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From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 13, 2017. For personal use only. Homozygous Hemoglobin Knossos fl-Thalassemia By Hb ( Knossos hemoglobin ties1121 F. Baklouti, 27 We a Algeria. but the 1 9-year-old is Knossos. syndrome, including enlargement cases. is from to soon and “normal Hb with a “high gene, generates in afterwards state, the Hb families French heterozyas the from Knossos of Hb is flanked by was northeast mutation with A25 has In causes suggested origin. We present have $-thalassemia that at the Sebia by was of Betke after alkali chains a in two first intermedia system trile Knossos was previously described.5 Hematological abnormalities were discovered during evaluation for an unrelated orthopedic problem. Mild cutaneous pallor was noted. The spleen extended 1 cm below the costal margin. Radiological evaluation of the skeleton revealed abnormalities of the right humerus and the left femur, a CS hemivertebra, and a L5 spina occulta, but the characteristic stigmata of thalassemia were absent. The red cell indices were RBC, l0’2/L, Knossos. splenic 10,1 and target Anisocytosis The Hb, sister (11.4) g/dL; MCV, 52 fL (serum iron 4.5 mol). She is 8 years enlargement propositus is also a homozygote old and asymptomatic. were present. Neither However, she had for icterus Hb nor mm was The peptides of I .50 mL/min.’2’3 using Oxygen Borsook.’4 differential conditions were separated lose filters,’6 5.7), of acetoni- with a flow of abnormal amino out acid analyzer. In essentially according curves on a LKB composition leukocytes presence recommended and gradient (pH dissociation from to 1 5 big) in the ments in rate peptide were vitro to performed spectrophotometer. obtained using to or (HPLC) Mass) an increasing acid and chromatography acetate Amino chroma- by fingerprinting” Milford, lII3 was performed in a Biotronic globin chain synthesis was carried and Knossos. analyzed liquid ofammonium proce- PAGE7 crA and fl”#{176}” to aminoethylation (Waters, Sweden), mol/L F by the by ion exchange subjected column Hb by Triton-urea A and/or separated by of Triton at 570 nm. Hb A2 and were analyzed in the presence were studied Hb fl-chain were chains as described’5 of restriction by the manufacturers. DNA agarose gels, transferred in 0.8% hybridized with and 32P-labeled was endonucleases, to probes. frag- nitrocellu- Four probes to recognize the seven polymorphic sites described by Orkin et al’7: (a) a 1.3-(kb) Bam HI/EcoRl gene fragment in pBR 328; (b) a 0.8-kb Pst l/EcoRl A’y IVS II in PSP 65; (c) a 1 .7-kb ‘fl Bgl II/Xba I fragment in pBR 328; and (d) a 0.95-kb Barn Hl/EcoRI fi IVS II in pBR 322. used RESULTS In the untransfused 1, Fig focusing became propositus 2a and c). Hb slightly more more apparent (11.1), A was cathodically when IEF Hb replaced was A2 was absent by a component (Fig 2a). This change carried out in agarose moderate 1 ). The parents and two brothers who were studied show a hematological picture characteristic of heterozygous Hb Knossos”3’4 (Table 1). Methods. Hemoglobin analysis was performed by isoelectric focusing (IEF) according to Basset et al,6 or on agarose gels provided anemia (P,,:38 is character- Gels were scanned were (Bromma, in 0.01 (Table cells were present. of the of urea.7 C18 were Hb Globin high-performance is apparently x Hb ‘-thalassemia. mutations (PAGE) of Bondapak (I0 5.14 affinity microchromatofocusing8 digestion.” digested in which determination. homozygotes in a Hemoscan families is containing Inc. precipitation reverse-phase METHODS Algerian oxygen these et al.9 -y-Chains from tryptic the least using Case report. The propositus (III, Fig IB), is a 19-year-old Algerian who has lived in France since 1982. He was born in Rabta, 80-km west of Setif in northeast Algeria. His parents are not consanguineous, but both originate from Rabta. The present family two synthesis cells I. & Stratton, and 8 mol/L assayed was to the $-chain homozygous gel electrophoresis DNA unrelated carrying Hb A, for polyacrylamide Lingrel AND has haplotype by Grune of Whole low also DNA tography.’