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Table of Contents
Properties of Matter
States of Matter Graphic with Questions.……………………………………….………...5
States of Matter Crossword……………………………………...……………………...…7
Properties of Matter Reading…………………………..….………………………………9
Density Reading………………………………………………………………………….10
Properties of Fluids – Explain………………………………………………………...…11
Properties of Fluids – Density of: Liquids…..…………….…….………………….……13
Density of Regularly Shaped Solids……………………….…….………………………17
Density of Irregularly Shaped Solids.…………………..………………………………..19
Density Calculations ……………………………………………………………………21
Density Lab Quiz……………………………………..………………………………….23
Density Drill Worksheet………………………………..……………….……………….25
Density of an Unknown Liquid…………………………………………………………..29
Viscosity Reading and Questions……………………..…………………………………33
Properties of Fluids – Elaborate…………………………………………………………35
Viscosity of Liquid Lab…………………………….……………………………………37
Buoyancy Reading…………………………………...…………………………………..41
Buoyancy Reading Questions………………………...………………………………….44
That Sinking Feeling Lab…………………………...……………………………………45
Mr. Murray – Density and Buoyancy……………………………………………………47
Classification of Matter
Classes of Matter Reading and Questions……………………………………………… 49
Classifying Matter in Everyday Life …………………………………………………....53
Classifying Matter Lab Practical………………………………………………….……..57
Mr. Murray – Classification of Matter………………………………………………..…59
Atomic Structure
Subatomic Particles Reading……………………………………………………….....…61
The Structure of the Atom Questions …………………………………………………...65
How Atoms Differ Questions …………………………………………………………..66
Atomic Structure Drawings……………………………………………...……………....67
Atomic Structure Chart ……………………………………………………………….....68
Atomic Dimensions …………………………………………………………...………...69
Structure of Atoms ……………………………………………………………………....70
Identifying Substances…………………………………………………………….…...…71
The Periodic Table
Coloring the Periodic Table of Elements………………….……………………………..73
The Periodic Table of Elements Reading……………………………………………......77
The Periodic Table of Elements Questions ………………………………………...……79
Elements and Their Symbols …………………………………………………………….81
Period Table Crossword Puzzle ……………………………………………………....…82
An Elementary Look at Matter …………………………………………………………..83
Using the Periodic Table ………………………………………………………………...84
Families of Elements …………………………………………………………………....85
Flame Test Lab……. …………………………………………………………………....86
Elements of Food ………………………………………………………………………..87
Bohr Atom Project …………………………………………………………………........89
Element Baby Book………………………………………………..………………...…..98
Periodic Table Basics …………………………………………………………..……...101
Chemical Behavior of Elements Reading and Questions……………………………....107
Ionic Bonds Reading and Questions…………………………………………………....109
Covalent Bonds Reading and Questions…………………….………………………....110
Metallic Bonds Reading and Questions………………………………………….…....111
Types of Chemical Bonds………..…………………………………………………....113
States of Matter
1. Define matter in a complete sentence.
2. List the three common states (phases) of matter: ________________________________
a. no definite shape, nor definite volume ____________________
b. no definite shape, but definite volume ____________________
c. definite shape and definite volume
3. How do you change a solid into a liquid? Give an example.
4. How do you change a gas into a liquid? Give an example.
5. How does decreasing the temperature of a liquid change the particles that make up the liquid?
6. How do the positions of the particles in a solid compare with the position of the particles in an
equal volume of a liquid?
1. What is a fluid?
2. State 3 difference between gases and liquids.
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
The properties of mass and volume can be used to describe another important general property of
matter called density. Density is the mass per unit volume of an object. Density is important
property because it allows you to compare different types of matter.
Suppose you were asked to determine whether wood or lead is heavier. You probably could not
make this determination unless you knew the sizes of the piece of wood and lead you were
comparing. And even then, would it be correct to compare a small chip of lead with a baseball
bat of wood?
In order to compare the masses of objects, equal volumes must be used. If you compared pieces
of wood and lead that were the same size, you would find that the peic e of lead has a greater
mass than the piece of wood. A cubic centimeter of lead is more massive than a cubic centimeter
of wood. Another way to state this is that lead has a higher density than wood. The density of a
specific kind of matter is a property that helps to identify it and distinguish it from all other kinds
of matter.
Since density is mass per unit volume, the following formula can be used to find the density of
an object:
Density 
Mass usually is expressed in grams, and volume is expressed in milliliters or cubic centimeters.
So density is expressed in grams per milliliter (g/mL) or grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3)
The density of water is 1 g/mL. An object will float in water if its density is less than the density
of water. Wood floats in water because its density is about 0.8 g/cm3. What happens to a piece
of lead when it is put in water?
Because you know that ice floats, you should now know that it is less dense than liquid water.
Actually the density of ice is about 89 percent that of cold water. This means that only about
11% of a block of ice stays above the surface of the water. The rest is below the water surface.
How does this fact explain why icebergs are so dangerous?
Scientists often compare the density of an object to the density of water, which is 1 g/mL. The
comparison, or ratio, of the mass of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of water is called
specific gravity. The specific gravity of water is 1. The specific gravity of gold is 19.3 Gold is
more dense than water. Specific gravity has no units. It is simply a number. This is because the
units cancel out when the densities of the two substances are compared.
Properties of Fluid – Explain
For each group:
Large grid graph constructed during Explore stage
Containers of corn syrup, colored water, and rubbing alcohol form Explore
6 small test tubes
Test tube rack or container
Safety goggles
1. Compare to group’s graph to other groups’ graph. Record any similarities and differences.
2. Plot all data collected on your graph
3. Using the three liquids add 5 mL of each liquid into six separate test tubes altering the order as
shown in the table below:
Add Last
Add First
alcohol water
4. Observe and record observations on the “Observing Buoyancy” data sheet
5. Complete the Density of Liquids problems
6. Complete the Density of Liquids data table
7. Complete the Density of Liquids Density of Liquids Density column.
Density of Regularly Shaped Solids
How does the densities of various solids compare?
