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Minerals – Chemistry Review
• Minerals are made up of different chemical
elements bound together
• An element is a substance that can not be
made into simpler form by ordinary chemical
• The smallest unit is an atom
The Atom
• Protons have a positive charge and are located
in the nucleus
• Neutrons have no charge and are located in
the nucleus
• Electrons are negatively charged and are
located outside of the nucleus
• The number of protons plus neutrons gives
the atom its atomic mass
• All atoms of a given element have the same
number of protons
• Atoms of an element with differing numbers
of neutrons are know as isotopes
• When an atom gains or loses electrons, it is
known as an ion
• Atoms gain and lose electrons in order to have
a full outermost valence shell
• When atoms bond, they form compounds
• The smallest unit of a compound is a molecule
Chemical Bonding
• Ionic Bonds: Electrons are transferred
between atoms. Metals give up electrons to
• Covalent bond: An atom shares one or more
electrons with another atom