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Sequence Alignment
Sequence Alignment
– To match a new sequence to others with known functions
– To search for ESTs and other signs of gene expression
– To understand population dynamics and evolutionary relationships between
genes and species
– To find important regions within proteins
– Alignment should mimic evolutionary descent: the actual history of mutation and
selection that led to this gene
• But it is too complicated to get perfectly correct
• Protein alignments work over larger evolutionary distances than nucleotide
– How to treat substitutions, insertions and deletions (gaps)
– How to score possible alignments
• Global vs. local alignment
– Multiple alignment (as an extension of pairwise alignment
• Hidden Markov Models and other ways of abstracting multiple alignment information
Homology: related by evolutionary descent. As opposed to similarity, which
is not necessarily based on descent from a common ancestor
– But in practice, long aligned sequences seem to only arise by evolution
– Short alignments can be due to chance or convergent evolution.
Example Alignments
– Same length, just 2 mismatches
– Length is different, need to introduce gaps to maximize identities.
Scoring by Identity
• One simple way to score an alignment is by counting the number of
perfect matches.
– Get percentage of identities by dividing number of matches by total
positions (including gap positions). This is a measure of relatedness
between 2 proteins.
– For previous example, 11 matches with 16 positions = 68.75% (69%)
• Length matters: it is harder to get a high percentage of identities in a
long sequence than in a short one.
• Problem of random matches. For nucleotides, 25% of all positions
in random sequences match, and it’s 5% for proteins.
– General rule, based on proteins with known structural similarity:
• Two proteins are probably structurally similar (and thus probably
homologous) if they have 30% or more identical amino acids over their
whole length when aligned.
• Less than 20% amino acid identity means probably not homologous
• Between 20% and 30% is a gray zone
• My personal happiness with matches increases when it’s above 35%
• Except for very unusual proteins, 100% identity doesn’t occur between
homologous proteins in different species
• Dotplots are a simple way
of seeing alignments
– We really like to see good
visual demonstrations, not
just tables of numbers
• It’s a grid: put one
sequence along the top
and the other down the
side, and put a dot
wherever they match.
• You see the alignment as
a diagonal
Dotplot Noise
A big problem is noise: there are lots of random matches (roughly 5% for
proteins) that confuse the image.
– Standard solution: create a sliding window (say 10 residues) and only mark a
dot if a minimum number of matches occur in that window (say 3).
– A lot of noise goes away
This is a sequence compared to itself, so there is a perfect diagonal.
A Real Dotplot
Two haptoglobin sequences. (Haptoglobin is a blood protein that binds to hemoglobin that has
gotten out of the red blood cells).
You can see a gap in one sequence, a region of poor similarity just before it, and a simple
sequence repeat near the beginning.
Similarity Matching
In proteins, many substitutions occur that have little effect on structure or
– or, they alter the protein to make it more adapted for the lifestyles of the
different species
– This depends on where in the protein they occur and on the chemical and
physical properties of the amino acids.
Substitution matrices: scores of the probability of changing one amino
acid into another.
– Amino acids are similar if they can frequently be substituted for each other.
– These are just overall numbers compiled over many sequences, not adapted
to specific cases.
Early attempts were based on amino acid properties, or on the number of
nucleotide substitutions needed to change from one amino acid to the
Now they are based on actual comparison between sequences.
– The two most popular types: PAM and BLOSUM
– There are other, more specialized substitution matrices, for comparing
transmembrane regions, for example.
BLOSUM62 Matrix
Similarity Matrix Theory
Think about aligning 2 proteins from similar species that are orthologs: same function
and syntenic. At some point back in evolutionary time, there was a single DNA
sequence that is the common ancestor of both proteins.
– Most paired amino acids are identical, but a few are different.
Reduce the problem: consider a single aligned pair of amino acids, that are not
identical. T-S
We are comparing 2 theories of how these amino acids were derived from a common
Random mutation followed by natural selection. Some substitutions will happen more
frequently than others because they lead to functional proteins more often.
