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Chapter 8: Evolution and Natural Selection
Darwin’s dangerous idea: evolution by natural
Lectures by Mark Manteuffel, St. Louis Community College
Learning Objectives
Be able to explain evolution in action.
Be able to explain Darwin’s journey to an idea.
Be able to describe and explain the four mechanisms
that can give rise to evolution.
Learning Objectives
Be able to explain how populations of organisms can
adapt to their environment through natural selection.
Be able to explain the evidence for the occurrence of
What is your opinion?
The human population on our planet
is evolving.
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
Evolution is an
ongoing process.
Evolution in Action
8.1 We can see evolution
occur right before us.
Could you breed fruit
flies who could live
longer than 20 hours
on average?
When these eggs hatch, do you think the
flies in this new generation will live longer
than 20 hours without food?
Make a prediction: A population of fruit flies was
starved until 80% of the flies were dead. The
remaining flies were fed and reproduced
(offspring). What do you expect to see in the
next generation if you repeated the starvation
1. More flies would be alive after 20 hours.
2. Fewer flies would be alive after 20 hours.
3. Fruit flies fed after 80% of the population
died will lay more eggs.
4. No change in the average number of fruit
flies that were alive after 20 hours.
After 60 generations the average starvation
resistance of fruit flies was 160 hours!
What has happened to this population of
fruit flies?
1. The current population is genetically
identical to the original population.
2. The current population is genetically
different from the original population.
What happened?
• a genetic change in the population
Natural selection
• the consequence of certain individual organisms in
a population being born with characteristics that
enable them to survive better and reproduce more
than the offspring of other individuals in the
Does evolution occur?
 The
 We
answer is an unambiguous: YES.
can watch it happen in the lab
whenever we want.
Experiments in Evolution
What trait in dogs (listed below) has
evolved due to interactions with
humans (think of wolves…their closest
Floppy ears
Adults behave like puppies
Large range of body sizes
1 and 2
All of the above
 How
does evolution occur?
 What
types of changes can evolution
cause in a population?
 Five
primary lines of evidence
 Evolution
by natural selection
Take-home message 8.1
 The
characteristics of individuals in a
population can change over time.
 We
can observe such change in nature
and can even cause such change to occur.
journeyed to a
new idea.
Darwin’s Journey to an Idea
8.2 Before Darwin, most people
believed that all species had been
created separately and were
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
 Biologist,
 Living
early 1800s
species might change over time.
Charles Lyell
 Geologist
 1830
book Principles of Geology
• Geological forces had shaped the earth and were
continuing to do so.
 Gradual
but constant change
Which scientist’s work suggested that
things could change gradually over
long periods of time?
George Buffon
George Cuvier
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Charles Lyell
Take-home message 8.2
 People
used to think that the earth was
6,000 years old and that species were
 In
the 18th and 19th centuries, scientists
began to change their beliefs.
 These
changes helped shape Darwin’s
8.3 A job on a ’round-the-world
survey ship allowed Darwin to indulge
and advance his love of nature.
Age 16, University of Edinburgh, medical studies
Studied theology at Cambridge University
His real love: study of nature
Take-home message 8.3
 After
initially training in medicine and
theology, Charles Darwin studied the
natural world on a ‘round-the-world
8.4 Observing geographic similarities
and differences among fossils and living
plants and animals, Darwin developed a
theory of evolution.
Lyell’s Principles of Geology
The Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands
Two important and unexpected patterns:
1. Traits exhibited by species
Thomas Malthus
 Economist
 Essay
on the Principle of Population
 Darwin
realized that favorable variations
are preserved
2. Similarity between the fossils of extinct
species and the living species in that same
Glyptodonts and armadillos
The Book that Would
“Rock the World”
 1842
 14
first draft
years in a drawer
Take-home message 8.4
 Darwin
noted unexpected patterns among
fossils he found and living organisms he
observed while on the voyage of the
Take-home message 8.4
 Fossils
resembled but were not identical to
the living organisms in the same area.
 Finch
species on the Galapagos Islands
differed in small but significant ways.
 These
observations helped him to develop
his theory of how species might change
over time.
8.5 In 1859, after decades of
mulling and procrastinating,
Darwin published his thoughts on
natural selection.
