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Biology 101 Exam V
MULTIPLE CHOICE (2 points each)
The science of heredity is referred to as?
Which of the following researchers discovered fundamental principles of genetics by breeding
plants at an abbey?
The archetype, or type specimen, the organism made up of the most common forms of traits
found in nature, is also referred to as the?
When a gene for a given trait comes in alternative versions that specify different forms of the
trait (for example, purple flower and white flower versions of a flower color gene), the versions
of the gene are called?
The expressed or physical traits of an organism are referred to as its?
The genetic makeup of an organism constitutes its?
An organism with two different alleles for a single trait is said to be?
Mendel’s First Law (The law of segregation) states that?
a) Gametes have a diploid chromosome number
b) Gametes can receive only one, but not both, parental allele
c) A gamete has the same probability of receiving either parental allele when formed
d) Both (b) and (c) are correct
Mendel’s Second law (principle of independent assortment) states that?
a) genes sort independently of each other in animals but not in plants
b) independent sorting of genes produces polyploid plants under some circumstances
c) each pair of alleles segregate independently of one another during gamete formation
d) one allele is dominant over the other allele in a two allele system
Mendel’s Third Law (principle of dominance) states that?
a) for every trait there is one form of the gene, it is always expressed
b) for every trait there are two forms called alleles and one is always dominant to the other
c) for every trait there are two alleles and both are equally dominant
d) only the dominant alleles are passed on to offspring
An allele that is fully expressed and may mask the effects of other alleles is referred to as?
An allele that has no noticeable effect on the appearance of an organism unless it is found in a
homozygous condition is said to be?
When one allele does not completely mask the effects of another allele, such as the example of
pink flower color in the F1-offspring of red and white flowered snapdragons, this is called?
When both alleles are expressed fully in heterozygous individuals, such as persons with AB
blood type, this is called?
The impact of a single gene on more than one trait is called?
Which of the following terms refers to the situation where a single phenotypic characteristic is
determined by the additive effects of two or more genes?
Genes located on sex chromosomes:
a) determine the sex of the individual but NO other traits
b) determine such traits as intelligence and weight
c) determine many inherited diseases in humans
d) none of the above
What is the normal complement of sex chromosomes in a human male, i.e. what is the
chromosome makeup of a male human?
a) XX
b) YY
c) XXY
d) XY
What is the normal complement of sex chromosomes in a human female?
a) XX
b) YY
c) XO
d) XY
Genes located close together on the same chromosome are referred to as _____________ and
generally ________________.
a) associated . . . sort independently during gamete formation
b) linked . . . sort independently during gamete formation
c) homologous . . . are inherited together, do not sort independently
d) linked . . . are inherited together, do not sort independently
How many Sex Chromosomes are normally found in a human gamete (sperm or egg)?
Sex-linked, heritable recessive human conditions include which of the following?
Test-crosses are performed to?
a) determine the genotype of a recessive individual
b) determine a unknown genotype of a individual by crossing them with a recessive
c) determine a unknown genotype of a individual by crossing them with a heterozygote
d) determine the genotypes of two dominant individuals by crossing them together
Which of the following is the homozygous dominant condition for eye color?
a) BB
b) Bb
c) bb
d) AB
Which of the following is the homozygous recessive condition for eye color?
a) Bb
b) ab
c) bb
d) Ab
When writing genotypes there are several rules, which of the following correctly express the
genotype for a person who is heterozygous for PKU disorder?
a) 23P19
b) Pk
c) P!@
d) Pp
Organisms (chiefly plants) that have both male and female reproductive organs on them and can
reproduce with themselves are said to?
a) self-fertilize
b) cross-fertilize
c) hybridize
d) colonize
Which of the following is the heterozygous condition for eye color?
a) BB
b) AB
c) Bb
d) bb
The location on a chromosome where a gene may be found is referred to as?
a) gene loci
b) genotype
c) gene map
d) homologous
Chromosomes in humans are paired, one from each pair coming from each parent. These paired
chromosomes are called _____________ chromosomes?
a) codominant
b) polyploid
c) homologous
d) blending
Yes or No. Can an individual always determine the genotype of someone by merely looking at
that person’s physical appearance?
a) Yes
b) NO
Mendel’s crosses follow the Rules of Probability. What is the chance of having an offspring
with a widow’s peak and free earlobes if the chances for each trait were: ¾ for widow’s peak and
¾ for attached earlobes?
A condition of multiple gene interactions where a pair of alleles for one gene may mask the
expression of another gene’s alleles is known as?
Any change in the base sequence for a gene is called a?
Genetic disorders where the disease causing allele is dominant over the non-disease allele for a
gene and is found on one of the first 22 pairs of chromosomes is called a?
Most genes unrelated to sex determination but associated with the sex chromosomes are found
on which chromosome?
Are all mutations bad and are never any good.
What type of mutation does this represent: AATCGTAGCC  AATCGTATCC?
What type of mutation does this represent: AATCGTAGCC  AATCGTACC?
A type of chromosomal aberration where a piece of one chromosome is removed and placed
inside or onto another chromosome is called?
A type of chromosomal aberration where a piece of a chromosome is removed, flipped around,
and replaced back in the same chromosome is called?