#{176} The #{176}-thalassemia. MATERIALS chromosome 1986 reduction a dramatically by the of and J. Delaunay a:2.76). propositus ized dure Indies.35 a #{244}#{176}-thalassemic gene, have The X-I00 trait.”2 Knossos West The The S J. Godet, (a/non Knossos Variety number fl.thalassemia the Hb have anemia. in the reticulocytes. Hg). A2” f.-thalassemia trait and, when associated Hb A2” fl-thalassemia trait or a Lepore fusion a picture of3-thalassemia jj1.3.5 The persons of mediterranean homozygous persons who associated who Ser) in the recognized Crete,’ in two or absence gene Ala -‘ recently pro- intermedia increase from from low Knouos an atypical in a family heterozygous Algerians hypochromic and in a family The A New #{246}#{176}-Thalassemia M. Aubry, pronounced northeast a $-thalassemia microcytic. abnormality Algeria other has (fl27 (B9) has been identified discovered the homozygous spleen. B KNOSSOS gous state First first originally of proper- Ser): -k With D. Peyramond, discovered $-thalassemic man He of the underlying is a recently with Ala Associated L. Morl#{233}, P. Laselve, Ser) -‘ unrelated hemoglobin H Ala endowed present positus. Intermedia E. Dorlac, (B9) variant (a2 fl227(B9) (Table From the Groupe de Recherches M#{234}decine; D#{233}partement Herriot; and Croix-Rousse, Service des Maladies Lyon. France; et Appliqu#{233}e. Villeurbanne, Supported .11 A .2 44yr[ J B I ,ft 2 l9yr llyr NCS Grant J37yr J 8yr Recherche, and grant No. A1034661 Recherche Scientijique. Cedex Fig I . Pedigree gene. Ages of family of the family studied: members are shown. Blood, Vol 67, No 4 (April), 1986: pp 957-96 D, $ gene; #{149}. © Infectieuses, Edouard Hbpital de Biologie Universit#{233} Claude the Minist#{232}re de Oct. 22, /984; accepted requests to Dr F. Baklouti, Rouge, Facult#{233}de Hbpital de Ia G#{233}n#{233}rale France. the from Globule lyr by Rouge, Clinique. and Laboratoire 84L0686 Submitted Address II #{149}l #{149}I:1 #{149}E l4yr No. in part sur le Globule de Biochimie from Bernard Lyon I ‘Industrie the Centre et National Oct. 28, /985. Groupe de Recherches Facult#{233}de M#{233}decine, Grange-Blanche 69373 I, de Ia de Ia sur Ic Lyon 08. France. I 986 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. 0006-4971/86/6704-00/8$03.00/0. 1 957 From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 13, 2017. For personal use only. BAKLOUTI 958 Table (Parameters) Index RBC(x 10’2/L) Parameters I. 1 1.2 ,. II. 1 11.3 11.4 11.5 5.84 4.75 5.32 4.86 5.24 5.07 16.0 11.7 10.1 11.1 9.5 11.8 MCV(fL) 79.5 74.4 58.4 70.2 58.3 71.5 27.3 24.7 19.1 22.8 18.1 23.4 (pg) Reticulocytes Serum (%) 4.80 iron (zmol/L) - HbA2, (%) a/nona P50. mm Hg 2,3-DPG (mol/g Hb) Determined by scanning Normal values 2.69% §Normal values (n 2b). presence of fl-chain variant = ± 1 5): P studies 2.24 0.00 - - 3). normal chromatography that the peptide abnormal the place of abnormal 2.39 - 2.62 13.88 The reason 2.43 39.7 38.0 2.52 13.04 for the elevation of the reticulocyte count in I. 1 is unknown. gels. 1 .57 ± mm ascertained homozygous were an = 2.69 out was depressed (38 Fingerprints 4a), of but existence of F was slightly Hb in the