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NAME: _______________________________________
Chapter 1: Scientific Method
My cat Harry is a picky eater. I’ve noticed that he eats better when the TV is on. To test this, I
set out 0.25 kilograms of food and left the TV on for 4 hours. I measured how much food was
left. The next day, I set out 0.25 kilograms of food and left the TV off for 4 hours. I measured the
amount of food left. After Day 1, there were 0.08 kilograms of food left and after Day 2, there
were 0.12 kilograms of food left.
Control group:
Experimental group:
Independent variable:
Dependent variable:
Control variables:
Fill in the definitions for each of the steps of the scientific method:
1. Observation
2. Hypothesis
3. Experiment/Methods
4. Data Collection
5. Inferences/Interpretation
6. Conclusions
NAME: _______________________________________
Why do scientists retest?
What is a scientific theory?
Studying Life
1. What are the 8 characteristics of life?
2. All organisms are made up of _________________.
3. What do organisms need to do in order to grow? ____________________________________.
4. ___________________ reproduction includes 2 parents & the offspring are DIFFERENT
from the parents.
5. ___________________ reproduction involves ____________ organism or cell & the offspring
are IDENTICAL to the parent.
6. Bacteria are an example of _________________ __________________________.
7. Define autotrophs & heterotrophs:
8. Homeostasis is the process of how a cell or organism keeps its’ ________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
10. Write out 3 facts about cells:
2.1 Matter
1. _________________ is the basic unit of matter
2. Complete the particle chart below:
(based on the nucleus)
3. Label the following diagram with the correct particles for a, b, and c:
Represented by:
(ex: atomic #,
mass # -- # protons)
NAME: _______________________________________
4. The ______________________ & ________________________ particles of an element will
always be the same number. This number is referred to as the ____________________ number.
5. Circle: element or compound - made up of one type of atom
6. Circle: element or compound - substances that contain 2 or more different atoms in a
specific ratio.
7. __________________ are atoms that have a different number of neutrons and are identified by
their ________________ number.
8. Fill in the following chart:
Isotopes of Nitrogen
Number of protons
Number of
Number of
9. List 3 uses for radioactive isotopes:
 _______________________________________________
10. What are the 2 types of chemical bonds that can occur?
11. Bonds occur on the outer most ring of electrons. These electrons are known as
____________________ electrons – they are the ones that allow bonds to occur.
12. Ionic bonds ___________________ electrons from one atom to another.
a. Losing electrons will create a ______________ charge.
b. Gaining electrons will create a _____________ charge.
These positively or negatively charged
atoms are known as ions.
NAME: _______________________________________
13. Covalent bonds ______________ electrons with atoms of different elements.
14. Sketch a drawing of Magnesium’s (Mg) protons, electrons & neutrons showing the different
energy levels.
15. Draw a diagram of the covalent bond H2O:
16. Draw a diagram of the ionic bond NaCl:
18. Give 2 examples of each:
Ionic Compounds:
Covalent Compounds:
2.2Water Molecule
19. Explain the difference between cohesion & adhesion and gives examples of each:
NAME: _______________________________________
20. Mixtures are classified as either ________________________ where the parts are large, or
___________________________ where the parts are uniform & the same throughout.
21. A solution is a type of mixture. Ex.: Sugar dissolving in tea
a. Within a solution, there is a _______________ and a _________________.
b. A ______________ is the substance that is dissolved and the ______________
is the substance in which the solute dissolves.
c. For the sugar dissolving in tea identify the solute & the solvent:
solute: ____________________
solvent: ___________________
22. A __________________ is a mixture where the different parts separate into layers over time.
a. Give an example of this: __________________________________
23. What does the pH scale indicate?
24. Solutions that are acidic have pH numbers less than ___________ and have more
__________ ions than ___________ ions.
25. Solutions that are a strong base have pH numbers larger than ___________ and have more
__________ ions than ___________ ions.
2.3 Organic Chemistry
26. Organic chemistry involves the study of carbon compounds that form special molecules.
Name the 6 elements that carbon tends to bond to:
27. These molecules are called macromolecules. Name the 4 macromolecules every cell
NAME: _______________________________________
28. Each macromolecule is made up of monomers. Fill in the following chart:
Nucleic Acids
2.4 Chemical Reactions
29. During chemical reactions, mass and energy are ____________________.
30. Reactions are made up of __________________ (elements or compounds) and
_________________ which are the elements or compounds that are produced.
a. Identify the reactants & the product in the following example:
P4 + 3O2 2P2O3
31. Energy can be either _________________ or ___________________ during a chemical
32. Chemical reactions receive help in order to speed up the rate of the reaction by
_______________ a reaction’s activation energy. The 2 substances that help reaction rates are:
33. _________________ work with nonliving things, such as an at home soda maker.
