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IB 105 Environmental Science, Fall 2006
Exam 1. Form A.
Question number in parentheses indicates question number on Form B
1. (6) Which of the following disciplines are included in the field of environmental
A) Agriculture
B) Chemistry
C) Economics
D) Politics
E) All of the above
2. (1) In the southwestern United States, a primary environmental issue throughout most
of the region is:
A) Extensive deforestation
B) Too many cornfields
C) Too little water
D) Urban sprawl
3. (2) Who argued for forest protection “…for the greatest good, for the greatest number
for the longest time”?
A) Henry David Thoreau
B) George Perkins
C) Gifford Pinchot
D) John Muir
E) Dick Cheney
4. (3) In addition to being the founder of the field of game management, Aldo Leopold
wrote which book?
A) Man and Nature
B) Silent Spring
C) A Sand County Almanac
D) The Population Bomb
5. (4) The main purpose of the Kyoto Protocol was to:
A) Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
B) Reduce the rate of population growth
C) Increase awareness of biodiversity related issues.
D) Set goals to increase the amount of safe drinking water worldwide.
6. (5) The “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico is caused by:
A) Not enough nutrients
B) Sharks
C) Good farming practices
D) Too many nutrients
E) Over-fishing
7. (7) Of all the described species of animals, approximately ___________ are
A) 5%
B) 10%
C) 50%
D) 90%
8. (12) True or False: The United States has <5% of the World’s population but produces
50% of all toxic wastes.
A) True
B) False
9. (9) A good hypothesis will:
A) Be as general as possible
B) Be testable and falsifiable
C) Be developed in isolation
D) Both a and b
10. (10) A person who works towards a balance between resource use and availability
has which of the following environmental attitudes?
A) Developmental Ethic
B) Preservation Ethic
C) Conservation Ethic
11. (11) Evolution can operate on which of the following?
A) Individuals in a population
B) Populations in a community
C) Communities in an ecosystem
D) Ecosystems in the world
12. (8) When designing an experiment, there should be at least two differences between
your experimental and control groups.
A) True
B) False
13. (13) What is the difference between ethics and morals?
A) Ethics involve fundamental rights and wrongs, whereas morals are based on
cultural practices.
B) Morals involve fundamental rights and wrongs, where as ethics are based on
cultural practices.
C) They are equivalent terms.
14. (14) Which is NOT higher in rich countries relative to poor countries?
A) Birth rates
B) Life expectancy
C) Wastes generated
D) Per capita income
E) Female literacy rates
15. (15) The field and laboratory experiments designed to investigate deformities in
amphibians indicated that:
A) Parasites alone could cause the observed deformities
B) Chemicals alone could cause the observed deformities
C) Chemicals combined with parasites increased the likelihood of deformities
D) both a and c
E) both b and c
If you marked D but got this question wrong, see us!
16. (16) Which of the following correctly ranks organisms from the most specific
(narrowest) grouping to the most general grouping.
A) genera, class, order, kingdom
B) family, order, class, phylum
C) kingdom, phylum, order, genera
D) species, class, order, kingdom
17. (36) Which biological process creates oxygen and glucose?
A) Respiration
B) Predation
C) Photosynthesis
D) Nitrogen fixing
18. (18) Who wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection?
A) Ernst Mayr
B) Alfred Russel Wallace
C) Charles Darwin
D) Paul Ehrlich
19. (19) A widely accepted generalization that explains why things happen in nature:
A) Scientific hypothesis
B) Scientific theory
C) Scientific law
D) Scientific conclusion
20. (20) A species is:
A) All the organisms you can find in on ecosystem.
B) A group of organisms that share similar habits and resources
C) A group of organisms that look similar
D) A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce viable offspring
21. (21) Mullerian mimicry is when a harmless species is protected because it looks like a
poisonous or dangerous species.
A) True
B) False
22. (22) Which of the following interactions usually results in a negative impact on both
participating individuals?
A) Competition
B) Parasitism
C) Predation
D) Mutalism
E) Commensalism
23. (23) The Northern Hog Sucker is a fish that turns over stones looking for food.
Smaller fish follow the sucker to grab whatever it misses. This is an example of:
A) Parasitism
B) Intraspecific competition
C) Commensalism
D) Mutualism
E) Interspecific competition
24. (24) Which of the following policies did not start in the 1970s:
A) The Healthy Forest Initiative
B) The Clean Air Act
C) The Endangered Species Act
D) The Safe Drinking Water Act
25. (25) Accuracy is a measure of how close a result is to the actual truth while precision
is a measure of repeatable a result is.
