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The Italian Renaissance
Chapter 5 section 1
Or Wake up People
Its time for chunky culture!
Renaissance Intro Activity:
Renaissance means “Rebirth”
“Imagine our world suddenly lost the ability to create electricity:
What would be 3 to 5 MOST important skills or types of
knowledge to know or re-learn in order for humans to survive
or even have fun in the post Apocalypse world? Why pick the 3
to 5 you did?”
Photo Analysis: Find clever details!
Photo Analysis 2:
Photo Analysis # 3
Italian City States
• Renaissance: A rebirth or revival.
* The humanistic revival of classical art, architecture,
literature, and learning that started in Italy in the 14th
century and later spread throughout Europe.
* from about 1350 until 1600.
* Europeans began to rediscover ancient Greek and Roman
texts, philosophy and knowledge
• Background: During the Ren. Italy was not unified, it was
made up of independent “city states” which included:
Milan, Venice, Rome, Florence, Pisa, Genoa and Mantua
and the Kingdom of the 2 Sicilies.
• Three leading city states were Florence, Rome and Venice.
• New social order sprang up, wealth and ability
determined social class more than noble titles
and land ownership. Wealthy merchants and
bankers replaced the landed nobility in the
upper class.
Italian City States
• Started in the city states of Italy, which had
remained important trading centers the late
Middle Ages,
• Through merchants and trade Italian scholars
reacquired ancient “lost” wisdom, learning
and philosophical ideas.
• The “lost” info came primarily from the
Byzantine Empire which had kept the Ancient
Greek writings and knowledge intact
• Humanism: new intellectual movement that
focused on secular (worldly) themes
(improving humans way of life) rather than
just on religious ideas that had been popular
during the Middle Ages
Renaissance Man
• Humanists: Scholars who promoted humanism and
accepted classical beliefs and wanted to use them to
improve own society.
• Stressed individualism, promoted individual self worth
and learning. People should develop their own talents
through many activities and education.
• Men learned Latin, Greek, studied fencing, politics
dance, philosophy and Greek classics.
• Women studied music, dance, courtly behavior and
how to run a household.
• Clergy are replaced by humanists as teachers
• Summarize last slide with a clever sentence or
headline Next to that slide.
• Capture the main ideas.
Italian Renaissance Writers
• 1300s: Francesco Petracha (commonly called Petarch)
wrote sonnets (short poems)
• focused on love and personal feelings. (about a girl
named Laura who died during the Black Plague)
• 1528 Benvenuto Cellini published a manual called:
“The Book of the Courtier”, this gave advice to men
and women on Ren. Ideal of good behavior. Men to be
skilled in many activities, women to be graceful,
attractive and courteous.
• 1513: Niccolo Machiavelli: Wrote “The Prince” a how
to guide on Italian politics (use deceit and force as
needed to hold on to power!)
Italian Ren. Artists
• Michelangelo, based in Florence: Created
sculpture of David between 1501 and 1504, also
painted the Sistine Chapel (fin. In 1512), greatest
wall painting in Italy (10,000 sq. ft.), designed the
dome of St. Peter’s Basilica to end his career.
• Leonardo da Vinci: Citizen of Florence, worked
also in Milan and Rome. painted Mona Lisa in
Florence in 1503; painted Last Supper and also
had talent in engineering, architecture and
• Raphael Santi: famous painter, noted for his paintings of Mary,
painted for the Vatican.
Sistine Chapel!! Even painted
Biblical scenes on the ceiling…
The Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo DaVinci
Real Mona
Lisa Gheradini
Giocondo was
about 25 when
she posed for
Leo's painting.
She was the
daughter and
wife of wealthy
men and it is
believed her
husband paid
Leo for her to
be painted.
The "Mona Lisa" is valued as a
priceless item and is not insured.
Leonardo da
Vinci painted the
"Mona Lisa" from
1503 to 1506 in
The painting has
an imperfection.
In 1956, a man
named Ugo
Ungaza threw a
stone at the
painting. This
resulted in a
small patch of
damaged paint
next to her left
da Vinci used oil paints on a
poplar wood panel. The panel is
30 inches tall and about 20
inches wide.
Other Chunky Italian Ren.
• Warfare: Mercenaries (Condottieri) hired to
fight for city states, first large scale use of
devoted professional armies…(citizen soldiers
replaced because using them in armies hurt a
city state’s business and profits!)
• Increased gunpowder use promotes decline in
armor and results in development of long thin
“fashionable” gentleman swords called rapiers
• Italian fencing masters train gentlemen in
Italian version of sword play across Europe.
A wealthy man’s self-defense.
Why could the only the middle class
and upper class afford to do this?
Time out for Fencing
Club Hand warmup!!!
Italian Ren. Contributions
• Architecture: changed from soaring, spikey
GOTHIC cathedrals and spires back to classical
columns, arches and domes (ie: St Peter’s
Basilica)(called Renaissance Architecture)
Built between
1211 and 1516
Similarities and Differences?
Renaissance architecture
New Social Class/Ideas shared
• Rise of a wealthy, educated and expanding
MIDDLE Class consisting of merchants,
bankers, lawyers
• Rise in exchange of ideas across Europe. City
States began sending out ambassadors and
created agreements, copied across N. Europe
In review /Summarization:
• The Italian Renaissance included 2 important
elements: Humanism and Renaissance Art.
• 1. Humanism: is….
• 2. Name some famous Ren. Artists
Or works:
Boticelli’s “The
Birth of Venus”
Review page 2:
The Renaissance began in the city-states of Italy.
The reasons why were:
1. Italy was in the best geographic location for
trade routes between the Spices of the East
and the kingdoms of Western Europe.
Italy had avoided an economic crisis of the late Middle
Ages also avoided major outbreaks of the Plague.
• Italian towns were important centers of Mediterranean trade
got very rich with their production of textiles (cloth) and trade
in luxury goods (such as spices/dyes and silks).
Final Cut: Leonardo’s Last Supper 1495-1498
VlA Review:
Italian Renaissance Intro vla:
Da Vinci:
• Each student writes down 1-6 die roll details
• Rapier Fencing clip: Question: would you ever try
this? EC: What makes a rapier different from other
(earlier) swords?
• Princess Bride:
Group Collaboration:
• In your groups of 3 or less(or solo for a hw
review)…appoint a leader, a writer and
researcher and
• …..PREDICT And create what the group feels
are the top 5 facts to KNOW from this section
for a quiz or a test. Be ready to present your
top 5 lists….