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Certifications authenticate Blancco´s high standards
As the pioneer and leader in certified data erasure, Blancco is committed to the highest quality
products. We have over ten national and international third party approvals, certifications and
recommendations – the most in the industry. Blancco meets and exceeds all major international
standards for secure data erasure, making it the most trustworthy data erasure solution
on the market.
Common Criteria (ISO-IEC 15408)
Common Criteria is an internationally
certification recognized by governments
in 26 countries across Europe, Australia,
Asia and North America.
BSI - Federal Office for Information Security
Blancco is certified by the Federal Office for Information
Security (BSI), also known as the German Information
Security Agency (GISA). The approved version fulfills
the high security requirements of the BSI guidelines for
classified documents and has been audited by the TÜV SÜD.
Security Group
Blancco is certified by the Communications-Electronics
(CESG), the UK Government’s IT security
group. The approved version of
Blancco exceeded the highest security
specifications detailed in the HMG
Infosec Standard No: 5.
Netherlands National
Communication Security Agency
The Dutch AIVD (General Intelligence
and Security Service) has certified
and approved Blancco for Dutch
Governmental use up to and including
Secret classification.
Central Information Systems
Security Division
Blancco software is certified and
recommended by the DCSSI (Central
Information Systems Security Division
under the authority of the French
General Secretary for National Defense).
Blancco has the only data erasure
software certified in France.
The Polish Internal
Security Agency
The ABW is the Polish special service
responsible for protection of the
country’s internal security and its
constitutional order. Blancco is the only
data erasure software certified by Polish
Refurbished (reused) Information
Technology Equipment Association
Blancco is certified by the Japanese
Technology Equipment Association.
Swedish Armed Forces
Blancco data erasure software is certified
by the Swedish Armed Forces, providing
solid assurance that our Scandinavian
and Nordic customers are using the best
data erasure solution available.
National Security Agency
The Czech Republic’s National Security
úrad) has recommended Blancco after
conducting an evaluation of Blancco
products and setting conditions for the
products’ usage in the area of national
classified information.
Blancco’s secure data erasure products are
recommended by NATO and included in the prestigious
NATO Information Assurance Product Catalogue
(NIAPC). Blancco worked closely with NATO to achieve
this recommendation and inclusion in NIAPC, which is
provided to NATO military partners and Partnership for
Peace program members.
The Defence INFOSEC Product
Co-Operation Group of the UK
The Defence INFOSEC Product CoOperation Group (DIPCOG) of the UK’s
Ministry of Defence (MoD) has approved
Blancco (certificate DAC/0019). Due to
the high standards the MoD requires,
special security specifications were set
based on CESG’s standards. Blancco is
currently the only DIPCOG approved
product for selective data erasure and is
highly recommended for use within the
UK’s MoD.
US Department of Defense
Blancco meets and exceeds the DoD’s
recommended data erasure approach for
overwriting “all addressable locations,” as
defined in the US DoD NISPOM (National
Industrial Security Program Operating
TÜV-SÜD endorses Blancco Mobile Edition (for the
following platforms: iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian
and Windows Mobile).
TÜV-SÜD also endorses Blancco for storage media,
noting that it is “appropriate to safely and irrecoverably
erase the data on all popular types of hard drives.”
The Norwegian National Security Authority
The Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM)
approved Blancco HMG Software for the erasure of
hard disks intended for declassification and release for
commercial use. Blancco software erases all existing
data, including data at Confidential, Secret and Top
Secret security levels.
Per maggiori informazioni, contattaci o visita il nostro sito web.
+39 0331 1835 825, [email protected]