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Sales Focused
Eyes Wide Open is Australia’s only integrated consultancy combining strategy, marketing
and management to maximise your business results.
Comprehensive consulting has provided an advantage to the big end of town for decades.
Now we’re leveling the playing field, developing solutions specifically for the SME sector.
We have researched “best of breed” practices and bring them together in one location
for ease of use and maximium impact.
Why bother marketing if it doesn’t
deliver more sales?
I agree! In businesses that are targeting significant
growth every dollar you spend needs to work hard to
achieve the business goals.
Every day no doubt you’re being hammered by
marketing agencies and service providers claiming
to hold the marketing ‘holy grail’ and if you don’t spend
with them, and spend ‘big’, then your business will fail.
It’s time to cut through the hype and get to the facts.
Here are four steps to choosing campaigns and
ensuring they deliver more sales to your business.
Focus on Structure
Get the structure,
then get creative.
This process will help you strategically decide the
structure of your campaign portfolio.
Once you have a structure in place you can then get as
creative as you like with campaign design. But without
the structure, you will end up spending a lot of money
with no return.
David Wolstenholme
Client Services
Grow Your Business Step by Step
Step 1. Identify Sales Segments & Targets
Step 2. Identify the sales challenge
Get clear about the products / services that will drive your business growth.
That may be particular products, services or customer types. You don’t need to
cover all the products and services you sell just those that will drive growth.
For each segment there will be particular sales challenges that you face in achieving growth.
These align to each phase of the sales pipeline. Identify the major sales challenges you face.
You need to focus your marketing dollar where it can deliver the
best return.
Do the analysis below for each product / service segment.
Pick one or two major challenges to be addressed.
Put a $ figure against each segment, i.e. your sales goal.
“The Rest”
no-go zone)
Stage of Sales
Sales Challenge Examples
We need more new contacts to talk to
Prospect to Proposal
We know enough people but they don’t know
how we can help
Closing Sales
They are hammering us on price. Competitors keep
undermining us
Ongoing / Repeat Purchases
They don’t know all our services. We lose contact
with past customers.
Step 3. Align Marketing Campaigns
Now the role of marketing is to address each sales challenge. So if the sales challenge is that
you need more contacts then marketing is there to get you those contacts. There should be at
least one campaign to address each challenge.
Step 4. Set Budget & KPIs
Budget and KPI’s then become logical. How much it is worth spending to address the sales
challenge (i.e. your marketing budget) depends on the revenue you will make out of the sale.
If it’s high gross margin then you have more fat to play with. KPI’s then indicate the volume of
result you need. If you need more new contacts then roughly how many are needed to hit the
sales target? It doesn’t need to be an exact science, some good guesstimating will work.
Sales Focused Marketing™
1. Sales Target
2.Sales Challenge
and KPI’s
Need more
Run giveaway competition
to build database
3000 more contacts
/ $20K budget
Get existing clients
to buy more
Monthly offers
email to be sent
50 client orders
from campaign /
$5K budget
We have enough contacts
but not buying regularly
Research why people
aren’t buying
KPI not applicable
/ Budget $10K
Send out training
schedule each month
1000 orders from
campaign / $10K budget
Exclusive round table events
featuring clients talking
about their success
5 contracts secured
/ budget $20K
Sales follow-up package to
include reports flyer
30 report enquiries
/ budget $3K
2011 − 2012
“The Rest”
Plenty in pipeline but not
converting because of lack
of confidence
Cross-sell to
existing clients
© Eyes Wide Open 2012
Progress comes from doing
the things we know we
should be doing but don’t
quite get around to.
Success comes from doing
those things well.
Sam Galea
Client Services
Contact us
1300 793 782
Shop 251, 8 Lachlan St,
Waterloo NSW 2017