Density is the amount of matter in a given volume. The equation for density is mass divided by
volume. The density of materials does not change as the volume or mass changes because the
composition of the substance does not change. Many times people think that the density changes
because the mass or volume changes. Water has a density of 1.0 g/mL. If an object or substance
has a density greater than 1.0 g/mL, the object/substance will sink in water. If the density of the
object/substance is less than 1.0 g/mL, the object/substance will float when placed in water.
Density can be thought of like a ratio in math. If an object has a mass of 20 g and volume of 10
cm3, the density is 2 g/cm3. If the object is broken in half, both the mass and volume are cut in
half leaving the density the same. However, the density my change with temperature. For many
substance, the density increases as the temperature decreases.
Various regular shaped solids
Metric ruler
Balance scale
1. Using the triple-beam balance, determine the mass of the objects and record in data table.
2. Using the metric ruler, find the volume of the object. Remember the formula for volume
is length x width x height. Record your results.
3. Using the data you have collected, calculate and record the density for each object.
Data Table:
1. What instrument did you use to measure the mass?
2. What instrument did you use to measure the volume?
3. What is the correct unit/label used in measuring the density of the object?
4. Sequence your objects from the most dense to the least dense.
5. If the two blocks of wood were made of the same tree, would their densities be the same?
6. Did any of the objects have the same density? If so, why?
7. Which objects would float and which would sink in water? Explain your answer choices.
Density of Irregularly Shaped Solids
Problems: How does the size and shape affect the density of irregular shaped solids?
Balance scale
Graduated cylinder
Irregular shaped objects
Using the triple beam balance, determine and record the mass of each object.
Fill a graduated cylinder with 20 mL of water
Carefully place an object is the cylinder. Record the reading
Determine the objects volume by subtracting the initial water reading from the final water
5. Calculate the density of each object by using the density formula
D = mass ÷ volume
6. Repeat the steps 2-5 for each remaining object.
Date Table
1. What instrument did you use to measure the mass?
2. What instrument did you use to measure the volume?
3. What are the correct units used in measuring the density of an object?
4. Sequence the various objects from least density to greatest density.
5. Does the size or shape of an irregular shaped object have any effect on the density?
Support your answer using your data.
6. If a friend has a large irregular shaped object and wants to determine the density, how
would you suggest they determine the density?
7. Pure 24-karat gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm3. A bracelet is for sale at a very low price.
The bracelet is 24.6 grams and has a volume of 2.8 cm3. Is this bargain bracelet pure 24karat gold? Support your answer
Which has the greater mass, air or lead? Most of you would answer lead, but actually this
question does not have an answer. To compare these two things you need to know how much of
each you have. A large amount of air could have to compare the masses of each that occupy the
same space, or volume. This is called density.
Density 
Solve the following problems:
1) What is the density of carbon dioxide gas if 0.196 g occupies a volume of 100 mL?
2) A block of wood 3.0 cm on each side has a mass of 27 g. What is the density of this block?
3) An irregularly shaped stone was lowered into a graduated cylinder holding a volume of water
equal to 2.0 mL. The height of the water rose to 7.0 mL. If the mass of the stone was 25 g, what
was its density?
4) A 10.0 cm3 sample of copper has a mass of 89.6 g. What is the density of copper?
5) Silver has a density of 10.5 g/cm3 and gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm3. Which would have a
greater mass, 5 cm3 of silver or 5 cm3 of gold?
6) Five mL of ethanol has a mass of 3.0 g, and 5.0 mL of benzene has a mass of 4.4 g. Which
liquid is denser?
7) A sample of iron has the dimensions of 2 cm x 3 cm x 2 cm. If the mass of this rectangularshaped object is 94 g, what is the density of iron?
8) A rectangular block of copper metal weighs 1896 g. The dimensions of the block are 8.4 cm
by 5.5 cm by 4.6 cm. From this data, what is the density of copper?
9) 28.5 g of iron shot is added to a graduated cylinder containing 45.5 mL of water. The water
level rises to the 49.1 mL mark, from this information, calculate the density of iron.
Density Lab Quiz
Determine the density of the objects in your box. Show all units – 1 pt. each
You should have 5 items, X out the one NOT contained in your box.
1. wooden block
mass = __________
volume = __________
density = __________
2. rubber stopper
mass =_________
volume = _________
density = _________
3. metal bar
mass = ____________
volume = __________
density = __________
4. metal cube
mass = ____________
volume = __________
density = __________
5. cork
mass = ___________
volume = _________
density = _________
6. weight
mass = _________
volume = _________
density = _________
Density Drill
Some objects tend to be “heavy”, while other objects seem “light”. But unless you are
comparing the same volume of each object, these descriptions have little value. And that is
where the concept of density comes in. Density refers to how much mass an object has in a
particular volume. Because mass is measured in grams, and volume is measured in cubic
centimeters, the unit for density is grams per cubic centimeters.
If the mass and volume of an object are known, its density can be determined by dividing
the volume value into the mass value. Similarly, if the density and mass are known, the object’s
volume can be determined by dividing the density value into the mass value. Finally, if an
object’s density and volume are known, its mass can be found by multiplying these two values.
You can see how2 density, mass, and volume are related by doing this activity. In each situation,
you are given enough information to determine the unknown value in the formula.
Object A
1. The mass of object A, as shown by the positions of the balance riders, is _152.2__ g.
2. The volume of object A, as indicated by the given dimensions, is _______ cm3.
3. Using the formula ,
calculate the density of object A. _______ g/cm3
4. If the object is cut into two equal parts, what is the density of one half of A? _________
g/cm3. Of the other half? _________ g/cm3. How does the density of object A compare
to the density of half of object A? _____________________.
Object B
1. The mass of object B has been determined to be 125 g.
2. The volume of object B, as indicated by the change in fluid level in the cylinder is
3. Using the formula
, calculate the density of object B. ________ g/cm3
Object C
1. Object C is a perfect cube. The mass of object C, as shown by the position
of the balance riders is 55 g.
2. The density of object c has been determined to 5.5 g/cm3
3. Using the formula D 
, calculate the volume of object C. _________ cm3
4. Since object C is a perfect cube, determine the length of each side of that
cube. HINT: the formula for the volume of a cube is V = L x W x H.
