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Chapter 8 Cellular Energy
Section 1: How Organisms Obtain Energy
Section 2: Photosynthesis
Section 3: Cellular Respiration
Click on a lesson name to select.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 How Organisms Obtain Energy
Transformation of Energy
 Energy is the ability to do work.
 Thermodynamics is the study of the flow and
transformation of energy in the universe.
Q Describe the 1st and 2 laws of
thermodynamics in your own words:
1st Law:
2nd Law:
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 How Organisms Obtain Energy
Laws of Thermodynamics
 First law —energy can be converted from one
form to another, but it cannot be created nor
 Second law —energy cannot be converted
without the loss of usable energy.
 (heat is most “useless” form of energy…all
convertions of energy loose some as heat.
Once energy is in heat form it can never be
recovered…fate of the universe???!!!
Q Define Autotroph and heterotroph and give an example of each:
a. Autotroph:
a. Heterotroph:
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 How Organisms Obtain Energy
Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
 Autotrophs are organisms that make their
own food.
 Heterotrophs are organisms that need to
ingest food to obtain energy.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 How Organisms Obtain Energy
 All of the chemical reactions in a cell
 Photosynthesis—light energy from the Sun is
converted to chemical energy for use by the
 Cellular respiration—organic molecules are
broken down to release energy for use by
the cell
Q Write out the overall reaction for
photosynthesis (indicate reactants and products):
Q Write out the overall reaction for cellular
respiration (indicate reactants and products):
Photosynthesis overview reaction:
Respiration overview reaction:
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 How Organisms Obtain Energy
ATP: The Unit of Cellular Energy
 ATP releases energy
when the bond between
the second and third
phosphate groups is
broken, forming a
molecule called
adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) and a free
phosphate group.
Q Illustrate in a sketch how ADP + P + energy
becomes the energy storage molecule ATP
ATP Video
Q Describe 2 examples of things ATP does in our
Ex’s of things ATP does:
-Used for building large macromolecules
(ex linking Amino acids together to builds
protein requires ATP)
-Active transport (pumping glucose into cells)
-Making muscle cells contract
Mr Kujath’s favorite tree
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Photosynthesis
Overview of Photosynthesis
 Photosynthesis occurs in two phases.
 Light-dependent reactions
 Light-independent reactions
Plants and other autotrophs are the
producers of the biosphere
• Photosynthesis nourishes almost all of the living world
directly or indirectly.
– All organisms require organic compounds for energy
and for carbon skeletons.
• Autotrophs produce their organic molecules from CO2
and other inorganic raw materials obtained from the
– Autotrophs are the ultimate sure of organic
compounds for all nonautotrophic organisms.
– Autotrophs are the producers of the biosphere.
• Photosynthesis is two processes, each with
multiple stages. (the “point” of each is…)
• 1. The light reactions convert solar energy
to chemical energy. (Makes: ATP + NADPH)
• 2. The Calvin cycle takes CO2 from the
atmosphere, adds chemical energy from light
reactions (ATP and NADPH) and turns it into
sugar. (Makes: Sugar)
• -ATP and NADPH are short term en., G is long
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Photosynthesis
Phase One: Light Reactions
 The absorption of light is the first step in
 Chloroplasts capture light energy.
Light Energy
Light, like other form of electromagnetic
energy, travels in rhythmic waves.
• The distance between crests of
electromagnetic waves is called the
– Wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation range
from less than a nanometer (gamma rays) to over
a kilometer (radio waves).
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Q Put these forms of energy in order from most
energetic/ shortest wavelength to least energetic /
longest wavelength(UV, Gamma, Visible, Radio,
Xray, Infrared, Microwaves):
• The entire range of electromagnetic radiation
is the electromagnetic spectrum.
• The most important segment for life is a
narrow band between 380 to 750 nm, visible
Q Why do leaves on trees turn orange/ red/
yellow in fall? What is the point of these
• The light reaction can perform work with
those wavelengths of light that are absorbed.
• Chlorophyll , and other pigments absorb
Plants catch red and blue
light. (green, yellow bounce
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Accessory pigments
Why do
leaves turn
orange /
yellow in
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Photosynthesis
Electron Transport
 Light energy excites electrons in
photosystem II and also causes a water
molecule to split, releasing an electron into
the electron transport system, H+ into the
thylakoid space, and O2 as a waste product.
