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Honors Chemistry
Semester Exam
Study Guide
1. Everything in the universe is made of __________________.
2. ____________________ is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.
3. A _______________, or chemical, is matter that has a uniform and unchanging
4. Matter is anything that has ___________ and takes up ___________.
5. Identify as matter or not matter:
a. Book
d. Heat
b. Light
e. Electricity
c. Air
f. Water
6. ___________ is a measure that reflects the amount of matter in a given object.
7. ___________ is a measure of the amount of matter and the effect of gravity on that
8. The mass of an object remains ______________ regardless of location.
9. Weight changes depending upon _______________.
10. __________________ – do not need a microscope to observe it
11. __________________ – observed with a microscope
12. __________________ (atomic) – so tiny that it cannot be observed even with a optical
13. _________________ chemistry – study of carbon-containing chemicals
14. _________________ chemistry – study of chemicals without carbon
15. _________________ chemistry – study of the behavior and changes of matter and the
related energy changes
16. _________________ chemistry – study of the components and composition of
17. _________________ – study of matter and processes of living things
18. _________________ chemistry – study of matter and the environment
19. _________________ chemistry – study of chemical processes in industry
20. _________________ chemistry – study of polymers and plastics
21. _________________ chemistry – study of chemical interactions
22. _________________ – study of the heat involved in chemical processes
23. A _________________________ is a systematic approach used in scientific study. It
is an organized process used by scientists to do research.
24. ____________________ describes how something looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or
smells, for example, warm, fuzzy, sweet, red, or loud.
25. _____________________ - observation made with measurement
26. _____________________ - observation made without measurement
27. __________________ – tentative explanation for an observation
28. __________________ – a set of controlled observations that test the hypothesis
29. _______________ – a quantity or condition that can have more than one value
30. Only ________________ variable can be tested at a time
31. ________________ – the variable that the experimenter changes
32. ________________ - the variable whose value depends on the independent variable
33. ________________ – a standard for comparison
34. ________________ – parts of an experiment that are the same
35. __________________ – a judgment based on the information obtained
36. A ___________________ is an explanation of a natural phenomenon based on many
observations and investigations over time. (ex. Atomic Theory)
37. A ___________________ is a relationship in nature that is supported by many
experiments (ex. Law of gravity, law of conservation of matter) – does not explain
38. ____________________ – knowledge
39. ____________________ – problem solving
40. ____________________ – a defined unit in a system of measurement that is based on
an object or event in the physical world and is independent of other units
41. _______________
42. _______________
43. _______________
44. _______________
45. _______________
46. _______________
48. _______________
49. _______________
50. _______________
51. _____________________ – quantitative measurement of the average kinetic energy of
the particles that make up an object
52. _____________________ – combination of base units
53. _____________________ – space occupied by an object
54. Identify the following as extensive or intensive properties:
a. Melting point
d. Mass
b. Density
e. Boiling point
c. Volume
f. Color
55. Identify the following as pure substances or mixtures:
a. Copper
d. Air
b. Carbon dioxide
e. Lead
c. Salt water
f. H20
56. Identify the following as either qualitative or quantitative measurements:
a. 5 grams
d. 0.5 milliliters
b. dark red color
e. cooler temperature
c. twelve seconds
f. larger volume
57. Identify the SI unit for each measurement:
a. Length
c. Mass
b. Volume
d. Time
58. Calculate the density of a solution if
a. the mass is 100 grams and the volume is 50 milliliters.
b. the mass is 50 grams and the volume is 100 milliliters.
c. the mass is 25 grams and the volume is 75 cubic centimeters.
59. Identify the number of significant figures in the following:
a. 50
d. 0.0068
b. 302
c. 1.5 x 10
e. 0.000002
f. 100,500,600
60. Convert the following to scientific notation:
a. 50000
d. 0.000102
b. 0.00125
e. 132000000
c. 4800
f. 0.0054
61. Convert the following measurements:
a. 500 m to km
d. 0.005 km to mm
b. 489.2 mg to cg
e. 7 mm to m
c. 51.20 s to ms
f. 1500 mg to kg
62. A speedometer reads 65 miles per hour. What is the car’s speed in km/h? (1 km = 0.62
63. The accepted value is 1.43.
a. Calculate the student’s percent error.
b. Is it accurate?
c. Is it precise?