34. _________________ work with living things, such as the potato extract lab we completed in
35. What are 4 uses of enzymes?
NAME: _______________________________________
36. Explain the Enzyme-Substrate Complex:
37. Label the following diagram indicating the steps of the Enzyme-Substrate Complex:
7.1 – 7.2 Cell Structure and Function
1. Compare and Contrast the Similarities and differences between the types of cells below:
2. List the 3 parts of the cell theory
NAME: _______________________________________
In the diagram below, label the parts of the animal cell
In the diagram below, label the parts of the plant cell
NAME: _______________________________________
Match the structure to its function
Microtubules _______
Centrioles _______
A) Sorts, modifies and packages proteins and
materials from the ER for storage or
B) Consists of RNA and protein and is the site
of protein synthesis
Ribosomes _______
Endoplasmic reticulum _______
C) Converts chemical energy stored in food
into compounds that are more convenient
for the cell to use
Golgi apparatus _______
D) Place where lipid components of the cell
membrane are assembled
Chloroplasts _______
E) Strong supporting layer around the cell
Mitochondria _______
F) Found in animal cells and helps to organize
cell division
Cell wall _______
G) Captures energy from sunlight and
converts it into chemical energy.
H) Hollow structures that maintain cell shape
Nucleus _______
A) Stores materials like water, salts, proteins,
and carbohydrates
Cytoplasm _______
Chromatin _______
B) Surrounds the nucleus and is made up of
C) Dense region where the assembly of
ribosomes begins
D) Portion of cell outside nucleus
E) Allow material to move into and out of the
F) Contains all the cell’s DNA
Vacuoles _______
G) DNA bound to proteins
Lysosomes _______
H) Network of protein filaments that give a
cell its structure and internal organization
Nuclear pores _______
Nuclear envelope _______
Nucleolus _______
Cytoskeleton _______
Threadlike structures made up of actin
Small organelles filled with enzymes
Microfilaments _______
NAME: _______________________________________
Passive Transport
1. Define passive transport:
2. What is diffusion and how does it relate to the cell membrane?
3. Explain facilitated diffusion. Does it require and additional use of the cell’s energy?
4. Define Osmosis:
Osmosis and Solution Types
5. The net movement of water out of or into a cell produces a force known as _____________________.
Active Transport
6. Define active transport:
7. Active transport requires _______________________
8. Compare bulk transport to molecular transport:
NAME: _______________________________________
9. What is homeostasis?
10. How is it maintained?
Levels of organization:
11. Specialized cells are organized into ___________________, then into_____________________, and
finally ____________________________.
12. Define:
Organ System:
7.3 Cellular Transport
1. The cell membrane is ‘selectively permeable’ – what does that mean?
2. What are the 3 functions of the cell membrane?
NAME: _______________________________________
3. Below is a diagram of the cell membrane structure:
a. What are the phospholipids that make up the lipid bilayer?
(the actual names are not on the diagram)
_________________________________ - loves water
_________________________________ - hates water
b. What structure allows/helps materials to move from one side to another? __________
4. Passive transport ____________________________ use energy.
a. Examples of passive transport include:
i. ___________________________
ii. ___________________________
iii. ___________________________
5. __________________________ allows the movement of molecules from one side of the
membrane to the other without additional energy while maintaining homeostasis in the
6. Diffusion is the process of molecules moving from ________________ concentration to
__________________ concentration.
7. Facilitated diffusion uses ______________________ as channels to transport water, charged
and large molecules.