Q Describe the purpose (or “point”) of the light
reactions of photosynthesis:
Input of Light Rxns = H20 + ADP + NADP+
Output of Light Rxns = ATP + NADPH + O2
What is
• During light reaction electrons are energized with
photons of light
• The electrons will be used to generate ATP and to
make sugar
• NADP+ is the empty “shuttle bus” that carries high
energy electrons for use in making sugar and ATP
1. NADP+ + Electon = NAD
2. NADP + Electron = NAD3. NADP- + H+ = NADH
NADPH = 2 electrons being
• The light reactions use the solar power of
photons absorbed by both
photosystem I and
photosystem II to
create ATP and NADPH.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Q Describe the purpose (or “point”) of the
Calvin cycle of photosynthesis:
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Photosynthesis
Phase Two: The Calvin Cycle
 In the second
phase of
called the Calvin
cycle, energy is
stored in organic
molecules such
as glucose.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Photosynthesis
 Six CO2 molecules combine with six 5-carbon
compounds to form twelve 3-carbon molecules
called 3-PGA.
 The chemical energy stored in ATP and
NADPH is transferred to the 3-PGA molecules
to form high-energy molecules called G3P.
Q What is NADPH?
Q What does Rubisco do?
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Photosynthesis
 Two G3P molecules leave the cycle to be used
for the production of glucose and other organic
 An enzyme called rubisco converts the
remaining ten G3P molecules into 5-carbon
molecules called RuBP.
 These molecules combine with new carbon
dioxide molecules to continue the cycle.
Input of
cycle is:
Output of
Calvin cycle
Q Draw the overview diagram of photosynthesis
showing all inputs (CO2, light, H2O, NADPH,
NADP+, ATP, ADP) and outputs (Sugar, O2,
ATP, ADP, NADPH, NADP+) of the light
reactions and the Calvin Cycle together:
Rf value = Is the distance travelled by the
pigment band divided by distance travelled
by the solvent front in chromatography.
How many pigments are
A. Spinach?
B. Parsley?
Are any of these pigments
the same ones? (find Rf
for all pigments and
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Cellular Respiration
Overview of Cellular Respiration
 Organisms obtain energy in a process called
cellular respiration.
 The equation for cellular respiration is the
opposite of the equation for photosynthesis.
1. Energy caught. Chloroplasts capture
light energy and place it into organic
molecules (sugar) to store energy
2. Energy released.
If Oxygen present: Respiration in
If No oxygen present;
Fermentation in cytoplasm
3. Energy used. Some of the released
energy is used to do work (make ATP) and
the rest is dissipated as heat.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Cellular Respiration
 Cellular respiration occurs in three main parts.
 Glycolysis
 Krebs cycle
 Electron transport
Krebs cycle
Q Explain the purpose (“point”) of Glycolysis:
What is most important product?
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Cellular Respiration
Glycolysis  Glucose is broken down in the
cytoplasm through the process of
 Two molecules
of ATP and two
molecules of
NADH are
formed for each
molecule of
glucose that is
broken down.
• No CO2 is produced during glycolysis.
• ***Glycolysis occurs whether O2 is present
or not***.
• Glycolysis is occurring in the cytoplasm
• Important output of Glycolysis:
– ATP & NADH & 2Pyruvate per glucose
What is
• During glycolysis electrons are removed from food
• The electrons will be used to generate a lot of ATP in
phase #3 “Electron Tranport”
• NAD+ is the “shuttle bus” that carries electrons that
are removed during glycolysis (step 1) to the electron
transport chain (step 3)
1. NAD+ + Electon = NAD
2. NAD + Electron = NAD3. NAD- + H+ = NADH
NADH = 2 electrons being
What is the most important product of
carbon dioxide
Q Explain the purpose (“point”) of Krebs cycle:
What is most important prod?
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Cellular Respiration
Krebs Cycle
 Glycolysis has a net result of two ATP and
two pyruvate.
 Most of the energy from the glucose is
still contained in the pyruvate.
 The series of reactions in which pyruvate is
broken down into carbon dioxide is called the
Krebs cycle.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Cellular Respiration
 The net yield from the Krebs cycle is six CO2
molecules, two ATP, eight NADH, and two
• The Krebs
consists of
eight steps.
2nd C
Each cycle
-one ATP
-three NADH,
-one FADH2 (another
electron carrier)
Final C
• The conversion of
pyruvate and the
Krebs cycle
produces large
quantities of
electron carriers.
