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Sensory Input HORMONE RELATIONSHIP This is a direct route bypassing the pituitary gland. Central Nervous System CHART Hypothalamus Hypothalamic Hormones Anterior Pituitary ACTH Posterior Pituitary TSH FSH LH GH PRO OXYTOCIN ADH 1The hypothalamus either releases a hormone to stimulate or stop hormones being produced in the pituitary gland. Adrenal Medulla Adrenal Cortex Thyroid Ovaries / Testes 2The pituitary releases hormones that stimulate other glands. Epinephrine Norepineph rine Aldosterone T3 Estrogen Testosterone Cortisol T4 Progesterone Cortisone Calcitonin Sex Hormones 3The manager glands release hormones that stimulate target cells through out the body.