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Protein Turnover and Amino Acid
Stryer Ch. 23
Protein Turnover
Proteins are constantly being degraded and
– Location of protein degradation
• Proteins from diet are hydrolyzed in the
digestive tract
• Proteins within each cell are broken down
within that cell in a proteasome
– Degradation of amino acids requires
• Removal of amino group – deamination
Urea cycle
• Conversion of carbon skeletons into glucose /
glycogen via conversion to:
Acetyl CoA
Acetoacetyl CoA
Citric Cycle intermediate
Amino Acids are classified as essential and
– Essential – organism lacks the ability to
synthesize these amino acids; must be acquire
from diet
– Nonessential – amino acids are synthesized in
vivo from smaller non amino acid precursors
Degradation of Dietary Proteins
• Dietary Proteins are digested by general and specific proteases
into free amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides, which are
absorbed into the intestine by specific transporters.
– Stomach
• Acidic pH = 2
• Pepsin – primary protease of stomach
– Lumen of Intestine
• MOST enzymes involved in digesting proteins are synthesized in the pancreas
and secreted as zymogens.
• Aminopeptidase – nonspecific protease that sequentially hydrolyze proteins
from the amino terminal end.
Degradation of Cellular Proteins
• Proteins turn over within the cell.
– Damaged / Mis-folded proteins are quickly destroyed
• Identified by attachment of ubiquitin
– Proteins that are no longer needed
• Half life of protein varies from protein to protein.
– Minutes, hours, days, years, decades.
– Determined by N-terminal residue
• R or L favors ubiquination (fast destruction)
• M or P disfavors ubiquination (slow destruction; long half life)
– Other signals exist.
• Some diseases are due to abnormal aggregation /
improper destruction of proteins.
Ubiquitin (Ub)
• 8.5 kd protein
– 76 amino acids
• Found in ALL eukaryotes
• “Mark of death”
– tags protein for proteolysis
• Ub covalently attached to proteins
– C-terminal gly of Ub
– Lys of protein
• ε amino group (R-group)
• Ub forms polymers
– polyubiquitination
Ub attachment requires three enzymes
• E1 or Ubiquitin-activating enzyme
– Activates Ub by attachment to AMP
– Links C-terminal carboxylate of Ub to sulfhydryl of E1 by thioester.
• E2 or Ubiquitin-Conjugating enzyme
– activated Ub transferred from sulfhydryl of E1 to sulfhydryl of E2
• E3 or ubiquitin-protein ligase
– Catalyzes the transfer of Ub from E2 to target protein
– Largest gene family in humans
Disease linked to E3
• Parkinson disease (some forms)
– Improper functioning E3 leads to abnormal
accumulation of proteins.
• Angelman syndrome
– Severe neurological disorder (mental retardation,
absence of speech, uncoordinated movement.)
• Human papilloma virus (HPV)
– Causes >90% of cervical carcinomas
– Activates specific E3 of host leading to destruction of
p53 (tumor suppressor) and other DNA repair genes.
Structure of Proteasome
• 26 S Large protease complex
– Two 19S caps
• Contains AAA class ATPase activity
– ATPase associated with various
– One 20S catalytic core
• Four rings of 7 subunits each
– 28 subunits total
» 14 alpha (outer rings)
Seven isoforms of alpha are known
» 14 beta (two inner rings)
Seven isoforms of beta are known.
• Active sites are on beta subunits.
Action of Proteasome
• Hydrolyzes Ubiquinated proteins.
• Proteolytic active sites are
located on the beta subunits
– Threonine residue acts as
nucleophile to attach carbonyl of
peptide bond.
• Digest proteins to 7 – 9 amino
acid peptides
– These peptides are released from
proteasome and further degraded to
amino acids by cellular proteases.
Bortizomib (Velcade)
• Inhibitor of proteasome
• Therapy for multiple
Nitrogen Removal from Amino Acids
• Liver is primary site of amino acid degradation
– Muscle is secondary site of amino acid degradation for
branched chain amino acids (e.g. L,I,V)
• Two step process
Removal of Amino Groups
Aminotransferase (AKA transaminases)
– α amino group transferred to αketoglutarate to form glutamate
– Examples
• Aspartate amino transferase
• Alanine amino transferase
– Reversible
• Also used in synthesis of amino acids.
– Contain pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) as
prosthetic group
• Derived from pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
Glutamate dehydrogenase
– Converts nitrogen of glutamate to
ketoacid and free ammonium ion
– Localized to mt of Liver
– May use EITHER NAD+ or NADP+
– Close to equilibrium in liver
• Direction of reaction determined by
[substrate] or [product]
• Normally driven forward by removal
of ammonium
Pyridoxal Phosphate (PLP)
• Prosthetic group
• Group transfer to or from
an amino acid.
• Precursor = Pyridoxine
(Vitamin B6)
• Deficiency = depression,
confusion, convulsions.
Pyridoxal Phosphate (Cont’)
• Mechanism see p 659
– 660.