NAME: _______________________________________
8. Osmosis is facilitated diffusion of _______________ molecules.
9. In the figure below, the water molecules are moving from ________________ to
________________ concentraion of water.
10. 3 types of solutions that go through Osmosis:
Same or different concentration on both
More water molecules or
NAME: _______________________________________
11. Label each solution below as either isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic based on the
concentrations & direction of water molecules:
13. Active transport uses ____________________ ______________________ to help move molecules
from ________________ concentration to ___________________ concentration.
14. Active transport includes:
a. endocytosis = _________________________________________
b. exocytosis = __________________________________________
15. Label each diagram below as either endocytosis or exocytosis:
NAME: _______________________________________
16. Endocytosis incluedes the processes of:
a. phagocytosis = ______________________________
b. pinocytosis = _______________________________
7.4 Cell Organization
17. Organisms can either be ______________________________ or ____________________________
18. Multicellular organisms have cells that develop in _______________________ ways to perform
_________________________ tasks.
19. Cells work together to create tissues  organs, which can be organized into different
1st level: _____________________________
2nd level: _____________________________
3rd level: _____________________________
4th level: _____________________________
20. Cells communicate by sending signals to one another, which are known as _____________.
Chapter 8: Photosynthesis
1. Why is ATP useful to cells? __________________________________________________________
2. What happens during the process of photosynthesis? ______________________________________
3. What is the overall equation for photosynthesis? _________________________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
4. How is ATP like a rechargeable battery? _________________________________________________
5. What’s the difference between a heterotroph and an autotroph?
6. What role do pigments play in the process of photosynthesis? _______________________________
7. What are the 3 pigments found in plants? _______________________________________________
8. Why are plants green? _______________________________________________________________
9. What organelle is responsible for photosynthesis? ________________________________________
10. Where do the light dependent reactions take place? _____________ Light Independent? _________
11. What is the role of electron carrier molecules in photosynthesis? ____________________________
12. What are the reactants of the light dependent reactions? ___________________________________
13. What are the products of the light dependent reactions? ___________________________________
14. What are the reactants of the light independent reactions? _________________________________
15. What are the products of the light independent reactions? _________________________________
Chapter 9: Cellular Respiration
1. What is cellular respiration? __________________________________________________________
2. What is the overall equation for cellular respiration? _______________________________________
3. What is the difference between an aerobic and anaerobic process?
4. What are the 3 stages of cellular respiration? _____________________________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
5. What are the reactants of Glycolysis? ___________________________________________________
6. What are the products of Glycolysis? ___________________________________________________
7. Where does Glycolysis take place? _____________________________________________________
8. What are the reactants of the Krebs cycle? _______________________________________________
9. What are the products of the Krebs cycle? _______________________________________________
10. What are the reactants of the Electron Transport Chain? ___________________________________
11. What are the products of the Electron Transport Chain? ____________________________________
12. Where does the Krebs cycle take place? Electron Transport Chain take place?
13. How many ATP molecules are produced in each stage of cellular respiration? ___________________
14. How do photosynthesis and cellular respiration relate? _____________________________________
15. How do organisms generate energy when oxygen is not available? ___________________________
16. What are the 2 types of fermentation? __________________________________________________
17. Why does a cell need NAD+ to keep glycolysis going? ______________________________________
18. What are the products of Lactic Acid Fermentation? _______________________________________
19. What are the products of Alcoholic Fermentation? ________________________________________
20. What product is recycled back to glycolysis? _____________________________________________
21. Fermentation releases energy from food molecules in the absence of what molecule?
22. To generate energy over long periods, the body must use what process? ______________________
NAME: _______________________________________
10.1 Cell Growth
1. What happens to your cells as you grow and get bigger? What happens to your DNA?
2. Which grows faster a cell’s volume compared to its surface area or its surface area compared
to its volume?
3. Why do cells divide in half instead of getting bigger?
4. Compare asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction:
10.2 Cell Division
6. Fill in the following diagram of the Cell Cycle:
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________
7. _______________________________
8. _______________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
7. List and explain important characteristics of the different phases of the cell cycle:
8. Compare the cell cycle for prokaryotic cells & eukaryotic cells:
9. What is the longest phase of mitosis?
10. What phase of the cell cycle are cells in for most of their existence?
NAME: _______________________________________
11. What are the 4 stages of mitosis listed in the correct order? (Remember the acronym we
used in class)
12. What is the difference between mitosis and interphase?
13. What happens to a cell when it is not undergoing mitosis (cell division)? What phase, or
process, is it in?
