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Differences and Similarities are
seen in Speciation
 Convergent
 Divergent Evolution
Divergent Evolution
 Closely
related appears very different
 When speciation occurs, two populations that
were once similar appear very distinct and
different due to the pressures of natural
Divergent Evolution
 Example:
 Darwin’s
finches all evolved from a common
ancestor, all finches are very distinct in beak
shape and color
Divergent Evolution
 Example:
 A population
of fruit flies undergoes speciation
due to area flooding.
 One population appears larger in size and is
brown instead of black due to the selection
pressure of their new environment.
Convergent Evolution
 The
unrelated look similar.
 Two unrelated species may share many
features due to similarities in environment
and climate.
Convergent Evolution
near Antarctic have a protein that
keeps them from freezing.
On the other side of the Globe at the
Arctic, there are also fish who have
evolved to have “anti-freeze” proteins.
These two populations of fish have no
relation or common ancestor, just
similar selective pressures.