Serine and Threonine are directly deaminated
• Serine dehydratase
– dehydrates and deaminates serine to
produce pyruvate and ammonium
• Amino group is NOT transferred to αketoglutarate
• Threonine dehydratase
– dehydrates then deaminates threonine
to yield α-ketobutyrate and
• Amino group is NOT transferred to αketoglutarate
Peripheral Tissues Transport Nitrogen to the
Liver Glucose – Alanine Cycle
• Muscle tissue uses
branched amino acids
as fuel.
• The nitrogen from
these amino acids is
transferred to alanine
(through glutamate).
• Alanine is carried to
liver via blood stream.
• Alanine is converted
to pyruvate which is
used to produce
Excretion of Nitrogen
• Terrestrial vertebrates
– Ureotelic – excrete excess nitrogen as urea
• Aquatic vertebrates and invertibrates
– Ammoniotelic – excrete excess nitrogen as ammonium
• Birds and reptiles
– Uricotelic – excrete excess nitrogen as uric acid
Urea Cycle
Hans Krebs and Kurt Henseleit (1932)
• Cycle responsible for synthesis of
– Urea = form of nitrogen excreted in
– Humans excrete 10 kg urea / yr.
• 10 kg = 22 lbs.
• Source of atoms in Urea
– 1 N from free NH4+
• ammonium
– C from HCO3• bicarbonate derived from hydration
of CO2
– 1 N from aspartate
• Carbamoyl Phosphate
– intermediate in urea cycle
– Synthesized from NH3 and HCO3– Carbamoyl group has a high
phosphate transfer potential due to
anhydride bond.
Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase
• Catalyzes the three step synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate
– Bicarbonate phosphoryled by phosphate from ATP forming
– Carboxyphosphate reacts with ammonia to form carbamic acid.
– Carbamic acid is phosphorylated by ATP to yield carbamoyl phosphate.
• Mt matrix
• 2 ATP / carbamoyl phosphate synthesized
• Isozyme catalyzes the synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate for use in
pyrimidine biosynthesis
Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase
• Three reaction sites
– Glutamine hydrolysis site
– Bicarbonate phosphorylation site
– Carbamic acid phosphorylation site
• Substrate channeling
– Substrates pass from one active site
to another active site through a
channel. Is not released by enzyme.
– Benefits
• Increases the rate of reaction because the
substrate is not “released” from the
• Protects libile substrates from
degradation by hydrolysis
– Carbonic acid decomposes in 1 s at ph
Ornithine transcarbamoylase
• Catalyzes the synthesis of citrulline from ornithine and carbamoyl
• Citrulline and ornithine
– Amino acids NOT used in synthesis of proteins.
• Mt matrix
• Following synthesis, citrulline is transported to cytoplasm
Argininosuccinate Synthetase
• Catalyzes the condensation of citrulline with aspartate to
form argininosuccinate
• Cytoplasm
• 1 ATP / argininosuccinate synthesized
– Hydrolized to AMP and PPi
• Cleaves argininosuccinate into arginine and fumarate.
– Conserves carbon skeleton of aspartate in fumarate.
• Cytoplasm
• Hydrolyzes arginine into ornithine and urea.
• Ornithine transported into mt
• Urea excreted.
Urea Cycle is Linked to Gluconeogenesis
• Aspartate and Fumarate link Urea Cycle to
Inherited Diseases of the Urea Cycle
• Hyperammonemia
– Elevated levels of ammonium (NH4+) in blood
– Causes include:
• lack / reduced synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate
• Lack / reduced activity of the four enzymes of urea synthesis
• Why is excess ammonium toxic?
– Maybe the synthesis / accumulation of glutamine causes an
osmotic imbalance???
Treatments of Hyperammonemias
• Argininosuccinase deficiency
– Provide excess arginine in diet
– Restrict total protein in diet
• reduces amount of nitrogen to be excreted
• Arginine is converted into
Ornithine which reacts with
Carbamyol phosphate to form
citrulline. Citrulline reacts with
aspartate to form arginiosuccinate
which is excreted.
Treatments of Hyperammonemias (cont’)
• Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase or ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency
– Excess nitrogen accumulates in glycine and glutamine.
– Restrict protein in diet
– Supplement diet with benzoate and phenylacetate
• Converted into Benzoyl CoA and phenylacetate CoA
– Excess nitrogen excreted as hippurate or phenylacetylglutamine
Fates of Carbon Skeletons
• Carbon skeletons from deaminated amino acids are converted into
seven intermediates
Acetyl CoA - K
Acetoacetyl CoA - K
Succinyl CoA
• Ketogenic Amino Acids
– Carbon skeletons are converted into intermediates (acetyl CoA or
Acetoacetyl CoA) that can form ketone bodies or fatty acids
• Glucogenic Amino Acids
– Carbon skeletons are converted into intermediates that can be used to
synthesize glucose.
