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II. Energetics, Enzymes and Redox
• 3.3 Energy/Carbon Source Classes of
• 3.4 Bioenergetics
• 3.6 Electron Donors and Electron Acceptors
• 3.7 Energy-Rich Compounds
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3.3 Energy Classes of Microorganisms
• Metabolism
• The sum total of all of the chemical reactions that occur
in a cell
• Catabolic reactions (catabolism)
• Energy-releasing metabolic reactions
• Anabolic reactions (anabolism)
• Biosynthetic metabolic reactions
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Broad Overview of Metabolism
Prokaryotes will not make something if they can import it
There are only a few key precursor molecules (but lots of ways
to make them)
Energy sources vary
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3.3 Energy/Carbon Source Classes of
• Microorganisms have a variety of ways to conduct
their metabolism
• Grouped into carbon source classes
• Heterotrophs rely on reduced carbon
• Autotrophs fix CO2 or reduce CO2
• Grouped into energy source classes
• Chemotrophs use chemical energy
• Chemolithotrophs use inorganic compounds
• Chemoorganotrophs use carbon compounds
• Phototrophs use light energy
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3.3 Energy Classes of Microorganisms
• Autotrophs may be chemotrophs or phototrophs
with respect to energy source
• Phototrophic autotrophs (photoautotrophs) are
• Cyanobacteria (Sec.14.3)
• Photosynthesize using chlorophyll a
• Fix CO2 to carbohydrate using Calvin Cycle
• Chemotrophic autotrophs (chemoautotrophs) are
less familiar
• Methanogens (Sec.13.20) = Archaea; sediments,
• Reduce CO2 to CH4 with unusual enzymes for energy
• Utilize methanol or acetate from CH4 for carbon
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3.3 Energy Classes of Microorganisms
• Heterotrophs may be chemotrophs or phototrophs
with respect to energy source
• Chemotrophic heterotrophs (chemoheterotrophs)
are very common
• Phototrophic heterotrophs (photoheterotrophs)
also exist
• Heliobacter (Sec. 14.8) a gram + rod
• Carries out photosynthesis using bacteriochlorophyll g
• Relies on pyruvate, lactate, butyrate, acetate for carbon
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3.4 Bioenergetics
• In any chemical reaction, some energy is lost
as heat but some energy (Free energy = G):
energy released that is available to do work
• The change in free energy during a reaction at
standard conditions is referred to as ΔG0′
• ΔG: free energy that occurs under actual
conditions in a cell
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3.6 Electron Donors and Electron Acceptors
• Energy from oxidation–reduction (redox) reactions
is used in synthesis of energy-rich compounds
(e.g., ATP)
• Redox reactions occur in pairs (two half
reactions; Figure 3.8)
• Electron donor: the substance oxidized in a
redox reaction (loses electrons)
• Electron acceptor: the substance reduced in a
redox reaction (gains electrons)
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3.6 Electron Donors and Electron Acceptors
Half reaction
donating e–
Half reaction
accepting e–
of water
Net reaction
Energy from oxidation–reduction (redox) reactions is used in
synthesis of energy-rich compounds (e.g., ATP)
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Figure 3.8
3.6 Electron Donors and Electron Acceptors
• Reduction potential (E0′): measurement of energy
transfer in redox reactions or tendency to donate
• Expressed as volts (V)
• Half reactions with highly positive reduction
potentials occur easily
• Reduced substance with a more negative E0′
donates electrons to the oxidized substance with a
more positive E0′
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3.6 Electron Donors and Electron Acceptors
• The redox tower represents the range of possible
reduction potentials (Figure 3.9)
• The reduced substance at the top of the tower
donates electrons
• The oxidized substance at the bottom of the tower
accepts electrons
• The farther the electrons "drop," the greater the
amount of energy released
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Figure 3.9
3.6 Electron Donors and Electron Acceptors
• Redox reactions usually involve reactions between
intermediates (carriers)
• Electron carriers are divided into two classes
• Prosthetic groups (attached to enzymes)
• Example: heme
• Coenzymes (diffusible)
• Examples: NAD+, NADP
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3.7 Energy-Rich Compounds
• Chemical energy released in redox reactions is
primarily stored in certain phosphorylated
compounds (Figure 3.12)
• ATP; the prime energy currency
• Phosphoenolpyruvate
• Glucose 6-phosphate
• Chemical energy also stored in coenzyme A, a
high energy sulfur compound
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Anhydride bonds Ester bond
Ester bond
Anhydride bond
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Glucose 6-phosphate
Anhydride bond
Coenzyme A
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Acetyl phosphate
ΔG0′< 30kJ
Acetyl phosphate
ΔG0′< 30kJ
Glucose 6-phosphate
Figure 3.12
3.7 Energy-Rich Compounds
• Long-term energy storage involves insoluble
polymers that can be oxidized to generate ATP
• Examples in prokaryotes
• Glycogen
• Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate and other
• Elemental sulfur
• Examples in eukaryotes
• Starch
• Lipids (simple fats)
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3.7 Energy-Rich Compounds
• An energy rich compound that also serves as an
electron carrier
• Reduced NAD carries high energy electrons
• Provides “reducing power” for biosynthesis
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Modes of ATP Synthesis
• Substrate level phosphorylation
• Transmembrane gradient (eg proton gradient or
• Respiration
• Aerobic
• Anaerobic
• Photosynthesis
• Anoxygenic
• Oxygenic
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• Direct transfer of high energy phosphate
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• Example: pyruvate kinase reaction
• Part of catabolic pathway called glycolysis or EMP
• PEP is a product of another reaction
Substrate level phosphorylations are common in all organisms
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Metabolic pathways that use a gradient to make ATP
• Respiration
• Aerobic-use oxygen as final electron acceptor
• Anaerobic-use something other than oxygen as final
• Photosynthesis
• Anoxygenic-use something other than water as original
electron donor
• Oxygenic-use water as original electron donor
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Transmembrane gradient
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Figure 3.20
• Transmembrane gradient
• Fig. 3.20 shows NADH as the electron donor
• And oxygen as the electron acceptor
• But………….