• **The whole point of
Krebs cycle is to grab
these high energy e-’s
(ie make NADH & FADH2)**
If you go on a diet –where does the fat
How does the fat molecules specifically
leave your body?
Q What is NADH?
NADH = “fancy” shuttle for
high energy electrons
FADH2 = “not fancy” shuttle for
lesser energy electrons
What is the point of Kreb’s cycle?
To make ATP
To make CO2
To make O2
To make NADH and FADH2
Q Explain the purpose (“point”) of Electron
transport: What is most imp prod?
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Cellular Respiration
Electron Transport
 Final step in the breakdown of glucose
 Point at which most ATP is produced
 Produces 24 ATP
 The vast majority of the ATP a cell makes,
comes from the energy in the electrons
carried by NADH (and FADH2).
Why do you need to breathe
• Electrons carried by
NADH are transferred
to the first molecule in
the electron transport
– The electrons are
passed along the
chain. As they move
down the chain they
lose energy
(The electrons carried by FADH2 have
lower free energy and are added to a
later point in the chain)
High energy
Low energy “worthless”
This is why we
need to
What a let down!
Purpose of the e- transport chain?
• A H+ (proton) concentration gradient is
produced by the movement of electrons
along the electron transport chain.
• Several chain molecules can use the energy
from the flow of electrons down the chain to
pump H+ from the matrix to the
intermembrane space.
• This concentration of H+ is a form of stored
H+’s being pumped out of mito
Q How is ATP actually / directly made in
mitochondria and chloroplasts?
The ATP synthase molecules are the only place that will allow H+ to diffuse back
to the matrix.
• ATP synthase, in the
mito membrane,
actually makes ATP
from ADP and Pi.
• ATP synthase uses
the energy of the
flowing H+’s to
power ATP
Outer Mito Memb.
Q Draw the overview diagram showing
inputs and out puts of the three stages of
respiration (things to include on drawing: 3
steps of resp, glucose, NAD+, ADP,
Pyruvate, ATP NADH, CO2, O2, H2O)
38 ATPs max. per 1 glucose through respiration
38 ATPs max. per 1 glucose
through respiration
• How efficient is respiration in generating
= 40% of food energy becomes ATP.
– The other approximately 60% is lost as heat.
• Cellular respiration is remarkably efficient
in energy conversion.
• 40% on Bio test = bad news
• 40% efficiency capturing energy = great work!
Done resp
In the home and in industry,
microbes are used in the
production of fermented foods.
Yeast's are used in the
manufacture of beer and wine and
for the leavening of breads, while
lactic acid bacteria are used to
make yogurt, cheese, sour
cream, buttermilk and other
fermented milk products. Vinegars
are produced by bacterial acetic
acid fermentation. Other fermented
foods include soy sauce,
sauerkraut, dill pickles, olives,
salami, cocoa and black teas
Energy is captured by photosynthesis, and
released by respiration …or
• 1. Energy caught. Chloroplasts capture
light energy and place it into organic
molecules (sugar) to store energy
• 2. Energy released.
• If Oxygen present: Respiration in mitochondria
• If No oxygen present; Fermentation in cytoplasm
3. Energy used. Some of the released energy
is used to do work (with ATP) and the rest is
dissipated as heat.
Q What is the difference between aerobic
respiration and anaerobic fermentation?
Two types of processes for
getting ATP out of fuel:
• Aerobic: Getting (a lot ) energy out of food
molecules with Oxygen
– Respiration does this
• Anaerobic: Getting ( a little) energy out of
food molecules without oxygen
– Fermentation does this
Respiration involves glycolysis. Glycolysis
“pretty much” is fermentation
• Respiration overview
Glycolysis is related to
• During glycolysis, glucose, a six carbonsugar, is split into two, three-carbon sugars.
6C 3C + 3C called pyruvate
If no O2…need to do something with
Pyruvate and the NADH that is
• Glucose
2 e-
2 Pyruvate + 2ATP
• The process can continue ***as long as
there is a supply of NAD+ to accept
Q Write out the reaction for alcohol
Q Under what conditions would an organism use
• Fermentation: Anaerobic (No O2) use of sugars for
– If the NAD+ pool is exhausted, glycolysis shuts down.
