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Name _____________________
 Geographic Setting: Ancient Rome is situated in the center of the Italian
Peninsula, which is located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea. The location
made it easy for trade, travel, and conquest. The peninsula had fertile land and
rolling hills that aided in its protection. The city of Rome itself sat in the center of the
hills, which allowed it to see incoming invaders and to guard itself.
Two legendary twin brothers who were raised by a shewolf founded ancient
Rome. They were known as Romulus & Remus.
 The Roman army was very powerful and allowed for Rome to grow into a large and
vast empire. The army was broken into Legions, which were brotherly in nature
and worked to greatly expand the empire. They fought in packs of 80 or less and
grew to be like family to one another.
 During the Roman conquer of other territories; the Romans treated those they
conquered quite fairly. They allowed them to carry on Life as it was prior to
conquering. The conquered individuals initially were even granted citizenship to
the Roman Empire (which was highly valued).
 Government in the Roman Empire went through many stages.
1. Republic- Government in which individuals elect leaders/representatives
2. Triumvirate- Form of government with three rulers
3. Absolute Ruler- Government where one single ruler holds all power
Upper class noble society in Rome (aristocracy)
12 Tables
Pax Romana
Middle class workers in Rome (Merchants, craftsman,
artisans, etc…)
Group of Patricians who were elected to help debate
issues and make the best governmental decisions for
the community
Professional fighter who fought to the death in the
Coliseum games. Usually a slave or prisoner of war
Architectural building that modeled an arena.
Gladiatorial games of conduct were held here.
First written law code of the Ancient Roman Republic.
Governed the lives of all Romans rich & poor.
Roman architectural structure made of many arches.
Carried fresh water from the hills to the city. The
Romans had advanced plumbing & public baths, which
this supported.
Period of peace in Rome. (Golden Age-207 years)
 Contributions of the Romans:
1. Law- The 12 Tables
2. Architecture – Use of the Dome and the Arch
3. Cement- Made building and road paving much easier
4. Road Systems- Detailed and advance road system ALL throughout the empire.
All roads led to Roman capital
5. Art- Realistic Art
6. Government- Republic
 JULIUS CAESAR: was a very important leader in the late 200’s bce in Rome. Some
key details about him are:
United Rome after corrupt rule and began the first Triumvirate
Was a popular and very skilled general
Eventually became the first sole emperor of Rome
Created Jobs and increased pay of Soldiers
Re-instated the Senate
1. Grand nephew of Julius Caesar
2. Regained power of Rome from corrupt Emperors and Senators who plotted to kill
Julius Caesar
3. Formed the Second Triumvirate
4. Won out as most powerful member of Second Triumvirate and renamed himself
“Augustus Caesar” which meant “Exulted One”
1. Emperor of Rome who expanded the empire to its largest size
2. Is known for adopting and spreading the religion of Christianity to the Roman
Causes for the Fall of Rome:
Capital moved east from Rome to Byzantium
Political office holders are corrupt
Civil War and unrest develop within the Roman Empire
Large gap develops between the rich and the poor classes
Romans built great roads which ALL led to Roman capital. Made it easy to
enter and attack
Poverty takes over in the empire
Threat of attack from Northern European tribes (Germanic Tribes)