Length of any side of cube C = _____________ cm.
Object D
1. The density of object D has been determined to be 1.4 g/cm3
2. The volume of object D, as indicated by the change in fluid level in the
cylinder, is _________ cm3
3. Using the formula
, calculate the mass of object D.
Density of an Unknown Liquid
Mass (g)
Density Graph
Volume (mL)
Questions and Conclusions
1. What is the slope of the density graph? Include units in the answer.
2. What is the density of pure water?
3. What is the density of 1,000,000 grams of pure water?
4. The density of alcohol is 0.80 g/ml. Which unknown liquid is alcohol?
5. Which has greater mass one liter of water or one liter of alcohol? Explain your answer.
6. Which takes up more space 1000 g of water or 1000 g of alcohol? Explain your answer.
7. Which is denser 1 liter of water or 50 liters of water?
8. What is meniscus?
9. What us the volume of liquid in the cylinder at the right?
10. Complete the chart:
15 g
20 g
10 ml
30 ml
4 ml
4 ml
11. What is the mass of 30 ml of water?
12. What is the mass of 30 ml of alcohol? (density = 0.8 g/ml)
13. What is the volume of 25 g of water?
14. What is the mass of 25 g of alcohol?
15. Why is salt water denser than pure water?
16. What was the color of salt water?
0.5 g/ml
2.5 g/ml
12 g/ml
20 g/ml
1. What does “slower than molasses in January” mean?
2. What is viscosity?
3. What type of motor oil do you want in the summer? Why?
4. Why do volcanologists consider viscosity?
Properties of Fluids – Viscosity – Elaborate
Problem: How can you show that viscosity is a fluid’s resistance to flow?
There are several physical properties of fluids. Mass, volume, density, viscosity, color, and
buoyancy are just a few. Density is the ratio of mass to volume and viscosity is the resistance to
flow of a liquid. Viscosity however, while related to density is not a function of density. Oil is
less dense than water but oil’s resistance to flow is greater than water. In general if a liquid ha a
high viscosity then its flow rate will be very slow. By letting several liquids slide down a ramp
we can see how each liquids viscosity is unique unto itself.
variety of 4-5 materials that can flow ( syrup, molasses, water,
vinegar, catsup, liquid detergent, shampoo, oil, etc)
flat laminated sheet of cardboard or wooden ramp covered with foil
meter stick
timing device
4-5 pipettes
Safety goggles
4-5 beakers
Paper towels
Several books or ring stand to elevate ramp
1. Obtain the materials above
2. Set up a ramp so that the books or ring stand is elevating the ramp at an angle. The top of the
board should be several centimeters above the table or floor.
3. Cover the ramp with aluminum foil
4. Measure 1 meter from the bottom of the ramp and use a pencil mark a line across the ramp.
This is the starting line.
5. Using the pipettes place a fair amount of each liquid on the ramp at the start line and time
how long it takes the liquid to reach the bottom of the ramp.
6. Record the data in the data table below and answer the questions that follow.
Viscosity Data Table
Distance –
1 Meter
1. What are some of the physical properties of liquids?
2. What are the independent variables in this experiment?
3. What is the dependent variable in this experiment?
4. What factors did you keep constant?
5. What type of data did you collect?
6. How did you display your data collected?
7. Which liquid had the highest viscosity rating and resistance to flow?
Viscosity Rating
– High/Low
Viscosity of Liquids
Problem: How does the viscosity of a liquid affect the time for a marble to drop through the
Not all liquids are the same. Some are thin and flow easily. Others are thick and gooey. Honey
or corn syrup will pour more slowly than water. A liquid’s resistance to flowing is called its
viscosity. One way to test the viscosity of a liquid is to drop something into it and see how long
it takes to sink.
Graduated cylinder
2 marbles
Various test liquids
Masking tape
1 cm ruler
1. Fill graduated cylinder with one of the liquids, about 5 cm from the top.
2. Mark with tape a convenient starting point about 2 cm below the surface of the liquid.
(This will allow the sphere to reach terminal velocity before you begin making
measurements). You can use either the top or the bottom of the tape, but use the same
pints for each measurement you make when you drop the spheres.
3. Mark an ending point about 5 cm from the bottom.
4. Measure the distance between the starting and ending points, and enter the answer in the
data table as “Fall Distance”.
5. Drop the sphere into the liquid and start measuring time when the sphere reaches the first
masking tape line. Stop measuring time when the sphere passes the second piece of tape.
Repeat the time measurements for a total of 5 trials.
6. Clean the graduated cylinder and repeat procedure with other liquids.
7. Complete the data table by averaging the times for each substance. Use this time when
calculating the speed of the sphere.
8. To calculate the speed of the sphere, divide distance (fall distance) by the average time.
9. Rank the viscosity of the substances from least viscous (1) to most viscous (4).
Remember viscosity means resistance to flow.
Corn Syrup
Average Time
Fall Distance
Canola Oil
Motor Oil
1. What was the average speed of the sphere in water?
2. What was the average speed of the sphere in corn syrup?
3. What was the average speed of the sphere in canola oil?
4. What was the average speed of the sphere in motor oil?
5. Which liquid allowed the sphere to fall the fastest?
6. In which liquid did the sphere fall at the slowest rate?
7. Which liquid has the greatest viscosity? Explain your answer.
8. Which liquid has the least viscosity? Explain your answer.
9. If you wanted to decrease the viscosity of the canola oil or motor oil, what could you do
to the substance?
10. Why do cars use thicker oil during the summer months compared to the colder months?
Have you ever wondered how a submarine can sink down in the ocean and then float on
the surface again? How can a steel ship weighing about five million Newton’s float in water?
And on a more practical level, what enables you to float in a swimming pool, pond, or Lake?
Fluid pressure is exerted in all directions: down, up, and to the sides. The force of a fluid
that pushes an object up is called buoyancy. The upward buoyant force of a fluid opposes the
downward force of gravity on an object. In other words, buoyancy acts against the weight
The buoyant force of a fluid can be greater than, less than, or equal to the weight of an
object. The size of the buoyant force determines what will happen to an object placed in a fluid.