14. How can you distinguish interphase from mitosis in a picture of a root tip?
15. Label each phase of mitosis on the diagram below:
A : _________________________
B: __________________________
C: __________________________
D: __________________________
E: ___________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
16. Label the diagram below with the correct terms for each stage of mitosis
17. How is cytokinesis different between plant and animal cells?
18. When a cell divides using mitosis, does the number of chromosomes double, halve, or stay
the same?
19. Does cell division include mitosis and cytokinesis, or interphase?
10.3 Cell Division Controls
20. Define: Cyclin –
23. Compare the different types of Regulatory Proteins & what they do:
Internal Regulators
External Regulators
NAME: _______________________________________
24. Explain what Apoptosis is and what happens during it-
25. What disorder is caused by cells dividing uncontrollably?
26. What are different types of tumors that can form? Compare them.
27. What is the cause of cells dividing uncontrollably?
28. List 3 possible treatments for cancer:
29. What happens to a cell with a defective p53 gene?
10.4 Cell Differentiation
30 What is the name of the process by which cells become specialized?
31. What is the name of the unspecialized cells from which differentiated cells develop?
32. How does 1 cell create all of the specialized cell types in the human body?
a. First cell is __________________
b. What can this turn into?
33. What is an embryo called after 4 days of fertilization?
a. What are the cells of this called?
b. What can they develop into?
34. Compare the following types of cells:
Pluripotent (ASCs or
Multipotent (ASCs or
NAME: _______________________________________
35. List some benefits of stem cell research
36. Which types of stem cells do not kill the developing embryo (ASCs or ESCs)?
11.1 and 11.2 Mendelian Genetics
1. What did Gregor Mendel discover – principles of what? Could his conclusions be applied to all
2. In order to prove how cross pollination works, Mendel had to cut the ____________ parts so that the
plant so that it could not self-pollinate.
3. Know the following terms:
 Genetics:
 Gene:
 Alleles:
 Genotypes:
 Phenotypes:
 Dominant trait:
 Recessive trait:
4. Monohybrid practice – how do you represent the alleles for monohybrid crosses – upper/lower case
letters, or ALL uppercase?
A homozygous round seeded plant is crossed with a homozygous wrinkled seeded plant. What are
the resulting genotypes and phenotypes as well as the ratios?
NAME: _______________________________________
Two plants, both heterozygous for the gene that controls flower color are crossed. What percentage
of their offspring will have purple flower? What percentage will have white flowers?
5. Give an example of 2 homozygous alleles:
Give an example of 2 heterozygous alleles:
11.3 Other Patterns of Inheritance
6. Incomplete dominance occurs when there is a phenotype in between the heterozygous & homozygous
because one trait is not ____________________ _____________________ to the other.
Example: White and red flowers also producing _____________ flowers
There will be a third phenotype
When working out Punnett squares for incomplete dominance, do you use all uppercase, or
upper and lowercase?
7. Codominance occurs when an organism has 2 different dominant alleles of a gene making them
___________ show up at the ______________ time.
Examples: ___________________________
Example in humans: ___________________
8. Polygenic traits: inherited traits that are determined by more than ________ _____________.
9. Polygenic inheritance of traits is also affected by the _____________________ along with genetics.
10. List the 6 human polygenic traits:
NAME: _______________________________________
11. Di-hybrid practice: In horses, trotter (T) is dominant over pacer (t). Straight manes (H) are
dominant over curly manes (h). If both parents are heterozygous for both traits, what are the expected
genotypes and phenotypes, and in what proportion?
12. Orange flowers are the result of incomplete dominance between red and yellow flowers. If
codominance were to occur, what would the offspring look like?
13. A type A woman marries a man with type AB. What will be the possible genotypes and phenotypes
of their children?
