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Nutrition and Food Science
Elucidating Metabolic Effects & Health Benefits of Dietary Components
Explore the Complex Relationship Between
Nutrition and Metabolism
Nutrients and non-essential compounds present in foods interact with a number of
metabolic pathways. Decoding these complex interactions is challenging as nutrients may
subtly interact with multiple targets. Metabolomics can be essential to investigating the
role that dietary components play in health, health maintenance and disease. In fact,
understanding the underlying biology of chronic diseases is needed to drive successful
disease prevention strategies. In order to identify biomarkers of risk and prevention,
and the effects of nutrition on these measures, a systems biology approach using
metabolomics has proven to be effective1.
Metabolomics can help to answer critical questions.
What effect does the nutrient impact?
• Identify bioactive components and function (MOA)
• Identify biomarkers of consumption
• Demonstrate efficacy
Client Benefits:
What is the composition?
• Product equivalence, characterization, and integrity
• Assess stability and bioavailability
• Insight into energy metabolism and
contribution of biomolecules to
physiologic pathways
How does the dietary component effect
markers of disease risk?
• Post-prandial metabolic effects
• Identify bioactive mechanism of action
• Demonstrate efficacy
• Propose mechanism of action for
functional food
How much is needed for the desired effects?
• Effect of nutritional intervention on
a disease/condition
• Determine optimal intake concentrations
• Support efficacy claims
• Determine influence on markers of disease risk
How safe are nutrients at efficacious levels?
• Demonstrate safety of bioactive
• Support safety claims
Metabolon is uniquely suited to explore bioactive components and understand the
complex relationship between nutrition and metabolism by using a comprehensive
metabolomics approach, employing a broad-survey discovery and focused lipidomics
profiling. Metabolon’s scientists can interpret the metabolomic data set in the context of
the phenotype and environmental data providing specific insight into the relationship
between food components, metabolism and health benefits. Lipomics, a division of
Metabolon, with established expertise in lipid metabolism, quantitatively measures and
identifies the relationship of nutrients with metabolic outcomes2,3,4.
• Prebiotics/probiotics: action and
• Effects on gut microflora and the
role gut microflora play in digestion
• Diurnal variations of metabolism
TrueVision™ Offering
The TrueVision™ Offering is a high-throughput metabolomics
survey which is ideal for life science research and development.
This offering provides the most extensive coverage of the
metabolome. Most any sample type is feasible for study, but
typically 500-1000 biochemicals can be identified and measured
in human plasma and tissue samples in the TrueVision™ offering.
Results are expertly interpreted and presented, in a comprehensive
report that is delivered complete with heat map displays, raw
data, relevant statistics and literature support. The TrueVision™
expert analysis and report enable an understanding of the global
narrative of a biological system and avenues for moving forward.
1. Sha, W., et al., Metabolomic profiling can predict which humans will
develop liver dysfunction when deprived of dietary choline. Faseb J.
24(8): p. 2962-2975.
2. Zeisel, S.H., Nutrigenomics and metabolomics will change clinical
nutrition and public health practice: insights from studies on dietary
requirements for choline. Am J Clin Nutr. (2007). 86(3): p. 542-548.
3. Zeisel, S.H., et al., The nutritional phenotype in the age of metabolomics. J Nutr. (2005). 135(7): p. 1613-1616.
4. Rezzi, S.,, Nutritional Metabolomics: Applications and Perspectives. J Proteome Research. (2007). 6, 513-525.
Biochemical Pathways Map illustrating
the extensive coverage of TrueVision™
surveying over 4000 metabolites.
TrueVision™ Major Metabolite Coverage by Class
Complex Lipid metabolism
Lipid metabolism
Bile acids
Bioactive lipids
Fatty acids
Inflammatory mediators
Microflora metabolism
Oxidized lipids (COX, LOX)
Amino acid metabolism
Amino acid breakdown
Amino acid catabolism
Cholesteryl Ester
Free fatty acid
Cofactor and vitamins
Ascorbate metabolism
Glucose metabolism
CoA metabolism
Energy metabolism
Nucleotide metabolism
Degradation of nucleotides
Creatine metabolism
DNA damage
Bioactive intermediates &
trace amines
Glycogen metabolism
FAD metabolism
Glutathione metabolism
Glycosylation pathways
Folate metabolism
Inflammatory mediators
Metabolism of other carbon
Many other cofactors and
vitamins (tocopherol, B12,
Pentose phosphate pathway
NAD/NADP metabolism
TCA cycle
Microflora metabolism
Metabolism of other key
sugars (e.g. fructose, galactose)
Urea cycle
Polyol metabolism
PLP metabolism
Pyruvate metaboloism
SAM metabolism (methylation)
FAD metabolism
FAD metabolism
Modified nucleotides
Mitochondrial function
Nucleotide Coenzymes
(e.g. pantothenate)
Purine and pyrimidine de
novo synthesis
Purine and pyrimidine
salvage synthesis
Ribose metabolism
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