64. Convert -25 °C to Fahrenheit.
65. Convert 68 °F to Celsius.
66. Convert 418 K to Celsius.
67. _____________________ are a form of matter that have their own definite shape and
68. _____________________ are a form of matter that have a definite volume but take
the shape of the container.
69. _____________________ have no definite shape or volume. They expand to fill their
70. Draw a diagram that represents the arrangement of particles in each state of matter.
71. _____________________ refers to the gaseous state of a substance that is a solid or
liquid at room temperature
72. The ability of a substance to combine with or change into one or more other substances is
called a _____________________ property.
73. A change that alters a substance without changing its composition is known as a
_____________________ change.
74. A _____________________ is a transition of matter from one state to another.
75. A change that involves one or more substances turning into new substances is called a
_____________________ change
76. The law of conservation of mass states that mass is neither _____________________
nor _____________________ in a chemical reaction, it is conserved.
77. The mass of the reactants _____________________ the mass of the products.
78. In an experiment, 10.00 g of red mercury(II) oxide is placed in an open flask and heated
until it is converted to liquid mercury and oxygen gas. The liquid mercury has a mass of
9.26 g. What is the mass of oxygen formed in the reaction?
79. A _____________________ is a combination of two or more pure substances in which
each pure substance retains its individual chemical properties.
80. A _____________________ mixture is a mixture where the composition is constant
81. Homogeneous mixtures are also called _____________________ .
82. A _____________________ mixture is a mixture where the individual substances
remain distinct
83. _____________________ is a technique that uses a porous barrier to separate a solid
from a liquid in a heterogeneous mixture.
84. _____________________ is a separation technique for homogeneous mixtures that is
based on the differences in boiling points of substances.
85. _____________________ is a separation technique for homogenous mixtures that
results in the formation of pure solid particles from a solution containing the dissolved
86. _____________________ is the process of a solid changing directly to a gas, which
can be used to separate mixtures of solids when one sublimates and the other does not.
87. _____________________ is a technique that separates the components of a mixture
on the basis of tendency of each to travel across the surface of another material.
88. An _____________________ is a pure substance that cannot be separated into
simpler substances by physical or chemical means.
89. _____ elements occur naturally on Earth.
90. Each element has a _____________________ name and a one, two, or three-letter
91. A _____________________ is a made up of two or more elements combined
92. Most of the matter in the universe exists as _____________________ .
93. The law of _____________________ proportions states that a compound is always
composed of the same elements in the same proportion by mass, no matter how large or
small the sample.
94. The relative amounts are expressed as percent by mass, the ratio of the mass of each
element to the total mass of the compound expressed as a _____________________ .
95. A 78.0-g sample of an unknown compound contains 12.4 g of hydrogen. What is the
percent by mass of hydrogen in the compound?
96. The law of _____________________ proportions states that when different
compounds are formed by a combination of the same elements, different masses of one
element combine with the same relative mass of the other element in whole number
97. Many ancient scholars believed matter was composed of such things as
__________________, __________________, __________________, and
98. Dalton’s atomic theory was a huge step toward the current model of the atom; however,
not all of Dalton’s theory was __________________.
99. Dalton was __________________ about atoms being __________________ since
they can be divided into several __________________ __________________.
Dalton was also wrong about all atoms of a given element having
__________________ __________________. Atoms of the same element can have
slightly different __________________.
The smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of the element is
called an __________________.
Cathode rays are a stream of particles carrying a __________________ charge.
The particles carrying a negative charge are known as __________________.
Identify the scientist:
a. _____________________ discovered the electron using a cathode ray
b. _____________________ determined that electrons travelled in orbits around
the nucleus
c. _____________________ developed the periodic table leaving gaps for
undiscovered elements
d. _____________________ discovered the nucleus with the gold foil experiment
e. _____________________ determined the mass and charge of the electron with
the oil drop experiment
f. _____________________ discovered the electron and developed the plum
pudding model
g. _____________________ discovered the proton and identified the nucleus of
the atom
h. _____________________ developed the atomic theory
i. _____________________ discovered the neutron
j. _____________________ arranged elements by increasing atomic number
Each element contains a __________________ positive charge in their nucleus.
The number of __________________ in the nucleus of an atom identifies the
element and is known as the element’s ________________ ________________.
Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are
called __________________.
Zinc is element 30 on the periodic table. Its atomic mass is 65.39.
a. The atomic number of zinc is_____.
b. The mass number of zinc is_____.
c. Zinc has _____ electrons.
d. Zinc has _____ protons.
e. Zinc has _____ neutrons.
f. The chemical symbol for zinc with it’s a and Z number is_____.
In a neutral atom, the number of protons and electrons are ____________.
Identify the following as either physical or chemical:
a. grinding
d. burning
g. rotting
b. cutting
e. boiling
h. rusting
c. melting
f. freezing
i. evaporating
Identify the following as heterogeneous or homogenous mixtures:
a. pure water
d. salt water
b. caesar salad
e. iced tea
c. air
f. sand
All known element are organized into groups based on similar chemical properties in
the __________________.
a. Horizontal rows in the periodic table are called________________________.
b. Vertical columns in the periodic table are called________________________.
Boron (B) has two naturally occurring isotopes: boron-10 (abundance = 19.8%, mass
= 10.013 amu) and boron-11 (abundance = 80.2%, mass = 11.009 amu). Calculate the atomic
mass of boron.
Unstable nuclei __________________ energy by emitting radiation in a
spontaneous process called __________________ __________________.
12. Write the balance nuclear equation for the following radioactive decays.
a. Actinium-210 undergoes alpha decay.
b. Iodine-131 undergoes beta decay.
The _____________________ (λ) is the shortest distance between equivalent
points on a continuous wave.
The _____________________ (ν) is the number of waves that pass a given point
per second.
The _____________________ is the wave’s height from the origin to a crest.
Identify the parts of the wave:
a. _________________
b. _________________
c. _________________
d. _________________
Matter can gain or lose energy only in small, specific amounts called
________________ .
The _________________________________ is when electrons are emitted
from a metal’s surface when light of a certain frequency shines on it.
A _____________________ is a particle of electromagnetic radiation with no
mass that carries a quantum of energy.
The __________________________________________ of an element is the
set of frequencies of the electromagnetic waves emitted by the atoms of the element.
Each element’s atomic emission spectrum is _____________________ .
The lowest allowable energy state of an atom is called its
_____________________ state.
When an atom gains energy, it is in an _____________________ state.
Identify as either high or low energy:
a. ground state
b. excited state
Bohr suggested that an electron moves around the nucleus only in certain allowed
circular _____________________ .
Each orbit was given a number, called the _____________________ number.
Heisenberg showed it is impossible to take any measurement of an object without
_____________________ it.
The __________________________________________ states that it is
fundamentally impossible to know precisely both the velocity and position of a particle at
the same time.
The only quantity that can be known is the _____________________ for an
electron to occupy a certain region around the nucleus.
_____________________ treated electrons as waves in a model called the
quantum mechanical model of the atom.
____________________ _____________________ (n) indicates the relative
size and energy of atomic orbitals.
n specifies the atom’s major energy levels, called the _____________________.
Energy ________________ are contained within the principal energy levels.
Each energy sublevel relates to orbitals of different __________________ .
What is the wavelength of a microwave that has a frequency of 3.44 x 109 Hz?
Light reflected from a green leaf is found to have a wavelength of 4.90 x 10-7 m.
What is the frequency of the light?
What is the energy of a photon from the violet portion of sunlight if it has a
frequency of 7.230 x 1014 s-1?
The microwaves used to heat food have a wavelength of 0.125 m. What is the
energy of one photon of the microwave radiation?
Compare the wavelength for an electron (mass 9.11 x 10-31 kg) traveling at a speed
of 1.0 x 107 m/s with that for a ball (mass = 0.10 kg) traveling at 35 m/s.
a. As frequency increases, wavelength _____________________.
b. As wavelength increases, frequency _____________________.
c. _____________________ longest wavelength
d. _____________________ shortest wavelength
e. _____________________ highest frequency
f. _____________________ lowest frequency
g. _____________________ highest energy
h. _____________________ lowest energy
Identify the charge and location of the following:
a. proton
c. electron
b. neutron
d. nucleus
As the number of waves that pass in a given amount of time increases, the
frequency of the wave ___________.
Identify the number of electrons found in each type of orbital.
a. s
c. d
b. p
d. f
Identify the type of orbital :
c. sphere-shaped