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Chapter 6 Cellular Respiration
• Cellular metabolism involves the breaking down &
building up of molecules.
– Catabolism= breaking down molecules
• Ex. Breaking down the foods we eat (digestion)
– Anabolism= the building up of molecules
• Ex. Glucose making glycogen, amino acids bonding together to
form protein
• Cellular respiration is the breaking down of glucose in
the presence of oxygen to make ATP (energy).
Chapter 6 Metabolism: Energy & Enzymes
• Energy is the ability to do work
Carry out metabolic activities
• Most organisms get their energy from
– Algae
– Plants
– Some bacteria
Forms of Energy
2 forms of energy:
1. Kinetic: energy of
2. Potential: stored
The food we eat
contains chemical
energy in chemical
bonds of organic
Solar energy-> chemical
energy-> mechanical
energy-> heat
Two Laws of Thermodynamics
• 1st Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Conservation of
energy): Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it
can be changed from one form to another.
• 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Energy cannot be changed
from one form to another without a loss of usable
• Heat is NOT a form of usable energy (it is waste energy)!
• Energy transformations make the universe less
organized & more disorganized (chaos).
sum of all the chemical reactions
occurring in the cell
Reactants: substances that participate in reaction
Products: substances that form as a result of
Can you name the products & reactants in the
chemical equation for cellular respiration?
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + H2O + ATP
Glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy
ATP: Energy for Cells
ATP is an energy molecule made up of
3 parts:
ATP supplies the energy need to do:
Base adenine
Three phosphate groups
Chemical work: making
macromolecules that make up cell
Transport work: moving substances
across cell membrane
Mechanical work: allowing muscles to
contract, cilia & flagella to beat,
chromosomes to move, etc.
When a phosphate group is removed
from ATP, energy is released.
ATP  ADP + P + energy
• Enzymes:
proteins that speed up the rate
of chemical reactions without
being used up in the reaction
• Energy of activation:
– the energy that must be added to molecules to cause
them to react H
• Enzymes lower activation energy required for
reactants to react by bringing the reactants in
close physical proximity to each other.
How Enzymes Function
• Enzymes work by forming
S + E  ES  E + P
• Enzymes have active
sites where the
substrates fit
• Induced-fit model:
enzymes slightly changes
shape to help reaction
take place
Factors Affecting Enzymatic Speed
• Substrate concentration
– Enzyme activity increases as substrate concentration
– Due to more collisions between substrate & enzyme
• Temperature
– As temperature increases, enzymatic activity
– High temperatures can denature enzymes & make
them useless (changes shape)
• pH
– Extreme pH denatures enzyme
Enzyme Cofactors
• Inorganic or organic (non-protein) helpers that
aid enzymes in functioning properly
• Cofactors are inorganic ions (metals) like
copper, zinc, or iron
• Coenzymes are organic non-protein molecules
– Vitamins required to make coenzymes in our body
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Oxidation is the loss of electrons
• Reduction is the gain of electrons
Na + Cl  NaCl
• Can apply to covalent reactions in cell
– Oxidation is loss of hydrogen atom (e- + H+)
– Reduction is the gain of hydrogen atoms
Cellular respiration
Cellular respiration: breaking down food (primarily glucose) to
release usable energy (ATP)
4 step process
1. Glycolysis: takes place in the cytoplasm, anaerobic,
releases a two ATP by breaking down glucose into two
molecules of pyruvate (a C3 molecule).
2. Pyruvate to acetyl-CoA: takes place in outer compartment
of mitochondria; pyruvate is converted to a C2 acetyl group
attached to coenzyme A (CoA) and CO2 is given off.
3. TCA (Citric Acid, Krebs) cycle: takes place in the matrix of
the mitochondria, aerobic, releases two ATP molecules per
glucose molecule.
4. Electron transport and chemiosmosis: takes place in the
cristae of the mitochondria, aerobic, releases A LOT of
ATP (36-38 ATP molecules).
NAD+ and FAD
• Two coenzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions
• They each can hold only two electrons and two hydrogen
• Carry electrons to the electron transport chain in the cristae
of the mitochondria, where they drop them off.
Summary of Glycolysis
Anaerobic process that breaks down one 6 carbon molecule of
glucose into two 3 carbon pyruvates.
As glucose is broken down, some of its hydrogen atoms are
transferred to electron acceptor NAD+ forming 2 NADH molecules.
Glycolysis takes 2 ATP molecules to break apart the bonds of
glucose and makes 4 ATP molecules.
The net gain of ATP is two.
Pyruvate and NADH will be transported to mitochondria for more
Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA
Each pyruvate reacts with a Coenzyme-A molecule, releasing
one molecule of CO2, and producing one NADH + H+ and one
acetyl-CoA molecule (two for each glucose molecule we
started with).
The acetyl-CoA will enter the TCA cycle in matrix.
The CO2 is released as a waste product.
No ATP is produced in this step, but the NADH + H+ will enter
electron transport chain to release ATP later.
The Citric Acid Cycle
TCA (Tricarboxylic acid, citric acid,
Krebs) cycle
• Through a complex series of biochemical
reactions, the 2-C acetyl group from
the acetyl-CoA first binds to another
molecule, then is broken down. The
CoA is released to go back to the
outer compartment.
• This entire process consumes water
(to get oxygen, making the process
aerobic), and releases 6 NADH + H+
& 2 FADH2 molecules, 4 CO2 molecules
per glucose molecule that we started
with, and produces 2 ATP per glucose
molecule that we started with.
The Electron Transport Chain & Chemiosmosis
• The electron transport
chain is a series of
cytochrome molecules
located in the cristae
• NADH & FADH2 give up
their electrons & the H+
(hydrogen ions) are
released into the matrix
• The energy released by
the electrons as they
move down the chain is
used to pump the
hydrogen ions into the
intermembrane space
• Hydrogen ions build up
there forming a
concentration gradient
The Electron Transport Chain & Chemiosmosis
• Hydrogen ions then pass
through ATP synthase (an
enzyme) back into the matrix
by simple diffusion
• Hydrogen ions flowing through
ATP synthase cause synthesis
of ATP from ADP + P by
• The final electron acceptor at
end of electron chain is oxygen
• Water is formed when oxygen
and the electrons from the
electron transport chain rejoin
its hydrogen protons forming
• Anaerobic process of
glucose breakdown
forming lactic acid or
• Inefficient source of
• One molecule of glucose
only forms 2 ATP
• Unicellular organisms use
alcoholic fermentation to
gain energy
• Muscle cells can switch to
lactic acid fermentation
when not enough oxygen
is available