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Name: ___________________________________
Review: Final Life Science Assessment
Directions: Select the terms that best complete the following statements.
1. The process of enlarging the image of a specimen is called magnification.
2. A compound light microscope uses two lenses and a light source to view objects.
3. Resolution is the ability of a microscope to focus on two separate, very close objects at the
same time.
4. All living things are made of small units called cells.
5. The organelle responsible for turning food and oxygen into energy is the mitochondria. It is
the “powerhouse” of the cell.
6. The organelle responsible for manufacturing proteins is the ribosome.
7. The organelle responsible for storing water, food, and wastes is the vacuole.
The organelle responsible for controlling all the activities of the cell is the nucleus.
9. The organelle responsible for packaging proteins is the Golgi body.
10. The organelle responsible for controlling what goes in and what goes out of the cell is the
cell membrane.
11. DNA and RNA are what type of organic compounds? nucleic acids
12. What type of organic compound includes sugars and starches? carbohydrates
13. What compound is necessary for most chemical reactions to take place in your body? water
14. A compound that contains the element carbon and is found in most living and once living
things is said to be organic.
15. Autotrophs are organisms that can make their own food using inorganic molecules from
their environment.
16. Organisms that can not make own food are called heterotrophs.
17. The first scientist to see animalcules, or tiny living things was Anton von Leeuwenhoek.
18. A cell wall is found in plant or animal cells? plant cells
19. The organelle in which photosynthesis takes place is the chloroplast.
20. The process by which molecules move from an area where they are in a higher
concentration to an area where they are in a lower concentration is called diffusion.
21. Water diffuses through a cell membrane by a special process called osmosis.
22. A method of cell transport that requires a cell to use energy to move materials from one
area to another is called active transport.
23. What process is responsible for producing most of Earth’s oxygen? photosynthesis
24. The raw materials of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water.
25. The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.
26. The raw materials of cellular respiration are glucose and oxygen.
27. The products of cellular respiration carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
28. Entire cells divide to form exact copies of themselves during the process of cell division.
29. The part of the cell cycle that involves the division of a nucleus into two identical nuclei is
called mitosis.
30. What disease occurs when cell division goes “out of control?” cancer
31. DNA is the genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed on
from parent to offspring.
32. Phosphate sugar are the molecules that form the sides of the twisted ladder-shaped DNA
33. The instructions or blueprints of life are found in a cell’s nucleus.
34. Replication is the process by which a molecule of DNA makes an exact copy of itself.
35. Traits are inherited characteristics that an organism has and can
pass on to its offspring through its genes.
36. An allele whose trait always shows up in an organism when the allele is present is dominant.
37. A gene is a section of DNA that codes for the expression of a trait.
38. The rod-shaped structures located in the nucleus of every cell (except red blood
cells) of an organism are the chromosomes.
39. An organism is heterozygous for a trait if each allele for the trait is different. The person has one
dominant allele and one recessive allele.
40. Hybridization involves crossing two genetically different individuals to get the best traits
of both in the offspring.
41. A chart that tracks which members of a family have a particular trait is a pedigree.
42. An allele that always shows up in an organism when the allele is present is a dominant
43. A karyotype is a photograph of an individual’s chromosomes used to determine the
presence of genetic abnormalities.
44. An organisms phenotype is its physical appearance.
45. People with an extra copy of chromosome 21 have a disorder called Trisomy 21 or Down
46. A species is a group of similar organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring.
47. All of the DNA in one cell of an organism is called a genome.
48. Any difference between individuals of the same species is called a/an variation.
49. The different forms of a gene are called alleles.
50. The process by which the number of chromosomes is reduced in half to form the sex cells is
called meiosis.
51. In the genetic code, a group of three nitrogen bases codes for the attachment of a specific
amino acid.
52. Evolution occurs by means of a process called natural selection.
53. A species is extinct if none of its members are still alive.
54. The scientist whose name is most associated with the theory of evolution through natural
selection is Charles Darwin..
55. The technique that allows scientists to determine the actual age of a fossil is called
absolute dating.
56. An adaptation is any trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce.
57. Most fossils form when they become buried in sediments.
58. One of the main ways by which species form is through geographic isolation.
59. Only traits that are inherited can be acted upon by natural selection.
60. All living organisms are grouped into six kingdoms.
61. Living things are grouped based on their cell structure - depending on whether on not they
have a nucleus in their cells.
62. Scientists debate about whether viruses are living organisms.
63. The inner core of a virus is composed of genetic (hereditary) material.
64. Name the 3 basic shapes of bacteria .
sphere, rod, and spiral
65. A water mold is a protist that was the cause of The Great Potato Famine in
Ireland in the 1845-1846.
66. Eubacteria and Achaea are the only prokaryotes in the 3 domains of living things.
67. Prototzoans are animal-like protists.
68. The whip-like tails of some protists and bacteria are called flagella.
69. The hair-like structures that move some protists through their environments are called cilia.
70. Antibiotics are chemicals that mainly fight bacterial infections.
71. A vaccine is a chemical that helps the body make chemicals that destroy viruses and
bacteria. It is used to prevent viral and bacterial infections.
72. Viruses are best described as parasites.
73. Bacteria are prokaryotic, which means they do not have a nucleus.
74. Bacteria which feed on dead things, breaking them down into simpler substances are called
75. Organisms that are prokaryotic and live in extreme conditions belong to the Kingdom
76. The Kingdom Eubacteria consists of organisms that are single-celled, without a nucleus,
and live in non-extreme environments.
77. Eubacteria and Archae are the only prokaryotes in the three domains of living things.
78. Mosses reproduce using spores.
79. Stiff, rigid cell walls are the only support structures that nonvascular plants need to remain
upright and not collapse.
80. Mosses cannot grow very tall because they don’t have vascular tissue.
81. The process by which autotrophs produce their own food is called photosynthesis.
82. The openings on the upper and lower surfaces of a leaf that allow for the exchange of gases
are stomata.
83. The vascular tubes that conduct water from the soil up the stem and into the leaves are
called xylem.
84. The female part of a flower is called the pistil.
85. The male part of a flower is called the stamen.
86. Plants that produce naked seeds are called gymnosperms.
87. A fruit is the swollen ovary of a flower.
88. Plants that produce seeds that are covered with a thick, fleshy fruit are called angiosperms.
89. Animals that do not have backbones are called invertebrates.
90. The process by which a new organism results from the joining of a female sex cell and a
male sex cell is called sexual reproduction.
91. Organisms that live off of other organisms are called parasites.
92. What structure is found in the center of a planarian’s body? mouth tube (pharynx)
93. The sponges are the simplest phylum of invertebrate animals.
94. The openings in a sponge’s body are called pores.
95. Animals with a backbone are known as vertebrates.
96. An invertebrate animal that has jointed appendages, an external skeleton, and a segmented
body is called a(n) arthropod.
97. The soft-bodied animals that are often covered by shells, and have a thin layer of tissue that
covers their internal organs are called mollusks.
98. The animals that are radially symmetrical and have a spiny internal skeleton are
called echinoderms.
99. Arthropods have an external skeleton called a/an exoskeleton.
100. The ability of an organism to regrow a lost part is called regeneration.