propositus. Hg) the and The a in abnormal residue (Table 2). /3-chain - + - persons and as IEF Knossos on polyacrylamide revealed on agarose gels since variations it can maternal or slightly showed heterozygotes substantial that the brothers precentage the #{176}.y levels were be assumed that reasonably chromosomes suggest that 11.3 (Table gel analysis failed gel. Electrophoresis remarkably of (11.3 decreased was Knossos percentages (/327(B9) origin.’8 heterozygous Conventional in Knossos of mediterranean the two normal Hb Hb globin gene cluster carried haplotype + ), the most frequently encountered A2 was chain data hemoglobin non-a Hb of Triton-urea liquid These The among detect (HPLC) profiles allowed recognition of an (Fig 4b). Amino acid analysis ascertained peptide was T3, with a senine residue in alanine the abnormal Ala -#{247} Ser). I (+ - 11.5), 1 .90 mol/gHb. ± In the parents ii remained high-performance 1 2.83 haplotype 2.76). = = identified a A similar picture (Table I). (a/non mm 0. 1 1 ; 2.3-DPG ± gel in the the state. carried increased (Fig i Hg; in a polyacrylamide of /3-chains (Fig appeared 4.72 26.2 2.76 propositus. 27.20 = X- I 00 in the dramatically normal 1.60 36.5 0.00 35.5 - 38.1 1.35 of polyacrylamide-urea-Triton 0.62% (n - 352). Electrophoresis Triton synthesis P50 was 2.30 21.1 - - 1.44 with a G,., percentage of 21.1%. in the second homozygote (11.4) Further 95.3 1.50 by chromatofocusing. tDete’mined increased was found . - 37.1 1.69 14.12 7 20.8 1.94 2.56 II. 1 and Il.4 are homozygotes; (Fig 0.81 20.0 33.5 i:i HiIl - 2.80 16.5 96.6 - 41.1 1 .0 15 37.6 0.38 ()t 6.00 6 37.5 HbF(%) G-y 1 .80 18 HbKnossos(%) /3k/fl(%)t vitro and Hemoglobin Hb(g/dL) MCH gels 1 . Red Cell Indices ET AL and 1). to of the homogeneous, found. the but However, paternal and 1 1 are identical, the Gsy and 11.5 have inherited the #{247} F M P” + F Fig 2. Isoelectric electrophoresis; anhydrase. focusing and (B) IEF on agarose electrophoretic gel; analyses: (C) electrophoresis M I P P. propositus; on polyacrylamide C F. father; M. mother; gel in the C. control; presence (A) IEF on polyacrylamide of urea-Triton X-100.7 CA. gel carbonic From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 13, 2017. For personal use only. HOMOZYGOUS HEMOGLOBIN 959 KNOSSOS S Hb02. 1oo : a “ 100 (--) Fig 3. father; normal Oxygen (-) dissociation propositus. chromosome a/non-a ratios and 0 150 P02,mmHg ) control curves: (. I 1 from their father. In the parents, the were found to be P . . (i 2.56); the moderately increased. DISCUSSION described We the third To our knowledge, first recorded types associated suggests homozygous with that sons of contrast Algerian the cases. and similarity in blacks among per- origin, and in Creole side of the Mediterranean carrying this Algeria. the gene,4 families that hemoglobin northeastern would /3-thalassemia The basin noting in detecting All families described because /3-thalassemia, Hb of Lepore, tion of Hb Knossos. The study of a homozygote. normal serum iron low part Hb Knossos to date that other or Hb present region frequency screening display /3-chain Hb The present presence mutation persons recognized of Hb Knossos in origin. different a distinct but Hb screening homozygotes confirms data /3 gene among #{244}#{176}-Thalassemiahas populations.2#{176}23 #{244}#{176}-thalassemia gene the hematological by of a microcytosis decreased Hb A2 of a #{244}#{176}-thalassemia gene in cis to the previously suspected”4 or demonstrated5 of mediterranean described cases,22 study Knossos demonstra- was a mild form of a-thalassemia, should be considered and the appropriate should be