With changes in chromosome number, this term means to lose or gain an extra chromosome?
The gene pool is?
What molecule is the source of genetic information?
Most prokaryotic organisms reproduce mainly by the process of?
Meiosis and mitosis are types of?
During prophase of mitosis, each chromosome of a eukaryotic cell consists of a pair of identical
structures joined together called?
a) chromatin
b) DNA transcripts c) nucleoli
d) sister chromatids
The diploid chromosome complement of a human somatic cell consists of how many
Eukaryotic cells spend most of their cell life cycle in which phase?
Which of the following processes occur(s) during interphase?
a) growth of the aster
c) rapid cell growth
b) duplication of the chromosomes
d) both b and c
The process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides to produce two cells is called?
During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up on a plane located equidistant from
the two spindle poles (on the equator)?
Which of the following processes occur(s) during mitotic anaphase?
a) spindle fibers pull on the chromosomes
b) sister chromatids separate
c) daughter chromosomes begin to move toward opposite poles of the cell
d) all of the above
Which of the following is a feature of plant cell division that distinguishes it from animal cell
a) a cell wall forms
c) cytokinesis does not occur
b) a cleavage furrow forms
d) the nucleolus disappears and reappears
Which of the following represents the correct progression of stages in the cell life cycle?
DNA replication occurs during which of the following stages of the cell life cycle?
a) interphase
b) metaphase
c) anaphase
d) telophase
During which subphase of the above phase does DNA actually replicate?
a) G1
b) S
c) G2
d) mitosis
Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to genetic variation in the process of
sexual reproduction?
a) crossing over
c) centriole duplication
b) mutation of the DNA
d) random orientation of chromosomes
Which of the following is not true concerning mitosis?
a) some organisms use it to reproduce asexually
b) it produces cells that are genetically identical to the parent
c) it is proceeded by replication of the DNA
d) it reduces the number of chromosomes by half
The two identical copies of a replicated eukaryotic chromosome are joined together at a structure
called a?
a) allele
b) zygote
c) centromere
d) locus
A disease that is caused by cells getting their signals crossed and dividing out of control is
a) rabies
c) cancer
d) aberrations
What are all of the body’s cells called with the exception of the sex cells.
a) gametes
b) somatic cells
c) stem cells
d) mast cells
Two chromosomes in a nucleus that carry loci for the same traits in the same position on the
chromosome but specify different versions of the traits constitutes a pair of?
a) homologous chromosomes
c) complementary chromosomes
b) polyploid chromosomes
d) clone chromosomes
In humans, the 22 pairs of chromosomes that do not include the sex chromosomes are called?
a) autosomes
b) polysomes
c) lysosomes
d) loci
In terms of its chromosome complement, a zygote is?
a) haploid
b) diploid
c) triploid
d) polyploidy
In terms of its chromosome complement, a gamete is?
a) haploid
b) diploid
c) triploid
d) polyploid
Which of the following is a consequence of a reproductive system that is based on the union of
haploid gametes?
a) offspring that have a diploid chromosome number twice the size of their parents’
b) offspring that have a diploid chromosome number the same size as their parents’
c) a reduction in the number of offspring with desirable traits
d) a reduction in the amount of variation present in the population
Among differences between mitosis and meiosis; two daughter cells are produced in _________
and four daughter cells are produced in _________.
Cells produced by __________ are haploid and cells produced by ___________ are diploid.
In __________ the parent cell divides once, whereas in ___________ the parent cell divides
Organisms use Meiosis for the sole purpose of?
Meiosis is often also referred to as?
During which stage of Meiosis does synapsis and the formation of tetrads occur?
When a cell undergoes Meiosis, the chromosomes duplicate during which of the following
The behavior of a pair of homologous chromosomes splitting up into two pairs of sister
chromatids, one pair (a chromosome) going to each pole of the dividing cell, occurs during
which stage of meiosis?
During which of the following stages of Meiosis are homologous chromosomes lined up in pairs
in the center of the cell?
The phase of mitosis during which the nuclear envelope fragments, the nucleoli disappear, DNA
condenses and spindles start to form is called?
During which phase of Mitosis, Meiosis I, and Meiosis II, does the nuclear envelope reform?
What are the microtubule-organizing centers (centrioles) responsible for doing?
The cells in the human body responsible for the formation of the gametes are called?
In which division of Meiosis does actual reduction of the chromosome number occur?
The event called Crossing Over occurs during which stage of Meiosis?
True or False. DNA is replicated again between Meiosis I and Meiosis II.
Which division of Meiosis, Meiosis I or Meiosis II, is most similar to Mitosis?
This is an event that occurs during meiosis that can result in losing or gaining whole
Also called the “resting phase” of the cell, this phase is the longest in the cell life cycle and is
During which phase of meiosis does each chromosome get pulled away from its homologue and
end up at the opposite spindle poles of the cell?
Of all four phases for Mitosis, which is the longest and most complex?
What is Crossing Over?
Plants have two generations to their life cycles. The gametophyte generation is responsible for
producing the?
Which generation of the plant life cycle engages in Meiosis?
Which of the following is a type of asexual reproduction?