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• ATP Synthase aka
F1F0 Synthase or
• Controlled entry of
protons drives ATP
• 3-4 protons/ATP
• Can work in reverse
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• Anaerobic respiration
• Nitrate (NO3–), ferric iron (Fe3+), sulfate (SO42–),
carbonate (CO32–), fumarate, DMSO are examples
of acceptors
• Less energy released compared to aerobic
• “Primitive” form of respiration?
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Figure 13.39
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Figure 13.39
Nitrate Reduction is a Good Example of
Anaerobic Respiration (Ch.13.16 and 13.17)
• Nitrate Reduction = use of nitrate as electron
acceptor in anaerobic respiration (nitrate to nitrite)
• A dissimilative process
• Conversion of nitrate to more reduced substances
such as N2O or N2 = denitrification
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Nitrate reductase
Nitrite reductase
Nitric oxide reductase
Nitrous oxide reductase
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Figure 13.40
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Figure 13.41
• Lithotroph: type of chemotroph that uses
inorganic substance (e.g. a mineral) as a source of
energy: in other words as an electron donor.
• Anaerobic respiration: process in which electrons
are transferred to a final acceptor that is not
oxygen-can be organic or inorganic
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• Uses light energy to remove an electron from an
electron donor and boost it to a high energy level
• Photons captured by pigment molecules
• Chlorophylls, bacteriochlorophylls, accessory
pigments such as carotenoids
• Absorb different wavelengths
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• Anoxygenic photosynthesis uses an electron
donor other than water
• H2S is a common donor
• Green sulfur bacteria, purple bacteria, Heliobacter,
some Archaea
• Use a transmembrane gradient to generate ATP
via cyclic photophosphorylation
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• Oxygenic photosynthesis uses water as electron
• Cyanobacteria
• 2 Photosystems linked by electron carriers
• Use a transmembrane gradient to generate ATP
via either cyclic photophosphorylation or
noncyclic photophosphorylation
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Makes reducing power in the form of NADPH
When reducing power is not needed-cyclic
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III. Fermentation and Respiration Overview
• 3.8 Glycolysis
• 3.9 Fermentative Diversity and the Respiratory
• 3.10 Respiration: Electron Carriers
• 3.11 Respiration: The Proton Motive Force
• 3.12 Respiration: Citric Acid and Glyoxylate Cycle
• 3.13 Catabolic Diversity
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III. Fermentation and Respiration Overview
• Two key metabolic pathways
• Complementary
• Overlapping
• Definition depends on context-industrial, medical,
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• In food science fermentation can refer to the
production of foods such as yogurt
• In chemical engineering it can refer to the
production of ethanol as an additive for gasoline
• In microbiology it refers to the breakdown of
carbon compounds (eg glucose) to smaller
compounds with a limited harvest of energy
through substrate level phosphorylation and no
oxygen used
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• In medicine or exercise science respiration refers
to breathing
• In microbiology respiration refers to the removal of
electrons from a substance and their transfer to a
terminal acceptor with a significant harvest of
energy through oxidative phosphorylation (redox
reactions). Oxygen may be used as the terminal
acceptor (aerobic respiration) or not (anaerobic
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• Fermentation: substrate-level phosphorylation;
ATP is directly synthesized from an energy-rich
• Respiration: oxidative phosphorylation; ATP is
produced from proton motive force formed by
transport of electrons
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• A basic and important process for microorganisms
• A sugar is the starting material and the end
product depends on the species
• Three Stages (I) Preparation, (II) Energy
Harvesting, (III) Reboot
• Reboot stage is very diverse!
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3.8 Glycolysis
• Stage I and Stage II (Figure 3.14) called Glycolysis
(Embden–Meyerhof-Parnas or EMP pathway): a
common pathway for catabolism of glucose
• End product of glycolysis is pyruvate (pyruvic acid)
• In fermentation pyruvate is processed through
Stage III
• It accepts electrons so is reduced
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Fermentation with lactic acid produced
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Figure 3.14
3.9 Fermentative Diversity and the Respiratory
• Fermentations may be classified by products
formed (See Sec.13.12) in Stage III
• Ethanol
• Lactic acid (homolactic vs heterolactic)
• Propionic acid
• “Mixed acids”
• Butyric acid (extra ATP generated)
• Butanol
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3.9 Fermentative Diversity and the Respiratory
• Fermentations may be classified by substrate
fermented (See Sec.13.12)
• Usually NOT glucose
• Amino acids
• Purines and pyrimidines
• Aromatic compounds
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3.9 Fermentative Diversity and the Respiratory
• Fermentation
• Helps detoxify and eliminate waste products
• Provides metabolites for other microbes in the
• May help to recover additional ATP
• Maintains redox balance (page 87 and Fig. 3.14) of
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