Download Evolution Review Define the following terms: Adaptation Convergent

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Evolution Review
Define the following terms:
Convergent Evolution
Divergent Evolution
Homologous Structures
Analogous Structures
Answer the following questions:
1. What is a gene pool? How do gene pools change over long periods of time?
2. Compare how Darwin and Lamarck would have explained the long neck of a giraffe?
3. What is a selection pressure? What are some factors in an organism’s environment that could act as
selection agents?
4. Why is the fossil record incomplete?
5. Why do you think a species of organisms that produce offspring 12 times a year evolve more rapidly
than a species that only produces offspring once a year.
6. There are flightless birds on several different continents. There are emus in Australia, ostriches in
Africa, there used to be flightless moas in New Zealand, and there still are flightless kiwis in New
Zealand. In what ways does the existence of these widely separated flightless bird species support the
ideas of continental drift and evolution?
7. Explain whether the following pairs of organisms show convergent or divergent evolution.
a) sharks and whales
b) eels and worms
c) zebras and horses
d) snakes and lizards
e) butterflies and bats
8. What does the expression survival of the fittest really mean in evolutionary terms?
9. Wild budgies are green, but those kept as pets can come in many different colours. Why is this?
10. How might modern technologies and lifestyles be altering human gene pools and reshaping human
populations and the human population as a whole?
11. Explain how resistance to antibiotics in bacteria occurs and why this is an example of evolution?