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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________
Test 2 Ch 5-9 Take Home Exam DUE IN CLASS NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER ___ 2012
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The general chemical formula for carbohydrates includes the atoms
a. C, H, and N.
b. C and H.
c. C, H, and P.
d. C, H, and O.
e. C, H, O, and N.
2. Sucrose, known as common table sugar, is a
a. hexose.
b. lipid.
c. disaccharide.
d. glucose.
e. simple sugar.
3. Starch and glycogen, which are both polysaccharides, differ in their functions in that starch is _______,
whereas glycogen _______.
a. the main component for plant structural support; is an energy source for animals
b. a structural material found in plants and animals; forms external skeletons in animals
c. the principle energy storage compound of plants; is the main energy storage of animals
d. a temporary compound used to store glucose; is a highly stable compound that stores
complex lipids
e. the main energy storage of animals; is a temporary compound used to store glucose
4. The main function of cellulose, the most abundant organic compound on Earth, is
a. to store genetic information.
b. as a storage compound for energy in plant cells.
c. as a storage compound for energy in animal cells.
d. as a component of biological membranes.
e. to provide mechanical strength to plant cell walls.
5. Starch and glycogen, which are both polysaccharides, differ structurally in that glycogen _______, whereas
starch _______.
a. is highly branched; is moderately branched
b. consists of parallel strands; is highly branched
c. consists of a combination of branching and parallel strands; is moderately branched
d. is moderately branched; consists of parallel strands
e. is highly branched; consists of parallel strands
6. Lipids are
a. insoluble in water.
b. important for energy storage.
c. hydrophobic.
d. important constituents of biological membranes.
e. All of the above
Name: ________________________
7. A fat contains fatty acids and
a. glycerol.
b. a base.
c. an amino acid.
d. a phosphate.
e. None of the above
8. A molecule that has an important role in limiting what gets into and out of cells is
a. glucose.
b. maltose.
c. a phospholipid.
d. a fat.
e. a phosphohexose.
9. The portion of a phospholipid that contains the phosphorous group has one or more electric charges, which
make this region of the molecule
a. hydrophobic.
b. hydrophilic.
c. nonpolar.
d. unsaturated.
e. saturated.
10. In a biological membrane, the phospholipids are arranged with the fatty acid chains facing the interior of the
membrane. As a result, the interior of the membrane is
a. hydrophobic.
b. hydrophilic.
c. charged.
d. polar.
e. filled with water.
11. A nucleotide contains a pentose sugar, a phosphate group, and
a. a lipid.
b. an acid.
c. a nitrogen-containing base.
d. an amino acid.
e. a glycerol.
12. Which of the following bases is not found in DNA?
a. Thymine
b. Adenine
c. Uracil
d. Guanine
e. Cytosine
13. Which of the following is not a difference between DNA and RNA?
a. DNA has thymine, whereas RNA has uracil.
b. DNA usually has two polynucleotide strands, whereas RNA usually has one strand.
c. DNA has deoxyribose sugar, whereas RNA has ribose sugar.
d. DNA is a polymer, whereas RNA is a monomer.
e. In DNA, A pairs with T, whereas in RNA, A pairs with U.
Name: ________________________
____ 14. DNA carries genetic information in its
a. helical form.
b. sequence of bases.
c. tertiary sequence.
d. sequence of amino acids.
e. phosphate groups.
____ 15. Enzymes are
a. DNA.
b. lipids.
c. carbohydrates.
d. proteins.
e. amino acids.
____ 16. A protein can best be defined as a polymer
a. of amino acids.
b. containing one or more polypeptide chains.
c. containing 20 amino acids.
d. containing 20 peptide linkages.
e. containing double helices.
____ 17. Amino acids can be grouped according to the properties of their
a. amino groups.
b. hydrogen.
c. carboxyl groups.
d. R groups.
e. α carbon.
____ 18. The tertiary structure of a protein is determined by its
a. interactions among R groups.
b. right-handed coil.
c. hydrogen bonding.
d. branching.
e. glycosidic linkages.