But how can the size of the buoyant force be determined?
Think for a moment of what happens when you put several ice cubes in a glass of water.
The level of the water rises. The ice cubes displace or move aside, a certain amount of water.
The amount of water that is displaced has a definite weight. And the weight of the displaced
water is related to the buoyant force.
More than 2000 years ago, the Greek scientist Archimedes discovered the exact nature of
the relationship between buoyant force and the weight of the fluid displaced. This relationship,
sometimes called Archimedes’ Principle, is basic to the study of the behavior of fluids.
Archimedes’ principle states that the buoyant force of an object is equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced by the object.
Have you ever noticed that it is easier to lift a friend while you are both in the water?
Your friend’s weight seems to be much less in the water. Why? The buoyant force of the water
on your friend equals the weight of the water your friend displaces. Your friend seems to weigh
less because of the buoyant force of the water.
Buoyancy helps to explain why an object sinks or floats in a fluid. An object floats in a
fluid because the buoyant force—the upward push—on the object is equal to or greater than the
object’s weight—the downward push. According to Archimedes’ principle, the buoyant force is
the same as the weight of the fluid displaced. So an object floats because it displaces a weight of
fluid equal to or greater than its own weight. If you place a block of wood in water it will begin
to sink. The block will continue to sink the displaced water equals the weight of the block. At
this point the block will float. If you place a block of steel in water, it will never float. The
weight of the displaced water can never equal the weight of the steel block.
A steel block can never float because it weighs more than the water it displaces. Another
way of saying this is that the density of steel is greater that the density of water. Density is the
mass of a substance divided by the volume.
Archimedes principle can now be stated in terms of density. An object will float in a
fluid if the density of the object is less than the density of the fluid. The density of water is 1.0
g/Mr. The density of wood is about 0.8 g/cm3. Wood will float in water. The density of steel is
7.8 g/cm3. A steel block will not float in water. The density of liquid mercury is 13.5 g/cm3.
Will a steel block float in mercury?
If the density of steel is 7.8 g/cm3, how does a large cruise ship float in water? The
answer is that the ship is not solid steel. The ship is built of a shell of steel that is hollow inside.
Most of the sip contains air. The total density of the steel ship and air is less than the density of
the water. How would you describe this situation in terms of the weight of water the ship and air
A ship floats lower in the water when it is fully loaded. And if water leaks into the hull
of a ship, the density can eventually become greater than 1 g/cm3. What do you think will
happen to the ship?
Air is also a fluid. So air exerts a buoyant force. You are buoyed up by the air. The
density of air, however, is only 0.00118 g/cm3. Its buoyant force is very small. You cannot
actually feel the buoyant force of the air. The density of helium gas is one-tenth the density of
air. A balloon filled with helium gas will float in air. The density of carbon dioxide is almost
twice the density of air. Will a balloon filled with carbon dioxide float in air?
Buoyancy Reading Questions
1. What happens to water pressure the deeper you go?
2. What is buoyancy?
3. Why is it easier to float in the Great Salt Lake then in the Gulf of Mexico?
4. How can massive ships float?
That Sinking Feeling
In this lab, you will investigate the relationship between water displacement and buoyancy by
constructing an aluminum container to hold the maximum number of pennies and remain afloat.
Aluminum foil (15 cm x 15 cm)
Large container
10 ml graduated cylinder
Pre-Lab Questions:
1. In your own word explain why some objects floats while other sink.
2. Based on your explanation should aluminum float? Explain your answer.
1. Using a single square of foil, construct a boat capable of holding as many pennies as
possible without sinking.
2. Fill the large container with water. Place the boat into the water to determine if it floats.
Remove the boat from the water and set it on the laboratory table for steps three to five.
3. Fill the graduated cylinder with 10 mL of water.
4. Slowly add water to the boat until the level reaches the edge of the boat. Record the
volume of water required to fill the boat. Dry the boat.
5. Float the boat in the container of water. Carefully add pennies to the boat until it sinks.
6. Record the number of pennies the boat held without sinking. The maximum load of
pennies is the number of pennies necessary to sink the boat minus one.
7. Remove the boat and pennies from the water. Mass the pennies. Record data.
8. Repeat steps 5-8 for further trials.
Trail One
Trail Two
Trial Three
Trial Four
Water Volume
Number of
Mass of
Pennies (g)
1. The maximum number of pennies the boat could hold is ____________ pennies.
2. The mass of the pennies is ____________ grams.
3. Compare the mass of water your boat could hold to the mass of pennies it held.
1. Why did some boats have a greater maximum load than others did?
2. What could be done to make a boat more buoyant?
3. How is a large ship able to float?
4. How would you determine the maximum load capacity (weight) of a floating object
without using water to test it?
1. How can matter be classified?
2. How are pure substances classified?
3. What makes a substance an element?
4. What are the two most common elements on earth and give the percent do they make up?
5. What is the most common element in the human body and what percent does it make up?
1. What is a chemical compound?
2. What does the chemical formula tell you?
3. How do chemical compounds and elements differ?
1. What is a mixture?
2. Describe a homogeneous mixture.
3. How do heterogeneous mixtures differ?
Classifying Matter Lab Practical
We use variety of elements, compounds, and mixtures in our everday life. For example
aluminum foil we use for packing the food is made up of aluminum metal (an Element), Table
salt is an example of compound; made up of sodium and chlorine or the salad dressing we use is
actually a mixture of vinegar, water, and different ingredients.
How can we classify these everyday items that represent an element, compound or mixture?
Polyester shirt
Container of salt
Box of chalk
Bottle of drinking water
Container of sugar
Can of mixed nuts
Can of vegetable soup
Can of soda
Sample of granite
Copper wire
Box of baking soda
1. Rotate through each lab station. You will have one minute to determine if the item is an
element, compound, or a mixture.
2. Record your answer on the data table. BE CAREFUL TO ANSWER IN THE
3. An index card at each station will give you directions and information about that station.
Lab Practical Answer Sheet
Put a star by the station at which you are starting. Be careful to answer in the correct square
on your Practical Answer Sheet.
