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How did Rome Republic come to an
I. Conflicts
A. The gap between the Rich and poor widened.
B. Various laws had been put to limit the rights
of the Plebians
C. Series of civil wars broke out. At the same
time, the Roman Army was winning over
D. Corruptions and competition within the
III. Changes within the Republic
• 61 BC When Caesar returned from Spain,
Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus established the
First Triumvirate.
• Between 61 to 49 BC was a time of series of
rivalries and civil wars
• 48 BC. Caesar was made dictator for life.
• 44 BC Caesar was assassinated by members of
the Senate.
IV. Caesar
Seized power with his army (coup)
Reformed the Roman calendar
Resettled veterans into new cities
made the Senate more representative
Granted citizenship to many more foreigners.
Began a dynasty ruled by Emperors
Turned Rome from a Republic to a Monarchy