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Psychology Midterm Exam
Directions: Bubble the best answer on the scantron provided.
1. In the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed that people who acted strangely
A. Were possessed by demons
C. Were gifted individuals
B. Needed psychological counseling D. Suffered from brain abnormalities
2. Which of the following concepts was central to the work of B.F. Skinner?
A. Insight
C. Introspection
B. Reinforcement
D. Stream of consciousness
3. What is one of the most common animals used in psychological experiments?
A. Dogs
C. Turtles
B. Rats
D. Fish
4. How do scientists confirm the findings of a study?
A. By replicating the study
B. By changing the hypothesis of the original study
C. By formulating new research questions
D. By analyzing the results of the original study
5. To observe how individuals change over time, scientists use a(n)
A. Intelligence test
C. Cross-sectional study
B. Longitudinal study
D. Case study
6. People agree to participate in a research study by means of
A. Correlation
C. Informed consent
B. A controlled experiment D. Confidentiality
7. Which observation method do psychologists use to compare the behavior of
individuals in different age groups?
A. Laboratory-observation method
C. Cross-sectional method
B. Naturalistic-observation method
D. Case-study method
8. In an experiment, the independent variable is the
A. Factor in an experiment that researchers manipulate
B. Variable in an experiment that depends on another variable
C. Substance in an experiment that has no effect apart from a person’s belief in it
D. Group in an experiment that does not receive treatment
9. To ensure that people are not harmed by the experimental treatments, scientists
A. Use the case-study method
C. set up experimental groups
B. Follow ethical standards
D. set up control groups
10. What part of a neuron carries messages away from a cell body?
A. Dendrite
C. Synapse
B. Axon
D. Cell body
11. Messages are transmitted from one neuron to another through the
A. Axon terminal of one neuron to the axon terminal of another neuron.
B. Dendrites of one neuron to the dendrites of another neuron.
C. Synapses of one neuron to the axon terminal of another neuron.
D. Axon terminal of one neuron to the dendrites of other neurons.
12. Light enters the eye through which of the following?
A. Pupil
C. Cornea
B. Lens
D. Retina
13. What part of the eye enables people to perceive color?
A. Pupil
C. Lens
B. Cornea
D. Cones
14. Which of the following is not part of the skin senses?
A. Pressure
C. feel
B. Temperature
D. pain
15. Which of the following is the correct absolute threshold for hearing?
A. About one drop of perfume diffused throughout a small house.
B. The sound of a whistle 10 feet away.
C. The sound of a hummingbird 15 feet away.
D. The ticking of a watch from about 20 feet away in a quiet room.
16. Rubbing or scratching the area transmits sensations to the brain that compete with the
pain messages for attention. Thus, many neurons cannot get their pain messages to
the brain. What is this phenomenon called?
A. Kinethesis
C. Common fate
B. Closure
D. Gate theory
17. The type of consciousness we experience when we are conscious of external
sensations is known as
A. Sensory awareness
C. Self-consciousness
B. Direct inner awareness
D. Dreamtime
18. Sleep and meditation are examples of
A. Altered states of consciousness C. Meditation
B. Circadian rhythms
D. Hallucinations
19. Sleep is considered a necessary vital function because it
A. helps people recover from stress
B. builds up a persons’ resistance to infection
C. maintains the brain’s proper functioning
D. does all of the above
20. According to the biopsychological approach, dreaming occurs because of the
A. Random firing of neurons
B. Dreamers’ unconscious wishes or urges
C. Effects of sleep disorders
D. Dreamer’s circadian rhythms
21. Sleepwalking in children is probably caused by
A. An inability to fall into a deep sleep
B. Immaturity of the nervous system
C. Stimulants such as coffee or sugar
D. All of the above
22. “Role theory” suggests that people who are hypnotized
A. Revert to childish behaviors
B. Are faking it to please other observers
C. Believe what they are doing is real
D. Alter their state of consciousness through stimulants
23. Morphine and heroin are addictive depressants known as
A. Amphetamines
C. Stimulants
B. Narcotics
D. Hallucinogens
24. Marijuana is an example of a
A. Hallucinogen
C. Stimulant
B. Narcotic
D. Depressant
25. Ivan Pavlov's experiments with dogs yielded information about
a. operant conditioning.
c. classical conditioning.
b. counterconditioning.
d. all of the above.
26. People who watch a lot of violence on television are more likely to be violent in part because of
a. observational learning.
c. negative reinforcement.
b. classical conditioning.
d. systematic desensitization.
27. .A slot machine provides reinforcement to players based on a
a. variable-ratio schedule.
c. variable-interval schedule.
b. fixed-ratio schedule.
d. fixed-interval schedule.
28. In John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner's experiment, "Little Albert" began to fear all objects that
were white and furry because of
a. discrimination.
c. generalization.
b. systematic desensitization.
d. all of the above.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29. Individual who established first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany.
