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STUDY GUIDE: Genetic Engineering + EVOLUTION
Name: _______________________
Biology Textbook: Genetic Engineering: pg 318 - 333, Evolution: pg 368 - 410
Genetic Engineering: Chapter 13
1. Define:
a. Selective breeding: _____________________________________________________________
b. Hybridization: _________________________________________________________________
c. Inbreeding: ___________________________________________________________________
d. Genetic engineering: ____________________________________________________________
e. Restriction enzyme: _____________________________________________________________
f. Gel electrophoresis: _____________________________________________________________
g. Recombinant DNA: ______________________________________________________________
h. PCR: __________________________________________________________________________
i. Plasmid: ______________________________________________________________________
j. Transgenic: ____________________________________________________________________
k. Clone: ________________________________________________________________________
2. Why might breeders try to induce mutations? ______________________________________________
3. What happens during cell transformation? _________________________________________________
4. In what ways are transgenic organisms useful to people today? Give specific examples for each of the
a. transgenic bacteria: ___________________________________________________________
b. transgenic plant: _____________________________________________________________
c. transgenic animal: ___________________________________________________________
5. Which of the following is a clone?
a. the adult female sheep whose DNA was used to produce Dolly
b. a transgenic mouse
c. genetically identical bacteria produced from a single cell
d. the tobacco plant with the luciferase gene
6. What kind of cell or cells were used to make Dolly?
a. body cell only
b. egg cell only c. egg cell and sperm cell
d. body cell and egg cell
Evolution: Chapter 15
1. Define:
a. Evolution: ___________________________________________________________________
b. Theory: _____________________________________________________________________
c. Fossil: ______________________________________________________________________
2. One scientist who attempted to explain how rock layers form and change over time was
a. Thomas Malthus.
b. James Hutton.
c. Charles Darwin.
d. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.
3. Hutton and Lyell held similar views about Earth’s age. Both thought that Earth was ___________________ of
years old.
4. According to Lamarck, evolution resulted from the inheritance of ___________________ traits.
5. The idea that only famine, disease, and war could prevent the endless growth of human populations was
presented by:
a. Darwin.
c. Malthus.
b. Lamarck.
d. Lyell.
6. Darwin’s theory of evolution suggests that
a. species change over time.
b. extinct species are not related to living species.
c. different species can interbreed.
7. How do humans affect artificial selection? What role does nature play? ______________________________
8. Why were fossils important to Darwin’s theory of evolution? _______________________________________
9. The concept of survival of the fittest is also known as ____________________________________.
10. The idea that members of each species compete for necessities of life is known as ____________________.
11. Define:
a. variation: _____________________________________________________________________________
b. adaptation: ____________________________________________________________________________
c. fitness: _______________________________________________________________________________
d. descent with modification: _______________________________________________________________
e. common descent: ______________________________________________________________________
f. homologous structure: ___________________________________________________________________
g. vestigial organ: _________________________________________________________________________
12. Identify the four types of evidence that Darwin used to support his concept of evolution.
1. _____________________________________ 3. ______________________________________
2. _____________________________________ 4. ______________________________________
13. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive are those that have
a. characteristics their parents acquired by use and disuse.
c. the greatest number of offspring.
b. characteristics that plant and animal breeders value.
d. variations best suited to the environment.
14. How do successful adaptations improve an organism’s fitness?______________________________________
15. Cows that give more milk than other cows are an example of
a. natural variation.
b. survival of the fittest.
c. natural selection.
d. struggle for existence.
16. The diagrams of the limbs below show evidence of
a. natural variation.
b. common descent.
c. natural selection.
d. artificial selection.
17. The bones in the diagram above are examples of
a. homologous structures. b. adaptation. c. fitness.
d. struggle for existence.
18. A human’s appendix and a skink’s legs are examples of
a. vestigial organs.
b. natural selection.
c. fitness.
d. artificial selection.
19. Explain how natural selection might have produced the modern giraffe from short-necked ancestors:
20. Darwin’s concept of evolution was NOT influenced by
a. the work of Lyell.
c. his collection of specimens.
b. knowledge of the structure of DNA.
d. his trip on the H.M.S. Beagle.
Evolution: Chapter 16
1. On the lines provided, complete the following sentences.
a. The combined genetic information of all members of a particular population is called a(an) __________________.
b. A gene pool typically contains two or more ___________________ for each gene.
c. The ________________________ of an allele is the number of times that the allele occurs in a gene pool, compared with the
number of times other alleles occur.
d. Two main sources of genetic variation are ________________________ and ________________________.
e. The number of _____________________ produced for a given trait depends on how many ___________________ control the
f. A(An) ____________________________ is a trait controlled by a single gene.
g. ____________________________ are controlled by two or more genes.
h. A polygenic trait can have many possible genotypes and ___________________.
i. For ___________________ traits, natural selection can affect the distribution of phenotypes in three ways.
j. The ________________________ of an allele in a population is often represented by a percentage.
