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Digital Innovation
Today’s agenda
14:00 Registration and coffee
14:30 Welcome and application process from Paul Brindley, IC tomorrow
14:50 Challenge One: Next-generation social media analytics tools –
15:10 Challenge Two: Enhanced TV advertising - Vizeum
15.30 Challenge Three: Innovation in hyperlocal advertising - Nesta
15:50 Challenge Four: Smart mobile advertising – Mars Chocolate
16:10 – 17.00 Networking
Technology Strategy Board
Matt Sansam
IC tomorrow
About the Technology
Strategy Board
• The UK’s Innovation Agency
 A national body set up in 2007 to invest in business innovation
• Works across business, universities and government
• Most staff come from business backgrounds
• Has a budget of over £300m/year
 £390m for 2012/13
 £440m for 2013/14
What we do
• Help strengthen the global competitive position of leading
• Identify and grow sectors and businesses with the capacity to
become the best in the world
• Nurture the businesses that can succeed in the growth sectors of
Facts & figures
Invested >£2.5bn in innovation
Every £1 invested returns £7 in GVA
50 new competitions in 2011/2012 (~60 last year)
Invested in ~3000 projects
Working with >4000 companies and 110 universities
~50% funding went to SMEs in 2012
>£60m invested in small businesses via SBRI
>50,000 businesses on _connect
>9000 people participated at TSB events
Where we invest
The toolset
Collaborative R&D
Scale of tools
About IC tomorrow
IC tomorrow, a Technology Strategy Board programme, stimulates innovation and
economic growth in the digital sector, by breaking down barriers and opening doors for a
new generation of brightest entrepreneurs.
The programme serves as a hub for digital innovation, connecting start-ups and SMEs with
leading commercial partners and investors through funded contests, events, and strategic
matchmaking opportunities.
The IC tomorrow network is free to join and supports innovation across a variety of industry
sectors including Music, Film, Fashion, Publishing, TV, Education, Games, Culture,
Sport, Advertising, Healthcare, Finance
Some of our partners
IC tomorrow: 2012
IC tomorrow’s 2012 digital programme results prove a winner in linking
start-ups with major players
• IC tomorrow awarded £864,000 to 33 projects, and another £75,000 to
University- aided Digital Prototype development projects
• Universal Music, Warner Music, BBC, FremantleMedia, Samsung,
Google, Lionsgate Films & The British Museum among the major contest
• 88% Network Growth in the initiative over 2012
IC tomorrow contests
IC tomorrow contests
IC tomorrow runs funded contests in partnership with challenge partners:
• Aim to fund development of new digital products and services and forge
relationships with rights owners/challenge partners
• Work with rights owners/challenge partners to set relevant sector challenges for
applicants to solve
• Solutions should have the potential to work across a wider commercial market –
not just solving a single problem
• Successful applicants will be expected to trial their proposed solutions with the
respective challenge partner for a minimum of three months where appropriate.
IC tomorrow contests
• Applicants must be EU-based SMEs (ie less than 250 employees)
• Each entry should clearly indicate the challenge it is addressing
• You may submit multiple applications across multiple challenge categories
(provided they are different) but the same solution will not be considered across
multiple challenges
• But you can only be chosen as a finalist in ONE challenge category
• If you feel that your solution applies to more than one challenge, consider
carefully which one of them would be the best fit
• Where multiple applications with the same proposal name are received from the
same source, only the latest one will be considered
Visit to view the latest contest announcements
Application process
Paul Brindley
IC tomorrow
Application process: Stage one
A common review process applies to all applications:
• Each application is reviewed by multiple assessors
• The applications are not forwarded to the assessors until after the closing date for
• Each application is reviewed against the same set of assessment criteria
• A review panel then assess the collective scoring and identifies a ranked order
for review
• The review panel will discuss the applications and identify the successful
applicants to invite to stage two
• All other applicants will be informed they have not been successful with
their application.
Step 1: Your information
Step 2: Your proposed application
Step 2: Your proposed application
Step 3: Costings and details of your proposed solution and trial
Step 3: Costings and details of your proposed solution and trial
Step 4: Company background
Step 5: IC tomorrow feedback
Application process: Stage two
• Up to 12 successful applicants will be invited to the ‘Stage two’ panel session on
Wednesday 12 February 2014
• Those chosen to go through to ‘Stage two’ will be required to provide a 10-minute
presentation with Q&A. No more than about six minutes should be used to pitch
your proposal to the panel with the remaining time used by the panel as Q&A
• Only one person is able to present each proposal, but additional people are
allowed for the Q&A
• Prior to the final event, practice sessions will be arranged in front of the IC
tomorrow team to provide feedback and enable you to refine your pitch
• We expect to choose up to a maximum of four applications from this stage.
