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An Anatomy of Advertising
Introduction to advertising
• When a product is produced, its existence needs
to be made known to the general public,
otherwise the product will not sell.
• Advertising draws the customer attention to a
• Advertising give information of product to
• Advertising attract customer to buy the product.
• Advertising can promote a new product and
increase sales of existing products.
Type of advertising techniques
• Repetition is a simple but effective technique
used to build identity awareness and
customer memory.
• Mention the product or company name more
than once, let people remember it.
• Television advertising combination of sight
and sound, allows the advertiser to repetition
• Advertising that promotes specific features or
makes claims about what a product or service
can do for the potential customers.
• By informing, educating and developing
expectations in the buyer.
• Associating a product or company with a
famous person, catchy jingle, desirable state
of being or powerful emotion creates a strong
psychological connection in the customer.
• The bandwagon technique sells a product or
service by convincing the customer that
others are using it and they should join the
• Other bandwagon advertisements suggest
that the customer will be left out if they do
not buy what's being sold.
• Coupons, sweepstakes, games with prizes and
gifts with purchases create excitement, and
participation encourages customers to build a
relationship with the sponsoring product or
• Getting something "free" or earning "rewards"
makes promotions more attraction.
• Limited-time offers and entry deadlines add
urgency to this advertising technique's call to
Type and Role of Advertising Agencies
•Full Service Agencies
•Interactive Agencies
•Creative Boutiques
•Media Buying Agencies
•In House Agencies
Full Service Agencies
• Large size agencies.
• Deals with all stages of advertisement.
• Different expert people for different
• Starts work from gathering data and analyzing
and ends on payment of bills to the media
Interactive Agencies
• Modernized modes of communication are
• Uses online advertisements, sending personal
messages on mobile phones, etc.
• The ads produced are very interactive, having
very new concepts, and very innovative
Creative Boutiques
• Very creative and innovative ads.
• No other function is performed other than
creating actual ads.
• Small sized agencies with their own
copywriters, directors, and creative people
Media Buying Agencies
• Buys place for advertise and sells it to the
• Sells time in which advertisement will be placed.
• Schedules slots at different television channels
and radio stations.
• Finally supervises or checks whether the ad has
been telecasted at opted time and place or not
InHouse Agencies
• As good as the full service agencies
• Big organization prefers these type of agencies
which are in built and work only for them.
• These agencies work as per the requirements
of the organizations.
Role of Advertising Agencies
• Advertising agency is a service provider that helps
its clients by developing suitable ad campaigns
for them.
• Their aim is to represent its clients' products and
services before customers in such a way that a
positive image is created in their minds.
• Advertising agency's role start with the
identification of its clients' goals and objectives.
• This turns out to be of immense value in planning
and creating the future course of action
concerning ad campaigns.