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Cardiovascular Review Q’s:
1. What are the first vessels to
branch off the aorta? (Hint:
Remember that the heart
feeds itself first).
2. Blood returning from the
heart muscle to the right
atrium drains into the
3. The AV valve located on the
same side of the heart as the
origin of the pulmonary artery
is _______________.
4. A faulty aortic SL valve would
result in less blood reaching
the ________________.
5. The pacemaker region of the
heart is known as
6. Histology of epicardium,
myocardium, endocardium.
7. The first heart sound is due to
8. Which of the following
statements is true concerning
cardiac muscle?
- has a structure similar to
smooth muscle.
- develops an oxygen debt very
quickly during exercise.
- contracts faster than skeletal
- Contains membranous
structures called intercalated
- Has fewer mitochondria than
skeletal muscle.
9. The concentration of carbon
dioxide is ______________
in tissues than in arterial
10. ____________ have thick
walls of smooth muscle and
direct blood flow away from
the heart.
11. ___________ have valves and
return blood to the heart.
12. The layer of pericardium
closest to the heart is called
13. What are the terms for the
relaxation and contraction
phases of the heart?
14. The cardiovascular system of
the fetus bypasses the
_____________ circuit
because it is not yet
Lymphatic Review Q’s:
1. Localized swelling due to fluid
retention is called:
2. What is active immunity
triggered by?
3. The lymphocyte responsible
for producing antibodies is
4. What are the 3 major
functions of the lymphatic
5. Which structure is not
associated with the lymphatic
system? Spleen, lymph nodes,
thymus, bone marrow, liver
6. All of the following are
symptoms of the inflammatory
response EXCEPT which of the
following: redness, heat,
swelling, bruising, pain
7. What initiates the
inflammatory response?
8. Masses of lymphatic tissue
found in the superior area of
the larynx are called
9. Fluid balance performed by
the lymphatic system helps
maintain the homeostasis in
the blood by
Respiratory Review Q’s:
1. Put the following terms in the
correct sequence for the path
of air (from point of
inhalation): bronchioles,
trachea, pharynx, larynx,
2. Which portion of the
respiratory tract is also a
passage for food?
3. Gas exchange occurs at the
respiratory membrane
between which two
4. Which of the following
structures contain(s)
cartilage: larynx, trachea,
5. The diaphragm contracts
during _______________
and relaxes during
6. What transport process
(absorption, secretion,
diffusion, active transport)
causes the exchange of oxygen
and carbon dioxide between
the capillaries and alveoli?
7. The concentration of carbon
dioxide is (higher or lower) in
tissues vs. arterial blood.
8. Which structure separates
the oral cavity from the nasal
cavity and with the uvula is
depressed during the sneeze