Successful ‘Stage two’ applicants
• Successful 'Stage two' winners will be sent a provisional letter of engagement
• Following this, winners will be required to attend a project launch meeting with IC tomorrow and
the relevant challenge partner/organisation to discuss their plans for delivery and agree the nature
of their collaboration, including any delivery requirements
• Once the plan of delivery is mutually agreed, it is worked up into a service agreement which has to
be signed off by all parties
• Please note the development of the winning solution must start within three months of receipt of
engagement letter
• Live trial must launch within nine months of the engagement letter and run for a minimum period of
three months (where appropriate)
• Project must cost no more than the stated amount for each challenge excluding VAT
• Payment will be made in three stages: 50% on agreement of service agreement, 25% on delivery
of working solution and launch of trial, 25% on completion of trial
Key dates
Closing dates for submissions
Monday 6 January 2014 , noon
Finalists notified
Thursday 23 January
Practice pitches at
IC tomorrow office
Monday 27 January to
Friday 7 February
Final panel session
Wednesday 12 February
Partner trials launched
Autumn 2014
Digital Innovation Contest Advertising
The challenges
There are four contest challenges and each has been set in conjunction with
challenge partners:
Challenge one: ‘Next-generation social media analytics tools’ –
Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB)
Challenge two: ‘Enhanced TV advertising’ – Vizeum
Challenge three: ‘Innovation in hyperlocal advertising’ – Nesta
Challenge four: ‘Smart mobile advertising’ – Mars Chocolate UK and MediaCom
IC tomorrow will be awarding up to four successful companies individual awards
of up to £25,000 (excluding VAT)
Challenge One
Next-generation social media analytics tools
in partnership with
Next generation social media analytics tools
Partner: Internet Advertising Bureau UK (IAB)
Kristin Brewe, Director of Marketing & Communications
This challenge aims to spark development of a monitoring solution that helps to unite
and/or simplify a view of social media activity across various platforms.
The internet, and social media channels in particular, offer a treasure trove of information to
advertisers about consumers’ behaviours and tastes and where to reach them. However, brands
and agencies face a huge challenge in how they can most effectively gather, analyse and interpret
this valuable raw data. There are hundreds of tools that brands can use to monitor and manage
their online social presence. However, the sheer proliferation of platforms, tools and monitoring
interfaces can make it difficult to gain insightful, real-time analysis that can readily be used to
improve performance.
This challenge, in partnership with the IAB, is to develop innovative digital analytics tools or
applications that can offer enhanced, yet simplified, reporting functionality, ideally across multiple
social sources. Solutions should provide brands and agencies with a more efficient way to make
the complicated and time-consuming aspects of social media management easier to manage and
understand. The successful solution must make data analysis more readily digestible and
understandable, through data visualisation or other techniques.
Next generation social media analytics tools
Applicants should aim to achieve or enable any or all of the following objectives:
• monitoring, analysing and interpreting the data that is of most relevance to
brands and agencies in more cost and time-efficient ways
• integration of multiple major data sources, such as Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn
• provide insights that allow for valuable campaign improvements in real time
• measuring campaign effectiveness across particular or multiple channels.
The winning applicant will present their solution to the IAB’s Social Media
Council, a group of leading industry practitioners from major platforms (Facebook,
Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter) along with top agencies such as Manning
Gottlieb OMD, Unique Digital and We Are Social and many of the UK’s leading
social brands. The council will then choose a partner(s) to trial the solution.
Challenge Two
Enhanced TV advertising
in partnership with
Enhanced TV advertising
Partner: Vizeum
Caroline Clancy, Digital Strategy Director
This challenge aims to create a new digital application or service that brands can use to
enhance the consumer’s TV experience.
Television remains the most important channel for many advertisers and still sees more
advertising investment than any other medium, even in the digital age. However, with the everincreasing number of viewing platforms, and the majority of people now watching content on
multiple devices, the approach to planning TV advertising has evolved to keep pace with changing
audience behaviour. There is a need for continued innovation in this area to unlock new
opportunities for brands.
This challenge, in partnership with Vizeum, is to develop a solution that promotes more interaction
between the viewer and a brand’s advertising, enhancing the consumer’s viewing experience.
Applicants should focus on areas that will unlock opportunities for brands and add value for the
consumer by making the experience more personalised, playful, meaningful or valuable. Solutions
may focus on the advertising break or the programming schedule itself.
