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By: Caleb Patrick
My organ system is the Immune System.
The job of the immune system is to fight off diseases.
Also it helps get rid of infections and inflammation in the skin
It also controls internal activities in order to prevent damage it
other parts of the body.
The Immune system has some adaptive traits that allow it to
isolate certain pathogens and help your body become immune to
The Immune System is an amazing system and has the ability to
cells that are uniquely yours.
Any other cells that come into the body that aren't yours are
attacked and immediately terminated.
Antibodies- cells of the immune system that recognize foreign organisms
that invade the body
Epidermis- Dead cells that cover the body aka skin and provide a 2 nd layer
of dividing cells
Cilia- Tiny hair like fibers that protrude from a cell. Commonly found in
the respiratory system these tiny hairs constantly move in order to break
up and move mucus and debris
Thymus- An organ in the lower part of the neck that produces cells to
fight infection
White Blood Cells- The white blood cell count rises in cases of infection
and other conditions in order to fend off the unwanted bacteria. A low
white blood cell count can increase the risk of infection or disease related
Mucus- A thick gel substance that moistens and protects organs
Saliva- A watery mixture of chemicals that moistens the oral wall
• The first line of defense is the skin, Mucous membranes, hairs
and cilia, gastric juice and urine, tears, sweat and saliva, and
• The skin provides an impenetrable barrier against pathogens
• The mucous membrane traps foreign particles and directs them
out of the body
• Hairs and cilia trap dust and dirt
• Gastric juice and urine are acidic substances that have a
protective function
• Tears, sweat and saliva are body fluids with antibiotic
• Cerumen is produced in the ear canal and traps dust and dirt
• The second line of defense are Leucocytes are white blood cells
that attack the pathogen that invades the body before it can
harm the body.
• The third line of defense is the specific immune response.
• The specific immune response recognizes your unique cells
and sends out antibodies against and cells that are not your
• Vaccinations expose people safely to germs so
that there immune system can get better
equipped to fight off the infection.
• During the flu outbreaks, shingles occur, or
pneumococcal disease is seen doctors give
patients vaccinations so that there body can
adapt to it without getting the disease itself
• The Immune System is great with teamwork
• The cilia that lines the respiratory system help keep
dirt and mucus out of the air ways
• The digestive juices help dissolve and destroy any
foreign bacteria in the digestive system
• And finally the Immune System works mainly with
the circulatory system because the circulatory system
transports the immune cells to other parts of the
• Stress hormones weaken the immune system
• Antibacterial products can hinder the
immune system
• Positive events have helpful impact on
immune system
• Allergies, for example, are a mistake by the
body’s immune system
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