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Ms. Bruno
Name ____________________________________________
Date _______________
Living Environment
What is Evolution?
Evolution is ___________________________________________________________
More specifically, it is the change in ________________ ______________________ in a
species over the course of ______________________
Who Was Charles Darwin?
Charles Darwin was an ____________ _______________ who proposed
a ____________ to explain how organisms _____________ over time
In ________ he set sail on a ______ year voyage throughout the world
and visited several __________________ and many remote
During these visits he made many __________________ of the
______________ and _______________ he encountered
In ________ he published his famous work
_________________________________ in which he proposed his
theory of _____________________
Theory of Evolution:
Darwin based his theory on two key ideas:
1. Variations:
2. Natural Selection:
Ms. Bruno
Living Environment
Natural Selection
Survival of the Fittest:
What is Adaptive Value?
Any ________ that helps an organism _____________ and _________________ under a given
set of environmental conditions
According to Darwin’s theory, a _____________ environment will select certain ___________
and _________________ of organisms that allow them to _____________ and
What types of traits do you think have adaptive value?
Examples of Traits:
1. Peppered Moths:
Ms. Bruno
Living Environment
2. Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics:
3. Galapagos Finches:
The finches on the Galapagos are adapted to _______________________________
Examples of Behaviors:
Nest Building Behavior
Fighting Behaviors
Correct Blinking Behavior
Ms. Bruno
Living Environment
Genetics and Evolution:
What disadvantage was Darwin at when he developed his theory of evolution?
When did Mendel’s work on inheritance gain importance? ____________
What two factors could Darwin not explain?
How are New Traits Created in Offspring?
During ___________, (remember crossing over), new
_________________ of ________ occur. This is
called ____________________
___________________________. These genes can
be passed on to offspring!
Mutations: Random _____________ of genes in the
_____________ can create new traits in the offspring.
What causes these mutations?
How is Genetics Connected to Evolution?
If a random ________________ or a product of genetic ______________________
creates a new __________ in an individual that is _________________ for survival,
that offspring will have a much greater __________________ of _________________
and passing its genes on to future generations!
As time and __________________ continue, this advantageous trait, or
_______________, will increase in frequency in the population
Sometimes this may lead to the creation of a new ___________. This is called
Mutations are Often Called the “Raw Materials” of Evolution!
Ms. Bruno
Living Environment
Evidence for Evolution:
1. Geologic Record: Some evidence for evolution comes
from ___________. Fossils are traces or
____________ of _______ __________
organisms that have been ______________ by
natural processes. Fossils that have formed in
different ____________ of rock show how
___________ have ______________ over time.
2. Geographic Distribution: Different _________ on different ________________ look and
behave in ___________ manners.
a. Why?
3. Homologous Body Structures:
______________ of different organisms
that are similar in __________ but may
differ in _______________. This shows
that these organisms shared a
__________ ____________________.
4. Vestigial Structures: A _____________ that no
longer serves a _____________ in an organism but is
present because it was one __________ in the
organisms ________________ past
a. Examples:
Ms. Bruno
Living Environment
5. Comparative Embryology: Comparing ___________ of different organisms can indicate they may
have ____________ a _____________ ________________
6. Comparative Biochemistry: Comparing the _____________ makeup of an organism such as
___________, ______________, and other body chemicals
a. The ___________ the similarity, the more closely ______________ the organisms are
and the ______________ the likelihood they share a _______________ ancestor
i. Example:_______________________________________________________
b. Comparing DNA Sequences:
i. The more similar the _________ ________________ is between two
___________, the more closely ______________ they are
ii. What percentage of DNA do humans and chimps share? ____________
Origin of Life on Earth:
All of life on earth has said to have ________________ from one ______________ ancestor
What were the first organisms to evolve? ________________________
How many years ago did life first appear? ___________________
What did these single-celled organisms evolve into? __________________________________
Today, every living species is a descendent from this first life
Ms. Bruno
Living Environment
Evolutionary Models:
Simple ________________ diagrams can be used to represent the _________________
relationships among different ______________
These diagrams are called ______________________ ____________
What do branching points represent? ____________________________________
What do ends of branches represent? ___________________________________
1. List the letters of the species that
are currently
2. Which species is the one common
ancestor to all the other species?
3. Which two species are more closely
related, F and G or F and L?
4. List all of the common ancestors of
species L and N:
Human Influence on Evolution
Selective Breeding:
Genetic Engineering:
Ms. Bruno
Living Environment
Lamarck’s Theory of Acquired Characteristics:
An organism can pass on ______________________ that it ________________ during its
lifetime to its _______________
Proposed by Frenchman __________________________ in the early 1800s
Two Parts:
1. Use and Disuse:
2. Inheritance of Acquired Traits:
Extinction is the _____________________ of an entire __________
It typically occurs when the _______________________ changes
Sometimes, the environment changes so much that there are no longer any _______________ of
the species that are ___________________ to survive
Based on the ______________ record, the majority of the species that have ever __________
on _____________, are now _______________