Type A - IAIA , IAi
Type B – IBIB, IBi
Type AB - IAIB
Type O - ii
15. Label the stages of meiosis: (Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II,
Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II)
NAME: _______________________________________
3. Summarize what happens during each stage listed above:
1) Prophase I:
2) Metaphase I:
3) Anaphase I:
4) Telophase I/Prophase II:
5) Metaphase II:
6) Anaphase II:
7) Telophase II:
4. Comparing Mitosis & Meiosis:
5. Sex cells, also known as ____________, have (the same or half?) the number of
chromosomes as body cells.
6. The end result and purpose of meiosis is to produce ___________ - these sex cells are known
as (haploid or diploid?) cells because they have HALF the number of chromosomes as body
7. If a cell’s diploid # = 14, what would the haploid # be? _________
8. If a cell’s haploid # = 32, what would the diploid # be? _________
NAME: _______________________________________
9. How many chromosomes do human cells have? ________
10. How many pairs of chromosomes are human cells organized into? ________
Chapter 12: DNA
1) What did Griffith conclude from his experiment? Why was this useful to Avery?
2) What is a bacteriophage?______________________________________________________
3) Whose experiment used bacterial viruses to identify the genetic material?
4) How were bacterial viruses used in the experiment (explain the use of p32 and s35)?
5) What was the purpose of Avery and Hershey and Chase’s experiments? What did their
experiments prove? __________________________________________________________
6) What is the significance of DNA? _______________________________________________
7) What does DNA stand for? Where is DNA located in eukaryotes? Prokaryotes?
8) What components make up a nucleotide?
9) There are 4 different variations of these monomers (four different bases), what are
the names of those bases?
NAME: _______________________________________
10) The “backbone” of the DNA molecule is made up of two components, what are these?
11) A = ________ and C = ____________
12) What scientists contributed to the discovery of the DNA structure?
13) Franklin studied the structure of DNA using _______________________, a
technique to examine molecules, and helped Watson and Crick determined that the shape
of the molecule was a _______________________ _______________________.
14) One the diagram label:
a. A nucleotide
b. A sugar and phosphate
c. The bases that are not
already labelled
d. A base pair
e. The sugar-phosphate
f. Hydrogen bonds
15) Summarize the process of DNA replication.
NAME: _______________________________________
14.1 Human Chromosomes
1. List the sex chromosomes for a female:
2. List the sex chromosomes for a male:
3. Answer the following questions using the pedigree charts. When naming individuals, put their
generation first and then their number: Ex. IV-3
= Huntington’s
a. What is individual II2’s genotype – indicate homozygous or heterozygous?
b. There are no carriers for Huntington’s Disease- you either have it or you don’t. With
this in mind, is Huntington’s disease caused by a dominant or recessive trait? _________
c. How many children did individuals I-1 and I-2 have? __________________
d. How many girls did II-1 and II-2 have? ___________ How many have Huntington’s
Disease? _______________
4. What is the purpose of a pedigree? _____________________________________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
5. The pedigree above traces an autosomal recessive disorder. Write the genotype of each individual next to
the symbol. How many generations are shown here? ____________________
6. What is a carrier? How are they represented on a pedigree (describe their shading)? Give an example of
a genotype for someone who is a carrier for colorblindness – remember colorblindness is ONLY on the
7. If a parent generation has an offspring who is recessive for a disorder, then at least one of the parents
must be: circle (homogeneous or heterogeneous) dominant for the disorder.
8. Why is colorblindness more common in males than in females?
14.2 Human Genetic Disorders
9. Autosomal genetic disorders affect chromosomes #_____________.
10. Complete the chart below to compare autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive disorders:
Autosomal Dominant
Example of a
Autosomal Recessive
11. Nondisjunction occurs when chromosomes fail to __________________ during the process of
12. Nondisjunction = abnormal # of ________________ (either too many or too few)
List the 3 disorders that are examples of nondisjunction:
o ________________________________
o ________________________________
o ________________________________
13. Colorblindness is an example of a ____________________ disorder
It is circle (recessive or dominant) and located on the _______ chromosome.