Which idea did not support the observations
Darwin made during his trip on the HMS
1. The earth is shaped by gradual forces
2. Species are fixed and unchanging
3. The earth is older than 6,000 years
4. Populations could grow beyond the ability
of the environment to support them
Take-home message 8.5
After putting off publishing his thoughts on natural
selection for more than 15 years, Darwin did so only
after Alfred Russel Wallace independently came up
with the same idea.
They published a joint presentation on their ideas in
1858, and Darwin published a much more detailed
treatment in The Origin of Species in 1859, sparking
wide debate and discussion of natural selection.
Four mechanisms can give
rise to evolution.
8.6 Evolution occurs when
the allele frequencies in a
population change.
Witnessing Evolution
 Alter
the population
• Increase the white phenotype through
 As
the generations go by…
• Higher proportion of white tigers
 Evolution
= change on allele frequencies
of the population
Individuals do NOT evolve.
 Populations
 Allele
 It
is helpful to think of each allele as
having some “market share” of all of the
Natural Selection
 An
efficient mechanism of evolution…
 …and
a powerful force in adapting
populations to their environment.
 Evolution
and natural selection, however,
are not the same thing.
Which answer below is not an
example of evolution?
1. Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics
over time.
2. Unlike most mammals, some human
populations utilizing milk as a food source
have become lactose tolerant over time.
3. Mosquito populations have become resistant
to pesticides like DTT over time.
4. Humans exposed to high levels of radiation
have a higher risk of cancer.
Agents of Evolutionary Change
Genetic drift
Natural selection
Evolution is genetic change in a population.
Take-home message 8.6
 Evolution
is a change in allele frequencies
within a population.
 It
can occur by four different mechanisms:
mutation, genetic drift, migration, and
natural selection.
8.7 Mutation—a direct change in the
DNA of an individual—is the ultimate
source of all genetic variation.
alteration of the base-pair sequence of
an individual’s DNA
 An
this alteration occurs in a gene, the
change in the DNA sequence may change
the allele.
 When
Mutation as an Agent of Evolution
• Which are inherited:
• Somatic cells
– or
• Reproductive cells?
What causes mutations?
 The
process of cells dividing can go awry.
 Environmental
• mutagens
 Mutations
are random
• Beneficial?
• Detrimental?
Tanning beds bombard the
body with ultraviolet radiation.
Can they cause mutations?
Mobile phones release radiation.
Can they cause brain tumors?
Mutation is the
ultimate source of
genetic variation in a
Nearly all mutations reduce an
organism’s fitness.
 Suppose
that you have written a 10-page
 Randomly
select one letter in the paper
and change it to another letter.
 Is
the change more likely to make your
paper better or worse?
For a mutation to affect the
fitness of an individual it must …
1. Be carried in a reproductive cell.
2. Provide some benefit to the organism.
3. Be able to be passed on to future
4. All of the above.
Take-home message 8.7
 Mutation
is an alteration of the base-pair
sequence in an individual’s DNA.
 If
such an alteration changes an allele in
an individual’s gamete-producing cells,
this constitutes evolution within the
Take-home message 8.7
 Mutations
can be caused by high-energy
sources or chemicals in the environment
and also can appear spontaneously.
 Mutation
is the only way that new alleles
can be created within a population and so
generates the variation on which natural
selection can act.
8.8 Genetic drift is a random
change in allele frequencies
in a population.
The important factor that
distinguishes genetic drift from
natural selection:
The change in allele frequencies is not
related to the alleles’ influence on
reproductive success.
The impact of genetic drift is much
greater in small populations than
in large populations.
 Genetic
drift can lead to fixation for one
allele for a gene in a population.
 If
this happens, there is no more
variability in the population for this gene.
 Genetic
drift reduces the genetic
variation in a population.
Two special cases of genetic drift, the
founder effect and population
bottlenecks, are important in the
evolution of populations.
Founder Effect
small number of individuals may leave a
population and become the founding
members of a new, isolated population.
 The
founders may have different allele
frequencies than the original “source”
population, particularly if they are a small
Why are Amish people more likely to
have extra fingers and toes?
Population Bottlenecks
Which answer is not a form of genetic
1. A large number of people of Irish descent
have fair skin with freckles and red hair.
2. The American bison was almost hunted to
extinction, the remaining populations are
increasing again.