Atoms and Subatomic Particles
When Thomson performed his experiments, he was hoping to find a single particle
smaller than an atom. If Thomson were alive today, he certainly would be surprised to learn that
scientist know about the existence of at least two hundred different kinds of such particles!
Because these particles are smaller than an atom, they are called subatomic particles.
You need to know about only there of these subatomic particles. The three main
subatomic particles are the proton, neutron, and electron.
The Nucleus
The nucleus is the center of the atom. It accounts for 99.9% of the mass of the atom.
Two different kinds of subatomic particles are found in the nucleus.
One of the particles that make up the nucleus is the proton. A proton is a positively
charged particle. All protons are identical, regardless of the element in which they are found.
The mass of a subatomic particle is very small. Scientists use a special unit to measure the mass.
The unit is an atomic mass unit, or amu. A proton has a mass of 1 amu.
The other particle that masses up the nucleus is the neutron. A neutron is an electrically
neutral particle. It has no charge. Like protons, all neutrons are identical. A neutron has slight
more mass than a proton. But the mass of a neutron is still considered to be 1 amu.
Atomic Number
What determines what an element is? The answer is that the number of protons in a
nucleus determines what the element is. The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is
called the atomic number of an element. The atomic number identifies the element.
Isotopes and Atomic Masses
The symbol for an oxygen atom can be written as either O16/8 or O 17/8. Notice that
both atoms have the same atomic number—8. Therefore, both atoms have 8 protons and 8
electrons. However, these two atoms have different atomic masses—16 and 17. Based on these
atomic masses, an atom of O16/8 has 8 neutrons while an atom of 17/8O has 9 neutrons. Atoms
of the same element that have different number of neutrons are called isotopes. Notice that all
isotopes of an element have the same atomic number but different mass numbers.
Recall that mass numbers are based on the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
of an atom. Masses are often expressed in the unit gram (g). However, atoms are so small that
this unit would not be very convenient to use. For example, a copper atom has a mass of
0.00000000000000000000000000010552 g. As a result, scientists use a different unit to express
atomic mass for either the mass of an atom or the mass of a subatomic particle. This unit is the
atomic mass unit (amu). A proton and neutron each have a mass of 1 amu.
Most elements are mixtures of isotopes. For example, carbon is found in nature as two
stable isotopes, known as carbon-12 and carbon-13. The numbers 12 and 13 that follow the
element’s name represent each atom’s atomic mass. The atomic number of carbon is 6.
Therefore, carbon-12 has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons. Carbon-13 has 6 protons, 6
electrons, and 7 neutrons.
Carbon -12 and carbon -13 are not present in nature in equal amounts. In fact, there is
much more carbon-12 than there is carobn-13. Scientist take into account the relative abundance
of each isotope when they refer to an atom’s atomic mass. For example, the atomic mass of a
carbon atom is recorded as 122.0107 amu. This value is the average atomic mass, which is a
weighted average of the atomic masses of all the isotopes of an element.
To understand how to calculate a weighted average, consider how the average atomic
mass of two isotopes of copper is calculated. One isotope is copper-63, which represent 69% of
all the copper isotopes. The other isotope is copper-65, which represents the remaining 31% of
all the copper isotopes. The average atomic mass of a copper atom is calculated as follows.
(63 amu x 0.69) + (65 amu x 0.31) = 63.62 amu
Whirling around outside the nucleus are particles called electrons. An electron has a
mass of 1/1836 amu and a negative charge. In a neutral atom, the number of negatively charged
electrons is equal to the number of positively charged protons.
Electrons do not move in fixed paths about the nucleus. In fact, the exact location of an
electron cannot be known. Only the probability or likelihood, of finding an electron in a
particular region in an atom can be determined. The space in which electrons are likely to found
is called the electron cloud. Sometimes the electrons are near the nucleus. Sometimes they are
farther away from it.
Although electrons whirl about the nucleus bi8llions of times in one second, they do not
do so in a random way. Each electron seems to be located in a certain area in the electron cloud.
The location of an electron in the cloud depends upon how much energy the electron has.
According to modern atomic theory, electrons are arranged in energy levels. An energy
level represents the most likely location in the electron clouds in which the electron can be
found. Electrons with the lowest energy are found in the energy level closest to the nucleus.
Electrons with the higher energy are found in energy levels farther from the nucleus.
Each energy level within an atom can hold only a limited number of electrons. The
energy level closest to the nucleus can never hold more than 2 electrons. The second and third
energy levels can each hold 8 electrons. The fourth level holds 18 electrons. The chemical
properties of different elements depend on how many electrons are in the various energy levels
of its atoms, or the electron arrangement of its atoms.
According to the modern atomic theory, electrons can move from one energy level to
another. Such a move involves either the gain or loss of energy. In order to move to a higher
energy level father from the nucleus, an electron must absorb a specific amount on energy.
When an electron has absorbed the amount of energy required to move to a higher energy level,
the electron is said to be excited.
An electron also can lose energy and move to a lower energy level closer to the nucleus.
Here again the electron must lose a specific amount of energy. In additional, an electron can
move to a lower energy level only if that level is not filled.
Can the atom be “cut”? The existence of protons, neutrons, and electrons proves it can.
In fact, protons and neutrons can be separated into even smaller particles. It is now believed that
a new kind of particle makes up all the other known particles in the nucleus. This particle is
called the quark. There are a number of different kinds of quarks. All nuclear particles are
thought to be a combinations of their quarks. One group of three quarks will produce a neutron.
Another group of three quarks will produce a proton. If protons are accelerated so that they
collide with other particles, different groups of three quarks may form. Each different group will
produce a different subatomic particle.
Electron Configurations
At first, models of an atom showed electrons orbiting the nucleus in much the same way
as the planets orbit the sun. However, as scientists learned more about the structure of atoms,
this model of the atom changed. Electrons are still pictured as orbiting the nucleus, but in a
much more complex manner. The orbit an electron follows as it circles the nucleus is described
in terms of energy levels, shells, and orbitals. An electron’s orbit can also be described in terms
of letters and numbers. This description is known as an electron configuration, which describes
how an atom’s electrons orbit its nucleus.
