising must be distinctive, unusual, and it should contrast with the
other ads on the page. Be different.
2. Paste your ad into the newspaper to get an idea of whether or not it will
stand out.
3. Where your ad is placed absolutely matters. If your quarter-page ad falls
against the fold of the paper, your readership will be cut by half. Poor
placement just cost you one half of your customers. Buy a different shape
ad that will guarantee you an outside placement.
4. What is the paper offering? Run of press [ROP] positioning means that the
publisher is free to place your ad anywhere in the normal pages of the
With a preferred position, your ad goes in a specific section, or near the top
of a page that has reading matter on it. A near reading [NR] position is
placement anywhere on a page near reading matter. This is better, because
people reading the paper spend more time on that page.
You want your ad to be on a page where people spend time reading. The
longer they stay on the page with your ad the better. You normally will pay
a premium of 10% - 50% for good position, but it’s probably worth it. Good
positioning could double or triple your response rate.
5. Use only serif typeface for copy. It boosts reading speed, and can increase
comprehension by up to 300% over other fonts.
6. Editorial style advertising increases readership by over 50%. With editorial
style advertising, the copy is laid out like a regular news story. The word
"advertisement" always appears above the copy. If you have a story to tell,
think about using editorial style advertising.
7. Your newspaper advertising should be easy to look at and easy to read.
Poor use of capitalization, bolding, or italics will decrease reading
comprehension by 50%. Bad sentence structure will also reduce
8. Use #12 font for copy. Use #14 font if your customers are senior citizens.
9. Don’t use technical jargon. You will lose way too many readers.
10.Reversed copy gets attention in newspaper advertising, but it is hard to
read. If you use it, keep the copy very short, and the font very big.
11.Make sure photos face into your ad, not toward a competitors ad.
12.Make sure your newspaper advertising looks different from your
competitor's. Don’t advertise for them.
13.Vary sentence and paragraph length. Eight words per sentence will get the
highest readership.
14.A smaller ad should have a single focus – one solution for one problem.
15.Busy layouts often work better than clean, balanced ads because they keep
the reader involved.
16.Use benefit captions under your photos in all of your newspaper
advertising. These will get read.
17.Word your offer carefully and clearly. Your offer is a promise about the
level of service you will deliver to your customer's. Your offer will set your
customers expectations, so you want to be very clear.
18.Coupons get the highest response rate for all printed marketing materials.
Use one if you can in your newspaper advertising.
For more information: