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1. Draw the functional groups for alcohols, carboxylic acids, and amines.
2. Most carbohydrates eaten by humans are in which two forms? (sugar and starch)
3. What is the function of starch? (storage in plants)
4. A starch molecule is a chain of what simple sugar units? (glucose)
5. What is the function of glycogen? (storage in animals)
6. What process splits polysaccharides into monosaccharides? (hydrolysis)
7. The formation of a disaccharide from two monosaccharides is a reaction called .
(dehydration synth)
8. Which common polysaccharide cannot be used by humans as an energy source?
Explain. (cellulose; β 1➝4 links can’t be hydrolyzed)
9. The molecule formed when several sugar units are joined is called a
a) polypeptide (b) disaccharide (c) dipeptide *(d) polysaccharide
10. Which one of the following molecules is a disaccharide
a) cellulose (b) glycogen *(c) maltose (d) amylase
11. The food that we consider roughage contains large amounts of _________, a
polysaccharide. (cellulose)
12. Why is fibre considered to be an important part of a healthy diet? (fills colon)
13. Name the building blocks of triglycerides. (glycerol and 3 fatty acids)
14. How does the structure of an unsaturated fatty acid differ from the structure of a
saturated fatty acid? (unsaturated has double bonds) Give an example of a food that
contains each.
15. Explain why some fatty acids are solid at room temperature while others are liquid.
(solid - sat’d - straight)
16. Which type of organisms tend to make saturated fatty acids? (animals)
17. When you consume more food than you need for energy, the excess is stored in the
form of triglycerides. Why are triglycerides particularly useful for this purpose? (store 2x
the energy of carbs)
18. What property do all lipids share? (hydrophobic)
19. Saturated is to single bond as _______ is to double bond. (unsaturated)
20. Why is a protein called a polypeptide? (many amino acids joined by peptide bonds)
21. Explain how this 3-dimensional shape is formed. (interactions between amino acids)
22. Explain the difference between a dipeptide, polypeptide, and a protein. (dipeptide two amino acids; polypeptide - many amino acids; protein - correct shape)
23. Draw the general formula for an amino acid.
24. A peptide bond is always formed between the ____ group of one _____ and the
_____ group of the next. (amino, amino acid, carboxyl)
25. Using a structural formula diagram, show how a peptide bond is formed between two
amino acids.
26. Discuss one type of interaction that can occur between the R groups of an amino acid
27. What makes one amino acid differ from another? (R group)
28. How does having different R groups make amino acids ideal building blocks for
29. Why are some amino acids soluble in water while others are not? (polar vs. non-polar
R groups)
30. Name three functions of proteins in a living organism.
31. Which of these things is not like the others?
a) fiber (b) sugar (c) starch (d) cellulose *(e) fat
32. Which elements are found in proteins but not in either carbohydrates or lipids. (N, S)
33. The basic building units for the organic compound
a) Protein _____ (amino acids) (b) Triglyceride _____ (glycerol, fatty acids) (c)
Carbohydrate _____ (monosaccharide) (d) Nucleic acids _____ (nucleotides)
34. Proteins are to amino acids as polysaccharides are to . (monosaccharides)
35. What are the three components of the building blocks of nucleic acids? (5-C sugar,
phosphate, nitrogen base)
36. How many nitrogen bases are there? (5)