– Under aerobic conditions, NADH transfers its electrons to
the electron transfer chain, recycling NAD+. We need to
find another way to free up NAD+ under anaerobic
• Under anaerobic conditions organisms recycle
NAD+ by transferring electrons from NADH to
Q Why do yeast make ethanol (alcohol) during
fermentation? (What is the purpose of the step
that creates ethanol?)
• In alcohol fermentation, pyruvate is
converted to ethanol in two steps.
– First, pyruvate is converted to a two-carbon
compound, acetaldehyde by the removal of CO2.
– Second, acetaldehyde is reduced by NAD to
– Alcohol fermentation
by yeast is used in
brewing and
• During lactic acid fermentation, pyruvate is
reduced directly by NADH to form lactate
(ionized form of lactic acid).
– Lactic acid fermentation by some fungi and
bacteria is used to make cheese and yogurt.
– Your muscle cells switch from aerobic respiration
to lactic acid fermentation to generate ATP when
O2 is scarce.
• The waste product,
lactate, causes
muscle fatigue/pain.
• (ultimately it is
converted back to
pyruvate in the liver)
Al-Corn Plant “Inner workings Drawing”
Steps to making alcohol for fuel
1. Grind corn into flour
2. Add water and enzymes and heat (to convert
starch to simple sugar)
3. Put sugar and yeast cells into an airtight
chamber (where ferm happens)
4. Distill alcohol out of mixture. (Heat mixture of
alcohol and corn. Alcohol evaporates first at a
lower temp, run steam through cooler and
collect the drops of ethanol)
Q Define a calorie
Food Calorie definition:
1 science calorie (cal) is the amount of energy required
to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 °C
1 Food Calorie = 1000 science calories
1 F.C. = amt heat needed to raise 1kg H2O 1 degree
One Twinkie
has the energy
to heat one ml
of water from 0
degrees to
Recommended calories per day
Average Adult Females = ~1950 calories per day
(teenage females need ~2300)
Average Adult Males = ~2500 calories per day
(teenage males need ~2800)
Q What is a basal metabolic rate (BMR)?
Basal Metabolic Rate
-the number of calories your body burns at
rest to maintain normal body functions.
-If you just laid on your back all day without
moving you would need this many calories to
stay alive (heart, breathing, body temp,
making enzymes, cells etc).
-BMR Adult Females = ~1500 cal
--BMR Adult Males = ~2000 cal
Q Describe the most effective method of dieting:
Weight Gain / Weight Loss
This is like banking….if you put more money in
than you spend you will grow your account
If you take out more than you put in, it will shrink
If you take in more calories than you burn
you will gain weight (fat)
If you burn more than you eat you will
loose weight
As far as weight loss/ gain goes it doesn’t matter what
you are eating, just how many calories there are in
your food.
Ex. Sue Jones, 26 yr old runner
Burned cal’s
Consumed Cal
BMR = 1500
2000 cal of butter (2.5 sticks)
Activity = 750 cal
=2250 total burned
She would loose 250 calories of body fat this day
Q If you burn 500 calories / day in excess of
what you are consuming, how long will it take
you to lose 1 pound of fat? (show work, 1 lb fat
1 pound of body fat = 3500 cal
How long to loose 10 pounds if a man eats
2000 cal/ day but burns 2500?
….each day = 500 cal deficit
….10lb X 3500cal = 35000 cal to loose
….35000 / 500 = 70 days
How do you determine how many
calories are in a food item?
Answer = burn it! (and catch the heat with water)
Calorimeter Lab: What are the calories per gram for each:
Cheeto, and a Peanut?
1. Build Calorimeter
2. Test each food:
a. Get 100ml fresh water each trial and record starting
temp. (use fresh water each trial)
b. Record mass of food item initial
c. Put food item on food holder and ignite
d. Record highest water temp reached
e. Record final mass of food
f. Find change in mass (that is mass of food burned)
g. Calculate calories per gram
Mass water in g X Temp change= Total Cal
Total Cal divided by mass of food burned =
3. Make a bar graph of Cal/gm vs food item for data section
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Cellular Respiration
Anaerobic Respiration
 The anaerobic pathway that follows glycolysis
 Two main types
 Lactic acid fermentation
 Alcohol fermentation
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Chapter Resource Menu
Chapter Diagnostic Questions
Formative Test Questions
Chapter Assessment Questions
Standardized Test Practice
Glencoe Biology Transparencies
Image Bank
Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding lesson.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Chapter Diagnostic
Which statement describes the law of
conservation of energy?
