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The Egyptian position
Prepared by
Dr. Mohamed Ismail Ibrahim Elsehamy
Clima-South Project Focal Point
 Key data
 Egypt’s emissions / vulnerability
 Egypt’s negotiating position
 Egypt’s perspective to the new agreement /
 Egypt’s readiness to INDCs
 Road to Paris
Key Data - Egypt
- United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change:
 Signed: 09 June 1992
 Ratified: 05 December 1994
 Entry into force: 05 March 1995
- Kyoto Protocol:
 Signed: 15 March 1999
 Ratified: 12 January 2005
 Entry into force: 12 April 2005
- Egypt issued 1st National Communication in 1999, and 2nd National
Communication in 2010, and now 3rd NC in process.
- Egypt has started preparation of 1st Biennial Update Report.
- Egyptian DNA established in 2005 & restructured in 2009
- Establishing National Committee for climate change in 2007 & now under
development progress to be National Council.
- Egypt National Environmental Economic and Development Study (NEEDS) for
Climate Change 2010.
Emissions / Vulnerability
GHG Emissions Without
Egypt’s share to world
1990 (INC,99)
2000 (SNC, 10)
2005 (TNC, 14)
0.4 %
Extreme weather events
Water stress
Food Shortage
Seal level rise
Coral reefs bleaching
Egypt’s Negotiating position
Egypt’s position is matching with African and Arab groups position
Basics of Egypt’s position
Egypt confirms its readiness and willingness to have a successful COP at
Paris that concludes the negotiations with a fair and ambitious outcome
based on UNFCCC principles & provisions.
This COP includes two main aspects:
Firstly, the political aspect which deals with the draft negotiation text:
Must not replace or rewrite the convention, but must be
consistent with principles of the Convention (Historical
responsibility, equity, CBDR” Common but differentiated
responsibilities and developing countries priorities for
solving poverty and achieving a sustainable development.
Includes establishing a global adaptation framework is an
essential part of the new agreement ,must include the loss
and damage. And the final the outcomes should be balanced
in dealing with mitigation and adaptation.
Basics of Egypt’s position
Accelerate the financial instrument of the convention such as
the green climate fund, unifying sources of finance, balance in
allocation of finance, stressing that any eligibility criteria and
standards for projects under the green climate fund should be
set and approved by both developing and developed countries),
ensuring that these eligibility criteria are independent and
based on technical criteria and national priorities regardless the
political aspects ,ensuring that any current or future financial
mechanism must be under the article 11 of the United Nations
framework convention on climate change.
Negotiation text must consider sequencing of discussing topics.
i.e. starting with the means of implementation (finance,
technology transfer and capacity building) before discussing the
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC).
Basics of Egypt’s position
Secondly, the technical aspect dealing with the intended
nationally determined contributions (INDCs)
INDCs will include both adaptation (priority) and
mitigation and will be divided into two main
The first part what can be achieved by domestic
resources .
The second part is what is have the
potential but require additional support
(finance, technology & capacity building).
Basics of Egypt’s position
 In addition to that, INDCs preparation must support and
come in the context of the economic development priorities
and achieving sustainable development according to:
1. Article 4, paragraph 1 (f) of UNFCCC which indicated with
the availability of financial, technical and capacity building
support to be provided by developed countries according to
article 4, paragraphs 3, 4 and 5
2. The contributions submitted by developing countries will
include the needs from international financial resources. And
stressing that any mitigation contributions from developing
countries will be conditioned with the fulfillment of
developed countries commitments under article 4, paragraph
INDCs pillars from the Egyptian Perspective
Includes 2 parts
Seeking for
Support means finance, technology development & transfer
and capacity building
 Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change is vital
in order to reduce the impacts of climate change that are
happening now and increase resilience to future impacts
 Successful adaptation not only depends on governments
but also on the active and sustained engagement of
stakeholders (Nairobi work programme)
 The Egyptian National Adaptation Strategy provide an
important way to priorities urgent and immediate
adaptation needs (Egyptian NEEDS 2010).
 Developing countries require international assistance to
support adaptation (Articles 4.4, 4.8 and 4.9). This includes
funding, technology transfer and capacity building.
 The Bali Action Plan, adopted at COP 13 in Bali,
December 2007, identified adaptation as one of the key
building blocks required for a strengthened future
response to climate change to enable the full, effective
and sustained implementation of the Convention
through long-term cooperative action, now, up to and
beyond 2012. At the Cancun Climate Change
Conference in December 2010, Parties established the
Cancun Adaptation Framework (CAF) with the
objective of enhancing action on adaptation, including
through international cooperation and coherent
consideration of matters relating to adaptation under
the Convention.
 At the Durban Climate Change Conference in November/
December 2011, Parties advanced the implementation of the CAF
by agreeing on:
Modalities, procedures and composition of the Adaptation
Activities to be undertaken under the work programme on loss
and damage
Modalities and guidelines for the national adaptation plans
At the COP18 in Doha, Qatar, Parties continued the implementation
of the CAF and agreed on:
The technical guidelines for the development of national
adaptation plans
The continuity of the work programme on loss and damage
including the establishment of institutional arrangements at COP19
 In Egypt most affected sectors by climate change
Agriculture, Waster resources, Coastal Zones, Health.
 TNC project adds another four sectors that affected by
climate change (Urbanization, Biodiversity, Tourism, weather
Extreme events)
 Vulnerability in each sector assessed as a function of three
Direct climate
change impact in
the sector
Indirect climate
change impact in
the sector
between Sectors)
How Socio
economic impacts
affect the
vulnerability of
each sector
Road to Paris
Build trust
leaded by
major emitters
Fair outcome
Balance and