30. School of psychology that is concerned with discovering the basic elements of
conscious experience.
31. School of psychology that focuses on how mental processes help organisms adapt to
their environment.
a. Structuralism
d. Behaviorism
b. William James
e. Functionalism
c. Wilhelm Wundt
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32. School of psychology that maintains that organisms behave in certain ways because
they are reinforced for doing so.
33. Psychologist who introduced the concept of reinforcement
34. Perspective of psychology that emphasizes the influence of biology on behavior.
a. Behaviorism
D. B. F. Skinner
b. Sociocultural
E. Biological
c. Psychoanalysis
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35. Perspective of psychology that stresses the importance of human consciousness, selfawareness, and the capacity to make choices.
36. Perspective of psychology that stresses the influence of unconscious forces on human
37. Perspective of psychology that emphasizes the effects of experience on behavior.
38. Perspective of psychology that examines the effects of factors such as ethnicity,
gender, culture, and socioeconomic status on human behavior.
a. Learning
c. Humanistic
e. Consumer
b. Sociocultural
d. Psychoanalytic
39. Psychology is defined as the
a. humanistic study of emotions and feelings.
b. sociological study of individual and group dynamics.
c. scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
d. study of supernatural phenomena.
40. The majority of psychologists are
a. clinical psychologists.
c. school psychologists.
b. counseling psychologists.
d. developmental psychologists.
41. Modern psychology was born in the
a. 4th century B.C., with the Greek philosophers.
b. 1800s, after the birth of modern science.
c. 1900s, with the founding of psychoanalysis.
d. Middle Ages, with tests to determine if a person was possessed.
42. In its early days, the school of psychoanalysis stressed that behavior was caused by
a. heredity rather than environment.
b. environment rather than heredity.
c. unconscious motives and conflicts.
d. hormones and brain chemicals
43. The modern biological perspective of psychology studies
a. only the behavior of animals.
b. the effects of biological factors on our behavior.
c. the effects of the environment on human behavior.
d. the impact people have had on their environment.
44. Human consciousness, experience, and self-awareness are the main concerns of
a. the school of behaviorism.
c. the humanistic perspective.
b. Freudian psychoanalysis.
d. the school of functionalism.
Unscramble the following list into the correct order for scientific method for #'s 45-49
A. Draw a Conclusion
B. Form a Question
C. Test the Hypothesis
D. Form a Hypothesis
E. Analyze Results of Test
45. Step 1____________
46. Step 2____________
47. Step 3____________
48. Step 4____________
49. Step 5______________
50. If any population has 70% White, 13% Hispanic, 12% African American, 4% Pacific
Islander and 1% Eskimo than the ___________ must have similar percentages of
ethnicities for valid results
A. Control Group
B. Experimental Group
C. The Single Blind Group
D. The Sample
51. When people who have a higher need for achievement, achieve higher salaries, that is
a___________ _______________
A. Cross Sectional Correlation
B. Naturalistic Observation
C. Positive Correlation
D. Negative Correlation
52. Although a correlation may exist between high grades and extracurricular activities,
one does not __________ the other
A. predate
B. postdate
C. cause
D. preclude
53. In a Single Blind Study the _________________ does not know what is being tested
A. environment
B. participant
C. treatment
D. researcher
54. A measure of the average of data
A. Mode
B. Median
C. Mean
D. Standard Deviation
55. Chemicals stored in sacs in the axon terminal that float across the synapse
A. Nucleus
B. Axon Terminal
C. Spinal Cord
D. Neurotransmitter
56. Structure that connects the 2 hemispheres of the brain
A. Synapse
B. Axon terminal
C. Corpus Callosum
D. Spinal Cord
57. ___________is the psychological process through which we interpret sensory
A. Blind Spot
B. Light
C. Sensation
D. Perception
58. _________________is the weakest amount of stimulus that can be sensed.
A. Sensation
B. Perception
C. Difference Threshold
D. Absolute Threshold
59. __________________ is the minimum amount difference that can be detected between two
A. Retinol Disparity
B. Proximity
C. Difference Threshold
D. Absolute Threshold
60. __________________ is the process by which we become more sensitive to weak stimuli and
less sensitive to unchanging stimuli
A. Sensory Adaptation
B. Absolute Threshold
C. Blind Spot
D. Light
61. _______________ is the vibration or cycle of sound
A. Pitch
B. Sound Wave
C. Loudness
D. Decibels
62. ________ is the gateway from the outer ear to the inner ear. It is a thin membrane that
vibrates when sound waves strike it. It transmits sound to three small bones in the inner ear
A. Inner Ear
B. Cochlea
C. Ear Drum
D. Ear Lobe
63. ___________ sends message about gasses that coming into the nose to the brain