used. technique IN abnormalities, 5, facilitated The association and an inconstantly In must are not consistent be involved with been homozygous since a homozygous Fig 4. Peptide high-performance and the propositus Hb Knossos. No large deletion was found to be associated with the #{246}#{176}-thalassemia gene cis to the /3”#{176}” gene.5 Similar- ly, previous tion studies defects.23’24 These two cases on b#{176}-globingenes of homozygous LMI. of be empha- suggests Knossos of of Algeria. must family Sc in in independent scale in this first families a 200-km2 a large patients discovered the apparently Knossos Algerian of homozygotes require were usually the Given sized. with from intermedia difficulty three originate the detection probably hemoglobin the as people is not flanked by a 6#{176}-thalassemia gene and is associated another haplotype.’9 Although it is not known on which it is worth I in that with arose, B of haplo- mediterranean found Knosare the mutations is involved southern to the mutation Hb her sister the Algerian chromosome and with and The the Greek’8 same northern family the propositus have Hb shown Knossos nondelemay be analysis: (A) tryptic liquid chromatography (bottom). digestion profiles fingerprints; of a control (B) (top) From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 13, 2017. For personal use only. BAKLOUTI 960 Table 2. Amino Amino Acid Composition acid Normal Asx of the fiT3#{176}’#{176} Peptide Values 1.70 GIx 2 2.30 Ser 0 0.92 Gly 3 2.92 Ala 1 Val 3 Traces 3.00 Leu 1 Arg 1 to reflect Fib E mutations that disease. Both also Hb sis (2.76 may evolve the case whom for we into a more serious the patient with recently described.5 clinical Hb Knossos Homozygous the clinical salient E been Hb Lepore Hb Knossos found in the are the the a t5#{176}-thalassemia gene with propositus synthesis, and cases of homozyThis genotype intermedia. The marked affinity association and the reduced of of the DNA haplotype I. ACKNOWLEDGMENT condition as has features imbalance in globin chain Hb Knossos for oxygen, gene sever&’3 association.29 most I-lb may Paradoxi- is less 0.85 mRNA which severity. association 0.77 this and reduce /3-thalassemia-/3’#{176} present report describes the two first Knossos in an Algerian family. produces the phenotype of /3-thalassemia and syndrome E disease, in globin chain syntherefs. 26-28). Decreased Hb to abnormal Perhaps should Hb The enlarged. was the than imbalance = 8)) (see than the /3thalassemia/3E anemia spleen affinity cally, child (11.4) has significant aneThe propositus had comparable the V oxygen splicing.’8’25 The 8-year-old mia but is asymptomatic. but severe pronounced 1.43 to 2.30 (n gous Knossos contribute to be more a more reflect 2 compared appears $T31” ET AL We thank Drs samples, analyses, and P. Brugiroux and J.L. Chiron for providing Mrs C. Vianey-Liaud for performing Mrs M. 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For personal use only. 1986 67: 957-961 Homozygous hemoglobin Knossos (alpha 2 beta 227(B9) Ala----Ser): a new variety of beta+-thalassemia intermedia associated with delta degreethalassemia F Baklouti, E Dorleac, L Morle, P Laselve, D Peyramond, M Aubry, J Godet and J Delaunay Updated information and services can be found at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/67/4/957.full.html Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/site/misc/rights.xhtml#repub_requests Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/site/misc/rights.xhtml#reprints Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/site/subscriptions/index.xhtml Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.