Download Cancer annual exam with ViziLite TBlue

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We are a Certified ViziLite TBlue Dental Office
(Means: Ongoing Continuing Education and certified by the ViziLite TBlue Company)
Your annual exam includes a Health History review, a visual Oral cancer exam by the doctor and an oral cancer
screening by our Certified ViziLite TBlue Hygienist.
Are you at Risk?
Risk factors include but are not limited to*:
Tobacco use
Chronic alcohol consumption
Age (40 and older)
Oral HPV 16/18 infection
of oral cancers
occur in
people who
have no risk
Why should I be screened?
When oral cancer is identified in the earliest stages, the 5- year survival rate is nearly 82 %.*
Unfortunately, the survival rate of oral cancer has not improved greatly over the last 30 years due to late
stage detection.* Early detection is the key to survival.
An annual screening exam called ViziLite TBlue, used in conjunction with a standard visual exam,
helps to identify and qualify abnormalities that can lead to cancer. Simply put, a ViziLite TBlue exam
may turn your annual visit into a life-saving experience.
Examples of Squamous Cell Carcinoma under the Tongue (oral cancer)
Lesion is
barely visible
Lesion is
marked with
TBlue, now
visible to the
Hygienist or