3. Small population of Ecuadorian finches
populated islands where no finches lived
before them (Galapagos).
4. People can leave there native country and
become part of the population of the United
Take-home message 8.8
 Genetic
drift is a random change in allele
frequencies within a population, unrelated
to the alleles’ influence on reproductive
 Genetic
drift is a significant agent of
evolutionary change primarily in small
8.9 Migration into or out of a
population may change allele
The third agent of evolutionary change
Take-home message 8.9
 Migration,
or gene flow, leads to a change
in allele frequencies in a population as
individuals move into or out of the
8.10 When three simple conditions are
satisfied, evolution by natural selection
1. There must be variation for the particular trait
within a population.
2. That variation must be inheritable.
3. Individuals with one version of the trait must
produce more offspring than those with a
different version of the trait.
Condition 1: Variation for a Trait
 Variation
is all around us.
 Variation is the raw material on which
evolution feeds.
Condition 2: Heritability
We call the transmission of traits from parents to
their children through genetic information
inheritance or heritability.
Condition 3: Differential
Reproductive Success
1. There are more organisms born than can
Condition 3: Differential
Reproductive Success
2. Organisms are continually struggling for
Condition 3: Differential
Reproductive Success
3. Some organisms are more likely to win
this struggle and survive and reproduce.
Differential Reproductive Success
From all the variation
existing in a population,
individuals with traits
most suited to
reproduction in their
environment generally
leave more offspring than
individuals with other
Most agricultural pests evolve
resistance to pesticides.
How does this happen?
Which traits below might have
been selected for?
1. Fruit flies that store increased amounts of
fat live longer in starvation conditions.
2. The cheetah is the fastest predator, while
its prey (Thompson’s Gazelle) can turn
faster and run for a longer distance.
3. A person who uses an indoor tanning
booth regularly gets skin cancer.
4. 1 and 2
5. All of the above
Take-home message 8.10
 Natural
selection is a mechanism of
evolution that occurs when there is
heritable variation for a trait, and
individuals with one version of the trait
have greater reproductive success than
individuals with a different version of the
Take-home message 8.10
 It
can also be thought of as the
elimination of alleles from a population
that reduce the reproductive rate of
individuals carrying them relative to the
reproductive rate of individuals who do
not carry the alleles.
8.11 A trait does not decrease in
frequency simply because it is recessive.
• The Hardy-Weinberg Law
• If “p” = frequency of the dominant allele
• If “q” = frequency of the recessive allele
• p+q=1
Use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to predict
how common each genotype in the
population will be.
p 2 = frequency of homozygous dominants
q 2 = frequency of homozygous recessives
2pq = frequency of heterozygotes
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Applies when there is:
• No natural selection
• No mutations
• No migration
• No genetic drift
• Random mating
Boreal Toads in Colorado are being
decimated by a fungus. About 20% of the
population is resistant to the fungus. Use
the Hardy-Weinberg equation to predict the
allelic frequency for this dominant allele.
Take-home message 8.11
 If
we know the frequency of each allele in
a population, we can predict the
genotypes and phenotypes we should see
in that population.
Take-home message 8.11
 If
the phenotypic frequencies in a
population are not those predicted from
the allele frequencies, the population is not
in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, because
an assumption has been violated.
Take-home message 8.11
 Either
non-random mating or evolution is
 But
as long as the Hardy-Weinberg
assumptions are not violated, recessive
alleles and dominant alleles do not change
their frequencies over time.
Through natural
populations of
organisms can
become adapted to
their environments.
8.12 Traits causing some
individuals to have more
offspring than others become
more prevalent in the population.
Reproductive Success
 Fitness
• A measure of the relative amount of
reproduction of an individual with a
particular phenotype compared with the
reproductive output of individuals of the
same species with alternative phenotypes
Fruit Fly Example
 One
fly carries the genes for a version of a
trait that allows it to survive a long time
without food.
 The
other fly has the genes for a different
version of the trait that allows it to survive
only a short while without food.
 Which
fly has the greater fitness?
The alleles carried by an individual
with high fitness will increase their
market share in a population over
time, and the population will evolve.
There are three important elements to
an organism’s fitness:
1. An individual’s fitness is measured
relative to other genotypes or
phenotypes in the population.