• The frequency with which T and S are substituted for each other by evolution is derived
from counting them in well-aligned sequences. = freq(T-S)
Completely random changes: every possible substitution happens in proportion to the
relative frequencies of the different amino acids, the two amino acids are unrelated to each
• In this case, the frequency of a T and an S is just the product of the frequency of T’s
and the frequency of S’s in the entire protein (or proteome). -= freq(T) • freq(S)
The odds ratio is the evolutionary theory (observed data) frequency divided by the
random theory frequency. OR = freq(T-S) / freq(T) • freq(S)
More Theory
We want to get the odds that a given alignment fits the evolutionary model
better than a random model.
– Good alignments give high odds ratios
Need to multiply the OR’s for all amino acids in the alignment
It is easier (and doesn’t overflow the computer’s floating point calculator)
to take the logarithm of the odds ratio for each amino acid, and then add
the logarithms.
– This is the lod score (log of odds).
A negative score means that the given substitution is less likely than
chance, and a positive score means it is more likely than chance.
You can score each possible alignment by adding up over the whole
Some fooling with constants (which don’t distort the results but are either more pleasing to the
human eye or make further calculations easier: multiply lod score by 10, or add a constant to
make al values 0 or greater
PAM = “Point Accepted Mutations”, meaning single amino acid substitutions (point
mutations) that have been “accepted” by natural selection: they are functional in different
Derived by Dayhoff and colleagues in the 1960’s and 1970’s (although there are some
newer versions around)
They give a measure of the frequency of changing from one amino acid to another, as
compared to the frequency of random change
Derived from global alignments of homologus sequences from different, but closely
related, species. The sequences had an average of 1 amino acid change per hundred
residues. Thus we assume at most 1 mutation has occurred at each position.
Do an phylogenetic analysis of the sequences to determine which mutations have occurred
Calculate the lod scores. Then multiply all of them by 10 and round to integers.
This set of scores derived from sequence alignments is the PAM1 matrix.
Since most sequences being aligned are not between such closely related species, the
PAM1 matrix is multiplied by itself many times to mimic lots of small changes.
This concept is a serious weakness: multiplying of errors magnifies them.
The number after “PAM” is the number of times the matrix has been multiplied by itself.
Common ones: PAM30, PAM70, PAM120, PAM250. Bigger number = better for more distant
=BLOck Substitution Matrix. Derived in the 1990’s by Henikoff and
Based on local alignments of Blocks, which are short, highly homologous
regions, with no gaps
Sequences were grouped together if they were very similar, and then
comparisons were made between the groups as in the PAM matrices.
– No attempt at phylogenetic trees
– The different BLOSUM matrices have specific cutoffs for amino acid identities.
For example, the BLOSUM62 matrix is based on sequence blocks with at least
62% identity.
– The odds ratio for each substitution is calculated, but instead of taking the base
10 log and multiplying the result by 10 as in PAM, BLOSUM takes the base 2 log
and multiplies by 2. This gives scores in “half-bits”.
Bigger numbers imply closer evolutionary distance, so BLOSUM80 is better
for closely related species than BLOSUM 45.
BLOSUM seems to work better than PAM
BLOSUM62 is the default used in BLAST searches.
BLOSUM62 and PAM120 Matrices
The colors represent different
physiochemical properties.
Note that some substitutions are
positive, which indicates that they
occur more frequently than chance.
The average value is negative: it is
more likely than an amino acid will
stay the same than change.
The diagonal values are unchanged
amino acids, all of which have positive
values. Some are less changeable
than others: tryptophan and cysteine
Gaps occur with roughly 1/10 the frequency of base substitutions, so they
are common in most alignments.
Symbolized by hyphens ( --- ) paired with residues: like a mismatch with a
blank space.
You can assign a penalty for each gap position.