____ 19. A(n) _______ protein is a protein that has become nonfunctional due to the loss of its three-dimensional
a. permanent
b. reversible
c. denatured
d. hydrolyzed
e. environmentalized
____ 20. An active site is
a. the part of the substrate that binds with an enzyme.
b. the part of the enzyme that binds with a substrate.
c. the site where energy is added to an enzyme catalyst.
d. the site where enzymes are found in cells.
e. None of the above
____ 21. The molecules that are acted on by an enzyme are called
a. products.
b. substrates.
c. carriers.
d. prosthetics.
e. effectors.
Name: ________________________
____ 22. The enzyme sucrase increases the rate at which sucrose is broken down into glucose and fructose. Sucrase
works by
a. increasing the amount of free energy of the reaction.
b. lowering the activation energy of the reaction.
c. decreasing the equilibrium constant of the reaction.
d. supplying energy to speed up the reaction.
e. changing the shape of the active site.
____ 23. The statement “enzymes are highly specific” means that certain
a. enzymes are found in certain cells.
b. reactions involving certain substrates are catalyzed by specific enzymes.
c. enzymes require certain concentrations of substrates.
d. reactions with certain activation energies are catalyzed by certain enzymes.
e. concentrations of substrates work with certain enzymes.
____ 24. The molecule ATP is
a. a component of most proteins.
b. high in energy because of the presence of adenine.
c. required for many energy-transforming biochemical reactions.
d. a catalyst.
e. used in some exergonic reactions to provide energy.
____ 25. Competitive inhibitors of enzymes work by
a. fitting into the active site.
b. fitting into a site other than the active site.
c. altering the shape of the enzyme.
d. changing the enzyme into an inactive form.
e. increasing the activation energy of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
____ 26. The insecticide malathion acts by
a. bonding covalently with a lipid.
b. having reversible effects on animals.
c. reacting with sugars.
d. blocking binding of ATP to enzymes.
e. bonding covalently to the active site of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase.
____ 27. Enzymes are highly sensitive to pH and temperature because
a. changes in the environment raise their activation energy.
b. changes in temperature and pH readily break their hydrogen bonds.
c. of their three-dimensional structure and side chains.
d. at extreme temperatures and pH levels, coenzymes add chemical groups to the substrate.
e. extremes of temperature and pH level change the ionization rate.
____ 28. In order to survive, cells must
a. obtain and process energy.
b. convert genetic information into proteins.
c. replicate.
d. Both a and b
e. All of the above
____ 29. The surface area-to-volume ratio of a cell
a. can be increased by increasing the volume of the cell.
b. can be decreased by decreasing the surface area.
c. explains why cells are small.
d. is of little significance to the maintenance of cell homeostasis.
e. None of the above
Name: ________________________
____ 30. Ribosomes are not visible under a light microscope, but they can be seen with an electron microscope because
a. electron beams have more energy than light beams.
b. electron microscopes focus light with magnets.
c. electron microscopes have more resolving power than light microscopes have.
d. electrons have such high energy that they pass through biological samples.
e. living cells can be observed under the electron microscope.
____ 31. What is the major distinction between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell?
a. A prokaryotic cell does not have a nucleus, whereas a eukaryotic cell does.
b. A prokaryotic cell does not have DNA, whereas a eukaryotic cell does.
c. A prokaryotic cell is larger than a eukaryotic cell.
d. Prokaryotic cells have not prospered, whereas eukaryotic cells are evolutionary
e. A prokaryotic cell cannot obtain energy from its environment.
____ 32. Which of the following is/are found in prokaryotic cells?
a. Mitochondria
b. Chloroplasts
c. Nuclear membrane
d. Ribosomes
e. Endoplasmic reticulum
____ 33. Which of the following is not a membrane-enclosed organelle?
a. Golgi apparatus
b. Ribosome
c. Mitochondrion
d. Endoplasmic reticulum
e. Chloroplast
____ 34. The role of organelles is to
a. provide structural support for the cell.
b. decrease the flow of materials into and out of the cell.
c. increase the efficiency of cellular activities.
d. provide a means of cellular reproduction.
e. regulate the flow of materials inside the cell.
