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We will finish watching Luther
Be prepared to discuss your
Robin Hood vs Martin Luther
Middle Ages
1. Come see me after school to get your
missing work and find out what you missed.
2. Start doing the work.
3. We have 3 weeks left in the quarter, turn it in.
4. If you are absent then YOU are responsible
to get the missing work from me, my website, a
friend, or the basket.
5. You must take control – I know you are
capable but you must advocate for yourself.
If you are failing/missing mass amounts
of work…
Answer on the side of your guided notes
• Imagine that you live in Florence, Italy
immediately following the Black
Death. You have survived, but many
around you have not. Describe your
environment. How do you feel?
So what does Renaissance
Period after the Middle Ages
Early Renaissance
What was the Renaissance?
• Period following the
Middle Ages (14501550)
• “Rebirth” of classical
Greece and Rome
• Began in Italy
• Eventually moves into
northern Europe
Goals for Life
• During the Middle Ages
–Find God
–Prove pre-conceived
• During the Renaissance
–Find man
–Promote learning
"The Renaissance gave birth to the modern
era, in that it was in this era that human
beings first began to think of themselves as
individuals. In the early Middle Ages,
people had been happy to see themselves
simply as parts of a greater whole – for
example, as members of a great family, a
trade guild, a nation, or a Church. This
communal consciousness of the Middle Ages
gradually gave way to the individual
consciousness of the Renaissance."
– McGrath, Alister, In the Beginning, Anchor Books (2001), p.38
1. Get out your Do Now
2. Turn in your Unit 3 vocab
to the back
Happy Thursday
K- What do you know?
W- What do you want to
L- What did you learn?
CNN 10
• Pursuit of individualism
– Recognition that humans are creative
– Appreciation of art as a product of man
– Love of the classical past (Greece/Rome)
• Often rejects the importance of belief in God.
- Life could be enjoyable
- Emphasis on reason, scientific inquiry, and
human fulfillment in the natural world
Why did the Renaissance occur?
• Increased trade with
Middle East/Asia, this
improved the lives of
the middle class
• Growth of large,
wealthy city-states in
Italy with a decline in
• Renewed interest in the
classical learning of
ancient Greece and
Rome - education
• Rise of rich and
powerful merchants,
who became patrons of
• Increased desire for
scientific and technical
knowledge with a
decreased desire to go
to church
• Desire to beautify cities
– recapture the glory of
the Roman Empire
“Rebirth” in Italy
• Major city centers
Papal States
Kingdom of Naples
Florence was led by
the Medici Family
Growth of Cities as
Centers for Trade
Profit-making became more important
than Church doctrine
To overcome guilt, profit-makers indulge
in philanthropy (concern for welfare of
people; seen in charity)
High profits led to economic diversification
(creating and selling a variety of products)
Changes in Art
• Art became the way to
advertise economic
• Led to increased
commercial competition
• Portray human body
more accurately
Themes in Renaissance Art
• Growing humanism and secularism
• Number of portraits painted illustrates
focus on the individual
• Focus on man’s
free will
Early Renaissance Art
• What was different in the Renaissance:
–Classical (pagan) themes
–Geometrical arrangement of figures
–Light and shadowing
–Softening of edges
–Artist able to live from commissions
Spread of Humanism to the
rest of Europe
• The significance of
Gutenberg’s printing
• Explosion of printed
• By 1500, 40,000 titles
printed and between 8-10
million copies
• The impact of movabletype printing presses –
led to increased research
and literacy
Crash Course
• Read over the questions
• Answer them as we watch
Niccolo Machiavelli was one of the most influential writers of
the Renaissance. He believed Italy could not be united
unless its leader was ruthless. In 1513, he wrote The Prince,
where he advised rulers to be kind only if it suited their
purposes. Otherwise, he warned, it is better to be feared
than loved.
“You must know there are two methods of fighting, the one
by law, the other by force; the first method is of men, the
second of beasts; but because the first is frequently not
sufficient, one must have recourse to the second. Therefore
it is necessary for a prince to understand how to use the
methods of the beast and the man . . .
A prince . . . ought to choose the fox and the lion;
because the lion cannot defend himself against traps
and the fox cannot defend himself against wolves.
Therefore, it is necessary to be a fox to discover the
traps and a lion to terrify the wolves. Those who rely
simply on the lion do not understand this.”
-- Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince (1513)
Machiavelli – on your notes
answer the following
1. Do you agree with Machiavelli that it is more
important that a ruler be feared than loved?
Explain your answer.
2. When do you feel it is appropriate for a ruler
to be a fox, and when is it appropriate to be a
lion? In other words, when is it important to
use physical strength, and when is it for a
ruler their use their wits?
Renaissance artwork webquest
• Answer the questions on the back or
another sheet of paper.
• A fast way to get to sites is by using the
links on my website.
• Due at the end of class.
• You may work with a partner.