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Regulating the Cell Cycle
Learning Targets:
“I can…”
-Convert your percentages of cells in each phase
into a pie chart to show how long the cell is in each phase.
-Explain how each cell goes through a cycle with many checkpoints, and
where mitosis fits within that cycle.
-Name the four phases of the cell cycle and the important events of
-Describe a factor outside of the cell that regulates the cell cycle.
-Describe the role of p53.
-Relate the cause of cancer to mitosis.
A. What is the cell cycle?
1. The cell spends the majority of its life in ______________,
when it is NOT ___________.
2. ___________ important phases occur during interphase of
the cell cycle. During each phase, important events occur…
a. G1 Phase:
b. S Phase:
c. G2 Phase:
B. How is the cell cycle regulated?
1. The cell cycle contains ___________________ along the way
before the cell proceeds into the next step.
2. These checkpoints can _______________ the cell from
proceeding through the cell cycle if…
a. ________________ are not lined up correctly
b. ______ is damaged
c. DNA is not ____________
C. What happens to cells when they are done dividing?
1. Newly divided cells are called ________ cells.
2. Before cells undergo _______________, they are stem cells.
Stem cells have the potential (and can be forced) to become
_______ type of cell.
3. Stem cells ____________ into ____________ types of cells.
4. Cells without _____________ can continue to ___________
5. Cells can continue divide until they form a _______ of cells
called a ____________. If the tumor affects surrounding cells,
making them divide uncontrollably too, then _____________ has
6. Recent research has shown that a large number of cancer cells
have a defect in the ________ _____, which normally _______
the cell cycle until all chromosomes have ____________.