2. How are mutations and gene shuffling alike? How do they differ? _______________________________________
3. Use the graph below to answer the following questions (a through e) on the lines provided.
a. According to Graph A, what has occurred? ______________________________________________________
b. According to Graph B, what has occurred? ______________________________________________________
c. According to Graph C, what has occurred? ______________________________________________________
d. Which of the three graphs might show a population of birds that specialize in different types of food? Explain.
e. What factor or condition might have led to the change shown in Graph A? ________________________________
4. Define:
a. genetic drift: __________________________________________________________________________
b. founder effect: ________________________________________________________________________
c. genetic equilibrium: ____________________________________________________________________
d. Hardy-Weinberg principle: _______________________________________________________________
5. In genetic drift, allele frequencies change because of
a. mutations.
b. chance.
c. natural selection.
6. Genetic drift tends to occur in populations that
a. are very large. b. are small.
c. are formed from new species.
d. have unchanging allele frequencies.
7. There are five conditions required to maintain genetic equilibrium. First, ________________________ ensures
that every member of a population has an equal chance to pass on its genes. Second, an extremely large population
is necessary to minimize genetic drift. Third, the population’s gene pool must be kept ________________________
from other gene pools. Fourth, genes must not mutate from one form to another. Finally, so that all genes have an
equal probability of survival, there can be no ________________________.
8. What is the formation of a new species called?
a. directional selection
b. founder effect
c. speciation
d. temporal isolation
9. How are speciation and reproductive isolation related?
10. Describe the three forms of reproductive isolation.
11. What situation might develop in a population having some plants whose flowers open at midday and other
plants whose flowers open late in the day?
a. behavioral isolation
b. geographic isolation c. temporal isolation d. genetic drift
12. A factor that is necessary for the formation of a new species is
a. reproductive isolation. b. different mating behaviors. c. geographic barriers.
13. The Galápagos finch species are an excellent example of
a. speciation.
c. stabilizing selection.
b. genetic equilibrium. d. selection on single-gene traits.
14. What did Peter and Rosemary Grant learn about mate choice in the Galápagos finches?
a. Phenotype plays no role in mate choice.
b. Genotype plays no role in mate choice.
c. Finches prefer mates with smaller beaks than their own.
d. Finches prefer mates with beaks similar in size to their own.
15. On the lines provided, use the numbers 1–6 to indicate the order in which the following events occurred in the
speciation of the Galápagos finches.
_________a. changes in the gene pool
_________b. continued evolution
_________c. founders arrive
_________d. reproductive isolation
_________e. separation of populations
_________f. ecological competition
16. If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, write false.
_________ 1. All of the genes in a population make up the relative frequency of the population.
_________2. When two related species live in the same area but mate during different seasons, they are separated by
directional selection.
_________ 3. Traits controlled by two or more genes are polygenic traits.
_________4. Reproductive isolation occurs when members of two populations cannot interbreed and produce fertile
_________5. The separation of two populations by barriers such as rivers or mountains results in temporal isolation.
_________ 6. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that allele frequency in a population will remain constant unless one
or more factors cause those frequencies to change.
_________7. When two populations can breed but do not because of differences in mating rituals or other similar
behaviors, behavioral isolation exists.
_________8. Genetic drift is the formation of new species.
_________ 9. Geographic isolation is a random change in the allele frequencies of a small population.
_________10. Genetic equilibrium occurs when the allele frequencies in a population remain constant.
17. How does the work of Peter and Rosemary Grant in the Galápagos relate to the work of Charles Darwin?
18. Suggest one reason that natural selection on the Galápagos Islands produced species that were quite different from
the ancestor species on the mainland.
19. Two cultures, each containing a different species of bacteria, were exposed to the same antibiotic. Explain how, after
exposure to this antibiotic, the population of one species of bacteria could increase while the population of the other of
bacteria decreased or was eliminated.
20. According to the theory of natural selection, why are some individuals more likely than others to survive and
(1) Some individuals pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.
(2) Some individuals are better adapted to exist in their environment than others are.
(3) Some individuals do not pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.
(4) Some individuals tend to produce fewer offspring than others in the same environment.
21. Why is the study of evolution important? _____________________________________________________________