NAME: _______________________________________
15.1 Selective Breeding
Vocabulary to know:
Selective breeding
Polyploid plants
15.2 Recombinant DNA
Vocabulary to know:
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Restriction enzyme
Recombinant DNA
1. There are 3 main requirements for the DNA recombinant process to work, including:
A specific gene is located on the DNA, through the process of
___________________ ________________
___________________: small circular DNA molecules
________________ enzyme: cuts the DNA into fragments
2. There are many uses of recombinant DNA transformations that we use today, such as:
 The human _______________ _______________________
3. Use the following diagram of the transformation process producing recombinant DNA for the human
growth hormone to the questions that follow:
NAME: _______________________________________
Label #1 & 2 in the diagram with either plasmid or recombinant DNA
What is being produced?
What is the positive effect of the transformation process above?
4. Once recombinant DNA is created, the next task to insert genes from one __________________ into
 This process is known as ___________________
5. A ____________ is a member of a population of genetically identical cells produced from a single cell.
An egg cell is taken from a female sheep with it’s ________________ removed
A donor cell is taken from another sheep and only the ________________ is used
The 2 cells are fused together and create a clone
6. What is the job of sheep A?
What is the job of sheep B?
What is the job of sheep C?
What is the connection between sheep A and the lamb?
NAME: _______________________________________
15.3 Applications of Genetic Engineering – DNA Recombinant’s Uses in Health & Medicine
20. What are GMO’s (genetically modified organisms)?
21. List the pros & cons of GMO’s:
22. What is the Bt toxin? How is a plant affected if it has the Bt gene?
23. How do transgenic animals help the food supply? Used in medical research?
24. _________________ ______________________ is the process of changing a gene to treat a medical
disease or disorder.
25. What is a DNA fingerprint? What is unique about everyone’s DNA fingerprint?
26. List the 3 uses of DNA fingerprinting:
NAME: _______________________________________
27. DNA fingerprint sample: (Circle the suspect that matches the crime scene)
15.4 Ethics & Impacts of Biotechnology
28. What is the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act?
29. What is a patent?
16.1 Darwin’s Epic Journey
Vocabulary to know:
5. Who developed the theory of natural selection?
6. The timeline of life, organizing fossils by their estimated ages and physical similarities is called?
___________________________ How is this beneficial to Darwin’s theory of natural selection?
7. The process in which populations gradually change over time is called: _______________________
NAME: _______________________________________
16.2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin’s Thinking
8. Explain Lamarck theories about natural selection and give an example of each.
Acquired characteristics:
Inheritance of acquired characteristics:
9. Explain how Darwin’s theory of natural selection differs from Lamarck’s theory of acquired
characteristics, using giraffes as an example. Which theory is correct?
16.3 Natural Selection
10. List the 4 parts of Naturals Selection:
a. ___________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________
16. List 3 types of adaptations and give an example of each:
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
18. True or False: Darwin suggested species are descended from common ancestors.
19. Explain how natural selection relates to pesticide resistance?
NAME: _______________________________________
16.4 Lines of Evidence
Vocabulary to know:
Homologous structures:
o Example:
Analogous structures:
o Example:
Vestigial structures:
o Example:
20. What are the 5 major arguments that support Darwin’s theory of evolution?
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
22. What does the image below suggest about these 4 organisms?
NAME: _______________________________________
24. The following image is an example of what type of structure? What does this suggest?
25. How can DNA evidence be used to determine how closely two species are related?
26. How can embryological evidence be used to determine how closely related two species are?
Chapter 17: Evolution of Populations
1) ___________________________ consists of all the genes present in a population.
2) What is allele frequency? _____________________________________________________________
3) Give an example of a single-gene and polygenic trait. ______________________________________
4) Label each type of graph and give a possible scenario for each of the following graphs:
NAME: _______________________________________
5) Genetic drift changes the allele frequency of a small population simply by ___________________.
6) What is genetic drift? ________________________________________________________________
7) What are the 2 types of genetic drift? Give an example of each.