A) True
B) False
26. (26) The cowbird is an example of a species native to Illinois that has detrimental
impacts on other birds by acting as which of the following:
A) Predator
B) Mutualist
C) Competitor
D) Parasite
27. (27) Which of the following are examples of biotic factors?
A) Competitors
B) Predators
C) Water and light
D) Temperature
E) both a and b
28. (28) A species that plays an essential role in a community and whose removal may
impact the stability of an ecosystem is called a:
A) Umbrella species
B) Keystone species
C) Endemic species
D) Indicator species
29. (31) Which of the following principles are reasons why people value biodiversity
A) Ethics
B) Morals
C) Economics
D) Aesthetic
E) all of the above
30. (32) On average, there are how many degrees of separation between any two
organisms in a food web?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 6
31. (33) Linneaus is credited for which of the following?
A) Creating the biological species concept
B) Co-founding the theory of evolution
C) Creating the modern classification system of animals and plants
D) Proving the concept of food webs
32. (34) Which of the following is the leading cause of species endangerment in the
United States?
A) Disease
B) Hunting
C) Pollution
D) Invasive species
E) Habitat loss
33. (17) The study of the interrelationship between organisms and their environment is:
A) Ecology
B) Evolution
C) Biology
D) Environmental Science
34. (35) Close interactions between species can lead to coevolution.
A) True
B) False
35. (37) Which survivorship curve describes populations where mortality is low until old
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
36. (39) Population growth rates depend on which of the following:
A) Birth rate
B) Sex ratio
C) Immigration
D) A and C only
E) All of the above
37. (38) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a typical growth curve?
A) Dispersal phase
B) Exponential growth phase
C) Stable equilibrium phase
D) Lag phase
38. (43) The carrying capacity of a population is:
A) The amount of resources it uses at any one time
B) The total biomass of all individuals
C) The amount of weight it can life over its head
D) The number of individuals that can be supported
39. (40) Which of the following is not an example of a life history characteristic?
A) Age at maturity
B) Number of offspring produced
C) Number of reproductive events
D) Lifespan
E) All are examples of life history characteristics
40. (41) r-strategists are controlled by density-independent factors while k-strategists tend
to be controlled by density-dependent factors.
41. (42) Which of the following is not a characteristic of r-adapted species?
A) Many, small offspring
B) Short life
C) Niche specialists
D) Low trophic level
42. (50) The human population reached 6 billion people in:
A) 1899
B) 1929
C) 1979
D) 1999
43. (45) Which of the following bests describes the views of Rev. Thomas Malthus and
Karl Marx?
A) Malthus and Marx both believed that excessive population growth leads to
poverty, famine and political strife
B) Malthus and Marx both believed that poverty, famine and political strife leads to
excessive population growth
C) Malthus believed that excessive population growth leads to poverty, famine
and political strife, while Marx believed that poverty, famine and political
strife leads to excessive population growth
D) Malthus believed that poverty, famine and political strife leads to excessive
population growth, while Marx believed that excessive population growth leads to
poverty, famine and political strife
44. (29) Easter Island provides an example of:
A) How a human population can use resources sustainably for long periods
B) How a human population can overshoot its carrying capacity and crash
C) How alternate sources of energy can be used efficiently
D) Introduced species can devastate a community
45. (44) An experiment in which both the scientist and the test subjects are unaware
which group is receiving control treatments and or experimental treatments is a:
A) Blind experiment
B) Double blind experiment
C) Un-replicated experiment
D) Not an experiment
46. (46) Organisms that are not closely related but develop traits that are similar over
time is considered:
A) Divergent evolution
B) Speciaton
C) Convergent evolution
D) Concave evolution
47. (47) Amino acids, peptides, and proteins are all essential organic molecules that are
composed of:
A) Sulfur
B) Carbon
C) Nitrogen
D) Phosphorous
everyone got question 47 correct
48. (48) Which of the following factors influences the birth rate of a country:
A) The gross national product
B) The availability of contraceptives
C) Women’s access to education
D) All of the above
49. (49) Which of the following factors act as environmental resistance and can set a
population’s carrying capacity:
A) Disease
B) Food supply
C) Temperature
D) Time of day
E) Both A and B
50. (30) Which of the following people lobbied to create the National Park system and
also founded the Sierra Club?
A) Dick Cheney
B) John Muir
C) Gifford Pinochet
D) George Perkins
Extra Credit
51. (51) The unabashedly anthropocentric Bjørn Lomborg wrote:
A) State of the World
B) My First Summer in the Sierra
C) The Skeptical Environmentalist
D) The Diversity of Life
52. The name of your professor is:
Andy Suarez