– This is called a linear gap penalty: the total penalty is proportional to the gap
The problem is, once you start putting them in, you can get almost
anything aligned.
Alignment programs usually distinguish between creating a gap and
extending a gap. Thus, the gap opening penalty and a (smaller) gap
extension penalty.
– This is called an affine gap penalty.
Although substitutions have a lot of theory behind them, gap penalties are
generally determined by heuristic means.
– Heuristic = a method or value determined by trial-and-error experiments,
without a strong guiding theory.
– In this case, gap opening and extension penalties are the result of trying many
possibilities and seeing which ones give the most pleasing alignments.
– The BLAST default is a -11 penalty for opening the gap and -1 for each
additional base of gap. (11/1)
• Other options on BLAST at NCBI are 7/2, 8/2, 9/2, 10/1, and 12/1
Comparing 2 distantly related sequences with different gap penalties:
•Top sequence has fewer gaps and longer matches.
•Bottom sequence has more identities and similarities overall, but lots of little gaps. The matches near
the C-terminal are absurd.
•Look at the short segment after the first gap in the lower sequence: gained 3 identities
How Do We Make Alignments?
We have been working on scoring an alignment: identities and similarities, and gap
But, how do you get an alignment to score in the first place?
– Trying all possibilities is one of those “more possibilities than there are atoms in
the Universe” problems.
The general solution: “dynamic programming”, a technique first applied to DNA
sequences by Needleman and Wunsch (1970)
Their original method gave global alignments.
Smith and Waterman (1981) provided a slight (but critical) modification that produced local
alignments, which work better than global for most genes.
These methods provide an optimal alignment, for a given substitution matrix and set
of gap penalties.
They are much faster than trying all possibilities, but still not quick enough. Various
refinements and heuristic methods improve the speed.
Smith-Waterman Algorithm
Start with a 2-dimensional matrix with one
sequence along the top and the other
sequence down the left side. All possible
pairs of nucleotides or amino acids are
represented by the cells of the matrix.
All possible alignments are represented by
the paths through the matrix.
“Edge rows” along the top and left side.
a diagonal step is an alignment between the
query and the subject sequences at that
a vertical step is a gap in the query sequence
a horizontal step is a gap in the subject
Have a match reward and penalties for
mismatches, gap openings, and gap
extensions. For our example, we will use
the BLOSUM62 matrix, with a linear gap
penalty of -6
Initialize the edge rows to scores of 0.
With positive
scores marked
Calculating Cell Scores
• Using BLOSUM62 for
substitutions, and a -6 linear
gap penalty.
• The cell at row i and column j
has a score S(i, j)
• Starting at top left cell, proceed
row-by-row, calculating each
cell’s score S(i, j). S(i, j) is the
maximum of:
– 0 (i.e. set to 0 if the calculated
score is less than 0)
– S(i-1, j-1) + match/mismatch
score for cell (i, j)
– S(i, j-1) + match/mismatch
score for cell (i, j) + gap
– S(i-1, j) + match/mismatch
score for cell (i, j) + gap
T 9 8
P 2 ?
For the cell in question, the amino acids
don’t match. On the BLOSUM62 matrix,
this is a -1. There are 3 possible
alignment paths to this cell:
1. diagonal (query/subject alignment).
Score = 9 – 1 = 8.
2. vertical (query gap). Score = 8 – 6 –
3. horizontal (subject gap). Score = 2 –
6 – 1 = -5 (set to 0)
Since 8 is the maximum, the cell’s value is
set to 8.
Smith-Waterman Details
Start at the first row: T doesn’t match
anything, and looking at BLOSUM62,
the only positive score for a mismatch
is +1 with S.
Second row: H matches N = +1, but
nothing else..
We keep track of the 0 -> 1 diagonal
The diagonal staring with the 1 in the
previous row is a H-A mismatch = -2,
so 1 -22 = -1, which is scored as 0.