8) What type of genetic drift involves a small population from a large population migrating to a new
area, changing the allele frequency of that population? ____________________________________
9) What type of genetic drift involves reduction in a population that caused a reduction in genetic
variation? _____________________________________
10) What is genetic equilibrium? __________________________________________________________
11) What 5 conditions must occur in order for a population to maintain genetic equilibrium (HardyWeinberg principle)? ________________________________________________________________
12) What process results in a new species? _________________________________________________
13) What is reproductive isolation? ________________________________________________________
14) What 3 types of reproductive isolation lead to the formation of new species? What is the difference
between each type? _________________________________________________________________
Chapter 18: Classification
_______1) Classification
A) First’s part of a species’ name.
_______2) Taxonomy
B) A tool that is used to identify organisms and consists of
a series of paired statements.
_______3) Dichotomous Key
C) The division of organisms into groups, or classes, based
on specific characteristics
_______ 4) Genus
D) Individuals capable of interbreeding.
_______5) Species
E) Science of describing, classifying, and naming
1) What two systems are used today to classify organisms? _____________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
2) What are the eight levels of classification?
3) The scientific name for an organism comes from its __________________________________
4) What can you find by working through a dichotomous key?
5) How are organisms classified in traditional classification systems? ______________________
6) Bacteria that can sustain harsh environments are called? ____________________________________
7) What is the difference between a eukaryote and a prokaryote? _______________________________
8) Humans are referred to as Homo sapiens. What is its specific (species) name? __________________
9) Why is it important that organisms be referred to by their scientific name and not their common
name? _______________________________________________________________________________
10) What type of diagram indicates degrees of relatedness among organisms? ____________________
11) How does a cladogram differ from Linnean classification? ___________________________________
12) What is a derived character? Give an example. ____________________________________________
13) Use the cladogram below to answer questions A– D.
NAME: _______________________________________
Which organisms are considered part of Clade Mammalia? ___________________________
For which clade is an amniotic egg a derived character? ______________________________
Which organisms share the same derived traits as reptiles? ___________________________
Which organisms have specialized shearing teeth? __________________________________
14) What are the 3 major domains? Which kingdoms fall under each domain? _____________________
15) All organisms in the kingdoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia are _______________________
16) The two domains composed of only unicellular organisms are _______________________________
Chapter 19: The Fossil Record
1) What is the significance of the fossil record? Did all organisms that lived on Earth become fossils?
2) What type of rock are fossils usually found? _______________________________________________
3) What is a paleontologist? What do paleontologists use to determine the age of a fossil?
4) True or False: Rock layers form in order by age, the oldest on the bottom the more recent on top.
5) The length of time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay is its ____________
6) What is an index fossil? _______________________________________________________________
7) What is the difference between background extinction and mass extinction?
NAME: _______________________________________
8) What is the difference between gradualism and punctuated equilibrium?
9) When species migrate to a new environment or extinction clears an environment of a large number of
inhabitants, the species evolves several different forms; this describes the process of
____________________. Give an example __________________________________________________
10) Two different species that live in different parts of the world but in similar environments develop
many similar adaptations. This is an example of ______________________________________________
11) Give an example of coevolution: _______________________________________________________
15) A slow steady change in a particular line of descent is called
A) coevolution B) gradualism C) punctuated equilibrium
D) convergent evolution
16) What was the significance of the Miller – Urey experiment?
17) According to the endosymbiotic theory, mitochondria in eukaryotic cells were significant because
Chapter 20: Viruses and Prokaryotes
1) What are some defining structures of bacteria?
2) In which ways are viruses considered living? Not living?
3) What type of virus is HIV considered? ___________________________________________________
4) What is a method of treatment that’s helpful against bacteria but does not have any effect on
viruses? ___________________________________________________________________________
Ecology Unit
1. Explain the difference between biotic and abiotic factors.
Biotic –
Abiotic –
NAME: _______________________________________
2. Define these types of relationships (symbiosis).
a. mutualism –
b. commensalism –
c. parasitism –
d. predator/prey –
e. competition –
3. What is carrying capacity?
4. What role do decomposers play in the environment?
5. What is a trophic level?
6. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
7. What is the ultimate source of energy for this food
8. What are the producers in this food web?
9. What are the primary consumers (herbivores) in
this food web?
10. What are the secondary consumers in this food
11. Give an example of a food chain within this food web:
12. Create an energy pyramid from the food chain: leaves →
insects → birds → red fox → bear
13. Where is the most energy in this pyramid? Where is the
least energy?
