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Name _____________________________
`Period _________
AP Biology
Date ____________________
1. Which of the following principles is NOT part of Darwin’s original theory of evolution by natural
selection? (99:53)
A. Evolution is a gradual process that occurs over long periods of time.
B. Variation occurs among individuals in a population.
C. Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation.
D. More individuals are born than will survive.
E. Individuals that possess the most favorable variations have the best chance of reproducing.
2. If a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, then
A. it is evolving to adapt to environmental changes
B. the frequency of alleles is changing with each generation
C. mutations, immigration, and selective mating are changing allele frequencies
D. it is not evolving and allele frequencies remain the same with each generation
E. homozygous recessive individuals are less fit
3. Which of the following is probably the best explanation for the fact that Antarctic penguins cannot
fly, although there is evidence that millions of years ago their ancestors could do so? (94:39)
A. Penguins live on land and feed in the water; therefore they have no need to fly.
B. The Antarctic home of penguins is flat and barren; therefore there is no place to fly.
C. Ancestral penguins without large wings were better able to swim and feed in the water;
therefore they passed their genes for shorter wings structure onto their offspring.
D. Ancestral penguins did not use their wings for long periods of time; therefore today’s penguins
have only tiny, nonfunctional wings.
E. The cold and wind of Antarctica make flight impossible; therefore penguins that live there have
lost the ability to fly.
4. What is the only factor that can change allele frequencies in populations to produce adaptive
evolutionary change?
A. mutation
B. gene flow (immigration)
C. non-random mating
D. genetic drift
E. selection
1 of 5
Name _____________________________
AP Biology
5. Genetic drift is increased by all of the following EXCEPT
A. small population size
B. bottleneck effects when the population size is greatly reduced, then recovers
C. founder effects when a small number of individuals are isolated and reproduce to form a new
D. movement of individuals from one isolated population to another
E. genetic isolation of small groups within a population
6. All of the following are required for natural selection to create evolutionary change in a population
A. variation in size or health of genetically identical individuals that is caused by environmental
B. genetic variation exists in a population
C. individuals that have superior traits produce more offspring than less fit individuals
D. genes that produce superior traits are passed to offspring
E. differential survival and reproduction exist
7. In a small group of people living in a remote area of Kentucky, there is a high incidence of “blue
skin”, a condition that results from a variation in the structure of hemoglobin. All of the “blueskinned” residents can trace their ancestry to one couple, who were among the original settlers of
this region. The unusually high frequency of “blue skin” in the area is a example of (99:44)
A. mutation
B. genetic drift
C. natural selection
D. sexual selection
E. heterozygote advantage
8. The wing of a bat, the flipper of a whale, and the forelimb of a horse appear very different, yet
detailed studies reveal the presence of the same basic bone pattern. These structures are
examples of (94:07)
A. analogous structures
B. homologous structures
C. vestigial structures
D. balanced polymorphism
E. convergent evolution
2 of 5
Name _____________________________
AP Biology
9. Some varieties of the bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, are now resistant to penicillin.
varieties of bacteria most probably developed as a result of… (90:50)
A. selection
B. hybrid vigor
C. coevolution
D. adaptive radiation
E. convergent evolution
10. Which of the following is a correct statement about mutations?
A. They are a source of variation for evolution.
B. They drive evolution by creating mutation pressures.
C. They are irreversible.
D. They occur in germ cells but not in somatic cells
E. They are most often beneficial to the organisms in which they occur.
11. The bones of a human arm are homologous to structures in all of the following EXCEPT a (90:01)
A. whale flipper
B. bat wing
C. butterfly wing
D. bird wing
E. frog forelimb
12. The different species of finches on the Galapagos Islands are believed to have arisen as a result of
natural selection acting on populations of finches that had experienced (02:04)
A. convergent evolution
B. gene flow
C. the bottleneck effect
D. geographic isolation
E. hybrid sterility
13. The difference in cricket calls among sympatric species of crickets are examples of (90:51)
A. habitat isolation
B. temporal isolation
C. physiological isolation
D. behavioral isolation
E. geographical isolation
3 of 5
Name _____________________________
AP Biology
14. Which of the following best supports the statement that mitochondria are descendants of
endosymbiotic bacteria-like cells? (99:13)
A. Mitochondria and bacteria possess similar ribosomes and DNA.
B. Mitochondria and bacteria possess similar nuclei.
C. Glycolysis occurs in both mitochondria and bacteria.
D. Both mitochondria and bacteria have microtubules.
E. Neither mitochondria nor bacteria possess chloroplasts.
15. Fossils of some intermediate forms have not been found because
A. new types of organisms can appear suddenly without progressive changes determined by
natural selection
B. fossils are very rare; fossils of only a small fraction of all species have been found
C. all fossils are the same age
D. species produced by punctuated equilibrium do not leave fossils
E. the ages of many fossils are not calculated correctly
16. For some traits (such as birth weight in mammals), natural selection favors individuals that are
average and the extremes are selected against. This is know as
A. diversifying selection
B. directional selection
C. adaptive radiation
D. disruptive selection
E. stabilizing selection
17. A species is defined as
A. a population of organisms similar in size, shape, and color
B. a group of organisms that live in the same habitat
C. a population of organisms that are able to interbreed
D. a population of organisms that have the same number of chromosomes
E. a population of organisms with a common ancestor
4 of 5
Name _____________________________
AP Biology
18. The condition in which there are barriers to successful interbreeding between individuals of different
species in the same community is referred to as (99:08)
A. latent variations
B. sterility
C. structural differences
D. geographic isolation
E. reproductive isolation
19. How does artificial selection produce rapid changes in the phenotype of organisms?
A. By changing the frequency of alleles and selecting for new combinations of traits
B. By stimulating the species to increase the production of new mutations
C. By changing the number of chromosomes
D. By selecting only dominant genotypes
E. By allowing individuals with all genetic combinations to survive and reproduce equally
20. The embryonic development of vertebrates provides evidence for evolution because
A. each organism passes through the entire evolutionary history of its species as it develops from
a fertilized egg to a full grown individual
B. the more recently species have shared a common ancestor, the more similar their
embryological development
C. a small number of mutations can convert the embryo of one species into another species
D. the DNA sequences of embryos change as they develop
E. unrelated organisms can develop from very similar embryos
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