____ 35. The rough ER is the portion of the ER that
a. lacks ribosomes.
b. is the oldest and was once the smooth ER.
c. has ribosomes attached to it.
d. is connected to the Golgi apparatus.
e. is the site of steroid synthesis.
____ 36. The type of cell that always lacks a cell wall is the _______ cell.
a. bacterial
b. plant
c. animal
d. fungal
e. prokaryotic
Name: ________________________
____ 37. The organelle shown below is found in all cells but is most numerous in cells requiring a large amount of
energy (e.g., liver cells). What is the name of this organelle?
____ 38.
____ 39.
____ 40.
____ 41.
a. Lysosome
b. Golgi apparatus
c. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
d. Mitochondrion
e. Chloroplast
Where does glycolysis takes place?
a. mitochondrial matrix
b. mitochondrial outer membrane
c. mitochondrial inner membrane
d. mitochondrial intermembrane space
e. cytosol
The oxygen consumed during cellular respiration is involved directly in which process or event?
a. glycolysis
b. accepting electrons at the end of the electron transport chain
c. the citric acid cycle
d. the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA
e. the phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP
The primary role of oxygen in cellular respiration is to
a. yield energy in the form of ATP as it is passed down the respiratory chain.
b. act as an acceptor for electrons and hydrogen, forming water.
c. combine with carbon, forming CO2.
d. combine with lactate, forming pyruvate.
e. catalyze the reactions of glycolysis.
Where is ATP synthase located in the mitochondrion?
a. cytosol
b. electron transport chain
c. outer membrane
d. inner membrane
e. mitochondrial matrix
Name: ________________________
____ 42. You have a friend who lost 7 kg (about 15 pounds) of fat on a "low carb" diet. How did the fat leave her
a. It was released as CO2 and H2O.
b. Chemical energy was converted to heat and then released.
c. It was converted to ATP, which weighs much less than fat.
d. It was broken down to amino acids and eliminated from the body.
e. It was converted to urine and eliminated from the body.
____ 43. What substance is formed in the Krebs cycle?
a. FADH2 only
c. NADPH only
b. NADH only
d. NADH and FADH2
____ 44. Which stage of cell respiration releases the most hydrogen from glucose?
a. glycolysis
c. fermentation
b. electron transport system
d. Krebs cycle
____ 45. Mitochondria provide efficiency and organization to cell respiration because they
a. are numerous.
c. form compartments.
b. are large.
d. contain many enzymes.
____ 46. Where is carbohydrate stored in our bodies?
a. liver
c. bloodstream
b. adrenaline
d. insulin
____ 47. Which of the following causes pain and cramps in our oxygen-starved muscles?
a. lactic acid
c. pyruvate
b. alcohol
d. ATP
Name: ________________________
Figure 06.01
____ 48. Refer to Figure 06.01. With structure 3 removed, a cell could not
a. reproduce.
b. secrete.
c. exchange materials with the environment.
d. provide its own energy.
____ 49. Refer to Figure 06.01. An organism whose cells possess structure 1 is most likely
a. dead.
c. immobile.
b. large.
d. small.
____ 50. Refer to Figure 06.01. If structure 6 is green, the presence of many of these structures allows the
organism to
a. reproduce.
b. secrete.
c. exchange material with the environment.
d. make its own food.