For example, consider hydrogen, which has the simplest atomic structure with only one
electron. The electron configuration for hydrogen is written as 1s1. the superscript 1 indicates
that hydrogen’s one electron orbits the nucleus in an orbital that has a spherical (s) shape and is
in the first (1) energy level. The first energy level can hold only two electrons. Therefore, any
additional electrons must orbit in levels with higher energy. Consider lithium, which has three
electrons. The electron configuration for lithium, is written as 1s22s1. Notice that lithium’s third
electron orbits the nucleus in an s orbital in the second energy level, represented by the
coefficient 2.
An electron configuration can be written for an atom of any element, no matter how
many electrons it has. An example is silver that has 47 electrons. Its electron configuration is
written as:
Notice that these 47 electrons occupy five energy levels, which are represented by the
coefficients 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and in three types of orbitals, which are represented by the letters s,
p, and d.
Writing an electron configuration for an atom can be difficult, especially for one that has
many electrons like silver. There are certain rules to follow:
1. An electron must occupy the lowest energy level available
2. Each orbital can hold only a certain number of electrons. The s orbital can hold a
maximum of 2 electrons, while the p orbital can hold 6 electrons, while the d orbital can
hold as many as 10 electrons. Another orbital, known as the f orbital, can hold a
maximum of 14 electrons.
3. Electrons fill orbitals that have the lowest energy first.
In some cases, an orbital that is in an energy level with a higher number may actually have less
energy than an orbital in an energy level with a lower number. For example, an electron will
occupy 4s orbital before it occupies the 3d orbital because the 4s orbital actually has a lower
energy level than the 3d orbital.
If an electron has enough energy, it can occupy an orbital with a higher energy level than
it normally would. For example, again consider the element hydrogen. Recall that its electron
configuration is written as 1s1. However, hydrogen’s one electron can move, or jump, to an
orbital that is at a higher energy level. In this care, the electron configuration may be written as
2s1. Notice that hydrogen’s electron has jumped from the 1s orbital to the 2s orbital.
An electron that occupies a higher energy level although a lower energy level is available
is said to be in the excited state. When all the electrons occupy the lowest energy levels
available, they are said to be in the ground state. Therefore, 1s1 represents the ground state
electron configuration for a hydrogen atom, while 2s1 represents an excited state. Can you see
why the following configuration represents an excited state for a silver atom?
There is a simpler way to determine an electron configuration rather than trying to write
it based on the rules. All you have to do is check a periodic table, which usually contains the
electron configurations for all the elements.
The Structure of the Atom
1. In the electron cloud model, ________________________________ are moving very fast
in the areas of space around the ______________________________________.
2. Fill in the missing parts in the table
3. Why are neutral atoms' positive and negative charges balanced?
4. The particles that the nucleus contains are ________________________ and
____________________________. The particles found outside the nucleus are
5. Label the electrons, protons, and neutrons in the atom diagram
How Atoms Differ
1. The atomic number of an element is the number of ________ in the nucleus of the atom.
2. A ___________ atom has the same number of protons as electrons.
3. What is the mass number of an atom?
4. Write the formula for finding out the number of neutrons in an atom.
5. Define one atomic mass unit.
6. Why must scientist consider the concept of probability in describing the location of
7. Complete the Table below
Energy Level
Number of Electrons in Level
Mark the substance with an X as being either (element/compound),
(Symbol/Formula), (Atom/Molecule)
Coloring the Periodic Table of Elements
Use map pencils to color the periodic table of elements. Use the color code listed.
Alkali Metals: Pink
# 3, 11, 19, 37, 55, 87
Alkali Earth Metals: Brown
# 4, 12, 20, 38, 56, 88
Transition Elements: Red
# 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
# 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
# 57, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80
# 89, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110
Inner Transition Elements: Orange
# 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
# 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103
Other Metals: Blue
# 13, 31, 49, 50, 81, 82, 83,
Metalloids (Semiconductors): Green
# 5, 14, 32, 33, 51, 52, 84, 85
Non-Metals: Yellow
# 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 34, 35, 53
Halogens: Out line box in Red
# 9, 17, 35, 53, 85
Noble Gases: Purple
# 2, 10, 18, 36, 54, 86
Gases (Found on Earth in a gas state): Out line the box in green
# 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 36, 54, 86
Liquids (Found on Earth in liquid state): Out line box in dark blue
# 31, 35, 80
Dividing Line: Black
Draw a line separating the following elements:
# 5 & 13
# 13 & 14
# 14 & 32
# 32 & 33
# 33 &51
# 51 & 52
# 52 & 84
# 84 & 85
The Periodic Table
In 1869, a Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev arranged the elements known at that
time into a table. He wrote the symbol for each element on a card, along with its physical
and chemical properties such as its average atomic mass. Looking at this table, Mendeleev
recognized that the chemical properties of the elements repeated at regular intervals.
Mendeleev had invented the first periodic table.
Today, a periodic table lists all the known 113 elements. The elements are arranged
according to increasing atomic number. A periodic table starts with hydrogen, with atomic
number 1 and ends with a newly-created element, whose symbol is Uuq, with atomic
number 114. This symbol will eventually be changed when a group of chemists agree upon
a name and new symbol for this element. By the way, an element with atomic number 113
has yet to be discovered or created.
A periodic table is arranged in rows and columns. A horizontal row is called a period.
Elements in the same period have the same number of occupied energy levels. For
example, All the elements in Period 3 have electrons that occupy three energy levels,
extending to the 3s, 3p, and 3d orbital... A vertical column on a periodic table is known as
a group. The elements in a particular group have the same number of electrons in the
outer energy level. These electrons are called valence electrons. For example, all elements
in Group 1 have one valence electron, although not in the same energy level. Lithium (Li)
and Potassium (K) are members of Group 1. While lithium has its one valence electron in
the second energy level, potassium has its one valence electron in the fourth energy level.