Enhanced TV advertising
Possible responses might also consider:
• delivering more creative and commercially valuable experiences for brand
owners through integrated smart apps
• creating a dynamic advertising solution that adapts to or integrates real-time
data sources such as social conversation and mood
• using data visualisation to enhance live content, for example sport
• using technology to transform TV advertisement breaks in order to persuade
viewers not to avoid them
• use of second-screen or other associated technology, such as Kinect, to provide
more immersive advertising.
The successful solution will be trialed by the Vizeum innovation team for a minimum of three
months (where appropriate).
Challenge Three
Innovation in hyperlocal advertising
in partnership with
Innovation in hyperlocal advertising
Partner: Nesta
Kathryn Geels, Programme Manager ‘Destination Local’
This challenge aims to develop an innovative and scalable solution in hyperlocal
Hyperlocal media is online news or content services relevant to a town, village, single postcode or
other small geographic community. Combined with the rapid take-up of connected devices such
as smartphones and tablets, it is enabling citizens and consumers to consume media in new
ways. In turn, hyperlocal providers increasingly have the capacity to offer more than just news and
information services. Research into local advertising markets and hyperlocal media by Nesta, the
independent research and investment charity, has highlighted opportunities for providers to play a
central role as innovators of key functions in business-to-business and business-to-customer
transactions and marketing.
This challenge, in partnership with Nesta, is to develop an innovative and scalable solution that
enables hyperlocal media providers to be essential links in the local advertising chain.
Innovation in hyperlocal advertising
Solutions should focus on mobile platforms and aligned business models that can help hyperlocal
providers to achieve or enable the following aims:
• act as a platform for low-cost advertising and marketing on behalf of businesses and services in
their area
• enable targeted and personalised consumption of advertising
• reach a large/targeted audience and/or aggregate consumer data
• measure the impact and return on investment (ROI)of providers’ one-stop-shop role and their
strategic activities within the community.
Aspects that applicants might consider include:
• platforms for coupons and special discounts on behalf of local businesses and services
• facilitating ‘click & collect’ purchasing and local delivery services
• initiating and running ‘shop local’ and other marketing campaigns that will drive footfall back to
the high street and independent shops
• working with other ‘local interest’ organisations such as business improvement districts, the
Association of Town and City Management, chambers of commerce, local enterprise partnerships
and local government.
The successful applicant will then potentially be invited to trial their solution for a minimum of three
months either with one of a number of operational hyperlocal providers, which have previously
been funded by either Nesta or the Technology Strategy Board (see the Guidance for Applicants
for details of these providers) or with another appropriate partner.
Destination Local
Innovation in hyperlocal advertising
4 December 2013, Kathryn Geels, Nesta…
No standardised definition of what counts as
‘Hyperlocal’ has gained
currency as a term
referring to a news website, sometimes
accompanies by a printed paper serving city
suburbs, a small town, village or post-code
‘“The term ‘hyperlocal’
commonly refers–to Baines
news coverage(2010)
on a neighbourhood or
even block-by-block level. The traditional media models, even in their fattest,
happiest days could not field enough reporters to cover every neighbourhood on a
granular level– FCC (2011)
“Hyperlocal media organisations [HLMOs] are geographically-based,
community-orientated, original news reporting organizations indigenous to the
web and intended to fill perceived gaps in coverage of an issue or region and
to promote civic engagement” –Metzgar, Kurpius and Rowley (2011)
[Hyperlocal] it’s no longer necessarily
defined by a tight geographical area , but
instead it seems to have evolved to describe
more of an attitude than a place– Sarah
Hartley (2010)
Ways of thinking about ‘hyperlocalness’ focus
on different parts of the value chain
editing /
to local
on who
creates and edits
content and
purpose of the
Definitions of
(hyper)localness focused
on physical location of
aggregation and
distribution activities–
i.e. defined broadcast and
circulation areas – but
how relevant for this in
world of YouTube, Twitter
and Facebook?