There are three important elements to
an organism’s fitness:
2. Fitness depends on the specific
environment in which the organism lives.
There are three important elements to
an organism’s fitness:
3. Fitness depends on an organism’s
reproductive success compared to other
organisms in the population.
"Survival of the fittest" is a
A field is treated with pesticide, killing
99% of the insects. Which of the
survivors listed are the most fit,
evolutionarily speaking?
1. An insect survives, but is sterile.
2. An insect survives, but is weak and is
unable to evade predators.
3. An insect survives and has many offspring
that are fertile.
4. An insect survives and has many offspring
that are sterile.
Take-home message 8.12
 Fitness
is a measure of the relative amount
of reproduction of an individual with a
particular phenotype, as compared with the
reproductive output of individuals with
alternative phenotypes.
 An
individual’s fitness can vary depending
on the environment in which the individual
8.13 Organisms in a population can
become better matched to their
environment through natural selection.
Take-home message 8.13
 Adaptation—the
process by which
organisms become better matched to their
environment and the specific features that
make an organism more fit—occurs as a
result of natural selection.
8.14 Natural selection does not lead to
perfect organisms.
 Evolution
in general, specifically natural
selection, does not guide organisms
toward “better-ness” or perfection.
 If
the environment changes, the alleles
causing the traits favored by natural
selection may change as well.
Why doesn’t natural selection
lead to the production
of perfect organisms?
Factors that Prevent Populations from
Progressing Inevitably Toward Perfection
1. Environments change quickly.
2. Variation is needed as the raw material of
3. There may be multiple different alleles for a
trait, each causing an individual to have the
same fitness.
Given that beak size in mature adults
does not change, what factor is driving
the change in average beak size in
Galapagos finches over time in the
graph below?
Seed number
Seed size
Rainfall amounts
2 and 3
All of the above
Classroom Catalyst
Natural selection in action
Which statement below is false?
1. After 100 years, the frequency of alleles in
island horses will be different from horses on
the mainland.
2. The horses experienced a form of genetic
3. Changes in the frequency of alleles in the
island horse population would lead to
4. Mutation cannot occur in the island horse
Take-home message 8.14
Natural selection does not lead to organisms
perfectly adapted to their environment because:
1. Environments can change more quickly than
natural selection can adapt organisms to them.
2. All possible alleles are not produced by mutation.
3. There is not always a single optimum adaptation
for an environment.
8.15 Artificial selection is just a
special case of natural selection.
Take-home message 8.15
 Animal
breeders and farmers utilize natural
selection when they modify their animals and
crops because the three conditions for
natural selection are satisfied.
Take-home message 8.15
 Because
the differential reproductive success
is determined by humans and not nature,
this type of natural selection is also called
artificial selection.
8.16 Natural selection can change the
traits seen in a population in several
Directional Selection
Individuals with one extreme from the range
of variation in the population have higher
Turkeys on poultry farms have such large
breast muscles that they can’t get close
enough to each other to mate.
How can such a trait evolve?
Stabilizing Selection
Individuals with intermediate phenotypes are most fit.
Disruptive Selection
Individuals with extreme phenotypes experience the
highest fitness, and those with intermediate
phenotypes have the lowest.
Most mammals do not drink milk after they are
weaned because they lose the ability to digest
lactose. This is true for about 60% of people. But,
most people of northern European descent can
drink milk (areas where dairy farming is historically
prevalent). What type of evolution would this
1. Directed selection
2. Stabilizing selection
3. Disruptive selection
Which answer below is another
example of directional evolution?
1. Spectacular plumage on the male Bird of
2. Human selection of traits resulting in the
Labrador Retriever.
3. Changes in beak size of Galapagos finches
depends on seed size from year to year.
4. All of the above
Based on our discussion so far, what
do you think? Are humans still
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
Take-home message 8.16
 Natural
selection can change
populations in several ways:
1. directional selection, in which the average
value for the trait increases or decreases
2. stabilizing selection, in which the average
value of a trait remains the same while
extreme versions of the trait are selected
3. disruptive selection, in which individuals with
extreme phenotypes have the highest fitness
8.17 Natural selection can cause
the evolution of complex traits and
How can a wing evolve if 1% of a
wing doesn’t help an organism fly or
glide at all?