Some groups have names. Group 1 elements are called the alkali metals, Group 2 the
alkaline-earth metals, Group 17 the halogens, and Group 18 the noble gases. The noble
gases are a unique group because they are unreactive. Unlike the other elements, the noble
gases tend not to react because they have a full set of valence electrons.
Most elements are metals. These elements share many properties, especially their ability to
conduct electricity. The right side of a periodic table contains the nonmetals, most of which
are gases. Between the metals and nonmetals, lie the metalloids, also known as
semiconductors. These elements conduct electricity better than nonmetals but not as well
as metals. The best know metalloid is silicon (Si), which is used to make computer chips.
In proceeding across a period or down a group you would also notice certain trends. For
example, the ionization energy decreases as you move down a group. In contrast, the
ionization energy increases as you move across a period. Ionization energy is the energy
required to remove an electron from an atom. An atom that has either lost or gained an
electron is called an ion. Atomic size also follows a periodic trend. The atomic radius
increases as you move down a group. In contrast, the atomic radius decreases as you move
across a period. Still another trend can be seen with respect to electronegativity. Which is,
a measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons.
The Periodic Table
1. How are the elements arranged in the modern Periodic Table?
2. Elements that have similar chemical properties are called ____________. Elements are in
the __________________ columns.
3. Why do elements in any one group usually behave alike chemical?
4. All elements in Group 1, including lithium and potassium are called
5. Neon and argon are in Group 18 and are called ___________________________.
6. Elements that have the same number of energy levels but a different number of outer
electrons belong to the same ________________________ of elements and are in the
7. Complete the chart below
Atomic Number
Elements and Their Symbols
Write the symbols for the following elements.
1. oxygen
11. magnesium
2. hydrogen
12. manganese
3. chlorine
13. neon
4. sodium
14. bromine
5. fluorine
15. phosphorus
6. carbon
16. silver
7. helium
17. lead
8. nitrogen
18. iron
9. copper
19. calcium
10. sulfur
20. potassium
Write the name of the element that corresponds to each of the following symbols.
21. Cu
31. Ca
22. K
32. Ag
23. C
33. P
24. Au
34. O
25. Zn
35. I
26. Pb
36. Sn
27. Fe
37. H
28. Na
38. F
29. S
39. Ni
30. Al
40. Hg
Using the Periodic Table
Use the Periodic Table of Elements to complete the Data Tables
Alkaline earth
Families of Elements
1. Classify each of the following elements as an alkali metal, alkaline-earth metal, transition
metal, or semiconductor based on its position in the periodic table.
____________________________________ a. rubidium, Rb
____________________________________ b. silicón, Si
____________________________________ c. silver, Ag
____________________________________ d. barium, Ba
____________________________________ e. titanium, Ti
____________________________________ f. germanium, Ge
2. Classify each of the following elements as a halogen, noble gas, or other nonmetal based
on its position in the periodic table.
_________________________________ a. carbon, C
_________________________________ b. chlorine, Cl
_________________________________ c. radon, Rn
_________________________________ d. phosphorus, P
_________________________________ e. xenon, Xe
_________________________________ f. iodine, I
3. Explain why chlorine, Cl, is very reactive, while argon, Ar, is unreactive.
4. Analyze the following pairs of elements, and determine whether each pair has similar or
different reactivity.
____________________________ a. potassium, K, and rubidium, Rb
____________________________ b. calcium, Ca, and barium Ba
____________________________ c. sodium, Na, and chlorine, Cl
____________________________ d. helium, He, and krypton, Kr
____________________________ e. hydrogen, H, and oxygen, O
5. Predict which of the following ions would be likely to form:
_______________ a. Na2+
_______________ b. Cl+
_______________ c. Ca2+
_____________________ d. Br_____________________ e. Ne_____________________ f. Ne+
Flame Tests
Question: Can salts of different natures be burned and Identified by their colors?
Concept: Every element emits light when heated, in the form of a spectrum. The spectra consist of
discrete lines, formed when excited electrons move between shells. The lines are discrete because the
electrons can only take specific energy levels. The visible lines in the spectrum are formed when electrons
return to the second shell. The spectrum of any given element is unique and therefore the spectrum allows
a substance to be identified.
Flame test is a way of identifying a chemical element by the color of the light it gives off when held in a
flame. For most elements, the test can be made by dipping a platinum wire in a compound of the element,
either powdered or in solution. The wire is then held in the flame of a Bunsen burner.
When a salt of the metal is introduced into a Bunsen burner flame, the metallic ion produces characteristic
color in the flame. An element always gives off flame of the same color. The value of this simple flame
test is limited by interference (e.g., the barium flame masks calcium, lithium, or strontium) and by
ambiguities (e.g., rubidium and cesium produce the same color as potassium). A colored glass is
sometimes used to filter out light from one metal; for instance, blue cobalt glass filters out the yellow of
Pre-lab Questions
1. Can an element be identified by the color that it emits when heated? Why?
2. How could the noble gases be tested to see what neon colors they emit?
 Sodium Chloride (Orange)
 Cupric Chloride (Blue green)
 Potassium Chloride (Orange)
 Squirt bottle of Methanol
 Lithium Chloride ( Deep red)
 Glass Petri dishes/or wash glass
 Barium Hydroxide (Yellow)
 Lighter/or Bunsen Burner with
 Strontium Chloride (red/purple)
Barium and Strontium are toxic metals. Wear goggles and gloves.
a. Wet the salt in the Petri dish with Methanol
b. Turn off the lights to better see the flame
c. Use a striker to light Bunsen burner, tilt to ignite methanol vapors
d. A nice effect can be seen if you light more than one salt at a time. To extinguish flame, wait
and flame will burn out, be sure to let the plate cool before handling.
e. Salts can be left in Petri dish and burned over again.
f. Once cool wash with H2O
Elements of Food
1. At home read the labels of 15 different canned or boxed food items.
2. Identify which metal is the most predominate in the food
3. Complete the data table by writing in the food item, predominate metal, symbol, and
percent composition.