Third row: I gives positive scores with
M. L, and V. But, nothing builds on the
previous row.
More S-W
Fourth row: S has positive scores
with N, A, and T.
S-S = +4 match, added to 4 from
the diagonal = 8
S-A = 1. For a horizontal move
(subject gap), 8 + 1 – 6 = 3.
S-I is -2 mismatch, added to 2 from
the diagonal = 0.
S-G = 0 mismatch, added to 4 from
the diagonal
More S-W
Still More!
Then, start at the highest score in the
matrix and trace back the path leading
through the highest previous scores to
0. Go left and up only, preferring the
diagonal path if a choice needs to be
High score is 16, in the bottom row (but
it could have been elsewhere).
If the high score isn’t at an edge, you
also need to trace it forward until is
reaches 0.
Write the alignment starting at the top.
It doesn’t cover the entire sequence: it
is a local alignment, not global.
It isn’t perfect: the strong diagonal from
LI and the 0 mismatch score from a GN match overcame the gap penalty
needed to put a gap where the G is.
Nevertheless, given the BLOSUM62
matrix and the -6 linear gap penalty,
this is an optimal alignment,
Changing the Gap Penalty
• The top one
has a -4 gap
penalty and
the bottom
one has a -8
gap penalty
(both linear).
They give
A Needleman-Wunsch Alignment
•Needleman-Wunsch is a global alignment algorithm. The alignment path starts
at the lower right and goes to the upper left.
•The matrix is initialized with the gap penalties (-8 here)
•Scoring is the same as for Smith-Waterman, except that scores can go below 0.
•As in S-W, the path to each cell is recorded, and the best path is traced back to
get the alignment.
Speeding Things Up
• A lot of time is wasted calculating the whole matrix—a lot of it is very
far away from the main aligned region.
• So, only calculate diagonals where the score is above some
– Note that by not calculating the entire matrix, you risk missing an
optimal alignment
• Need to start with a well-aligned region on the main diagonal—we
will see how to do this soon.
• The FASTA alignment method uses the “band drop” method, which
is based on the assumption that gaps can only be smaller than
some maximum (default = 15).
– Thus, only the main diagonal and 15 diagonals on with side of it need to
be calculated
– If a gap appears, you can re-adjust which diagonals you calculate to
keep the best alignment centered.
X-Drop Method
BLAST uses the X-drop method,
which calculates the scores along
anti-diagonals (moving from topright to bottom-left)
– If the row number is i and the
column number is j, the antidiagonal you are working on in
always d = i + j.
Only record scores for cells which
are greater than some set amount
below the current maximum score.
– Set other cells to negative infinity
Result is that you are only
calculating cells between an upper
limit iU and a lower limit iL.
Limits are re-calculated for each
anti-diagonal as you proceed.
– Illustration shows limits
– If the cells at the current iU and iL
are not negative infinity, expand iU
and iL.
Short Exact Matches
• Smith-Waterman is exact but slow.
• The best improvement on S-W involves the a list of short
sequences that match exactly between the query and
the subject.
• Start by making a list of the position of all possible “kmers” or “k-tuples” or “words” in both sequences.
– K = length, set at 2 for protein and 6 for DNA in the FASTA
program, and 3 for protein, 11 for DNA in BLAST.
• Find all matching k-mers between query and subject,
and combine them to form regions of exact ungapped
• Fun computer science algorithms for indexing positions
of k-mers: suffix trees and hashing/chaining. Discussed
in book.
FASTA Method
• This method starts out by trying to find
the diagonals with the best matches
on them, using the list of k-tuples.
• Once the best ungapped perfect
matching alignments are found, the
alignments on each diagonal are
connected. The score for each
diagonal is decreased by a set amount
for each position that is not part of a
perfect match.
• Then take a band around the diagonal
with the highest score, and use the
Smith-Waterman dynamic
programming method to produce an
optimum alignment.
