Download short chain polypeptide test

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North Cottage 11 Dovers Green Road Reigate Surrey RH2 8BU Tel: 01737 226338
This is a test that is particularly useful when looking for evidence or confirmation of either increased intestinal
permeability (leaky gut syndrome) or inadequate digestion (enzymes and acid). Amino acids are the basic building
blocks of very large molecules called proteins. When two or more amino acids are joined together they are called
peptides. So called ‘short-chain polypeptides’ are up to around 30 amino acids long. Many hormones, cytokines,
chemotactic agents and CNS-active metabolites are SCPP’s.
The process of digestion breaks down proteins and peptides to amino acids. When digestion working well and the
intestinal mucosa (lining) is in good shape, structurally and functionally, amino acids are readily absorbed, while
peptides and proteins are mainly excluded. When digestion is impaired or there is increased intestinal
permeability, then peptides, being relatively small molecules, are easily absorbed into circulation in greater
amounts than usual.
SCPP’s can mimic hormones and moderators of immune function. They can also affect CNS metabolism and
further disturb endocrine function through inappropriate feedback signals to the pituitary.
This test measures the amount of SCPP’s in venous blood. There are too many of these substances to measure them
individually, so the results are reported as the total concentration of SCPP’s for 12 groups according to the number
of amino acids: dipeptides, tripeptides, 4 amino acids, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9&10, 11-14, 15-20, 21-30, >30 amino acids. See over
the page for a list of examples of polypeptides in each of these size groupings. Reference ranges are provided for
adult males, adult females and for pre-puberty children aged 3 years and over. The test is not appropriate for
A blood sample is taken 2 hours after a meal that includes plenty of protein. The foods chosen should reflect the
usual main meal of the day and have regard for any dietary restrictions already in place. Failure to do this can lead
to false negative findings.
Increases in SCPPs are associated with digestive problems and/or increased gut permeability. However, raised
levels are sometimes found in patients without any clinical evidence of gut dysfunction.
• Increased intestinal permeability - ‘leaky gut syndrome’
• Suspicion of impairment of digestion affecting protein digestion:
• Insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes, and/or
• Reduced gastric acid production
• Unexplained endocrine disorders
• Unexplained immune dysfunction
• Acumen £60 (with gel electrophoresis for identification of discrete peptides, if indicated)
• Biolab £88
Biolab Medical Unit The Stone House 9 Weymouth Street London W1N 3FF
Mobile phone: 07802 293006
Home phone: 01737 248605
E-mail: [email protected]
GMC No: 2372909
Partner: G M Forsyth
One of the effects of increased small intestinal permeability is increased absorption of peptides which may then
mimic normal vital peptides, including hormones, neurotransmitters, etc. Below is a list of examples of some of the
peptides for each size grouping measured in the test - remember this is only a very partial list, by way of example.
2 amino acids (dipeptides): Amino acid agonists, RNA binding substances, TRY-GLY (pituitary feedback
hormone), neuroactive peptides and simple chemotactic peptides.
3 amino acids (tripeptides): Some chemotactic peptides, brain enkephalin fragments, neurotransmitters, thymosin
25-27 fragment, DNA binding peptides, dipeptidase inhibitors, anti-reproductive peptides.
4 amino acids: Numerous chemotactic peptides, bioactive enkephalin fragments, fibrinectin fragments.
5 amino acids: Bradykinin 1-5 fragment, some chemotactic peptides, enkephalins, protease inhibitors and appetite
6 amino acids: ACTH fragments, CRP fragments, bradykinin 1-6 and 2-7 fragments, pentagastrin, sex agglutination
peptide and some cell-specific chemotactic peptides.
7 amino acids: Angiotensin-3, bradykinin, bombesin 8-14 fragment, and opioid peptides including casomorphin.
8 amino acids: ACTH fragments, angiotensin-2, angiotensis-2-antipeptide, bradykinin 2-9 fragment, glucagon
30-37 fragment and opioid peptides including dermorphin.
9 and 10 amino acids: ACTH fragments, angiotensin-1, dinorphin-A fragments, antiduretic hormone, antiinflammatory peptide, fibrinectin-related-peptide, kinotensin, isotocin, oxytocin, sleep-inducing peptide and
vasotocin (prolactin stimulating hormone),.
11 - 14 amino acids: Dynorphin B, bombesin, fibrinopeptide B, cholycystokinin 10-20 fragment, LH-RH,
neurotensin, somatostatin, substance P (neuro-transmitter), CRP fragments, small-cardioactive peptide, and
neurokinin (broncho-constrictor).
15 - 20 amino acids: alpha-endorphin, gamma-endorphin, gastrin bioactive fragments, mini-gastrin, pancreastatin
bioactive fragments, and fibrinopeptidase-A.
21 - 30 amino acids: Atrial natriuretic peptide, melanocyte stimulating hormone, galanin, motilin, tumour necrosis
factor fragments, gastrin-releasing hormone, glucagon, secretin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, protein kinase and
Over 30 amino acids: ACTH, beta-endorphin, gastric-inhibitory peptide, big gastrin, pre-glucagon, neuropeptide Y,
pancreatic polypeptide, peptide YY (secretin inhibitor), growth hormone releasing factor, PTH, adrenomedullin,
aldosterone inhibitor, brian natriuretic peptide, calcitonin, HCG bioactive fragments, corticotrophin-releasing
factor, C-peptide, defensin, diabetic associated peptide, insulin, thyrocalcitonin, transforming growth factor,
urocortin, xenopsin-25, and numerous cytokines, leukotrienes etc.
© Dr Charles Forsyth!!