Test 2 Ch 5-9 Take Home Exam DUE IN CLASS NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER ___ 2012
Answer Section
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17. ANS:
PTS: 1
REF: Page 24
Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
SKL: 1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 25
Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
SKL: 1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 25
Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 25
Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
SKL: 1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 25-26
Concept 2.3 Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules
SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 26-29
Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 27
Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
SKL: 1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 27-28
Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 27-28
Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 28
Concept 2.4 Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules
SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 35
Concept 3.1 Nucleic Acids Are Informational Macromolecules
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 35
Concept 3.1 Nucleic Acids Are Informational Macromolecules
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 35-37
Concept 3.1 Nucleic Acids Are Informational Macromolecules
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 37-38
Concept 3.1 Nucleic Acids Are Informational Macromolecules
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 39
Concept 3.2 Proteins Are Polymers with Important Structural and Metabolic Roles
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 39
Concept 3.2 Proteins Are Polymers with Important Structural and Metabolic Roles
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 40
Concept 3.2 Proteins Are Polymers with Important Structural and Metabolic Roles
2. Understanding
18. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Page 43
TOP: Concept 3.2 Proteins Are Polymers with Important Structural and Metabolic Roles
SKL: 2. Understanding
19. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Page 43
TOP: Concept 3.2 Proteins Are Polymers with Important Structural and Metabolic Roles
SKL: 1. Remembering
20. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 47
TOP: Concept 3.3 Some Proteins Act as Enzymes to Speed up Biochemical Reactions
SKL: 1. Remembering
21. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 47
TOP: Concept 3.3 Some Proteins Act as Enzymes to Speed up Biochemical Reactions
SKL: 1. Remembering
22. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 47
TOP: Concept 3.3 Some Proteins Act as Enzymes to Speed up Biochemical Reactions
SKL: 4. Analyzing
23. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 47-48
TOP: Concept 3.3 Some Proteins Act as Enzymes to Speed up Biochemical Reactions
SKL: 4. Analyzing
24. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Page 48
TOP: Concept 3.3 Some Proteins Act as Enzymes to Speed up Biochemical Reactions
SKL: 2. Understanding
25. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Page 50
TOP: Concept 3.4 Regulation of Metabolism Occurs by Regulation of Enzymes
SKL: 1. Remembering
26. ANS: E
PTS: 1
REF: Page 50
TOP: Concept 3.4 Regulation of Metabolism Occurs by Regulation of Enzymes
SKL: 2. Understanding
27. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Page 52-53
TOP: Concept 3.4 Regulation of Metabolism Occurs by Regulation of Enzymes
SKL: 2. Understanding
28. ANS: E
PTS: 1
REF: Page 57
TOP: Concept 4.1 Cells Provide Compartments for Biochemical Reactions
SKL: 2. Understanding
29. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Page 57-58
TOP: Concept 4.1 Cells Provide Compartments for Biochemical Reactions
SKL: 2. Understanding
30. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Page 58 | Page 60
TOP: Concept 4.1 Cells Provide Compartments for Biochemical Reactions| Concept 4.2 Prokaryotic Cells
Do Not Have a Nucleus
SKL: 4. Analyzing
31. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Page 59
TOP: Concept 4.1 Cells Provide Compartments for Biochemical Reactions
SKL: 1. Remembering
32. ANS: D
PTS: 1
REF: Page 60
TOP: Concept 4.2 Prokaryotic Cells Do Not Have a Nucleus
SKL: 1. Remembering
33. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 64
TOP: Concept 4.3 Eukaryotic Cells Have a Nucleus and Other Membrane-Bound Compartments
SKL: 2. Understanding
34. ANS:
35. ANS:
36. ANS:
37. ANS:
38. ANS:
39. ANS:
40. ANS:
41. ANS:
42. ANS:
43. ANS:
44. ANS:
45. ANS:
46. ANS:
47. ANS:
48. ANS:
49. ANS:
50. ANS:
PTS: 1
REF: Page 64
Concept 4.3 Eukaryotic Cells Have a Nucleus and Other Membrane-Bound Compartments
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 65-66
Concept 4.3 Eukaryotic Cells Have a Nucleus and Other Membrane-Bound Compartments
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 73
Concept 4.5 Extracellular Structures Allow Cells to Communicate with the External Environment
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 68
Concept 4.3 Eukaryotic Cells Have a Nucleus and Other Membrane-Bound Compartments
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
TOP: Concept 9.1
PTS: 1
TOP: Concept 9.1
PTS: 1
TOP: Concept 9.4
PTS: 1
TOP: Concept 9.4
PTS: 1
TOP: Concept 9.6
PTS: 1
REF: 5.2
PTS: 1
REF: 5.3
PTS: 1
REF: 5.4
PTS: 1
REF: 5.6
PTS: 1
REF: 5.6
PTS: 1
REF: 6.4
PTS: 1
REF: 6.4
PTS: 1
REF: 6.4