– At this point, mismatches and gaps in
one sequence but not the other are
allowed. This is done using a
substitution matrix and an affine gap
BLAST started out as a way to develop a solid statistical theory to
determine the significance of alignments.
– We will discuss the theory briefly later.
– The theory only works for ungapped alignments
– Two basic version: the old version was for ungapped only, and the new version
incorporates gaps
– Turned into a very good general alignment method.
Starts out by finding all k-mers in the query sequence (with k=3 for proteins
and 11 for DNA by default)
Match to k-mers in subject database using BLOSUM62 matrix, so perfect
matches are not necessary. Collect all matches with a score greater than a
– Another interesting bit of computer science here: matches are found using a
deterministic finite-state automaton.
After k-mer matches are found, there is a difference between old version vs.
– the old version extends each k-mer match, without gaps, as much as possible,
until the total score falls to some set amount below the maximum. These
ungapped aligned regions are called “high-scoring segment pairs” or HSPs. The
best scoring HSP can be used for significance tests.
More BLAST Theory
• The new version of BLAST uses
a two-hit method: if 2 k-mer
matches are found on the same
diagonal (as in the S-W matrix)
and within 40 residues of each
other, they are extended to form
– The threshold for accepting a kmer match is lower for the new
method (score of 11) as
compared to the old method
(score of 13).
– The two-hit method requires
fewer extensions than the onehit (old) method.
– HSPs above a threshold are
used as a seed for S-W
alignment in both directions,
using the X-drop method to limit
the search area. This produces
a gapped alignment.
+ = hit with T=13 (old), and ● =
additional hits with T=11 (new).
Lines show extensions of 2-hit
Filtering Out Low-Complexity
• Simple sequence repeats in DNA, and regions of
repeated amino acid sequence cause problems
because they align with many different database
sequences in a meaningless way.
• Generally filtered out in large database
searches: the low-complexity regions are
replaced by X’s (protein) or N’s (DNA)
• Calculations of sequence complexity: how much
information a given short sequence holds.
• Databases of common repeated sequences,
especially for well-known genomes like human
and Arabidopsis.
Statistical Significance
Imagine an attempt to align 2 sequences, resulting in some score (bit score in
BLAST output).
Now, randomly permute one of the sequences and attempt to align them.
Repeat this many times with different permutations.
Result is a distribution of the optimum score for each attempt: an extreme value
Note the heavy right-hand tail: high scores are more common than would be
expected with a normal distribution.
Lots of statistical theory goes into deriving a formula for calculating a relationship
between alignment score and probability
a. Probability of score x
in random permutations
b. Probability of observing a score of at least x
More Statistics
P-value: the probability that two sequences will have an alignment score (S)
better than some value x is a function of:
– Query sequence length (m)
– Subject sequence (database) length (n)
– λ and K, which are parameters that depend on the substitution matrix and
sequence composition.
– P(S >= x) = 1- exp(-Kmne-λx). (Don’t memorize this!)
– It’s only approximate for ungapped alignments, but widely used.
P-value is the probability that the query sequence would give an alignment
scoring S or better with a randomly chosen sequence (i.e. one that is not
related to the query).
– P-value is a number between 0 and 1.
E-value, which is what BLAST and FASTA report, is P-value multiplied by
the number of sequences in the database.
– E-value is the number of sequences (of the same length as your query
sequence) in a completely random database of the same size as your database
that would be expected to give a score of S or better with your query sequence
– So, an e-value of 1 means that you would expect at least 1 random sequence to
match your query: it is not significant since you want the match to be so unusual
that it would be extremely unlikely to occur by chance.
– In general, I don’t trust e-values worse than 1e-10 (= 1 x 1010).
– Most computers can’t calculate less than 1e-180 and give 0.0 for matches better
than this.
A Return to the Practical Side!
A number of different BLAST programs are available. The main ones differ
primarily by the type of query and subject sequences used:
– blastn: query is DNA, subject is DNA
– blastp: query is protein, subject is protein
– blastx: query is nucleic acid that is translated by the program into protein
sequences (all 6 reading frames); subject database is protein. Useful for
imperfect query sequences such as ESTs
– tblastn: query is protein; database is DNA translated into protein sequences in
all 6 reading frames. Useful for low quality databases.
– tblastx: query is DNA translated into protein, subject is nucleotide translated into
protein. Both are translated into all 6 frames. It is very slow relative to the other
BLAST types.
For general use, the BLAST system at NCBI is probably the best and
easiest to use.
– The “nr” database is a non-redundant database of all known sequences. It is
very large, but does the best job at answering the question of what known
sequence is the best match for your query.
There is a variant BLAST called WU-BLAST, because it was coded at
Washington University. It is basically equivalent to NCBI BLAST
Many databases have internal BLAST search engines that just search their
own database.
A Sequence to BLAST
This is a randomly chosen gene from Bacillus megaterium. ORF00135.
>ORF00135 | chromosome 538197 - 538721 rev_comp = 1
•Now go to NCBI--> BLAST --> Protein blast.
•Paste the sequence and header into the box.
•Note the database: default is nr. You could use ESTs, or go for a specific organism
•Algorithm: blastp is the standard one used for protein sequences
•Note the BLAST 2 sequences box--we’ll try this later
•Note the box for showing the results in a new window.
•Algorithm parameters: just under the BLAST button on the bottom of the page
•maximum number of sequences to display (default = 100)
•Expect threshold: maximum e-value to display (default = 10)
•Scoring matrix and gap penalties
•low complexity filters
•When in doubt, accept the defaults.
BLAST Results
It takes a while: the screen updates every few seconds.
The Conserved Domains Database (CDD) is automatically searched, and it is
much faster--you get a graphical image of domain structure.
Graphic Summary: a representation of the the top 100 hits (by default).
Has a link to that gene, gene name and (often) species, bit score, e-value
Alignments: detailed alignments for each hit
Length of the bars shows extent of homologous region, and color shows alignment
scores (bit scores).
Mouseover the bars to get a bit of info about each hit, all of which is duplicated below.
Descriptions: a list of the sequences hitting your query, with the best score on
PAP2-like superfamily, which can be clicked on for more info
Get percentage of identities and positives (i.e. positive match scores in BLOSUM62),
number of gap bases, sequence length
“Expect” = e-value.
Aligned query and subject sequences, with identities and positives shown between
them, and position numbers in the sequences.
Looks like the top hit is annotated incorrectly: everything else including the CDD
domain information says this is a phsophatase, but this hit says it is ribosomal
protein S2 from Bacillus licheniformis.
BLAST Two Sequences
Get the B. licheniformis ribosomal S2 protein sequence (the top hit)
the sequence is given under ORIGIN at the bottom. It will work with the BLAST search
despite having spaces and numbers in it.
mnklmvgiyn fecriflgmn rlfhqktlnr yfrssthlgg amctisacls lllfgsgsvr
61 tagmasalal lvshlqvmli kklyprkrpy ltlketqvlq nplkdhsfps ghttavfsvi
121 tplmiffpil alllipvgvs vglsriylgl hypsdvlagt algisvgtls amif
Or, you can just paste in the reference number: ref|YP_080329.1
Check the Blast 2 Sequences box: now there are 2 boxes to paste sequences into.
Results: same as with regular BLAST, but also a Dot matrix view: click it.
Full length alignment, with 2 small gaps
• Many systems have less fancy interface, both
for input and output.
• Try using the Bmeg BLAST at NIU with the B.
licheniformis sequence. The database is just
genes from B. megaterium, so it is a very fast
– You get the Description lines and the Alignments, but
none of the graphics or links.
– Note the masked region (XXXX)
– Also a little summary of technical stuff at the bottom: λ
and K, counts of HSPs, etc.