A. Energy cannot be converted or destroyed.
B. Energy can be converted and destroyed.
C. Energy can be converted but not destroyed.
D. Energy can be destroyed but not converted.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Chapter Diagnostic
In which metabolic process are molecules
broken down to produce carbon dioxide and
A. photosynthesis
B. cellular respiration
C. homeostasis
D. fermentation
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Chapter Diagnostic
At the end of the Calvin cycle, where is energy
C. chloroplast
D. glucose
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 Formative
Which law of thermodynamics explains
why the ladybug receives the least amount
of usable energy?
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 Formative
A. the first law of thermodynamics
B. the second law of thermodynamics
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 Formative
True or False
All of the energy from the food you eat
comes from the sun.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 Formative
Why is cellular respiration a catabolic pathway?
A. Energy is used to form glucose and
B. Energy is converted from water to
carbon dioxide.
C. Energy that is lost is converted to
thermal energy.
D. Energy is released by the breakdown
of molecules.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.1 Formative
Why is adenosine triphosphate (ATP) such an
important biological molecule?
A. It captures light energy from the sun.
B. It is produced in anabolic pathways.
C. It stores and releases chemical energy.
D. It converts mechanical energy to thermal
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Formative
Where in the plant cell does photosynthesis
take place?
A. chloroplasts
B. Golgi apparatus
C. mitochondria
D. vacuoles
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Formative
Which range of wavelengths is reflected by
chlorophylls a and b?
A. 400-500 nm
B. 500-600 nm
C. 600-700 nm
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Formative
Which mechanism of photosynthesis uses
the movement of hydrogen ions (H+) across
a concentration gradient to synthesize ATP?
A. absorption
B. chemiosmosis
C. electron transport
D. C2 pathway
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.2 Formative
How are the C4 pathway and the CAM pathway
an adaptive strategy for some plants?
A. They accelerate photosynthesis.
B. They release more oxygen.
C. They help the plant conserve water.
D. They reduce the requirement for ATP.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Formative
What is the overall purpose of cellular
A. to make ATP
B. to process H2O
C. to store glucose
D. to deliver oxygen
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Formative
Which represents the general sequence of
cellular respiration?
A. TCA cycle
B. glycolysis
Krebs cycle
C. electron absorption
D. aerobic pathway
electron transport
anaerobic pathway
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Formative
Which stage of cellular respiration is the
anaerobic process?
A. glycolysis
B. Krebs cycle
C. electron transport
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
8.3 Formative
Which molecule generated by the Krebs
cycle is a waste product?
A. CoA
B. CO2
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Chapter Assessment
Look at the following figure. Which part of the
chloroplast is a sac-like membrane arranged in
A. grana
B. stroma
C. thylakoids
D. Golgi apparatus
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Chapter Assessment
During the Krebs cycle,
pyruvate is broken down
into what compound?
A. H2O
B. O2
D. CO2
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Chapter Assessment
Look at the following figure. Which molecule is
released when ATP becomes ADP?
A. phosphate group
B. water molecule
C. ribose sugar
D. energy cells
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Standardized Test
Which metabolic process is photosynthesis?
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Standardized Test
At the beginning of photosynthesis, which
molecule is split to produce oxygen (O2) as
a waste product?
A. CO2
B. H2O
C. C6H12O6
D. 3-PGA
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Standardized Test
Which molecule helps provide the energy that
drives this cycle?
A. 3-PGA
B. CO2
D. rubisco
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Standardized Test
Which product of the Calvin cycle is used for
the production of glucose and other organic
B. CO2
C. G3P
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Standardized Test
What is the final step of cellular respiration?
A. O2 and H+ form H2O.
B. Electrons and H2O generate ATP.
C. C6H12O6 is broken down into CO2.
D. NADH and FADH2 gain electrons.
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Standardized Test
What prevents pyruvate from entering the Krebs
cycle and instead results in this pathway?
A. a buildup of CO2
B. a lack of oxygen
C. an excess of
D. an increased
demand for ATP
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Standardized Test
Which is not a process that occurs in both
cellular respiration and glycolysis?
A. chemiosmosis
B. electron transport
C. glycolysis
D. production of G3P
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Glencoe Biology Transparencies
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Image Bank
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Section 1
cellular respiration
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Section 2
Calvin cycle
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
Section 3
anaerobic process
aerobic respiration
aerobic process
Krebs cycle
Chapter 8
Cellular Energy
 Visualizing Electron Transport