Hyperlocal as
proximity and
relevance –
defined by
location of
device i.e. user
at any given
Nesta’s definition – robust & practical:
Online news or content services pertaining to a town, village,
single postcode or other small, geographically defined
“Online first” but
not “onlineexclusive” –
recognising shifts
towards mobile
and online creation
and consumption
News important,
but other content
genres have public
and private value
Size and
nature of
may vary and
contingent on
range of
Range of business
models and
ownership structures
May be about
‘proximity’ or ‘locality’
Demand for hyperlocal media
We know that…
Hyperlocal media services provide value beyond the economic to their
Destination Local: Our Lessons To Date, Nesta, June 2013
The majority (66 per cent) of adults in the UK are interested in news and
information about the immediate area in which they currently live
Those with internet access and with devices such as mobile phones,
computers or tablets are more likely to be ‘very interested’ in local news and
Use of hyperlocal media has been stimulated by the increasing take-up of
connected devices
• Overall, nearly two-thirds (66 per cent) of those who use hyperlocal
media use a device to access hyperlocal content at least on a weekly
• Over one-half (55 per cent) who state they use hyperlocal media more
now than two years ago said this was due to them getting a
UK Demand for Hyperlocal Media, Nesta, April 2013
Key hyperlocal challenges
Our research highlights key challenges concerning sustainability, growth
and audience engagement – ‘findability’
Sustainability – financial and human resource – is a key issue,
especially for commercial business models
• O&O’s research on local advertising markets and hyperlocal media
suggests that advertising spend in this area is likely to be relatively
small in comparison to traditional media
Research on local advertising markets, Nesta, May 2013
Capturing audience attention
• Hyperlocal information providers are competing with a range of
other online information sources, therefore, being discovered
amongst these requires using the same techniques as other online
content owners
Understanding the Use of hyperlocal content through consumer search, Nesta, May 2013
– Automating the sourcing and aggregation of relevant hyperlocal
Hyperlocal challenges: emerging business and
services models
There is an important distinction between two types of
online local advertising that appeal to different potential
1. Location–based advertising – online advertising
delivered to consumers’ devices based on their geographic
location. Estimated to grow to £1.1 billion by 2018
2. Hyperlocal advertising – advertising that targets a
specific town, village or postcode area. Estimated to grow
to £32m by 2018
Innovation in hyperlocal advertising
Opportunity for winning applicant
Nesta’s analysis of the hyperlocal media sector has highlighted the challenges
and opportunities relating to the local adverting market – i.e. in relation to
hyperlocal providers being able to grow revenue from this stream, in order to
help them sustain their service
Our research indicates that: “Advertisers who are most likely to be interested in
hyperlocal advertising are those who serve a small geographic catchment area.”
Hyperlocal providers can provide the knowledge-base, content and data on their
local communities that the tech community need to populate their platforms
Tech providers can help bridge the gap in local economy
There is potential for winning solution to be scaled, therefore, encouraging
similar collaborations and opportunities between tech SMEs and hyperlocal
Innovation in hyperlocal advertising
Also an opportunity for hyperlocal trial partner
Build capacity to be more than just a news and information
Opportunity to play a central role in innovating key functions
within the local community in b2b transactions and
To be a part of the development of a new system / concept
To trial new mobile-focused technology and business
solution for no cost
Develop outcomes and demonstrate learnings from an
effective collaborative project
The bigger Destination Local picture - what
else we’re doing…
Four priority areas
Destination Local Demonstrators competition with
the Technology Strategy Board
Registration date 11 Dec & application deadline 18 Dec
Stimulating policy debate
Encouraging industry-led research
Encouraging collaboration between larger,
established and new, emerging players
• To develop a strategy with BBC Online
Get in touch / follow us:
including a blog post re. this competition…
[email protected]
Challenge Four
Smart mobile advertising
in partnership with
Smart mobile advertising
Partner: Mars Chocolate UK and MediaCom
Stefan Bardega, Managing Partner, Head of Digital at
This challenge aims to create a new digital application or service to track and influence
consumer behaviour through mobile advertising.
Mobile device usage continues to see exponential growth, with the number of mobile phones
currently estimated to be in excess of 4bn globally. These highly personalised and ubiquitous
devices offer huge potential for brand owners to better understand and use consumer behaviour.
There are now more mobile devices than people in the UK and smartphone penetration is
approaching two-thirds of the population. It means there are significant opportunities for new
technologies to help unlock ways in which mobile advertising can enable brand marketing to
connect at the right time, in the right place, with the right consumer.
This challenge, in partnership with Mars Chocolate UK and MediaCom, seeks an innovative
application or service that allows fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brands to measure the
impact of mobile advertising sales. Since many ‘low involvement’ FMCG brands offer products that
consumers do not necessarily buy on a regular basis or research online prior to purchasing,
solutions need to maximise the reach to new consumers while influencing their impulse
Smart mobile advertising
The challenge is to develop a solution/application that helps to:
• investigate and demonstrate links between online and offline behaviour of a consumer, such as
tracking a mobile advertising response through to a physical purchase
• demonstrate how mobile could be used to extend the reach of existing brand activity to new
The successful solution should:
• be measurable, so that brand marketing can track both ROI and relevant consumer behaviour
and data
• be scalable so that the solution can be cost-effectively deployed to a large number of consumers
• focus on FMCG brands and their particular requirements.
The winning applicant will have the opportunity to trial their solution for a minimum of three months
with MediaCom and a Mars Chocolate UK brand (see the Guidance for Applicants for details of
these brands).
Get in touch with our friendly team if you have
any questions
0300 321 4358