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Kennedy Middle School
4000 Gallant Lane
Warm Up  Demonstration  We Do  You Do Together  You Do Alone  Reflection
Subject and Grade Level 
Lesson Focus
NCSCOS Objective
Students Friendly Objective
Materials Needed
Substance Abuse,
Evaluate advertising for tobacco and alcohol.
Today we are going to discuss advertising appeals and how they are used specifically to
sell tobacco and alcohol. By the end of this period, you should be able to recognize the
appeals used to hook teens on alcohol and tobacco.
“Name that Ad”, “Business Dilemma”, “advertising appeals used to sell alcohol and
tobacco”, “Analyze this”
15 minutes
How will you engage students in the lesson and activity?
How will you communicate what is important about the lesson?
“Name that Ad” handout. Students are to write the brand name in the blank beside the symbol or slogan advertising the product.
**’Why do you remember or recognize these ads?”
**”Where do you find advertisements?”
****Advertising is found not only on TV, radio, internet, and magazines, but also on billboards, clothing, bumper stickers,
cars/trucks/buses, and promotional items such as pens, key chains, and magnets. Advertising is powerful and influences our
choices because we remember what we see and hear in the media.
20 minutes
How will you introduce the objective to the students?
Business Dilemma handout.
Show tapes commercials of alcohol and tobacco advertisements
We Do.
15 minutes
What are you going to model for students?
What will students be able to do as a class?
Students will work in pairs to answer the questions on the Business Dilemma handout.
Introduce various advertising appeals b distributing handout, “Advertising Appeals Used to Sell Alcohol and Tobacco” and going
over with class.
You Do Together.
20 minutes
What are the students going to be able to do as a pair or small group?
Students will be divided into groups of 3 or 4 and will look through various magazines that contain tobacco and alcohol ads.
Groups will analyze the ads by answering questions on handout, “Analyze This”.
Groups will share what they discovered with the class.
You Do Alone.
25 minutes
What will students be able to do independently following the lesson and modeling?
Students will select one of the following:
*Compose an advocacy letter to a local store, magazine editor, or company pointing out why they should not display an alcohol or
tobacco advertisement or why he/she is not going to be fooled by the advertising appeal.
*Compile a list of shows, movies, advertisements, billboards, celebrities, and songs that promote alcohol and tobacco use.
*Present a taping of three commercials or TV show clips that promote alcohol and tobacco use to teens and discuss which
advertising appeals are used.
*Compile four magazine ads that sell tobacco and alcohol and write a paragraph for each advertisement explaining which appeal(s)
are used.
5 minutes
How will students make connections?
Today we discussed how powerful advertising is and that alcohol and tobacco companies target teens to stay in business. We
identified the appeals that advertising companies use in ads and how you can reject their hidden messages.
The Alston and Perzinski Group