A. Auditory nerve
B. Olfactory nerve
C. Optic nerve
D. Ulnar nerve
64. Whose research is largely responsible for early findings about Classical Conditioning?
A. B.F. Skinner
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Ivan Pavlov
D. Albert Bandura
65. Which animal was Pavlov’s research was initially done on?
A. Chimpanzees
B. Dogs
C. Rats
D. Mice
66. What was Pavlov’s dog salivation in response to meat powder?
A. Unconditioned Stimulus
B. Unconditioned Response
C. Conditioned Stimulus
D. Conditioned Response
67. In order to create a conditioned response, an unconditioned stimulus must be paired with a
______________ a number of times.
A. Conditioned Response
B. Conditioned Stimulus
C. Neutral Stimulus
D. Unconditioned Response
68. Whose research is largely responsible for early findings about Operant Conditioning?
A. B.F. Skinner
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Ivan Pavlov
D. Albert Bandura
69. Operant Conditioning is largely a system of _______________
A. Reinforcements and Punishments
B. Negative Reinforcement
C. Positive Reinforcement
D. Hands on Learning
70. ________________ is a learned avoidance to regular food
A. Generalization
B. Extinction
C. Taste Aversion
D. Flooding
71. ________________is when a conditioned stimulus no longer causes the conditioned response
A. Generalization
B. Extinction
C. Taste Aversion
D. Flooding
72. _________________ is when someone is exposed to a harmless stimulus
until fear responses to the stimulus are extinguished
A. Generalization
B. Extinction
C. Taste Aversion
D. Flooding
73. ___________________increase the frequency of the behavior that follows when they are
removed and they are unpleasant in some way
a. Punishment
b. Omission Training
c. Negative Reinforcement
d. Positive Reinforcement
74. _____________________unpleasant events that when applied decrease the frequency of he
behavior they follow
a. Punishment
b. Omission Training
c. Negative Reinforcement
d. Positive Reinforcement
75. ___________________ Increase the frequency of the behavior that follows when they are
a. Punishment
b. Omission Training
c. Negative Reinforcement
d. Positive Reinforcement
76. Which of the following is not one of the four lobes of the brain
a. frontal
b. hind
c. parietal
d. temporal
77. The frontal lobe controls
a. Higher level thinking
b. Hearing
c. Sight
d. Temperature regulation
78. Many of our basic biological functions, such as breathing, exist at the
a. preconscious level.
c. nonconscious level.
b. unconscious level.
d. conscious level.
79. Sleep and meditation are examples of
a. altered states of consciousness.
b. circadian rhythms.
c. meditation.
d. hallucinations.
The main function of the peripheral nervous system is to
relay messages between the brain's right and left hemispheres.
transmit information from the central nervous system to other parts of the body.
speed up respiration and heart rate to increase alertness.
produce growth hormones.
The two main divisions of the central nervous system are the
somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
right and left hemispheres.
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
brain and the spinal cord.
82. For most people, the ability to create language originates in the
a. hypothalamus.
c. right hemisphere.
b. thalamus.
d. left hemisphere.
83. A study of a person for a long period of time is a
a. cross sectional study
c. hypothetical study
84. A person's development is effected by
a. Nature or heredity
c. both a and b
85. The father of Psychoanalysis was
a. Abraham Maslow
b. Carl Rogers
c. Sigmund Freud
d. B.F. Skinner
b. longitudinal study
d. maturation study
b. Nurture or environment
d. none of the above
Use the diagram to answer #s 86- 92
A. Parietal lobe
B. Frontal lobe
C. Occipital lobe
D. Temporal lobe
A. Parietal lobe
B. Frontal lobe
C. Occipital lobe
D. Temporal lobe
A. Medulla Oblongata
B. Cerebrum
C. Cerebellum
D. Corpus Callosum
A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Medulla Oblongata
D. Pituitary Gland
A. Pituitary Gland
B. Medulla Oblongata
C. Corpus Callosom
D. Pons
A. Medulla Oblongata
B. Cerebrum
C. Pons
D. Occipital Lobe of Cerebrum
A. Medulla Oblongata
B. Cerebrum
C. Pons
D. Occipital Lobe of Cerebrum
Use the diagram to answer #s 93- 98
Diagram 2
A. Dendrite
B. Schwann's Cells
C. Axon
D. Cell Body
A. Nucleus
B. Schwann's Cell
C. Node of Ranvier
D. Cell Body
A. Nucleus
B. Myelin Sheath
C. Axon
D. Cell Body
A. Dendrite
B. Schwann's Cells
C. Axon
D. Cell Body
A. Schwann’s cell
B. Axon Terminal
C. Node of Ranvier
D. Dendrite
A. Nucleus
B. Axon Terminal
C. Node of Ranvier
D. Dendrite
Use the diagram to answer #s 99- 100
Optic nerve