Food Item
Bohr Model Project
I. Atomic Drawing
o Complete Atomic Drawings for the first 20 elements on the periodic table.
o Include the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Place each in the correct
o Each model has four energy levels. When you place electrons in the energy
levels, some energy levels will be empty.
o You are to make complete models by placing solid circles in pairs on model for
each electron. If there are an odd number of electrons one electron will be shown
by itself.
o To indicate protons write the number of protons with a capital P in the nucleus.
To show neutrons write the number with a capital N in the Nucleus.
o Fill in the blank for the element group or family, period, name, atomic number,
atomic mass, number of electrons in each energy level, and number of valance
II. Model
1. You will make one mode of an atom from one of the first 20 elements.
2. This model must show the electrons, protons, and neutrons correctly.
3. Each model must have a key to identify the electrons, protons, and neutrons. Included in
the key will be the elements name, symbol, atomic number and atomic mass.
4. The element’s complexity will multiply your final score
H and He x 1
Li x 2.1
Be x 2.2.
B x 2.3
C x 2.4
N x 2.5
O x 2.6
F x 2.7
Ne x 2.8
Na x 3.1
Mg x 3.2
Al x 3.3
Si x 3.4
P x 3.5
S x 3.6
Cl x 3.7
Ar x 3.8
K and Ca x 4
Rubric for Grading
Possible Points
Complete Atomic Drawings
3 pt each x 20 = 60
Includes protons, neutrons,
electrons identified on Key
Key including element:
Atomic number
Mass number
Complexity Factor
Up to X 4 (see instructions)
Points Earned
Atomic Drawing
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Name:___________________________
Element Symbol __________________________
Group: __________________________________
Period __________________________________
Atomic Number: __________________________
Mass Number: ____________________________
Number of Electrons in each energy level:
1st __________, 2nd _________ 3 rd _________, 4th ______
Number of Valance Electrons: ________________
Element Baby Book Due: _____________
In this project you will adopt an element from the periodic table. The
element that you choose must have an atomic number from 1 – 20.
As a proud parent of your element you will create a baby book to remember
each stage of your element’s life.
This project will count as a test/project grade. I will give you time in the
library to research your element and some class time to work on your book.
Your paper must be typed.
Sources of Information:
Websites to help you in your search (I will provide these.)
The periodic table in your book will give you some information.
Requirements: (Check each one as you complete it.)
_____Cover page – 3 points
Name of element and your name
Decorative cover
_____Page 1 – 35 points! This should be written in paragraph form.
Must be typed!!!
Name of element
Nickname of element (Symbol)
Birth date (date element was discovered)
Birth weight (atomic mass)
Birth height (atomic number)
Race (type of element) metal or nonmetal
Attending physician (Discoverer)
Gender (state of matter at room temperature) solid, liquid, gas
Personality (emotions: boiling point and melting point)
_____Page 2 – 15 points
Fill out birth certificate and sign
Include: Name of element (Give your element a last name)
Nickname of element (Symbol)
Birth date (date element was discovered)
Birth weight (atomic mass)
Birth height (atomic number)
Race (solid, liquid, gas)
Attending physician (Discoverer)
Gender (metal or nonmetal)
_____Page 3 – 2 points
Pronunciation rebus (how to say the elements name)
_____Page 4 – 10 points
Picture of element
Atomic mass is body
# of neutrons is legs
# of electrons is arm
Atomic number is head
_____Page 5 – 20 points Draw picture of all family members like on
page 4.
Family Name (family or group)
Address (period + discoverer’s last name + road)
Brothers and Sisters (Names of family members)
_____Page 6 – 5 points
Picture of element (Bohr model)
_____Page 7 – 10 points
Career of element (what your element will become when grows up)
Picture of career
Complete ALL requirements!
Be creative!
Be neat!
Use color!
Punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and grammar must be accurate!
Do your BEST!!!
Element Baby Book
1. Name of element:___________________________________
2. Element symbol:____________________________________
3. Atomic number:_____________________________________
4. Atomic mass:______________________________________
5. # of protons:_______________________________________
6. # of electrons:______________________________________
7. # of neutrons:______________________________________
8. Date of discovery:__________________________________
9. Discoverer:_______________________________________
10. Boiling Point:____________________________________
11. Melting Point:____________________________________
12. Metal or nonmetal :________________________________
13. Family (group) name:______________________________
14. Names of family members:________________________
15. Period (Address):________________________________
16. Uses for element (career):_________________________
17. Type of element (solid, liquid, gas:___________________
18. Pronunciation of element: _________________________
Chemical Behavior of Elements
Read the preceding page and answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What causes chemical bonding?
2. Where are electrons found?
3. Describe four kinds of orbital.
4. What are electrons in the outermost energy level called?
5. State the octet rule and give the exceptions.
6. Why do similarities occur within groups on the periodic table?
1. When do ionic bonds form?
2. What do metals form?
3. Describe how sodium chloride forms.
4. What are ionic compounds?
1. What is a covalent bond?
2. What happens with the bond of a non-polar molecule?
3. What is Electronegativity?
4. What is a polar molecule?
Metallic Bonds
Read the preceding page and answer the following questions in complete sentences
1. Why are metals said to be “an electron sea”?
2. What is a metallic bond?
3. Compare a metallic bond to a covalent bond.
4. What are the properties of metals and why do they occur?
Classify the following compounds as ionic (metal and nonmetal), covalent (nonmetal and
nonmetal), or both (compound containing a polyatomic ion).
1. CaCl2 _________________________________________________________________________________
2. CO2 __________________________________________________________________________________
3. H2O _______________________________________________________
4. BaSO4 ________________________________________________________________________________
5. K2O _______________________________________________________
6. NaF _______________________________________________________
7. Na2CO3 _______________________________________________________________________________
8. CH4 ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. SO3 ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. LiBr ________________________________________________________
11. MgO ________________________________________________________
12. NH4Cl _______________________________________________________
13. HCl _________________________________________________________
14. KI __________________________________________________________
15. NaOH _______________________________________________________
16. NO2 _____________________________________________________________________________________
17. AlPO4 _________________________________________________________
18. FeCl3 __________________________________________________________
19. P2O5 __________________________________________________________
20. N2O3 __________________________________________________________