Often, structures
appear because they
serve some other
Functional Shifts
Humans have image-forming eyes. Three
types of primitive eyes are listed below.
Which answer puts the steps of eye
evolution in the most parsimonious order?
A. Eye spots (sense light)
B. Pinhole camera eye
(shape discrimination)
C. Eye cup
(sense direction of light)
Take-home message 8.17
 Natural
selection can change allele
frequencies for genes involving complex
physiological processes and behaviors.
 This
sometimes involves a trait that has
been selected for one function being
modified at a later time to serve a
completely different function.
The evidence for
evolution is
It is indeed remarkable that this theory [evolution]
has been progressively accepted by researchers,
following a series of discoveries in various fields of
The convergence, neither sought nor
fabricated, of the results of work that was
conducted independently is in itself a significant
argument in favor of this theory.
—Pope John Paul II, 1996
Five primary lines of evidence:
1. The fossil record
2. Biogeography
3. Comparative anatomy and embryology
4. Molecular biology
5. Laboratory and field experiments
8.18 The fossil record
documents the process of
natural selection.
Take-home message 8.18
Radiometric dating confirms that the earth is
very old and makes it possible to determine the
age of fossils.
Analysis of fossil remains enables biologists to
reconstruct what organisms looked like long
ago, learn how organisms were related to each
other, and understand how groups of organisms
evolved over time.
8.19 Geographic patterns of
species’ distributions reflect their
evolutionary histories.
History Matters
 Who
 Are
arrived first?
numerous different habitats available?
How can we explain that there are many
forms of Honeycreeper (finch-like bird) on
the Hawaiian Islands?
1. Evolution of birds on the Hawaiian Islands resulted
in only Honeycreepers.
2. The Hawaiian Islands were populated by a
mainland finch that evolved into Honeycreepers.
3. Honeycreepers were “created” on Hawaii alone.
4. Only finch-like birds can survive on the Hawaiian
Take-home message 8.19
 Observing
geographic patterns of species
distributions—noting similarities and
differences among species living close
together but in very different habitats and
among species living in similar habitats but
located far from one another—helps us
understand the evolutionary histories of
8.20 Comparative anatomy and
embryology reveal common
evolutionary origins.
Homologous Structures
The human appendix serves
no function.
Why are we all born with one?
Vestigial Structures
Convergent Evolution
Analogous structures
all developed from
different original
Which example below is an analogous
structure formed by convergent
1. Humans have an appendix while Gorillas have
an extension of their intestine for cellulose
2. Image-forming eyes evolved separately in the
squid and humans.
3. Fish, chicken, and human embryos all have gills.
4. The bones in the wing of a bat and the flipper of
the whale are similar.
Take-home message 8.20
 Similarities
in how organisms look and
develop show their common evolutionary
8.21 Molecular biology reveals
that common genetic sequences
link all life forms.
The genetic code provides our fourth
line of evidence that evolution occurs.
DNA Similarities and Differences
 Related
 The
vs. unrelated individuals
more distantly you and another
individual are related, the more your DNA
DNA Similarity
Between Two Species
 Compare
their DNA sequences for
individual genes.
 In
Rhesus monkeys, 138 amino acids are
the same as those found in human
Recency of Common Ancestry
Estimates of evolutionary
relatedness made from:
• Comparative Anatomy
• Embryology
• The Fossil Record
“Molecular Clocks”
A short sequence of amino acids from human
hemoglobin was compared to other vertebrates.
Which answer is most closely related to the human
amino acid sequence (sequence differences are
highlighted in red):
Take-home message 8.21
 All
living organisms share the same
genetic code.
 The
degree of similarity in the DNA of
different species can reveal how closely
related they are and the amount of time
that has passed since they last shared a
common ancestor.
8.22 Laboratory and field experiments
enable us to watch evolution in
A fifth line of evidence for the occurrence of
evolution comes from multigeneration
experiments and observations.
Changes in the Frequency
of the Various Alleles
Take-home message 8.22
 Replicated,
controlled laboratory selection
experiments and long-term field studies of
natural populations allow us to watch and
measure evolution as it occurs.
What do you think?
Understanding evolution can help scientists
find strategies to combat antibiotic and
pesticide resistance.
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree