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WJEC GCSE ADDITIONAL Chemistry – Atomic Structure
I know that all substances are made of atoms.
I know that all substances made of ONE sort of atom only are called ELEMENTS.
I know that atoms of each element are represented by a chemical symbol.
I know that atoms have a small central NUCLEUS containing positive PROTONS and
neutral NEUTRONS.
I know that PROTONS have a MASS of 1 unit and a charge of +1.
I know that NEUTRONS have a MASS of 1 unit and 0 charge.
I know that the nucleus is surrounded by very small negative particles called
I know that ELECTRONS have NEGLIGIBLE MASS and a charge of -1.
I know that all ATOMS are ELECTRICALLY NEUTRAL because they have EQUAL
NUMBERS of positive protons and negative electrons so the charges cancel.
I know that all atoms of the same element have the SAME number of protons.
I know that atoms of DIFFERENT elements have DIFFERENT numbers of protons.
I know that the ATOMIC NUMBER of an atom is the BOTTOM NUMBER next to
the symbol for the element in the Periodic Table.
I know that the ATOMIC NUMBER of an atom tells us the NUMBER OF PROTONS
in the nucleus of an atom. It also tells us the NUMBER OF ELECTRONS in the
I know that the MASS NUMBER of an atom is the TOP NUMBER next to the
symbol for the element in the Periodic Table.
I know that the MASS NUMBER tells us the SUM of the number of PROTONS
PLUS the number of NEUTRONS in the nucleus of an atom.
I know that I can find the NUMBER OF NEUTRONS in the nucleus of an atom by
I can use symbols like 23Na to work out the protons, neutrons and electrons
in an atom.
I know that electrons are arranged around the nucleus of an atom in SHELLS or
I know that the shell nearest to the nucleus is FULL when it has a maximum of 2
I know that the other shells can hold a maximum of 8 electrons.
I know that the combining power (valency) of an element can be found from its
position in the Periodic Table and the number of electrons there are in its outer
I know that metals in groups 1,2 and 3 have the SAME combining power as their
group number.
I know that Non metals have a combining power which is equal to the number of