• Both
– Some amino acids have carbons that end up in ketogenic and glucogenic
Fates of Carbon Skeletons
Amino Acids
– Alanine (A, Ala)
– Arginine (R, Arg)*
– Asparagine (N,Asn )
– Aspartate (D, Asp)
– Cysteine (C, Cys)
– Glutamate (E, Glu)
– Glutamine (Q, Gln)
– Glycine (G, Gly)
– Proline (P, Pro)
– Serine (S, Ser)
– Tyrosine (Y, Tyr)
(Val and His Three Methods)
(Iley Trpped BOTH Phesants)
– Isoleucine (I, ile)
– Phenylalanine (F, Phe)
– Tryptophane (W, Trp)
Histidine (H, His)*
Methionine (M, Met)
Threonin (T, Thr)
Valine (V, Val)
Essential: TV FILM HW(R)K
KETONES in Leu of Lysine
--Leucine (L, Leu)
-- Lysine (K, Lys)
Updated 2014
Amino Acids
– A
– R*
– N
– D
– C
– E
– Q
– G
– P
– S
– Y
(Val and His Three Methods)
(Iley Trpped BOTH Phesants)
– I, Ile
– F, Phe
– W, Trp
H, His*
M, Met
T, Thr
V, Val
Essential: TV FILM HW(R)K
KETONES in Leu of Lysine
--L, Leu
--K, Lys
Updated 2014
• Glucogenic Amino Acids
– Carbon skeletons are converted into intermediates that can be
used to synthesize glucose.
• Ketogenic Amino Acids
– Carbon skeletons are converted into intermediates (acetyl CoA
or Acetoacetyl CoA) that can form ketone bodies or fatty acids
– NOT substrates for glyconeogenesis
• Nonessential Amino Acids
– enzymes present for de novo synthesis of these amino acids
• Essential Amino Acids
– lacks enzymes to synthesize the amino acids.
– Must be obtained from diet.
• Amino Acids with 3 C
– Ala, Trp
– Ser, Gly
– Cys
• Sulfur is converted to
H2S, SCN- or SO32-
– Thr
• 2-amino-3-ketobutyrate
Acetyl CoA
Acetoacetyl CoA
• Branched chain (Leu,
Ile, Lys,) and aromatic
amino acids (Phe, Trp,
Oxygenases are Required for
Degradation of Aromatic Amino acids
• Phenylalanine
– Hydroxylates Phe to
– Monooxygenase
• Each atom of oxygen
incorporated into
different products
– Tyr and water
– Tetrahydrobiopterin
• Electron carrier
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)
Electron carrier
– Derived from Biopterin
Synthesized in vivo from phenylalanine
– NOT a vitamin because it is synthesized by the body.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase
– Synthesizes dihydrobiopterin by hydroxylating phenylalanine
Dihydrofolate reductase
– Reduces dihydrobiopterin to tetrahydrobiopterin using NADPH
Dihydropteridine reductase
– Reduces quinonoid dihydrobiopterin itto Tetrahydrobiopterin using NADPH
Phe / Tyr
• 1.Transamination
• 2. p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate hydroxylase
– Dioxygenase
• both atom of oxygen are incorporated into the product
• 3. Homogentisate oxidase
– Dioxygenase
• 4.Isomerization
• 5. Hydrolyzed
Converted into alanine and acetoacetate via the action of
several oxidases.
• Amino acids with C5
– Glu
• Deaminated into αKetoglutarate
– Gln
• Hydrolyzed to glutamate
by Glutaminase
– Pro
• Converted to glutamate γsemialdehyde
– Arg
• Converted to glutamate γsemialdehyde
– His
• Multistep process with 4imidazolone 5-propionate
Succinyl CoA
• Major intermediates are common to oxidation of odd numbered fatty acids.
– Propionyl CoA
– Methylmalonyl CoA
– Succinyl CoA
• Met
– Nine steps involving S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as methyl donor.
– See next slide
• Val
• Iso
Met degradation
• Asp
• Tyr
– Some carbons
• Phe
– Some carbons
• Asp
– Direct deamination into Oxa
• Asn
– NH4+ removed by Asparaginase to
form Asp which is deaminated
• Archibald Garrod (1902)
– First description of an inborn
error of metabolism
• Defective degradation of phe
and tyr.
• Recessive inheritance
• Homogentisate accumulates
and is excreted in the urine.
• Harmless condition
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
(branched-chain ketoaciduria)
• Defective / missing branchedchain dehydrogenase
• Defective degradation of val,
ile, leu.
– Causes elevation of the level of
these amino acids and the α
ketoacid derivatives in vivo and in
• Causes Mental and Physical
• Patients urine smells like maple
• Detection
– Reaction of α ketoacid in urine
with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine
– Mass Spec.
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
• Defective / missing phenylalanine
hydroxylase (or the tetrahydrobiopterin
– Phenylalanine cannot be converted into tyrosine
therefore phe accumulates
• Autosomal recessive
• Due to high [phe], reactions of Phe not found
in normal individuals are prevalent in PKU
– e.g. formation of phenylpyruvate
• Phenylpyruvate in urine with FeCl3 to turn urine
olive green. (this reaction lead to the initial
description of PKU)
Untreated PKU leads to retardation and
reduced like expectancy (death in 20 – 30s).
• Treatment
– Low phenylalanine diet.
• Just enough phe for growth and replacement.
• Prevents accumulation of phe
• Must be started soon after birth.
Other Diseases involving Enzymes
of Amino Acid Degradation