14. What happens to energy as it moves through the food
NAME: _______________________________________
Plant Unit
1) What are characteristics that define plants?
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
2) What structures are found in plant cells that are not in animal cells?
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
3) What process do plants use to make glucose (sugar) from sunlight and CO2? ________________
4) What 2 major categories are plants broken down into?
 _________________________
 _________________________
5) What plants are believed to be the ancestors to land plants? ______________________________
6) What characteristics do plants share with this species (supporting the theory in #5)?
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
7) What does it mean for a plant to be nonvascular? Vascular?
Vascular: __________________________________________________________________________
Non-vascular: ______________________________________________________________________
8) What structures make up the vascular system (bundle) of plants?
 _________________________
 _________________________
9) What came first, non-vascular plants or vascular plants? ___________________________________
10) What is the name of the class associated with the first land plants (non-vascular)?
 ___________________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
Example: ___________________________
11) Give 3 examples of adaptations plants needed to develop in order to live on land.
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
12) In non-vascular plants, which stage is more dominant, the gametophyte or the sporophyte?
 _________________________
13) What process is shown in the above diagram? ___________________________________
 What is the haploid phase in the plant life cycle? __________________________
 Diploid phase?
14) What happens to the sporophyte in comparison to gametophyte as plants evolved from nonvascular, to seedless vascular, to seed vascular plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms)?
15) Fill in the blanks to the following diagram which illustrates the order in which plants evolved:
Plant Kingdom
Vascular Plants
Plants w/o Seeds
Plants w/ Seeds
Naked Seeds
Seeds in Fruits
NAME: _______________________________________
16) Look at the following life cycle and answer the questions that follow:
A. What life cycle is being illustrated in this diagram? _________________________________
B. What is being produced in structure L using meiosis? _______________________________
C. What is developing in stages between A to C, which occurs after a spore lands on the ground
and germinates? _____________________________________________________________
D. Which structure produces archegonium and antheridium? ___________________________
E. What is produced in the male gametophyte that is being transferred to the female
gametophyte? _______________________________________________________________
F. What is produced in J that involves fertilization? ___________________________________
G. What does this develop into? ___________________________________________________
17) What is a seed? ____________________________________________________________________
18) What are the 2 groups of seed plants?
 ____________________________________
 ____________________________________
19) What adaptations allow seed plants to reproduce without standing water? ____________________
NAME: _______________________________________
20) What is the male gametophyte in seed plants? Female?
 Male: _____________________________________
 Female: ___________________________________
21) Is pollen considered haploid or diploid? __________________________________
22) Where are the gametophytes of gymnosperms found? ______________________
23) Use the following life cycle diagram to answer the corresponding questions:
A. What life cycle is being illustrated? ____________________________________
B. What is the reproductive structure of angiosperms? ______________________
C. What are the male reproductive parts of the flower? Female?
i. Male : _____________________________________________________
ii. Female: ___________________________________________________
D. What does the ovary protect? ________________________________________
E. What does the ovary of angiosperms become? __________________________
F. What is the purpose of the fruit? ______________________________________
24) What are the 2 ways in which angiosperms (flowering plants) are classified?
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
25) What is the main difference between a monocot and dicot?
Monocot: _________________________________________________________________________
Dicot: ____________________________________________________________________________
NAME: _______________________________________
26) Distinguishing plants by growing season:
 Plants that die after the first growing season are called: _________________
 Plants that continue to grow from year to year are called: _______________
27) What is the function of the following plant parts:
 Roots: _____________________________________________________________________
 Stems: _____________________________________________________________________
 Leaves: _____________________________________________________________________
28) What is the purpose of the cuticle? _____________________________________________________
29) What are the openings in leaves that allow gas exchange to take place and water to be regulated?
 _________________________________________
30) What is the process called in which water is regulated? ___________________________________
31) What constitutes the vascular bundle in roots and stems? _________________________________
32) What tissue is responsible for transporting water through the plant? Nutrients?
 Water: __________________________
 Nutrients: ________________________
33) What type of growth increases the length of the plant? What part of the plant does this occur in?
34) What type of growth increases the thickness of the stems and roots of the plants?